
Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint

[Target in sight.] [Skill Critical Eye has been activated.] Being clumsy is quite common. But Luke Hunter’s clumsiness is on a different level. As the young man quite literally stumbles through life, he wonders if there’s something more he could be doing in the world. His dreams may come to be realized, as a freak accident causes Luke to wake up as Klum, in a completely different setting than his day-to-day life. His Dexterity, a skill that measures things such as flexibility and how well one holds themself, sits at the level it was in his past life; 1. And yet, he finds his skills to be suited for an extremely coordinated individual, especially after he meets the only other Sword Saint to have ever existed, an individual who is the strongest Swordsman among those both alive and passed on. It’s up to him to find his way in his new life, and strive to reach the path of the highest Swordsman — the Sword Saint. Will he be able to transform his 1 Dexterity into a 1000? Or will he be dragged into something much deeper — much darker? Credits to valeri_mirley on fiverr for the new cover! Updating 5-10 chapters a week, and now posting on RoyalRoad!

kyci · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Chapter 28 - No Thanks, Mr. Gaslion!

<p>Raeki squeals happily. His dad is ruffling his hair vigorously as he hugs onto his side. On the other end of the billowing, overly large sheets for the small bed, Eniyala sits delicately, smiling. Still, she looks scared to touch him, as if doing so would sentence him to his death.<br/><br/> I watch the scene as I stand by the door, leaning against the wall. It was great that he was alive, but… he was missing his left arm, leg, and eye.<br/><br/> Apparently, his quest was to slay a beast who ended up much stronger than they had assessed. His Rank was Orange. The beast he had been sent to fight was Rank Blue, but it had turned out to be around Rank Purple and had wiped out his party and nearly killed him. Aside from him, there was one living party member, but they were comatose. Since he was talking to his kids when he explained this, I couldn't ask what the ranks meant, but my Statscreen updated whenever I received new info, so…<br/><br/>[In Puria, the rankings for Adventurers and Beasts are ranked according to the colors of it's rarities. For example, Extremely Common is brown, so the lowest rank is Rank Brown.<br/><br/>Ranks Listings:<br/>Extremely Common = Brown (1-10)<br/>Common = Blue (11-20)<br/>Uncommon = Green (21-30)<br/><br/>Rare = Orange (50-65)<br/>Super Rare = Red (66-80)<br/>Ultra Rare = Purple (81-100)<br/><br/>Legendary = Gold (175-300)<br/>Unfound = Silver (300+)]<br/>[Note: There are three groups, and a large difference between the top of one group and the bottom of the one below it. Levels determine Rank unless observed otherwise.]<br/><br/>"Shit," I mumble. "I'm nowhere near Purple." I wasn't even close to Rank Green yet. It was humbling to see that despite my growth, I was still considered the weakest amongst everyone. The monsters I had been fighting had also only fallen in this class. What Eniyala saying about me being weak was a bit of an understatement.<br/><br/> "Kiddos, who's the man who likes to talk to himself?" Their dad asks suddenly, looking me up and down. Eniyala gives me a look. "Don't worry, he's just crazy."<br/><br/> I go to defend myself, but who comes to the rescue but Raeki, swatting his sister angrily. "This is Big Bro! His name is Klum, and he's a Nee-un-corn-ate, and he saved us from the bad man!"<br/><br/> The slew of new information made the man frown. "A Reincarnate? But your aura is still weak… and what do you mean 'bad man?'"<br/><br/> We all grew quiet, looking away. The reunion had been so sweet we forgot the reason for coming here. Soon, tears began to fall from Raeki's eyes as he buried his head in his dad's chest. "Mommy…"<br/><br/> Alarm grew in his face. "Where is she? What happened? Eni?" He turned to his eldest, but she wouldn't face him. As a last resort, he turned to me, pleading with me to tell him it wasn't true with his remaining eye. I shook my head apologetically, and he began to cry as well, slowly, but steadily. I watch the dam in his eye break down as he clutched his son with his one remaining arm, and it grew louder as he sobbed, crying with Raeki. I turn to leave and give them space, but before I can, a voice calls out to me.<br/><br/> "Wait."<br/><br/> I turn around to face the man. His eye is puffy, but he still glares the same. "Tell me everything. Including your name."<br/><br/> I gulp. "Ah, shit."<br/><br/>- - -<br/><br/> "…So there was really nothing you could have done. You got there too late?"<br/><br/> I nod. Even if I had gotten there in time, I wouldn't have found the village, most likely.<br/><br/> He sighs, a tone of despair in his voice. However, he no longer seemed ready to attack me, so I breathe a sigh of relief. Being Rank Orange, I didn't want to fight the man, even with the handicap he currently held. Curiosity got the better of me, and I Analyze the man in bed with his children.<br/><br/>[Name: Gaslion Ignios]<br/>[Age: 37]<br/>[Lv: 55]<br/>[Class: Spellsmith]<br/>[Health: 46/66]<br/>[Mana: 210/210]<br/>[Stamina: 26/69]<br/><br/>STR: 48 MAG: 61<br/>AGI: 24 DEX: 22<br/>VIT: 16 INT: 26<br/><br/>ACC: 23<br/>DEF: 32<br/>POW: 43<br/><br/>[Skills: Skill Hermit (Rare), Magic Heart (Rare), Sword Mastery (Rare), Spear Mastery (Rare), Hammer Mastery (Rare), Slash+ (Uncommon), Sprint+ (Uncommon)]<br/><br/>[Spells: Fiery Fingerblade, Ignios Stand, Strike of Ignios…{see more}]<br/><br/> I blink in surprise. For his level, I expected more skills. He had so many spells that it wouldn't fit on the screen; why weren't his Skills like that?<br/><br/> "Looks like you and my daughter have a few things in common."<br/><br/> Having my attention ripped away from the screen, I mentally move it to the side as I look up at the man. "Uh, I don't know about that."<br/><br/> "Well, you both certainly like to peep, huh? So, what level Skills could you see up until?"<br/><br/> I turn bright red, a strange contrast with the purple right eye. "Rare," I reply sheepishly.<br/><br/> "Ah, so your Analyze is upgraded, huh? Pretty good! I have a Skill that hides any Skills that are the same or higher rank than whatever Skill someone else is using, and if it's an item it won't show any at all!"<br/><br/> He puffs out his chest; he was clearly very proud of it. I smile a bit. Despite the situation, he keeps a smile on his face, and didn't allow himself to stay down long. 'He's strong in more ways than I thought,' I ponder to myself. Raeki was much the same way. He had quickly fallen asleep next to his dad after crying, but the whole trip he had been all smiles. I hadn't even realized they might have been shouldering what happened the whole time. I berated myself mentally as I made eye contact with the man again. Locked onto his almost burgundy eyes, I speak up. "Sir, I know I'm not much now. But, I'll take down that beast. I promise."<br/><br/> He laughs again. "What a bold statement, boy. If you can surpass me, then you will have my respect. While we're on that topic of 'respect'… What do you think of my dear Eni?"<br/><br/> My expression didn't even twitch. "I swear sometimes that rod is shoved up her—"<br/><br/> A murderous intent coming from her father's left side alerted me to the danger that was the very woman we were speaking about. I shut my mouth, smiling meekly at Gaslion without even looking over. "Ahem. What an angel."<br/><br/> Gaslion's chuckle doesn't lighten the mood as Eniyala's stare bores two holes into my head. "I see you get along with the both of them. Good. However, this is where their journey ends, wouldn't you say?"<br/><br/> He eyes me, awaiting my answer. Eniyala lowers her head, but doesn't attempt to argue, and even Raeki, who just woke up from Eniyala's murderous presence, looks troubled. 'Ah, family troubles, I guess.'<br/><br/> Taking a risk, I straighten my back and stand up straight. "Respectfully, no. Eniyala is strong enough to put me in the dirt… literally. And while I agree Raeki is too young, it is his — their — lives, and they should get to choose when they become old enough."<br/><br/> The girl looks up sharply before watching her dad carefully. Raeki's mouth drops open, and he sits frozen. Gaslion's sky blue hair ripples as his anger begins to radiate off him, and he glares at me with one glowing red eye. "You see what happened to me on just one quest. Eniyala would be best in—"<br/><br/> "So? Eniyala would be best doing what she wants. If she still wants to become an Adventurer after seeing what happened to you, what type of father would you be to force her not to?"<br/><br/> The rage emanating from the blue-haired man becomes so thick I can't breathe properly. "Watch your words, boy."<br/><br/>[Gaslion Ignios has used Skill Intimidate.]<br/>[All stats -3]<br/>[Due to Klum's Reincarnation, Intimidate lowers DEX to 1.]<br/>[Movement has been restricted.]<br/><br/> "Fuckin'… Hell…" I mutter, dropping to my knees. Raeki and Eniyala also clearly can't move, even though they wish to. Still, I maintain eye contact with the man, refusing to allow myself to be lower than him. My entire body feels heavy, but I hold shakily, as my muscles scream at me. Suddenly, the effect releases, and I gasp for breath, as do Eniyala and Raeki. Unfortunately, I was pushing up against the pressure with all my might, and as it's released, the stats resetting takes another second. I helplessly fly up, slamming against the ceiling, before falling down on my face. "Ughhh," I mumble into the ground, turning my head. Soon, a bellowing laugh echoes in the room. <br/><br/> "Reincarnate, as much as I want to hate you, I can't," Gaslion finally says. "You're just too funny. Alright, as long as she stays with you, Eni may become an Adventurer." A small sigh escapes his lips, but it turns into a smile as Eniyala leaps towards him, wrapping his arms around his neck as she giggles excitedly. "Yes!" she exclaims, squeezing tightly. "I'll show you how strong I can be!"<br/><br/> Jumping up, she grabs my arm, dragging me out of the room. As the door closes, the man's one good eye gives me a death stare. The intention is clear, and I nod with a gulp.<br/><br/> I was officially responsible for this lady. She doesn't seem to mind, though, as she drags me back towards the main room. <br/><br/> "Let's go become Adventurers."</p>