
Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint

[Target in sight.] [Skill Critical Eye has been activated.] Being clumsy is quite common. But Luke Hunter’s clumsiness is on a different level. As the young man quite literally stumbles through life, he wonders if there’s something more he could be doing in the world. His dreams may come to be realized, as a freak accident causes Luke to wake up as Klum, in a completely different setting than his day-to-day life. His Dexterity, a skill that measures things such as flexibility and how well one holds themself, sits at the level it was in his past life; 1. And yet, he finds his skills to be suited for an extremely coordinated individual, especially after he meets the only other Sword Saint to have ever existed, an individual who is the strongest Swordsman among those both alive and passed on. It’s up to him to find his way in his new life, and strive to reach the path of the highest Swordsman — the Sword Saint. Will he be able to transform his 1 Dexterity into a 1000? Or will he be dragged into something much deeper — much darker? Credits to valeri_mirley on fiverr for the new cover! Updating 5-10 chapters a week, and now posting on RoyalRoad!

kyci · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Chapter 12 - Instinct

The brute roars angrily at me, the deep red of its blood staining the whitish color of its hairy skin as it continues to drop from its new cut.

"Aww, love you too buddy," I respond sarcastically, before sprinting full-speed at the Ogre.

It swings its arm horizontally, and I channel my strength into my legs to leap high into the air, landing close to its chest. Suddenly, its other arm comes crashing down onto me, and instinctively I cut the dagger up to meet it.

A loud BAM! ran through the clearing as the sharp edge of the blade cut into the fatty muscle of its arm with the help of Slash.

The Ogre cries out in pain, slamming its free fist into me and pulling its injured arm away. The dagger is firmly lodged into its arm while I am sent flying away without it. The beast cradles the injury as if it is a baby, cooing softly to soothe itself.

My vision flashes white as my body crashes into a tree, slumping down against it. Blood spills from my mouth and nose as I try to breathe in, so I have to spit it out instead.


A more urgent notification ping sounds, and a message pops up right in front of my face.

[Warning! User Health: 21/35]
[User bleeding. Estimated Health drop to: 16/35]

"Well, fuck me," I groan, pushing myself up a bit, but my entire body hurts. "That's not good."

Luckily, the Ogre is clearly feeling apprehensive after my last attack, and stalks back and forth, trying to decide whether to attack.

This would be a great time to strategize, if I could even see straight. I'm bracing myself against the tree, but if I move now I would simply fall on my face. 'Think, think, think,' I yell to myself mentally, but everything in my head is drowning in mud.

In the end, it seems like I still hadn't been strong enough. 'Man, I had been so excited to experience what it was like to have real coordination with my body.'

Even with my thoughts muddled, a few of them rise up to the surface suddenly. 'Actually… wasn't I already experiencing what that was like?'

It's true. My fights so far, even down to one as simple as the jackrabbit, was something that would have cost an immense amount of my previous dexterity, more than I ever could have imagined. And yet that had been something 'easy' for me. With every fight, I had grown. Even up until now, I had felt in top condition against the Ogre, like I could keep pushing my limit further and further. But now…


I don't know what other moves I can make.


I had gotten so close. One more Critical Hit, and it probably would have dropped dead.


"Ahh. What the hell is going on with me."

Even though I felt ready to give up on my second life, I also feel a heat steadily growing in my chest. It burns my heart, forcing me to hastily suck air into my lungs.


[The user is choosing to fight on after grave injury.
This achievement forcefully rose one or more stats.
+1 VIT, + 1 INT]
[New stats take effect in 3…]
[Target in sight.]
[Critical Eye Skill activated.]

I take another deep breath in an attempt to steady myself. It wasn't very effective, but I guess it would have to do.

A bloody grin starts to spread across my face. It feels fine, but it is quite an unsettling sight to the Ogre, who growls as it takes a few more steps back from the boy who looks as if he has lost his mind.


I take off, letting most of my Instinct take over.

[New stats are in effect.]

A refreshing feeling washes over me as my Vitality is slightly boosted. Tunneling my vision in on the X over the Ogre's neck, I pick up speed, pushing my body past what it feels like it would allow.

The Ogre roars somewhat fearfully as I approach, and its remaining eye begins to glow red.

[Fanged Ogre has activated Berserk.]

I laugh. "Well, damn. Feeling that intimidated by li'l ole' me?"

It swipes its unharmed arm at me. I can tell it's much faster than before, and I could feel the force of the attack from here.

Yet, my Instincts feel like they are on another level right now.


"Shut up," I mutter, swiping the message away as I jump, rolling clumsily over the sweeping arm. "Man, you gotta get more creative with your attacks."

I fall to the ground, but my blood was boiling too fast to stay down for long. Getting my feet under me, I pounce forward, grabbing the handle of the dagger in its arm and twisting it to rip it free. The Ogre screames in pain, clapping its hands together as it pulls back to try and grab or crush me. I simply fall backwards, striking a typical beach model pose on the ground as it pulls its grimy fingers apart to stare angrily at its empty palms.

The Ogre doesn't seem to enjoy my posing, though, as it grinds its teeth and slams its fist down upon me. I roll out of the way, grimacing slightly at a fresh cut opening upon my back. The Ogre keeps speeding up to try and catch me, which is pushing me back onto the defensive.

'It's fine.' I assure myself. 'Be patient.'

The Ogre continues to throw attacks left and right, and every so often a blow would graze me as it grows faster and stronger. It clearly thinks it's winning now, evident from the grin on its face. Although I had faith in myself, my concern was beginning to grow as my Health ticks lower and lower.

[Warning! Health: 12/40]
[Warning! Health: 8/…
[Warning! Health: 5/…

Finally, the Ogre staggers, dropping its head low as the red in its eyes fades away rapidly. Gasping for air, I can barely stay on my feet, yet my eyes remain focused on one thing: the Critical Mark. I slowly walk towards its head, holding my nose as I get closer.

"Jeez, you mighta done better if you knew how to bathe," I comment.

Suddenly, the damn brat opens its mouth wide, pointing four razor sharp canines at me. They aren't as long anymore, shrinking back to look like normal teeth, but they are still pretty lengthy.

[Fanged Boar activated Skill Heavy Bite.]

The four teeth close in on me rapidly, and I can barely step to the left and deflect the large right tooth. The tip of the tooth digs into my shoulder anyway, causing me to cry out in pain and jump back.

[Warning! Health: 2/40]

If I hadn't moved, I would be dead.

Thanking my amazing Instinct stat, I stare down the Ogre, who had finally given up and resorted to glaring at me as it huffs, as if pouting. After a long staring contest, I swing the dagger under its head, cutting into its neck, and the Critical Mark.

[Critical Mark has been hit. Dmg was adjusted to 350%.]


With a wet plop, the large head of the Ogre falls to the dirt, face locked mid-snarl.

"Fuuuck," I sigh, falling back flat next to the head as the adrenaline starts to wear off. The heat I had been feeling rushing through my body slowly dims down until my body feels cold again, causing a small shiver down my spine.

The one time I end up being good at something, and I just about die for it.

I finally notice the messages that are starting to crowd every inch of my vision, so I organize them in a straight line in order to read them one at a time. I quickly mentally swipe away ones I had already seen, until I come upon the one I had ignored earlier.

[The user's synergy with Critical Eye has increased. This caused the evolution cost to fall.
Evolution Requirements:
- 12 ACC
- Land a hit on a Critical Mark 10x (9/10)]

That was a huge drop. It was only 3 stat points, but it made the line so much closer. I could almost taste the evolution.

Moving on, I swipe through a few more before I find one that makes me pause.

[???: Progression increased.]
[???: Progression increased.]
[???: Progression increased.]
[Total Progression: 68%]

I think hard for this one, but I didn't have too long to think before I force myself to move on. I can feel my consciousness slipping by the second. I could figure it out later, hopefully.

[Obtained 100 EXP from the Fanged Ogre.]
[Obtained 20 EXP for defeating a stronger opponent.]
[EXP: 144/50]
[User Leveled up!]
[Obtained Fang Ogre Upper Canine (x2) from the Fanged Ogre (Please touch the Fanged Ogre to collect)]
[Obtained Fang Ogre Lower Canine (x2) from the Fanged Ogre (Please touch the Fanged Ogre to collect)]

Immediately, I touch the head of the corpse, ignoring the Statbook as it transfers the rewards. The teeth on the head slowly dissolve as four new weapons pop into my Inventory. I'm already reading the next message as this happens, letting out a low whistle.

[User learned the Skill Underdog.]
[Underdog (Super Rare Passive Skill): Whenever the user is facing an opponent with a higher level or higher total stat count, the user gains a 12% boost to all stats.
Duration: 10 minutes — Cost: 1 stam — Cooldown: 2 minutes
Evolution Requirements:
Defeat stronger enemies 5x (0/5)]

"I coulda used this 5 minutes ago," I chuckle softly. Still, I had grown more then I ever could have expected, which was more than enough to make me feel content.

I go to open my Life Statscreen, but I couldn't even think straight enough to see if it had done so.

I was already unconscious.

* * *

[Name: Klum]
[Age: 17]
[Lv: 3]
[EXP: 94/100]
[Health: 2/40]
[Mana: 27/38]
[Stamina: 0/40]

STR: 7 MAG: 4
AGI: 9 DEX: 5
VIT: 6 INT: 9

ACC: 7
DEF: 6
POW: 6

[Skills: Klum's Reincarnation (Unfound), Underdog (Super Rare), Critical Eye (Rare), Slash (Common)]