
Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint

[Target in sight.] [Skill Critical Eye has been activated.] Being clumsy is quite common. But Luke Hunter’s clumsiness is on a different level. As the young man quite literally stumbles through life, he wonders if there’s something more he could be doing in the world. His dreams may come to be realized, as a freak accident causes Luke to wake up as Klum, in a completely different setting than his day-to-day life. His Dexterity, a skill that measures things such as flexibility and how well one holds themself, sits at the level it was in his past life; 1. And yet, he finds his skills to be suited for an extremely coordinated individual, especially after he meets the only other Sword Saint to have ever existed, an individual who is the strongest Swordsman among those both alive and passed on. It’s up to him to find his way in his new life, and strive to reach the path of the highest Swordsman — the Sword Saint. Will he be able to transform his 1 Dexterity into a 1000? Or will he be dragged into something much deeper — much darker? Credits to valeri_mirley on fiverr for the new cover! Updating 5-10 chapters a week, and now posting on RoyalRoad!

kyci · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Chapter 110 - High Demon

"You couldn't be more than a Low Demon, considering your Skill," I note, flexing my wrist to shake it out. My potential was limitless, but for the development of where this body— I mean, where I was at was very low at this point in time.

Swiping open my odd Statbook, I scroll awkwardly to the Stat portion. 'This shit is weird. What the fuck kind of Statbook is this?'

And the waste of Stat Points just sitting in Free Stats! "What an abomination," I mutter, promptly fixing the issue.

[Free Stats: 17 -> 0]

[STR: 45 -> 47(+15)(+14)]

[MAG: 20 -> 30(+9)]

[AGI: 60 -> 62(+15)(+18)]

[DEX: 25 -> 28(+20)(+6)]

[New Stats taking effect in 3…]

"What on Puria? A countdown? That's bullshit…"

"What are you muttering about?" Little Freyal caws, tilting her head suspiciously.

"Shit, why AM I muttering? Fuck!"

At my exclamation, Eniyala flinches, looking pale. Her hands are bleeding profusely. I also note Ro and his injuries, Lynsel feeling around slowly in the corner with a darkened rag over his head, and the absence of that wonderfully dark boy. Freyal stands a bit further away, by the window, after her failed attempt to kill Eniyala and Ro.

'Good. I can kill her with this setup,' I note as the Stats finally take effect. Black lightning begins flickering over my body.

[Skill Dash was activated.]

[Elemental Infusion success.

Element: Lightning]

[Skill Lightning Blade was activated.]

"Wait. I don't want to kill her."

She's a demon.

She's my FRIEND.

There's no time to think right now. Dropping the smirk, I sprint towards the demon, lowering the sword's edge closer to the ground.

"Thundering Sword Style: Plasma Fold."

The style I adapted is crude, but it would work. In a sharp movement, I drive the blade up. The weapon I hold extends, crackling a dark black energy across it that causes it to warp and bend, even though it still cuts in a straight line.

Freyal, with no other option, leaps towards the window, holding up her other wing to protect herself. The clash of my extended, whipping attack against her feathers knocks several more loose, and I drive closer as black lightning creeps over her skin. "Ack!— You're different. You're like… me? Who are you?!"

She clambers to jump out of the window, the arcs of my magic slowing her down significantly, and I grab her leg, yanking the weakling back in and tossing her on the floor. A grin spreads over my cheeks, a giddy feeling taking over.

"I'm nothing like you, you Low trash. Just call me… Raze."

* * *

"The stars are beautiful…"

<You need to wake up.>

"A little longer…"

"No, Klum."

I perk up, turning my head slightly. It's incredibly hard to move, so I barely get my head turned 45° before giving up, looking with just my eyes to the corner of my vision.

A beautiful woman with long, straight white hair spilling onto the ground sits upon her knees. Her very posture is precise, poised perfectly. Hands rested on her knees, relaxed, yet her back is straight. Yet, if she glared at me any harder, I feel as if I'd disintegrate.

"A-Alyphia!" I say in surprise, forcing my head to turn a bit more. "Where am I? Did I die?"

She shakes her head slowly. "You have strayed far from the path of Sainthood. If you had gone on this charade of 'for the greater good' for too much longer, you would have no hope."

"So there's hope?"

<Basically, she's saying you're an idiot. She may or not be regretting her choice.>

Growing irritable, I snap at the tutorial. "No one asked you. Why are you here, anyway?"

"Because I helped create he— it," Alyphia butts in. "Now, we are short on time, so if you would like to not die AGAIN, I suggest you pay close attention."

She scoots over, revealing a screen that displays… me? But it doesn't look much like me anymore. "He looks… I look…"

<Devilish? Possessed? Cuz you are.>

"The tutorial is correct," Alyphia coughs lightly to hide a laugh.

I try to move closer, but I can't. With my arm finally in view from the turning of my head, I soon come to understand why.

Several parts of my body are missing, and the parts that are shine an odd translucent color, so much so they look as if they might disappear at any moment. My right forearm and hand, my lower legs and feet, my left hand and shoulder. The strangest part was a lavender colored cord which seemed to connect to the back of my neck, trailing down into darkness.

Slowly, I look over myself, and as I did I felt more and more uneasy. "Why am I like this?"

Alyphia looks at me evenly, as if trying to assess me. "Relax. Your soul is not yet ready to access the Saint's Realm. That line is your tether to Puria. Listen to my plan, and once you do…" She reaches over, taking the tether and placing it in my hand. "Then, and only then, may you pull this."

I look at her face for reassurance, and she nods, cupping her palm on my cheek. "Trust me."

"… Okay. Let's hear it."

<I knew you weren't THAT stupid!>

"Shut up! Way to ruin the moment."

* * *

"Raze?! You mean… The Sword Demon has taken over the Sword Saint??" Freyal laughs so hard that it turns into a coarse screech of a bird, making Eniyala wince. "We can work together! Let us take over Mt. Turra!"

"Silence, scum. Why the hell would I want to work with a strung up toy?… Hell? What an odd word."

Eniyala, on the other hand, was struggling to breathe. Not only was the new demon's presence crushing, rendering her immobile…She also knew the name Raze.

After all, the man who originally claimed that name was the one who was responsible for killing her mother.

'I have to move. I have to. He's right there. Oh Meinzer, he's right there.'

As if her body knew the danger she would encounter should she take a single step forward. She instead falls backwards, her ass bouncing off the floor harshly as she slides back. 'I'll die.'

That singular thought rings loudly in her head. Termi, likewise, slides further back into the shadows in instinctive fear. Even Ro, whose mouth and nose are transformed into that of a dragon's, hesitates to jump back in the fray, injured as he is. The only people who seem oblivious are Lynsel, who, while he feels heavier, has no clue of what's happening, and Panko, who gives weak squeaks as if to cheer on the man.

"We HAVE to work together! These mortals are growing stronger. I mean, just look at the body I took over. She has more speed than anyone we faced in our time. If we don't work with the man with Strings…"

Klum begins laughing, even pointing his finger mockingly at the birdhead. She clacks her beak angrily, but he stands tall, looking down at her. "I know he's spying through you right now. Let him see this message." He flips his middle finger up at her. "The other High Demons also have no intention of honoring our… deal."

Freyal looks at him in shock as he raises the sword onto his shoulder again. "You can defy his contract?"

"Pffft. He's just a weak human. His penalty couldn't stop me, even if I had been affected by it. Through pure chance, I was passed on to someone like this."

He gives himself a look over, patting his chest proudly. "Anyway, you need to die now. You pose a risk to me and my fri… friends?"

Slowly, the man scans the people around them. "Maybe I should take care of everyone else, too."

A sickened expression hits his face, and he stumbles back as if his own body was rejecting him. Freyal takes this moment to strike, more feathers extending from her arm as she bolts to her feet. She goes to cut through the keeled over face of their demonic party member, before halting for a third time with a yelp. A skidding sound hits Eniyala's ears as a flash of red slides by the demon's feet.

Ro's draconic maw is now locked onto her ankle, stopping her attack from landing. She curses, raising up her wing to bring it down on the back of his head, but the rest of his humanoid face grows and shifts, transforming fully into a lizard-like head with glowing red eyes glaring fiercely at her. "You little pest!"

"Ahm ah hahhgun!"

{A/N: "I'm a dragon!"}

A black light in front of them interrupts the quarrel, and they both look over to see the sword held in 'Raze's' hand now shaped into a broadsword; though it's hard to make out over the large collection of Dark Mana and Lightning pooling excitedly around it.

'We're dead,' is all Eniyala can think as she helplessly watches what is essentially a bomb being created.

* * *

[Name: Klum (Raze)]

[Age: 18(946)]

[Lv: 29]

[EXP: 21040/34000]

[Class: Sword S41N+… Demon {Ready to upgrade}]

[Health: 72/95]

[Mana: 97/136]

[Stamina: 93/95]

STR: 47 (+15) MAG: 30

AGI: 62 (+15) DEX: 28 (+20)

VIT: 24 INT: 40 (+5)

ACC: 57

DEF: 43

POW: 37

[Skills: Klum's Reincarnation (Unfound), Sword Saint's Sigil (Unfound), Disciple's Mastery (Legendary), Critical Sight+ (Ultra Rare), Storming Moon Style (Ultra Rare), Seeing Eye (Ultra Rare), Close the Gap (Ultra Rare), Lightning Blade+ (Super Rare), Mana Blade (Super Rare), Detect Dark (Rare), Meditative Style (Rare), Skill Hermit (Rare), Dash <+ Elemental Infusion> (Rare), Stealthy Steps (Uncommon)]

[Spells: None]

* * *

<Dun dun dahhh! Tutorial here! Ready to learn about d3m0Nsssz?>

<Whoops, 1 100 sorry 'bout that. Anyway, the demon-ranking tier list! It may seem like there isn't a lot of ranks, but that's because is an extremely large gap between each rank. Also, it chance for demon to become strong enough climb from Lower Low rank, and rank grows 100x more rarer!>

<Ranks:< p>

Lower Demons: Any mortal race could easily beat these guys. Considering they're at least Level 75, that is.

Low Demons: Often have a specific 'style' going for them by now (like Freyal and feathers). They are also strong enough that a person would need to be about Level 160 to be on equal grounds with the stronger ones.

Intermediate Demons: These demons have their styles set in stone, and work towards mastery of it, even though their current skill level is considered weak. They are more likely to target someone or something that will aid them in their personal growth. It's not advised to fight one unless one is at least Level 195.

High Demons: These are the start of the big guns. They're building their specialties up now, whether a specific stat, fighting style, or aesthetic. One would need to be at least Level 245 to stand a chance.

Higher Demons: Hooh boy. These guys are becoming masters at something, now paired with an Element. All Demons are weak to Light or Holy magic, but these guys and above can stand against it for a short time. If you aren't at least Level 300, run.

Greater Demons: The highest any normal Demon can reach. Not much is known, as they number less than 7. While ranked lower than Demon Nobles, they are equal in strength. Don't even try to fight them unless you're Level 350. Even then, it's losing odds.

Noble Demons: Naturally strong, these Demons are closer to the Demon Lord than the rest of the bunch. They are narcissistic and deceitful, and won't even treat any mortal being as something other than a pet or creature unless it can stand toe to toe with them.

Demon Lord: Th3€ 4:,'^3 THEY ARE COMING.>