

While we're still in high school, my best friend and I had promised to go to a bar when we turned 21. to have our first drink. As I was excitedly rushing down the stairs from my apartment, I got a call, it was my best friend Rose. I put the phone to my ear while continuing to move.

"Hey, are you on your way?"

"Running as fast as I can." my voice sounding out of breath.

"You know, you should really get a car, then you wouldn't always be late."

" But I'm a broke-ass college student. how am I supposed to buy it?"

"I don't know. ask your mom or something."

"Really? but the last time she bought me anything besides food was when I was 17."

"I get it already. How about I pick you up instead? that way you won't have such a rough time."

"Ok, fine with me."

After I told her my location via GPS, I waited for about 15min till I saw her car.

It was a sports car that I didn't know the name of, green paint, purple interior and gody as hell.

Made sense though, she is a model. I got in the car, shut the door then took a look at Rose. Man, it's been two years since I last saw her in person, and now she looks better than ever, her hair is red, eyes blue, and has red lipstick on. Damn, I have no chance. I noticed she was wearing a blue dress. Probably to go with her eyes. Then I asked.

"How's modeling going?"

"I'm going to be on the front cover of a big magazine tomorrow," she said casually.

"Which one? I'll buy It when I get the chance."

"aren't you broke though?" she said sarcastically.

"Not enough to be unable to buy a magazine!" sounding, slightly annoyed.

She smiled, then laughed.

"What's so funny?"

responding softly, Rose said.

"Nothing, it's just that I missed this, you know? Just. Hanging out, like we used to.

Also, I won't let you buy the magazine. I don't need you to have swimsuit pictures of me."

(Shit, she caught me.)

"T...that makes sense."

"We are here."

Rose parked the car. I didn't notice earlier, but it had started raining.

I asked Rose if she had an umbrella.

"Yes, but we will have to share." looking away from me while saying so.

"Thanks, this suit is a rental, so I would have to pay out the ass if it gets ruined." not being able to look at her either, with slight redness on my cheeks.

In my head, Excitedly I exclaimed (Yes!)

As we were walking, I looked at the sign above the entrance to the bar that reads: Good Luck Bar.

(That's right! Lady luck has finally smiled upon me!) I thought.

we had made it to the doors. I opened one and said

"Ladies first, I guess?" intending it to be a joke

Rose smiles, with a playful look on her face.

"Alex, you do know that it's just a bar right?" in her voice a small chuckle could be heard.

"Well, knowing how picky you are, I thought we were going somewhere extravagant. I don't want to look like a fool." I mumble blushing slightly.

"This place is indeed pricey, even for me, but it's not that uptight."

"Guess I didn't need to where a suit then".

I said as we stepped inside. The building looked impressive on the inside, decorated with ornate tables and chairs that looked like they were made by a master.

The people sitting in the chairs wore the most expensive-looking casual clothes I have ever seen.

Rose and I took a seat at the bar. Then I heard something I never wanted to hear again.

BANG a gunshot rang out. I turned around toward where I had heard it from. It was a man in a red ski mask that was white in some places and black tactical gear. He was holding dual Glock-17s, both of them loaded with hundred round drum magazines.The man spoke in a deep voice.

"This is a robbery. Give me all your valuables or die." his voice deep and staticky like a machine

The man pointed his Glock at a black space on the black and white checkered floor that was near him

"Put them there."

The people around me started taking off their jewelry and other objects such as watches. Once they had put them in a pile, the man chuckled but it sounded more like nails on a chalkboard.

"I always wanted to say that, but it's time to get serious." his machine like voice said blunty.

He pointed one of the Glocks casually at an older woman that was crying and fired, then she was silent, a hole in her head. The brass bullet casing falling to the floor with a "ting".

The rest of them panicked and screamed attempting and failing to run away, tripping over the dead, and the ones soon to be dead. All of them getting shot as they fled. Finally getting the courage to speak I shouted.

"Why!? is there a point in killing them? they gave you what you wanted!" my voice tinged with anger.

The man seemed to be in thought for a moment.

"Stop it, Alex, he won't listen," Rose pleaded with me, grabbing my arm tightly.

The man seemingly done thinking, started moving bodies to make a pile of them. When finished, like a king on his throne, he sat upon it, then spoke.

"Alex, right?, You think I would have done this if they were innocent?

The people I'm sitting on are criminals that are safe from the law because they have nigh-unlimited cash to throw around.

You on the other hand got away with murder so, I'm gonna have to kill you too."

(Shit, how does he know?) The bewilderment shone on my face.

"Let me guess, in your head, you're saying: how does he know? It wasn't that hard there was plenty of evidence, but you were a minor and It's not like anyone cared for the man you killed so, they didn't look into it too hard.

Rose gripped my arm tighter.

"Sorry for you, but it's time for penance." he shrugged

"What about you? You killed all these people. By that logic, you need to die as well."

The man shifted on his bloody throne then said: "My penance will come in time." the robotic voice lowering in pitch even more.

He then aimed his guns at me and switched to automatic fire. I could hear the click.

I closed my eyes, the loud sound bombarding my body, but when I opened my eyes, I was fine. When I looked forward, Rose was standing in front of me, bleeding.

the man, sounding annoyed and angry, shouted.

"Damn bitch, why did you get in the way? You are innocent, you didn't have to die!"

"because... I can't believe that... my best...friend...is a...murder."

She spoke softly because of the pain

"and... even if he is...he must have had... a good...reason."

Rose began to cough up blood, then as she was about to fall over.

I caught her, Rose looked up at me with her bloody face and crying eyes,

with the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen.

"I hope... I... see you...again."

I couldn't say anything. nothing.

Then, she was gone, she had died smiling and it was still there. The feeling of loss was unbearable. Pain turned to anger, to hate of the one who had done this. So I ran at him trying anything to hurt him. Knowing that I wasn't leaving this place.Bullets plunged into

my body not peirceing through because they

were hallow points, to inflict the maximum

pain.I crumbled to the floor unable to move. He moved over to me and said.

" I am sorry for your loss, but it was her decision to protect you, but I did break my code, so... ."

He got his gun, put it to his head, and pulled the trigger.

Bang, blood and brain matter everywhere, his body fell next to me.

Then I remembered something and had a single bloody chuckle.

(Good luck my ass.)

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