
Crisis of Feelings

Rovina Lockhart has been friends with Adler Turner since they are born. Without notice, she have entered a portal who have brought her somewhere. Join Rovina in finding what’s the mystery behind the situation. Will she and Adler be back in each other’s arms again? Will love really conquer all?

E77E · Sci-fi
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151 Chs


Happiness. That was the one word I could ever describe the scene I witnessed in front of my eyes. It is priceless; the laughter and giggles are all echoing on the mansion's four massive walls. Adler's smile has never left his face til now how his eyes lit up genuinely to the reunion of his and family. He was beaming and grinning widely—what a family we have.

"Honey," mom called silently as she didn't want to disturb the others.

"Mom," I walked closely in her direction with questioning eyes. "What happened? I thought you were busy?" I added.

I realized that my mother ever since has been very busy but still managed to prioritize essential things like this and especially with the involvement of our family. She was terrific at balancing her time. If I were not her daughter, I can't even believe Regina Lockhart is the wife of William Lockhart, a multi-billionaire tycoon. She seems too simple.