
Cripple Lab-rat Journey to Apex

in his past live he was named subject no.1452 , he was poor orphan beggar which got caught by shaddy science organization, his body has been modified with ehancement serum, he learned everything from math, science, social, economy, everyrthing. he was also proficient with all kind of martial arts and skill be it close combat or ranged ones. he thought he could finally be free as he planed to break out from the facility given his imense knowledge, yet he failed. not because he was caught but because his body finally succumb to its very limit after aborbing immense knowledge. now, he became another child beggar but heaven doesn't close its window as he brought all of his immense knowledge and body constitution to the new world, the world with sword and magic. how our protagonist break out from his predicament and what lies ahead of his journey?

Thousand_Stupa · Fantasy
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19 Chs

13. Doctor and Trust

"...well, i can accept both of you as my asistant. but, i can't give you any salary..."

doctor moi was currently eating lunch together with tasca and claudus at small kitchen cum dining room, he revealed shocked expressions here and there each time he tasted each dish made by claudus.

just a day ago, claudus left hand was already healed albeit not fully, the reason was his body recuperation ability was unprecedented due to serums effect and mana circulation.

the doctor's food was rich in content yet had horrible tastes, so he volunteered to making meals for the trio.

claudus can cook, one of his many past knowledge was being a chef. it was useful for disguise.

tasca was also eating blissfully on the opposite chair while claudus sat beside her.

doctor moi soon continue to spoke, "...i can't give you guys any sallary, but i can still provide you with 3 meals a day and a roof.."

claudus nodded thoughtfully, but tasca was quite disatisfied, "..why doctor?"

"tasca..!" reprimand claudus.

"...uhm, uhm, well, first of all, i don't expect to get any helper. secondly, this is only small clinic, my income was never substantial to begin with, i hope you guys understand..."

"don't worry about it doctor, we'll help you in clinic without remuneration. as long as we got food and roof." said claudus calmly.

the doctor smiled apologeticaly,

pak! pak!

doctor moi occasionally slaps his hand and leg,

"cursed mosquitoes! summer is always awful!" complained the old doctor.

tasca giggled while she was also doing the same, right now was summer, the weather has always hot at noon and cold at night, mosquitoes were rampant in this city.

claudus eye flashed seemingly had an idea about this, but he keeps eating while hearing slapping sounds from the duo.

"brother? why it seems mosquitoes never bites you? back then too, mosquitoes seems to not like you?" grumbled tasca glancing beside her.

"i don't know, maybe my blood isn't tasty?" said him while chuckling.

the trio soon finished their meal, when doctor moi wants to do the dishes, claudus stops him.

"...its okay doctor, let me do the dishes, you can just rest.."

"...uh, thank you..."

"no problem..."

the doctor soon left the small dining room, tasca was keeping her silence engrossing on her meal.

it has been a week since tasca awoken, both of them recuperate fast with doctor care, and doctor moi keeps taking care of them.

tasca once asked claudus, what do they will do from now, and claudus answered simply stay safe and healthy, that was their goal for now, safe and healthy.

then, what's with safe and healthy? the case was both of them were still childs in need of protection, of course claudus didn't need that, he knew that if he was all by himself he could survive just fine but he didn't want to.

the reason being was, now his dear companion stays with him, with tasca he shouldn't do anything drastic and jeopardized their future.

ever since he was born then transmigrated, he already claimed that tasca was precious to him.

without her, there wouldn't be any claudus, he would died as 'cripple' in the hand of vicious master mordoc.

so first, regarding their safety. claudus and tasca need a shelter, at least until they reached adulthood. this thing would affect their growth greatly, it was impossible for them to keep being a street rat and then die unknown death on street.

and second, as for health. both of them were severely malnourished, tasca was better as she had some tricks up on her sleeve over the past 2 years. but that couldn't be said toward claudus, he was crippled child with missing eye. from the start he was already doomed. and it was indeed so.

the original 'cripple' was already gone, and subject no.1452 replaced his soul occupying his body. he couldn't do much to his body condition as he just lived in this world less than two months, not to mention everything that had happened.

for their future plan, claudus negotiated with doctor moi, asking for his grace.

doctor moi was quite reluctant at first, the cause was obvious, both tasca and claudus were not familiar to him.

even though they were childrens, doctor moi couldn't trust them easily, this world wasn't kind, robbery and murder were quite common amongst the populate.

but claudus persuasion finally caved him in, the fact that 2 stars magician claimed to be his friend along with claudus revealing his knowledge about medicine and healthcare which stunned even the old doctor, made the doctor slowly began to accept both of them.

their tasks was to help the old doctor in clinic along with house chores, tasca was to help him dealing with the patients and cleaning. as for claudus, he would help making some medicines, laundry and cooking.

doctor moi was 67 years old this year, he was also dedicated on treating the patients, leading to some of the living space inside clinic quite neglected.

the clinic wasn't big, it was in east area of outer circle of maron city, it has more or less 100m² wide in area. 2 storeys, an attic and basement. the front door leading toward the main street, and the back door to an alley.

on the first storey, the front half functions as patient's waiting room and examination room, stairs, kitchen cum dining room, bathroom with toilet and basement access.

on the 2nd storey, there were balcony in front of the doctor's study heading to main street, his bedroom, and small library.

and finally the attic, for now it was meant to be tasca and claudus bedroom. claudus was crippled indeed, but stairs wouldn't hinder his movement, he was really agile, more so as the doctor sometimes forgot that he was crippled.

while claudus wash the dishes, he noticed tasca sitting there restless.

"what's wrong tasca?" asked him continuing with his work. "...are you worried about the money?"

tasca was startled slightly, she shook her head yet her expressions betrays her.

tasca was always like this, due to her nature as pick pockets and being poor, she dreamed to become rich, she often mentioned this toward claudus.

claudus chuckled, "dont worry about the money, i will make more in future, for now. our focus is to live well, study and help the doctor here."

"study? but i don't know how to read brother..." she said in small voice, "...beside, other than pick pocketting i don't know anything else..."

right now the clinic was quite free, the patient usually come in afternoon. the people in this era worked hard since morning, they usually didn't have time to go to clinic at this time.

claudus picks wooden mugs with water, then he sat down opposite of her.

giving the mug, claudus spoke, "tasca, what we does in the past doesn't mean we have to do the same in future, i will help you study. but, you need to do it seriously."

"but, we need to survive brother..."

"aren't we survived? i get it why you think that way, after all we were forced against our will before, but now?" claudus paused while looking at his buddy.

tasca tilted her head in confusion, it can't be helped, after all it was not easy to forget ingrained habits, and adapting to new one takes time.

"now, we have choices. we can continue scrounging in the street and leaving here or we can make plans for future.." claudus continues.

tasca shook her head quickly, she said. "i don't want to go back brother, that life..., wasn't life i want."

claudus smiled, "that's why we need to learn, studying can help us expand our knowledge. so, when we're adult we could use that knowledge for our cause."

"then? what should i learn brother?"

"anything, everythings are knowledge tasca, even our past experience can count as knowledge, never despise your past, embrace it. who knows you might need that in future right?"

tasca confusion deepen, she really didn't know where to start.

"we're in clinic right? the knowledge we can learn here are a lot, for example medicine?"

"then, is cooking knowledge as well brother?" tasca lean her body forward with bright eyes. "....i'm not interested in medicine."

smiling, claudus nodded, "it is, i can teach you how to cook if you want."

excitedly tasca grinned revealing her now pearly white teeth, doctor moi gave both of them dental care, now their teeth were shining.

"but you must know how to read first..." claudus says as he sip his water.

"you can read brother?" tasca was quite surprised, she never knew that her dear buddy could read.

"yes i can, only several vocabulary stumbled me." claudus answered,

"vokeybyuleri? what's that brother?"

claudus then explained slowly to tasca.

he had noticed before that he could read, but as he had expected, his reading abilities were basic and limited, he confirmed it after reading several books in doctor study.

whenever the doctor was free, claudus would came to him asking about some vocabulary he didn't know, the doctor was pleasantly surprised.

after all, claudus could help him with more tasks in future. so, he patiently explained some words to claudus with attentive care.


the front bell rang, indicated someone had arrived. tasca and claudus stops their discussion, soon tasca went to the doctor assisting him, and claudus cleaning up the dining room.


days goes by, noticing the mosquitoes keeps rampaging, claudus didn't want the doctor and tasca getting some diseases. so he went to ask the doctor for permission.

pak! pak!

doctor moi sat on his study while keeping mosquitoes at bay, the clinic was already closed for night, he asked toward claudus whom stood across the desk, "...so, you want to use the leftover medicine material? for making 'repellent'...?"

claudus nodded, "...yes doctor. i noticed some leftover still can be used, flarse root, gael leaves and thyme extract. also can i use some lavender and gardenia from the back alley?"

some plants in this world has the same name from his past life and the other has different name yet same effects.

doctor moi seems to remembered something, he held his chin while his head lowered down slightly.

"doctor?" seeing the doctor paused, claudus spoke.

"ah? oh thats right. that concoction, i seems to recall similar compound in the past, but it wasn't seems well known? i couldn't recall the composition well. but i think you should be able to make this substance..."

claudus startled, someone had already made the recipe?

seeing claudus surprised looks, doctor moi smiled, "don't think about it, after all the current medicines are leaning toward beautification and major illness, but your compounds were really familiar to me, i just couldn't recall where it was i heard about it."

"there is another think doctor, if my compound's successful, i want to sell it...of course we could devide the profits, it would be substantial."

the old doctor chuckled feeling amused, "well, just try it first, if its successful we'll talk about it in the future."

"thank you doctor..." claudus bowed slightly before he left the study. just as he reached the door, the doctor stops him.

"wait, claudus come here." doctor moi stood, he extend his hand under the desk.

claudus came back holding his walking stick, he was stunned as he saw the doctor taking some sort of wooden leg from under the desk.

the doctor motioned him to sat down, as he approached with smile.

"here, i asked craftsman to make this leg, its little shabby but it would be great help to you."

claudus was really tongue tied, he didn't expect the doctor was so attentive, doctor moi already gave him propper walking stick before, it could hold his shoulder when walking, it was much more comfortable than his last tree branch.

and now, doctor moi giving him wooden leg and assisting him to put it on his missing right leg. indescribable feeling rose in claudus heart,

"why? why are you doing this doctor? isn't this expensive?" his voice turned hoarse.

doctor moi answered with smile, "no it wasn't nevermind about it, you're now my assistant claudus, of course i need to take care of you..."

choking slightly claudus spoke once more, "but..."

doctor moi interrupt him, he lightly said, "people are untrustworthy, i get that feeling coming from you..."

claudus keep his silence, and the old doctor continued, "...but, not everyone are like that, you're smart kid. you should understand that you just haven't met with right people you can trust, ah. of course you don't need to trust me, it was fine by me..."

after a while doctor moi finished attaching the new wooden leg for claudus, he stood while wiping off his sweat. it was summer, the heat was still there even though the sun had already set.

"well? now try it...walk." urged the old doctor with encouraging smile, a different kind of encouraging smile from that woman in claudus memory as test subject.

claudus slowly stood, probing the feels of his new wooden leg, soon he walked around the room slowly with walking stick help, but after a while he let go the stick and walking with his two legs just fine.

claudus paused not far from doctor moi, he stares at his face, he was surprised as he could see the change on the usual wall-like face of the doctor.

now he could see the old doctor wearing round black framed eyeglasses, it still wasn't as clear as tasca's face, but claudus can make out doctor moi face contour better than before.

"you wear glasses doctor?"

doctor moi felt odd with that question, "well, i need it? my eyes had never been the same as i was young anymore."

claudus never trusted anyone leading other people faces blurred to him ever since the incident as test subject in the past, but now there was a change for it, especially toward the doctor.

"i see, thank you, very much doctor. if i ever made it, i won't forget about you..." claudus calm face were now shaken deeply,

"ah, there is other thing..." doctor moi took something out from his white coat, it was an eyepatch with white color, it was simple but it looks exquisite and better than his current simple cloth, he gave it to claudus.

claudus knew that his looks was quite horrid to look at, even tough the doctor never mentioned it.

he covered his right eye empty socket with piece of cloth anyway, that way the patients visiting the clinic wouldn't be too uncomfortable with his appearance.

after he got the eyepatch he bowed toward the doctor, doctor moi didn't see that now claudus left eye were on the verge of bursting with tears.

how long had he feels alone and helpless? how long had the last time he received another person warmth and care? his life wasn't easy.

"don't mention it claudus, seeing your wellbeing is enough for me, now go to sleep." doctor moi waved his hand asking him to leave.

seeing claudus closed the door doctor moi shook his head, he was grateful for claudus consideration. ever since the two kids stays here, it was quite long time he feels the clinic this lively.

he couldn't help but reached toward the picture frame on his desk, in it there was a single photograph of his family, his pretty wife and cute daughter. with eyes filled with melancholy he swept the photograph gently.

after a while, soft sobbing sounds could be heard from the study.

claudus often heard the sobbing sounds from the study, he let out a sigh as he understood whats the doctor feels.

ever since tasca woken up, doctor moi always put extra care to her, to the point of doting on her. claudus once had suspicions toward the doctor sexual preference.

but one day as he read some books on study, he noticed a photograph on top of doctor's desk hidden behind some books. in there, the young doctor was smiling with his hand on his blonde wife shoulder, and his wife carried a smiling cute little girl with blonde hair around 5-6 years old on her lap.

tasca was blonde, she was more or less resembled his late daughter, claudus never asked about it. but he understood something had happened toward this once happy family, after all the doctor sometimes took several flowers and put it in front of the picture.

claudus mind put pieces of puzzle together, about the change of the old doctor's face and his background.

right now he was so grateful toward doctor moi care for him and tasca, he gander toward the study door then he climbed the stairs leading toward his and tasca room in attic.

tasca was reading and writing using charcoal pencil in a book on attic, two candles accompanied her.

as she heard the steps on stair she closed the book in panic, claudus once reprimanded her about reading in the dark, but tasca was tasca this silly girl were too eager to study, she wanted to quickly learn writing and reading, so she was really stuborn about it.

with wide eyed tasca saw that claudus had leg now, altough wooden ones. thankfully the room was quite dim-litted, or else tasca could see claudus with red eye.

"brother? wow! you have leg now?" she approached claudus excitedly.

claudus smiles while stroking her now smooth hair, "thanks to doctor, he gave it to me.."

"thats great! thats really great, now if anything happens we could run right?"

amused, claudus flicked her forehead gently. "go to sleep, tomorow i'll make something.."

"what is it? something tasty? new food?"

claudus chuckled while shaking his head, "no, it isn't food, something better."

she pouted hearing that it wasn't food, "hmpf, then what's the point? i want new food!"

"is food the only thing inside your head?"

"hah! you're also inside my head brother..."

"okay, lets sleep..."

both of them headed toward their mattress, the attic wasn't big, it has creaking wooden floor and mud ceiling acted as roof, the space for both of them was enough as they're still childs, each mattress was put across each other, tasca once wanted to put it together but wooden beam in the middle stood in the way.

soon tasca closed her eyes drifting inside dream, as for claudus he continued to refines the mana and find a way to fix his channels condition.

right now, there was some clue for claudus, but he still probing it meticulously, warries of some trouble that might happened if he were careless.



sorry for late chapter..

thx for reading....

Thousand_Stupacreators' thoughts