
Cripple Lab-rat Journey to Apex

in his past live he was named subject no.1452 , he was poor orphan beggar which got caught by shaddy science organization, his body has been modified with ehancement serum, he learned everything from math, science, social, economy, everyrthing. he was also proficient with all kind of martial arts and skill be it close combat or ranged ones. he thought he could finally be free as he planed to break out from the facility given his imense knowledge, yet he failed. not because he was caught but because his body finally succumb to its very limit after aborbing immense knowledge. now, he became another child beggar but heaven doesn't close its window as he brought all of his immense knowledge and body constitution to the new world, the world with sword and magic. how our protagonist break out from his predicament and what lies ahead of his journey?

Thousand_Stupa · Fantasy
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19 Chs

10. Mist and Lightning

when the mist appeared, the old magician lavitate to a higher elevation bringing his disciple along,

"it has begun, come edna..." he spoke while avoiding the mist.

edna turns agape as she witnessed the mist covering such huge area.

"whoa...its huge..." exclaimed her full of surprise, yet there was also a tinge of disdain on her face.

"...yup yup! senior brother must eliminate this fatty quickly! having him as 'water goddess spells set' user is really disrespectful for the spell!" edna nodding repeatedly whild folding her hands on her chest.

the old magician could only shook his head, while keeping his levitation spell.


cripple sitting on the ground was surprised too, the mist was so thick, the scale was wide as well, he couldn't even see his own hand right now.

but thanks to his ability, his eye allowed him to see the mana movement inside the mist, he could also see the two people battling inside the mist albeit scarcely.

he saw the bulk of mana moves toward the air, closing the distance towards the other mana bulk which stays on the air in an instant.

then he saw the two of them connected in a moment, the target flew down rapidly after the contact, it fell down just right ahead of where he currently sat.


cripple squinted his left eye trying to increase his vision, on the ground just ahead he could make out the outline of the 2 stars magician figure in a moment before it rapidly fled from that spot!


the second person came, stomped toward the exact spot only to found its already empty, it was actualy master mordoc! cripple could barely make out his fatty body outline, but he was also surprised as seems like master mordoc body's were now covered by some sort of immaculate streams of mana, it feels like some sort of armor made by an ice.

master mordoc glanced toward his target currently moving inside the mist, with a smirk he kicked the ground and fly in incredible speed.

in the air, the 2 stars magician was trully concentrating, he knew that domain type of magic would gave its user some sort of advantage, but he didn't expect his opponent advantage were boosted by a rocket!

he tried to moves franticaly inside the mist to confuse his opponent alas it was to no avail.

whenever he tried to get out of the mist, master mordoc would intercepts him with his speed boosted!

"HAHAHAHA! whats wrong enforcer? tired already? come come come!"

the 2 stars magician could heard mocking voice chasing after him, he tried to attack him of few number of times with spells, yet it was as if master mordoc had turned into a tank! receiving his attack as if it was nothing.


watching the battle inside the mist bellow, edna began to feels quite nervous, she watched as the flash of blue and green were moving franticaly from here to there with speed beyond belief, it was as if pair of lightning attacking each other inside the cloud.

"master master! should we help senior now? this domain should have increase that pig abilities tremendously! he also wearing water goddess battle raiment!" said edna while tugging her master's cloak.

"don't worry edna, the big man was fast, sure, but do you know what's faster?" replied her master calmly.

"....what's faster?" edna turned to look at her master, yet it was at this moment.


"...that, is faster." pointed the old magician toward the newly formed lightning, it target was someone inside the mist.



once again, the 2 stars magician got smashed from the back, his body richochet a few times on the ground below.

after the last blow, he quickly wiped out the blood which had dripping out of his mouth.

'....this won't do, i have no choice then...' he thought for a while. then, in an instant he formed a violet colored seal in front of him with his finger. the runes weren't large and occasional electricity flows around it with a crackle.

master mordoc was the only one who could see clearly inside the mist. after he trashed his opponent to the ground, he decided to get toward cripple for the scroll, he immediately noticed that the 2 stars magician was still conscious!

he saw him writing some strange violet runes with occasional crackling electricity running through it.

"lightning seal? SH*T!!!"

discarding his thought for taking the scroll from cripple and fled, he kicked the ground in panic! forming a huge ice blade on the way while hoping he would be seconds faster to interupt or even better to kill his opponent at this moment!

just right when master mordoc almost arrived while slashing his huge icy blade, the 2 stars magician eyes open all of sudden, inside there the violet lightning flashing about, he pointed his index finger toward the incoming master mordoc.

in that moment, everything seems to slow down! the horror look appeared on master mordoc face as he knew he was screwed this time!


briliant violet spark as big as a bus surging from the tip of the 2 stars magician index fingers aiming right at the surprised master mordoc.


master mordoc body hurled back violently, far away back to his previous direction.

bam! bam! bam!

his fat body slammed several times on the ground accompanied by thick smoke, his body covered with occasional violet lightning leaving him twitching.

the mist was suddenly blown away by the lightning impact with no sign of return.

"GOD D*AMN IT!! CURSES!" yelled master mordoc while he soon tried to regains his footing.

cripple wasn't too far away from him, he looks at master mordoc body which had now covered with broken icy armor, the icy armor were now crumbled piece by piece from his fat body.

the 2 stars magician which now had his eyes flickering with violet electrical flash, getting closer step by step toward master mordoc.

"D*MN IT ALL, CURSE YOU!!" while keeping his trash talk, he took something from behind the now disintegrated robe, his upper body was now bare with burnt signs here and there.

"hehehhee, do you think you already win? punk!?" he said,

master mordoc lifted an ocean-blue colored orb, it was connected to milky white chain atop. he dangled it forward with nasty grin.


"humm?? he already mastering 'avatar of lightning?' umm..that wasn't it, seems like it is still imperfect, i should guide him more after this." the old magician in the sky was now felt quite intrigued.

"master master! what's it? it's so beautiful!" exclaimed edna, looking at the blue colored orb dangled with milky white chain on master mordoc hand, her dislike toward master mordoc now was so thick it could killed him several times over.

the old magician glanced over, he spoke after identified the artifact held by master mordoc below, "it is an artifact called 'deep ocean tears of divinity', i thought it was lost, never expected to see it here, interesting, very interesting, this man should have more of it then..."

"....then what are we waiting for? let's go! let's help senior brother now! he must be in danger!" she rolls up her sleeves full of righteousness and determined to enter the fray, yet her eyes betrayed her noble intention.

"...uuhehehe, if senior brother defeats this pig, doesn't it mean i could ask it from him! ah! an artifact as pretty as that should belong to me! (nod nod) uhum! thats right!!"

the old magician was speechless, he almost fainted hearing what his disciple had said, yet he holds edna's shoulder keeping her in place, if not he was sure that this silly lass would immediately jumps down and "righteously" confiscated the "goods" from evil.


"heheh, HAHAHHA! i gathered my power untill today wasn't for you witchract tower to claim! witness my true power now, you b*stard enforcer!!!" master mordoc now was trully mad, he had a chance getting his hand to supreme magic technique, yet this dead-pan face magician in front of him was bringing him a truckload of trouble!

the 2 stars magician stopped on his track, then he said calmly, "...actually its just a merely coincidence, the ones in charge for capturing you are always busy, as i meeting you here was actually just looking for the scroll."

"hmm? what'd you say? you really want to get me? come then hero! come claim your DEATH!!!"

as master mordoc finished his speech, the hanging blue orb on his hand began to shines brightly! then with cold voice he casted the spell.

"....amalgamation! ICE AGE!!!..."


in an instant, the 2 stars magician body suddenly froze! the ice were also spreading outward his body making the environment looks like an ice world.

master mordoc panting heavily, his mana reserves was almost bottommed up.

he then turned arround and fled in flash, he passed cripple by as he stare daggers at sitting cripple, he knew that he was doomed if he didn't run away from there immediately.


yet as he just got flight a few meters above, suddenly at his front, the 2 stars magician was already waiting! he appeared right in front of him in an instant! he pointed his index finger once more toward master mordoc face.


violet lightning as big as a fist smashed master mordoc right at the face, making him flew back towards the ground!



the ground was shaking due to his fat body slammed on it, coincidently he falls just a step away from cripple!

"cough* cough*, wheeze* sh*t...sh*t," master mordoc strained his body to stand, he looked back toward the 2 stars magician above him.

the weather was now fine, the storm and rain had stopped just a few moments ago, black cloud that hanging around the city were now slowly dispersing as the shy moonlight shown itself from behind the cloud, the stream of stars could be seen above it, making it picturesque taking ones breath away.

the 2 stars magician body was now covered with violet lightning from head to toe, the lightning sparkled violently making him look like the god of thunder, looking down at his subject from his throne.

with quick action the lightning god above cris-crossing his finger downwards.

all of sudden there were 5 octagrams appeared above master mordoc! the octagram making vertical row stacking on top of each other, the ones at the very bottom had smallest diameter, it was around 1m, its getting bigger consecutively as the highest octagram was around 10m in diameter.

looking at this scene, master mordoc broke in cold sweat. his half burnt face looks really unwilling, then all of sudden he turned toward cripple which also looking back at him. then with cunning smile he raised his hand abruptly.

"please wait! dear sir please wait!"

the 2 stars magician paused slightly wondering what this fat pig wants to says.

with ingrating smiles he pointed toward cripple, "you said you only here for the scroll right? why don't you says so? just wait please, i will get it for you now."


"oh? tribulation lightning spell? when did he mastered it? it already has 5 layers? not bad! trully not bad..." exclaimed the old magician stroking his beard in satisfaction.

"what the? why did senior stops? quick quick! kill him senior!" edna tried to yell, yet no sounds could escape from the flimsy protection.

"just let you senior decide edna..."

hearing her master, edna pouted once again.


each seconds passed felt like eternity for master mordoc, then he witnessed in relief the thunder god above finally cancel his spell one by one until only one remains.

"just wait please honorable sir, this one will get it for you.." his attitude were really disgusting to boot, then he swagger toward cripple with viciousness on his eyes.

'....if not for you, i won't become like this! just you wait little b*stard, after that enforcer leave, i will let you taste what is hell trully are!!!....'

cripple wasn't iddle either, he had already concocted up a few plans for him to kill this fat pig if given a chance.

if this pig could escape before, it was fine. if he got killed by the 2 stars magician it was even better, but what if? what if this pig called for a truce, and took the scroll from him? so that's why he prepared for the worst scenario which was now.

'....1/4 mana left now, i will bet everything in this moment...' he thought as he saw master mordoc now already stood before him,

with arrogant looks, he yelled at cripple feeling superior, "now rat! give me the scroll! i will present it to that good sir immediately."

despite his words, his face was clearly unwilling as there was trace of longing across his fat face.

pretending to hurt, cripple moved ever so slowly. he struggled to take the scroll from behind him.

as master mordoc saw something protrude from cripple's back, he was feeling more and more agitated! it was supreme tier mana technique! if only he could read something from it, just a little was also fine!

cripple could read his agitated expressions clearly, that's why he moved so unbearably slow in attempt to agitate master mordoc even more!

'....come on, come closer piggy piggy, come here, closer and closer and closer...'

clearly master mordoc took the bait! as he was now kneeling and getting closer and closer toward cripple, they were now was only 30cm apart from each other!

finally, after what feels like an eternity. cripple held the scroll across his chest, master mordoc gulping hard as he saw the fine velvet scroll with violet cloud-like texture, the bottom rod was made by gold and on both of its end there were 2 heads of golden dragon ornament, the white tassel was hanging loosely on its side.

subconsciously, master mordoc reached out his hand slowly as if the scroll would flew away from there, yet just right before he got the scroll.

without any warning, cripple unfurled the scroll down quickly! the inscribed beautiful text on top of the scroll, 'Nine Revolutions Mana Absorption Technique' were bared before master mordoc's bulging eyes.

yet before he realized what was going on, cripple form a mana as thin and sharp as hornet's sting, cripple squeezed every ounce of mana he had left, his brain worked in overdrive for this exact moment!

in a flash he shot it through his enemy's right eye! similar to how he had done it toward master Q from his last battle, he attempted to do the same toward this greedy pig.

caught unaware, the mana needle stabbed through his right eye then to his optical nerve before it entered the brain. inside the brain, the mana transformed into spiked ball! soon after, it wreaked havoc inside master mordoc cranium⑴, turning his brain into smoothie-like substance in an instant!

just like how you put rubber ball inside the jar and shakes it hard. the spiked ball of mana controlled by cripple had the same principles.

a while later, master mordoc fat body slammed besides cripple lifelessly, blood could be seen seeped out of his head orifices!

untill death, master mordoc still had a dream about how he got to read the supreme magic technique.

the three observers exclaimed in surprise seeing what happened, only the old magician nodding in understanding, then he floats away bringing his disciple from there.

"huh? huh? master? why do we go now! senior brother hadn't got that pearl, i mean let's stay a little longer!" edna was feeling confused.

"there's nothing more to see edna. also be more mindful, bird dies for food and men dies for wealth..." reminded the old magician.

"hmppff...but i'm a girl master!! not a man!!" complained edna.

the pair was leaving the battlefield, with the old magician having a slight headache.


on the ground, cripple could feels his vision turns blurry, his head felt like a broken egg and because of him overexerted his mana, he could barely feels that his mana vessel which had the size of small bottle was now shattered piece by piece.

before he completely lost his consciousness, he saw the 2 stars magician approaches him, he couldn't care less now as he could barely stays awake, finally his body drooping down losing all his consciousness.

the dead-pan face man now returned back to his normal appearance with some dirt on his wrecked robe and bruished face. he glanced slightly toward cripple before he took the scroll back, he rolled the scroll meticulously.

just as he was about to go, he saw several guards running toward this place in hurry, he knew that he must reports everything that had happened here.

suddenly his master voice could be heard inside his mind, '...take the boy to the near clinic, its a few steps away on east direction....'

he was stunned for a while, but he adhere to his master order with a sigh, he took cripple away from that place toward the clinic mentioned.


its done.

or is it..?

⑴cranium : the part of the skull that encloses the brain. sometimes its called "the braincase"

thx for reading....

Thousand_Stupacreators' thoughts