
Cripple Lab-rat Journey to Apex

in his past live he was named subject no.1452 , he was poor orphan beggar which got caught by shaddy science organization, his body has been modified with ehancement serum, he learned everything from math, science, social, economy, everyrthing. he was also proficient with all kind of martial arts and skill be it close combat or ranged ones. he thought he could finally be free as he planed to break out from the facility given his imense knowledge, yet he failed. not because he was caught but because his body finally succumb to its very limit after aborbing immense knowledge. now, he became another child beggar but heaven doesn't close its window as he brought all of his immense knowledge and body constitution to the new world, the world with sword and magic. how our protagonist break out from his predicament and what lies ahead of his journey?

Thousand_Stupa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

00. Prologue

it hurt.... it thought

a body could be seen laid on wet ragged cloth, a body so thin that looks like a pile of bones covered with layer of dirty skin, if one doesn't look closely it look like a corpse, a corpse of young boy with thin and gaunt face.

where am i, where's this? what happened with the experiment? slowly the young boy could think rather clearly, he tried to open his eyes, but it feels strenous.

why my body feels so hurt?

the boy felt all his body ridden with pain all over, his face burns and from top to bottom of his body it feels unbearable.

pitter patter...

the soft sound of rain cover the tattered ceiling, dripping sound of water surounding him at the moment.

slowly he could barely open his eye with much effort, surprisingly he couldn't open his right eye!

what happened, what's wrong with my right eye!? feeling of dread shroud his thought.

much later he could move his right hand albeit very slowly, he traced his chin, cheek, then....


just right when his finger reached his right eye, extreme horror filled his thought, unable to contain it, his finger tried to feel the eyeball which he now felt was gone.

his gaunt face was full of shock and horror as he knew now his right eye was missing from its socket.

after a few minutes, unexpectedly after how much horror he felt, his heart slow down its rhythm keeping his composure in check.

his right hand which exploring the eye socket before, now weakly laid back to his chest.

where am i? what's this place....? what happened realy?

even though he keep his blank expression, inside the boys mind he keep thinking of his own situation, his stagnant mind slowly whirling full of thought, tries to assess his situation.

his left eye darted all around, albeit with restricted line of sight now his right eye was gone.

the first he saw was tattered ceiling above him with a lot of holes on here and there, rain and wind keep blowing through the holes, he saw wooden boxes around him and he felt tattered gunny sack covered his body from bottom to his stomach.

someone covered me? who? he thought.

clearly someone covered him after he received those wound on his body.

something happened to me, and it wasn't good...! he thought once again.

while feeling all the searing pain, he captured some movement from his right side.

yawnn.... the soft sound of someone yawning could be heard.

who...? the boy became alert at once, although he couldn't move his body at least he tries to keep his mind clear.

"you're awake?" the boy heard someone whispered right beside him.

on his peripheral there was another thin face belongs to another child, its not as gaunt as him and it retain some kind of playful nature on it. the child has bright emerald eye and dishelved blonde hair yet so muddy it look like its being colored with brown paint,

"if you're awake say something...or blink.." said the child softly.

the boy tries to speak yet what leaked out of his parched throat and cracked lips only growling sound.

seeing that, the blonde child quickly got to his feet and reached broken clay bowl filled with rain water then return to the boy side.

slowly yet meticulously he helped the one eyed boy to sit and adjust a few small box behind the boy so he could lean his back on it.

"here, you must be thirsty..." said the boy while helping the other drink from broken bowl carefully.

the one eyed boy albeit weak he finished the water. yet he feels it wasn't enough.

"m...more..." weak sound came out from his mouth,

"hmm? what'd you say?" the blonde child couldn't hear him clearly.

"more....please." said the boy again.

"got it wait a sec..."

hearing that, the blonde child got back again with the bowl and scooping the water from uneven floor filled with rain water.

very quickly he helped the boy to drink it again.

after satisfying his thirst, the one eyed boy mind keep getting clearer, from what he asses so far he could confirm what happened here and what place was this, the blonde child in ragged cloth in front of him seems like his friend from all his concerned expression towards him, and seeing there were many other sleeping child in this tattered place in front of him , he deduced that this place is either war thorn orphan shelter or worse. the beggar syndicate lair. manipulating children to scrounge.

from the way his friend speak slowly and wariness he deduced it was the later.

they speak different language here, the one he couldn't remembered from his memory yet he could hear and speak fluently given chance.

"how are you now? don't force yourself, you need to rest, tomorow we need to move out to the street...hope it will be better harvest than today...realy just because he has the strength of 3 moon warrior he think that he could do anything to us? what a bastard! someday we'll get revenge, don't worry cripple no.1, i'll help! " mumble the blonde child gritted his teeth.

"okay, i'm going back to sleep, you must be hungry, try to endure for the night, i'll get some bread in the morning, hope there still some left over...." said the blonde child again while moving back to his sleeping spot which right beside the one eyed boy.

hearing that, all of the boy deduction got confirmed one by one.

first he confirmed that the experiment in his past live was failure.

second, he lose his right eye and when he observed all of his body part he realized his right leg was missing from his knee to bottom, clearly he was a cripple without eye and leg.

yet despite all of this, strangely only clarity could be seen from his remaining eye as if he accepted all of this without remorse.

thirdly, he got stuck here with the other unfortunate child to became tools for some syndicate to scrounge, and obviously this den of criminal would do no good for him and the other childs.

while he tries to remain calm, he tried to remember everything that happened from his memory, strangely enough he couldn't remember anything from his current life. but he could remember all of his knowledge regarding his past life.

yes, for some unknown reason the one eyed boy actualy came from another world and occupied the one eyed boys body, he was named no.1452 subject in his past life, he was also a beggar child in his past but he got caught by unscrupulous scientist and brought back to the secret lab along with many other unlucky souls.

he was injected by some kind of serum that make his brain and body developed to unprecedented level, far more than any human being, he was taught many kind of skill sets and abilities, from math, science, language, social, economy, up to many martial arts, be it close combat or ranged combat.

he was deemed succesful test subject as he comprehended everything he taught, so succesful in fact he could even solved several world famous math and science problems.

he was also possess many martial arts as his comprehension was all off chart, seen from his performance in every kind of test given by the secret lab.

he thought he could finally be free as he plan to break out from the facility given his imense knowledge, yet he failed. not because he was caught but because his body finally succumb to its very limit. human body has limit, him wasn't out of question either, after absorbing imense knowledge of skill and ability, without his knowing, his body started to break down.

subject no.1452 still could remember vividly what the scientist surrounding him on his death bed said.

"seems like we overdid it with this one"

"yea, what shame"

"well we now know the limit, just get rid of him immediately and start with the next subject, we dont have time..."

after that, there's no after, his vision blurred and quickly darkened, he felt his soul leaving his body and entered imense blankness without anything.

that was until, he regain conciousness on his current body now which is one eyed child beggar, belonging to beggar syndicate in this unknown world.


hope you enjoy

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