
Crimson Tower

Daimon Crimson, a vampire who had lived for centuries in a modern world where vampires were considered legends, found himself bored to death with nothing to challenge him, despite his eternal life. As the strongest vampire, no one could match him in combat, leaving him unfulfilled until a momentous day arrived. World Towers suddenly materialized all over the world, interconnected structures that had to be conquered to save the world from destruction. Upon entering one of these towers and facing the monsters within, Daimon experienced an unparalleled thrill. He was ecstatic to discover that the monsters were remarkably powerful, finally providing the excitement he had been yearning for all this time.

HaozDancer · Fantasy
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213 Chs

Unexpected Trial and Forgotten Past

Daimon and Lilith then emerged in the circle area surrounded by torches, and a sense of anticipation hung in the air.

The atmosphere was charged with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Before them, a panel materialized, its words illuminating their surroundings:

[Awakening Ground]

[Awakening Ground: A place where the full potential of certain bloodlines is awakened]

Daimon's crimson eyes scanned the area, noting the peculiar ambiance. "So, this is the awakening ground," he mused, his voice carrying a hint of wonder.

Lilith's gaze followed suit as she assessed the surroundings. "It's different from what I expected. There's an eerie yet intriguing aura to this place."

Their exchange was cut short by a sudden tremor that rippled through the ground beneath them.

The torches flickered, casting elongated shadows that danced across the floor. Without warning, the panel before them displayed new messages:

[Awakening Trial is starting]

[Awakening Player Daimon]

[Awakening Player Lilith]

Daimon's gaze shifted to the panel, his curiosity piqued. "It looks like the trial is about to begin."

Lilith's expression shifted, her crimson eyes focused and alert. She turned to Daimon, her voice a low and cautionary tone. "Be prepared, Daimon. This trial won't be like the situations we often encounter. It might test us in unexpected ways. Stay vigilant."

Daimon's lips curled into a confident smile, his crimson eyes gleaming with a mix of determination and excitement. "I'm well aware of that. And I'm looking forward to it."

As their exchange ended, the ground beneath them rumbled once more. A subtle shift in the atmosphere indicated that something was about to happen.

The torches flickered with an otherworldly light, casting an eerie glow that painted their surroundings in shades of orange and gold.

Without warning, a series of translucent barriers materialized around Daimon and Lilith, forming a protective boundary.

Their senses heightened as an intangible pressure settled upon them, a sensation that seemed to seep into their very beings.

The environment around them began to morph and change.

The circle area faded into darkness, and they found themselves standing on a vast expanse, shrouded in an ethereal mist.

The ground beneath their feet felt solid yet unreal, as if they were standing on the edge of a dream.

"Where are we?" Lilith's voice echoed, her gaze sweeping the mist-covered terrain.

Daimon's gaze held a mixture of intrigue and anticipation. "It seems this trial is taking us to a different realm, one meant to challenge us on a profound level."

Daimon's gaze held a mixture of intrigue and anticipation. "It seems this trial is taking us to a different realm, one meant to challenge us on a profound level."

As their conversation lingered, a stroke of light began to seep through the mist-shrouded surroundings. The luminous radiance grew stronger, until from within the brilliance, a figure materialized. The creature possessed white hair and crimson eyes, an embodiment of ethereal elegance and power.

Lilith's breath caught in her throat as she recognized the person before them. Her voice was laced with disbelief. "How can it be? How can he be here? Isn't he already dead?"

Daimon's smile remained, his gaze fixed on the figure. "Don't worry, Lilith. He's only a clone."

Lilith's shock slowly transformed into a mix of relief and curiosity. "A clone? But how?"

Daimon's gaze shifted to a panel before him, where the words were illuminated:

[Defeat Past Enemy: 0/1]

"It seems that I'm being forced to fight him again," Daimon explained, a chuckle escaping his lips. "Now come here, let's dance, Father."

Before them stood a replication of a figure etched deeply into Daimon's history: his own father, Derek Crimson.

An eerie familiarity emanated from the clone, carrying with it the essence of a history long past. Lilith's concern manifested in the inflection of her voice.

"Are you certain you possess the capability to overcome him? Remember, countless efforts were required to vanquish him before."

Daimon's grin remained confident. "Of course, I'm aware. But don't think for a moment that I'm weak."

He looked at the clone, his gaze unwavering. "I've never once used all my power in the past. I am weak because of him." Daimon pointed to Derek, the embodiment of his father's legacy.

"He consistently siphoned my blood, resulting in my growing vulnerability," Daimon's voice resonated with a mixture of frustration and fervor. "Yet, the present is a different narrative altogether."

Lilith's eyes widened, her expression mirroring her astonishment at this newfound revelation. "Are you implying that Derek's power originated from your own?"

Daimon's gaze maintained an unyielding intensity. "Exactly so. Prior to my birth, he did not possess the same degree of strength. His power was derived from my own."

Lilith's realization unfolded like a revelation of profound significance.

It was a piece of history that unraveled the tightly wound threads of the past, illuminating the enigma that had shrouded Derek Crimson's rise to power.

The legends that had painted Derek as an unparalleled force were not entirely true. He had not been the formidable figure they had been led to believe.

In the annals of vampire history, Derek Crimson's ascendancy had mystified the very lords he stood among.

The vampire elite had found themselves perplexed by the sudden surge in his strength—a puzzle that remained unsolved for generations.

Derek's power was as much a mystery to the world as it was to him.

Upon Derek's eventual demise, his son Daimon entered the shadows, embracing a guise of perceived weakness.

The world had dismissed him as a mere fledgling, an inconsequential player in the grand tapestry of power dynamics.

Yet, unbeknownst to the world, Daimon's true strength was not weak. He was waiting for his power to recover back to his original power.

In the fullness of time, Daimon had emerged from obscurity, casting aside the shackles of the past that had bound him.

His evolution had been extraordinary, defying the limitations imposed upon him.

No longer the overlooked heir, he had risen to prominence, earning a crown that had never before been worn—a crown that signified his ascent to become the first Vampire King.

The truth had come full circle, a revelation of the intricate web of power, lineage, and destiny that bound Daimon to his past.

The trials they faced were not merely physical confrontations; they were profound reckonings with history itself.

As Daimon's gaze locked onto the clone of his father, his resolve remained unshaken.

He had transcended the shadows that had once cast their weight upon him, embracing his true potential without reservation.

The mist-shrouded surroundings bore witness to the gravity of the moment—a clash that transcended generations, a meeting of father and son across the chasm of time.

The awakening ground quivered with anticipation, an echo of the emotions coursing through Daimon's veins.

His voice carried a potent mixture of emotions as he addressed his clone with unyielding determination. "You have died before I could confront you myself. Today, I seize the opportunity to face you as I should have."

With that declaration, the symphony of power, bloodlines, and destiny erupted into a cacophony of clashes.

The realm became a stage for the eternal struggle between past and present, a canvas upon which the legacy of a bloodline was painted with every strike.

The clash of crimson and white, the interplay of strength and strategy, echoed through the awakening ground.

Daimon's battle was not just with the clone before him; it was a confrontation with the echoes of history that reverberated within him.