
Chapter 7

Luther's POV

I can't believe that human. She's accusing me that I killed the girl in my tape collection. She is too innocent, or maybe stupid. I don't want to get to the point that she reach my patience.

I know she is in my back. She's attempting to shock me.

"Duck prince!"

"Stop shouting human" I said without emotion.

She chortle, while covering her mouth.

The chin of pleasure.

"I have a surprise for you!" She said.

She was hiding something behind her. And I don't feel good about the surprise she's talking about.

"Here!" She said. She grinned as if she was conveying the stupidity she wanted.

"Fuck! No way human. Throw that thing away from me" I strongly commanded him who frowned at his face.

"All right duck prince. Do you know that when you make up you will be beautiful" She said.

I want to break her neck. I'm Kieran Luther the future king of all kinds of vampire around the world, and now she's trying to destroy my dignity and my reputation.

"Hell no!" I was sick, then took the make up kit she was holding and threw it on the bed.

I don't know how to react and how to express my anger to this human. If I kill this stupid human. My plan will totally vanish and my coronation will move 100 years again.

She covered her face while crying so loud.

"Stop being pretentious human. I know you, so don't attempt to do such things like that" I said while calming myself to hurt the mortal in front of me.

"You don't really want duck prince?" Then she wiped her tears.

Do you think my mind will change? Tsk.


"Fine" He passed me.

But I almost freak out when I see her attempting to jump from the glass window.

"What are you doing !?"

"You still have make-up because duck prince. All right please" he said while standing at the broken window that if he jumped he would die.

"Tsk. Do you think you can-" I didn't finish what I was going to say when he jumped. I ran quickly and grabbed his arm angrily.

"What the heck human! Are you out of your mind?" I was sick, while still holding her arm tightly.

"I told you because duck prince eh. That's okay" she persuaded.

"No!" I answered quickly.

"You don't want to? Just go ahead I'll just jump again" he quickly removed my hand as I held her.

Is she serious? If she is. I can't rebuff her want. I need to choose between my desire and my ego that can't help me to become next crowned king.

When he tried to jump again I made a quick decision. And I choose to break my ego for this freaking human that can help me to be a king. Without wasting and waiting 100 years again.

"Okay fine. You can do whatever you want using that damn make-up. And do you dare tell anyone about this stupid thing" he rolled his eyes when he heard what I said.

I feel revulsion to my self about this thing. I can believe I'm doing such thing like this.

"Hey! Thank you duck prince" she shouted vigorously and quickly picked up the sh*t make-up.

"Sit here duck prince" he once dragged to the big chair in front of the broken window that she had earlier jumped.

"Are you sure about this human thing? It's not too late to change your mind" I'm trying to convince her to stop this thing.

"I'm pretty sure duck prince will die" he raised his right hand and raised his middle finger.



"There! Duck prince is coming to an end" She announced while still putting some color on my face.

She's talking nonsense things just to distract me. While brushing my face with the color pink powder.

"Done? I feel itchy human" I complained as I scratched my nose.

"Don't scratch duck prince! It might break" She shouted irritably.

I can't believe that this human is the first person that shout me. Only a mortal would desecrate my vampire life.

"What color do you like lipstick? Red or pink?" Aniya. While lifting the two lipsticks in front of me.

"The red one" I sighed after I answered the useless question.

"Okay go ahead pink" She whispered.

"What the! You ask me which I like, and then I choose the red one but you choose the girlish pink. Are you stupid?"

She looked at me badly then nodded.

"You are the stupid duck prince. I asked you where you prefer. But the question is did I say I will put what you want?" He raised an eyebrow.

Did she call me stupid? I want to punch her face for calling me stupid but I need to control my emotions.


"So what's the point for asking me about the color of lipstick human?" I asked with a tense jaw.

"Nothing, I just want to ask. Why !?"


"Don't be so angry duck prince. I promise you will be beautiful" She smiled and then put on the lipstick he chose.

"You suck duck prince"

"For what?" I asked irritably.

"All right please"


"There! It's nice first duck prince hehehe" She said.

"I look like a clown right?"

"What a clown you are there. You look so beautiful so you look like Miss Universe because of your make-up hehehehe"

My ego is now gone. Totally gone. For the sake of my desire to become king, I lose my ego.

"Easy look in the mirror duck prince" She quickly turned to me in the mirror.

I can't see my reflection in the mirror. Vampires doesn't have reflection. How can I see my face right now. I have no idea how worst my face right now.

"Oh! There is no reflection hehehe


"Just put a pin on you"

"Damn it! No"

This is torture.

"You do not want?"

"Okay fine!"

I want to get rid of what is happening to me right now because of what he is doing.

"Hahahahaha Luther what happened to you?"

My life if totally ruin. When I heard my sister voice standing at my door with my parents.

"She's beautiful, isn't she, Lucinda?"
