
Chapter 5

Lilith's POV

The food of their duck prince is really delicious. But I just noticed that they do not eat? Are they still ashamed of me? At least they are still adjusting to my beauty hehehehe.

"How's the food Celeste?" what is this Aunt Everett.

"it's really delicious" especially now, I just eat without sharing.

"How are you sleeping?" Uncle Lazarus asked.

Your beautiful daughter-in-law even ate.

"It's okay but ..."

"But?" Sister Lucinda asked curiously.

Ate Lucinda has a gossip hehehehe.

"Duck prince doesn't want to show and hold his pet" I said boldly.

All I want is to touch and see the pet of duck prince under his pants last night. But he was reluctant. He did not want to introduce his pet. I still love animals, I really want to kiss them. I still wanted to kiss duck prince but he didn't want to.

"Does he have a pet?" Aunt Everett said. He seemed surprised by what I said.

Doesn't duck prince also let aunt Everett take care of his pet? He has a bad behavior. He is serious about his care. He did not want to be touched. Jealous maybe duck prince.

"Yes, there are some-" I almost stared as duck prince put my chicken in my mouth.

It's so delicious.

"Just eat, human" where duck prince says. The sweet duck prince is teasing me.

"Thank you" I said as I chewed the chicken in my mouth.

I ran out of everything on the table earlier. The food they serve is really delicious.

I went back to my room and my room was our room. I saw duck prince's big TV. What disney movie is he's watching? Does he have Finding Nemo? ohh! I was excited.

He has so many movie tapes here. I took some of his tapes. Why is everyone naked? Pity these women, they might get cold. Just like duck prince. He did not even clothe these poor women.

"Don't worry because Celeste Lilith Domingo will dress you very well" said Mother Linda who always helps those in need.

"Remember my beloved daughter when you see someone in need of help. Do not hesitate to help especially if you know you are better"

Mother Linda is really smart. So that's my idol.

"Oh girl! what color do you want your dress to be?"

Why is she not answering? she may want me to choose the color.

What can be a good design for her dress? If only Hello Kitty? That thing.

I looked at the other duck prince's other movie tapes that were completely bare. Sad, is really poor.

"Don't worry I will make you all clothes. I know you are getting cold" It's really sad.

Why didn't duck prince wear clothes for them girls. The coldness of duck prince's room is still cold. It's just sad that duck prince can do these things to poor women. Maybe next time I will be like this poor girls.

"There! You already have clothes. Make sure you don't get cold by that"

Why are they still not speaking?

"Wouldn't you be thankful for the beautiful creature that made your clothes?"

Maybe just shy so that. If at all, I think they are really shy hehehehe.

Maybe I can watch TV now. I will no longer be chased by conscience because I was kind today because I clothed them girls.

"Ohh! Can I borrow this?" What this movie tape contain?

"Augh! Augh! Augh!" Why is my older brother hurting my sister? Huhuhuhu.

"Bro! Please don't hurt that poor girl" I cried while preventing the boy from hurting the poor girl.

"Augh! Augh! Augh!" Doesn't he even feel sorry for his sister.

"Don't give up. I will try to stop that boy huhuhu" my tears started to fall. How did this man try to hurt the pity woman. Maybe this girl is in debt? But even so! He should not hurt that woman.

"Bro, that's not right! You've stopped" I almost screamed but the man didn't even listen. Maybe this man is angry with me because he doesn't like my design.

"I'm sorry huhuhu. If you don't like my design, I'll just make you a new one. Do you like color pink?" My cold is dripping with tears. But I must not give up.

"Augh! Augh! "The girl said with difficulty.

"Red please?"

"Augh! Augh!" I really feel sorry for my sister.


"Augh! Augh!" the man still hurts the poor lady.

"Don't hurt pity woman anymore. Just me please"

What color does he want? Huhuhu maybe the girl will die.

"What the F!" Strong opening by duck prince. Didn't he also know that this man was hurting the lady.

"Huhuhu please duck prince let's help her huhuhuhu" I almost jumped in tears as I quickly pulled duck prince's hand to the TV.

"Augh! Augh! Augh!" She was having a hard time shouting.

"Huhuhu I'm sorry. Don't give up please? Duck prince hurry up so that lady can survive "

Duck prince is just looking at me. Will he not help me? Didn't he feel sorry for the woman? Is he taking sides with his older bad boy?

He picked up the remote and quickly turned off the TV.

"Bring back duck prince! The girl is having a hard time" I tried to take the remote from duck prince but he kept it away from me.

"Stop! Human"

"Give it to me, duck prince. Maybe that girl will die will die soon" my conscience can't handle when something bad happens to her.

"Are you serious? Stop pushing me!"

The same as him. I'm probably serious. Her life is at stake here.

"What's wrong with you! Are you that accomplice of that naughty boy'?"

"What the heck!"

"He's on your side!" I quickly ran out of duck prince's room which is also my room so we have a room.

The same as him! I hate them and that naughty man.