
Chapter 3

Luther's POV

She almost breaks our ears when she shouts really loud. Oh! Come on Luther. What have you done? I think my family will know about this stupid plan.

"Stop that freaking noise human" I gave her death glare. But she just ignored it.

He was the first person who was not afraid I think that '. Even vampires can't stand straight without shaking their knee every time I look them like that. How this stupid human ignore that?

But he slapped me hard on the arm. Not a single vampire tried to touch me lightly. Even my own family can't easily touch me, just like that.

I want to break her neck and cut her into pieces. But my stupid plan will totally destroy. I want to inter her in the place where she is standing right now.

"oh my! Do you know sister. That brother of yours is really dead to me" she's talking to my mother just like a normal person. She thought that my mother is my sister? I can't blame her for that thing. Age is just a number for us.

"He's not my brother. He's my son ihja hahaha" Mother said.

How come everyone came to this stupid plan? I can't imagine this thing will gonna happen. I'm just desperate to be come next king. World is so damn hard for me. I don't need a wife.

"I'm Lucinda Crimson, Luther's sister" he quickly extended his hand to shake hands with ....

Oh shit! I forgot to ask her name.

We're all quiescent while watching her grabbing all our hands for the prank she does.

"Enough" he embarrassed me.

Somewhere I told him he was just ignoring it.

"Hello guys my name is Celeste Lilith Domingo, hehehe for us in her classroom hahaha" he said.

As much as I can kidnap. Why did I even get this?

"You're so funny Celeste, I'm Everett Crimson. Luther's mom, you can call me tita by the way"

"Yeah I guess your right honey. I'm Lazarus, Luther's father"

I can read their mind. They like this human. And I can also feel that they believe that this stupid human is my girlfriend.

"Call a chef now" I motioned to my staff to speed up the action which he did immediately.

"Have a sit" I said to Lilith, at the same time I pointed to a chair.

My parents and brother followed to sit down. I know that they will ask lot of questions to this human. And I hope so, that she's good in lying.

"So can we know how did you met my son?"

"Hehehehe" He approached me then whispered.

"I love duck prince" he promised.

There is no reason for quivering. Father's question makes me nervous. I know that he's not totally convince that this human is my girlfriend and my soon to be wife.

I know father hear what she whispered. That is his special skill. Hearing.

"That's how it is Sir. I met duck prince at a ball and I noticed he was alone and no one was dancing with him so I said. 'Can I dance with you sir?'" She's doing the action like she's on stage and acting .

I did not expect him to be alibi. You can't see in her eyes that she is lying, she give feelings to every words she say, while closing her eyes.

"Your son is not narrow-minded but he is a baby. He accepted my offer and we danced but when the clock rang loudly he left in a hurry. I lost hope of seeing him again but destiny was good for me. He left a pair of his shoes so I looked for him "

The story of Cinderella? Really? And she switched the two main characters of the story. I can't believe that is-

"I believe you. Maybe you telling the truth" my father said.

"Yeah, I agree with that father" my sister Lucinda said.

They believe her? As in?

"So what happens next? How did you find my son Celeste?" My mother asked softly while waiting for what Lilith would say next.

"Then I saw duck prince in the park and he was sad again. I approached him and asked what the problem was, he said. 'My hair wax fell'" he acted while squeezing his voice.

When else has my voice become thin? I want to flick her forehead but I can't because my family is here and now totally convince to Lilith story.

"I said 'I will take your dearest hair wax in exchange for that I will sin' which he quickly accepted. I quickly dipped my hand in the water of the fountain to get his hair wax. So get married. we "

Another disney princess story? I can't even move while watching her, doing her stupid action.

"That's amazing. How-" I cut Lucinda's question. I don't want to hear another disney princess from her.

I saw maids walking to us and carrying those foods I ordered.

"We must eat, I think she's hungry" my family nodded quickly.

"Tompak ka diyan duck prince"

Duck prince? Where did she get that words? Another prince.

"you're right duck prince"

Duck prince? Where did she get that words? Another princess story?

"Uhmmm ... It's delicious!" We're just watching her. Vampires don't eat human foods. Our tongue can't taste anything except for blood. Human food is mawkish for vampires. Especially garlic.

"Are you cooking dinuguan?" He asked as his mouth filled with food.

Doesn't he have a hard time with what he does? This girl is so unbelievable.

"Eat now. Don't be ashamed of me" Lilith said.

My mother look at her while laughing.

We are still ashamed of our own housing.

"We're full, just continue eating. Don't mind us Celeste" Lucinda said and poured Lilith's glass into the water.

If having a wife is not required for becoming king. I don't waste my time for this kind of thing. It makes me crazy.