
Chapter 1

Lilith's POV

Dad was driving happily as he played our favorite Air Supply song 'Having You Near Me' "I came to you and never ask to much Wondering what you would say Hoping you'd understand It's not a role I usual play " Dad's song while singing along, and he feels the lyric of the song. I tapped him and pointed to myself to let him know that I was the next singer, he smiled in response. "Habing yu nirrr meee! Hulding! Yuuu nirrr miiii awoooh "because I am a great singer I put a strengthening curl at the end of the song. Dad laughed as he held his stomach and refrained from laughing. "You're not in the tone Celeste hahaha" while still holding back a laugh. Am I still out of tune? "Your hearing is really bad, papa, don't blame my beautiful voice" I sighed signaling that I will make vocalizations. "La la la la la la lah!" I clung tightly to my seat belt as I sang the last note. Dad shook his head as he continued to laugh. The difficulty of what I did and then he just reacted like that? "Hahaha that's right my dear. Your vein in your neck is already molding, then your nostrils are growing hahaha" papa motioned for me to stop. The last note is just too high so that's it. Dad didn't really know that. I don't know how my father became a vocalist in a famous band here in the Philippines. "Expression, please call it papa" "Hahaha the expression is visible on the face not on the root. You really inherited it from your mother" he continued to giggle. It's a good thing I inherited from mama, not papa because by chance I might be like him. Dad's face suddenly changed while driving. Maybe he realized that his smart daughter was smarter than him. "darling I love you so much" he smiled sweetly at me. what is happening to papa? He's smiled and smiled at me then she put his favorite pillow in front of me. Will he put me to sleep? "Your papa loves you so much" An explosion followed non. But why do I feel lifted? I saw from afar my dad and I 'car exploded a second time. c'mon. That is still expensive.

"Celeste! My dear, get up" I woke up when I heard mother Linda shout in my ear. At the same time he shouted her saliva on my cheek. I can still smell our past dish. "Your breath stinks" I said, then I wiped my cheek. "Oh, I just brushed" he put his palm in his mouth then blew a confusing air. "Still fragrant" he frowned as he raised his right eyebrow, even beating the gay in the salon because of the thinness of his eyebrows. "When was your last toothbrush?" I asked mother Linda and I pinched my nose with my two fingers. "Last day" he announced at the top. "Liar, mother Linda it smells for another week. Don't lie to me" "Yes. Tomorrow I will brush my promise" he said as he raised his left hand and raised his middle finger. "Let's eat, I cooked" he said enlarging my nostrils. What am I going to do now? Our dish didn't taste good last night because he cooked it. My forehead was sweating with excitement as I tried to smile at him. "Your forehead is sweating son, you need to eat" he said. I swallowed and my heartbeat quickened due to nervousness. I don't want my stomach to hurt huhuhu. I love mother Linda but not including her cruel cooking that is also cruel in the stomach. With the intensity of the taste, nature will definitely call you right away. Because for him spaghetti has broth and vinegar, which will really make you vomit. "Hehehe mother Linda, let me go to the park first" I quickly stood up to escape the horrible cooking of mother Linda. "It's a pity I still cooked your favorite fried fish, it tastes good with that fat soup" When did I like fried fish with soup? "I'll eat later" "All right. Come on, I'll wipe your sweat on your forehead first" he lifted his dress then wiped my whole face. Why does it smell so sour? oh! Hello kitty, mother Linda is also wearing panties. "Mother Linda we are the same, hello kitty is also my panties" I took off my shorts and showed mom my hello kitty panties. "Ayiii! Yes, your style is really nice, lend me that later okay?" I nodded quickly. I like the pink hello kitty panties of mother Linda while the purple ones are mine. "All right, leave, don't worry, your favorite will live with you" he said Even if not for the rest of my life. "All right, I'm leaving" I ran out of our house. I was in the park but I did not see any children playing. I approached an iron chair, but my eyes widened as I realized how hot this broken chair was. "Ouch!" I looked sharply at the chair that burned my ass. "Shit! You have no right to hurt my plump ass!" I pointed to the pest chair that burned my beautiful ass. I fit in to take the piece of wood next to me to hopefully repay the ruthless who hurt my ass. But an angelic creature lifted me up. Omg! Is he the frog prince I dream of? But why is he not a frog? Maybe I need to kiss him to be a frog. That's right! I'm really smart. I sucked my soft lips for my soon to be frog prince followed by my closing. But a few seconds later, my lips began to pout, so I decided to stare. "Ugly duckling" he said as he narrowed his eyes at me. Oh! He likes Ugly Duckling. Is there a love team in Ugly Duckling story? I rolled my eyes around. Why are we in the van? Did the duck kidnap his princess?