
Crimson Rebellion

In the dismal, war-torn world of Akame ga Kill! a tyrannical Empire has brought ruin to the people of the nation resulting in an inevitable civil war formed by a rebellion created by the very people that the Empire once swore to protect. Raizo Arashi is a member of the Blood Wolves, an ancient clan of assassins working in the shadows to protect the Empire. After Raizo's father and clan leader sees the decline of the Empire from its mighty prime and into its current decadent reign—the Wolf King elects to have his clan turn his back on the Empire. However, before the Blood Wolves can join the rebellion a mole exposes the clan's deception. Esdeath and her army are then dispatched to massacre the entire clan. As one of the few survivors left in the wake of his clan's massacre—Raizo seeks vengeance against the Empire. His quest for revenge will eventually cause him to cross paths with the members of Night Raid and other powerful allies and foes. Find out more in the pages of this Crimson Rebellion.

Atmanium_studios · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

The Uncrowned Hero Part 2

[Floor 800: Crimson Renegade]

A quiet scene welcomed the youth with open arms as he seemingly passed through an elaborate Torii-style gate to a spiritual place. Walking across neat, clean cuts of slate stone etched in a meticulous pathway surrounded by cobblestone, he saw a singular widespread one-level building in the distance. It was a simple wooden structure that had at least four to six large beams separated by the same distance of around 10 to 14 feet. Adorning the top was a trapezoidal prism style roof that reminded him greatly of Reina's castle in Cocytus; except the roof was a dark green shade with cylindrical cut tiles across it. With two massive cherry blossom trees in full bloom parallel to each other in the open area, he felt the Zen-like atmosphere emerging from this place known as Honno-ji Temple. Yet, he could sense the presence of something else.

The doors to the shrine slid open as the silhouette of an unknown figure emerged. Instantly wafting from behind her was the density of a sinister pressure complimented by a swath of aura that leaked out like a growing cloud of poison. Marching out from the temple, the figure approached Raizo's location with confidence as the aural impact shook the foundation of the temple grounds. The blossoms off of the trees scattered about like snow blowing violently in a blizzard. With his breathing kept calm, Raizo peered through the veil of petals to see the face of his opponent.

Long, black hair with hints of crimson highlights, blood red eyes dressed in a black military uniform with golden boots, white gloves and a high-collared crimson cape complete with a black hat that hoisted an extravagant golden emblem atop the bill. Holding a red-handled sword sheathed within a black and gold scabbard pointed at the ground, the malicious smile gave the youth chills down his spine as her resemblance was strikingly similar to someone he knew from back home.

"Wahahaha-ha! I thought I smelled the blood of the gods wandering into my domain, behold a warrior approaches. Welcome, young one. I am the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga! If you wish to continue your ascension, I hope you will be able to entertain me enough to pass!"

Demon King...hearing that phrase in her introduction gave the youth a violent flashback to the war against the Demon Gods. In that essence, the visage of Goetia plagued his memory as he recalled how the man destroyed human history and was responsible for sending him to Purgatory. This woman, whom he never met before, just introduced herself under that same title.

"So...you're the successor to the man who incinerated all of mankind…" the male responded in kind whilst shaking his fist in anger.

"Hmm?" Nobunaga raised an eyebrow in response unsure of his meaning, however, she sensed the pressure emanating from his vessel and elected to play along.

"Yes, I am the one destined to topple the heavens and render all of creation asunder. Witness my might as the True Demon King! Wahahahaha!" she boasted audaciously.

"If that's the case…"

The ground quaked underneath the feet of both combatants. Bolts of electricity boiled from Raizo's body and cracked the ground around him. The sight of the crimson shade shifted into a mix of silver and white as the energy emanated by the male's location changed. Keeping his breathing in check whilst employing the silent use of Mugen, the Stormbringer's power was elevating him to newer heights; this incidentally invoked a shift in his armor as the artificial intelligence loaded into its systems began responding.

[Power influx detected, analyzing aural response…

Higher-dimensional resonance confirmed…

Designation – ETERNITY...

Initiating alteration sequence…

Armor shift – PALADIN engaged.]

The guise of the famous transformation he first adorned when taking on the fabled King of Heroes took hold once more. With Mugen still in the mix, the youth's eyes still retained the argent silver element within them. His hair turned immaculate white like a flame as it freely flowed down his back; however, the skeletal lightning wings did not sprout outward like before. Instead, the Janus Armor on his body changed.

The armor became a more solid build with metallic silver plating along the shoulders that cut in a step-down like style akin to the Samurai armor. As opposed to jutting out like the famous feudal warriors, the plates seemingly glued themselves to his shoulders all the way down his upper arms. This merged into a solid, breathable breastplate that wrapped around his body completely and was even joined with an area that covered the back of the trapezius area and protected both sides of his neck like a high-collared shirt. Small groups of plating wrapped around his wrists like braces with similar sheet metal covering the back of his hand. In addition, this same armor sculpt covered his legs from the shins down toward his ankles where he now wore gray leather boots. White cloth formed underneath the armor plates filling in where the sleeves were located as well as covering him from the waist down creating his pair of pants with a silver kama wrapped around him from the sides and draping straight down in the back. The option of a helmet was also included in this new armor variant; however, Raizo consciously dismissed it. As the transformation was complete, he now had full control over the form that he could barely maintain just a few days ago.

"Eternity…" Raizo stated under his breath as a plain katana charged with crimson thunder along its edge appeared in his hand.

Using his own strength as the new God of Thunder, the Godsbane no longer included the 'of the Storm' suffixes in his transformations. It represented a time when he had to rely on Indra to supply him with the energy needed to keep him going. That was not a factor anymore.

The Stormbringer instantly rushed the female's location with his greater speed intending to end this in a single blow. He did not bother uttering a single word of attack or anything because he was not trying to take the Demon King lightly. His focus was solely on the swift elimination of his foe with extreme, hostile prejudice. This was not due to hatred or anger, but due to a sense of urgency because of how events played out before with the previous Demon King. Thinking this fight would end in a flash just like against Gilgamesh, he charged in; however, things did not play out the same way.


Looking down, a singular finger was raised as the blade made impact against the target; however, there was no smooth motion of embellished steel bisecting the head from the shoulders. Instead, the blade was seemingly stopped by an impenetrable, immovable object.

Nobunaga Oda put a stop to the weapon in one simple motion. It was then that she grabbed the edge of the sword and crushed it at once. As she did that, the Stormbringer found himself surrounded by a formation of 16th century muskets with golden skulls etched along the hammer and firing mechanisms and at the end of the barrels. The sound of the metal clicking along with the sizzling of gunpowder igniting led to hail of bullets being fired directly at his position. Vividly recalling the last time he was shot, he immediately sought to evade. The pellets should not be able to pierce his body, but with the woman able to shatter his opening assault, he could not afford to underestimate her any further.

He doubled back quickly aiming for full retreat using his superior speed in the Eternity state; however, the Demon King surprised the youth by encasing him in a sphere comprised of muskets that took aim and immediately rained holy terror upon his location. Raizo had no time to be surprised by the fact that she was able to trap him inside of a pseudo cage even while entranced by the might of Eternity. For some reason, his instincts compelled him to take the initiative to try and evade the onslaught of bullets. Unfortunately, that would prove to be a foolish endeavor.

By moving the molecules in his body at a high speeds causing his vessel to seemingly vibrate, he attempted to make himself intangible so that the ammunition would simply pass through him. Surprisingly enough, the bullets managed to penetrate him causing his bones to break and blood to flow which eventually destabilized his movements.

"Tch...how the…" the male gritted his teeth in confusion before he crumbled down to the ground on one knee. Tiny puncture holes were visible all over his armor where the blood was seeping out. The metal pellets lodged in his flesh were forced out as the muskets ceased following. It was then that he looked up to see the girl standing over him and consequently extending her hand out to him with an unexpectedly kindhearted, goofy smile.

"Relax, Raizo Arashi-Mercer, just because I declare myself to be the Demon King does not mean I am of such context that you think of," she expressed clearly.

"What? That...doesn't make sense. Then...what the hell are you? And how are you able to keep up with my speed?" the youth asked in confusion.

"I, the great Oda Nobunaga, am the one who sought to eradicate Shinto and Buddhism in my country. I have an absolute advantage over those with any Divinity and Mystery behind their legends. Young man, your legend is not only an endless overflowing ocean of both; you also happen to be the offspring of a Primordial and a human just like that troublesome Legion. Simply being near you is enough to make me burn more brightly than I ever thought possible," she explained happily.

Whilst raising an eyebrow, the male seemingly relaxed and elected to reach out and take her hand before he was helped to his feet.

"Seems like a lot of you heroes in this Throne or whatever know a lot about me."

"Wahahaha, the Throne records knowledge at all times whether the Omniverse is present or not. It is but a historical wellspring of records containing all myths, legends, and stories of great individuals worthy of acknowledgment by the great cycle of life and is a small extension of The Root. Anything recorded in existence passes through here, and people like me are informed of it at all times as if witnessing it firsthand."

"Fair enough…"

"Aye, but let us dismiss the technicalities. You wish to continue to ascend the tower, do you not?" Nobu smiled enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I'm not trying to stop here," Raizo smirked in kind. Recognizing each other's ability, the mutual respect shared between warriors of skill was established before the battle continued.

"Now then...since you elected to level up with your transformation, I guess I shall oblige you kindly and show you the might of my legend as the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven!"

A crimson, purgatorial flame engulfed Nobu's body before it irradiated the entirety of the temple setting. Taking its place was the sight of the very same temple grounds rendered asunder in flames and ruination. Scattered across the ground was the sight of wrecked castle structures, timber, iron, and piles of empty armor pieces. Furthermore, the sight of bones and other scorched human remains were littered about creating the scene of a long history of bloodshed manifested in one dimensional plane.

In her history, this Noble Phantasm was based on the burning of Mount Hiei and the other brutal deeds she performed during her time in life. The visage served as the accumulation of the fear and reverence that the people held for her after her death. On the shorthand side of the naming convention, it was called Papiyas and it was a reality marble that allowed Oda Nobunaga to hold absolute power against those with Divinity and Mystery. Levitating in the air over the youth, the woman held the burning crimson aura around her body as her uniform was incinerated off her body; thus revealing her delicate, soft curves in all of its naked glory.

"Guh…." Raizo choked as the effects of the realm brought him back down to his knees and forced him to revert to his base form. He struggled to breathe and could hardly keep a single eye open as the pressure of this alternate world was crushing him. Yet in spite of this, he still managed to catch a glimpse of the all-powerful woman. Noticing her less than modest appearance, something else within him overwhelmed the thoughts of pain causing him to blush and look away to the side.

"Can't handle the heat youngling?" she chuckled confidently before letting out a dominant laugh.

"N-No...it's just...you're um...naked right now. C-Could you please put on some form of clothing? I don't feel right fighting you like that…" he spoke with a flustered tone of voice.

The Demon King's haughty laughter paused causing her face to slightly adopt a pinkish shade whilst processing his reaction to her visage.

"Ahem...very well then! I shall indulge your request, so be grateful!" she declared with amusement before taking the crimson aura burning around her body to create a red and white bomber jacket and black underwear to cover up her exposed private areas.

"Now then, let's get back to business and see you try this on for size. Three Thousand Worlds: Three Line Formation!"

Invoking another one of her Noble Phantasms, the Demon King called upon her famous policy involving the dream of the unification of Japan. This was the very definition of the "three lines of fire" strategy said to have been employed during the Battle of Nagashino. It was one of her most well-known battles where her army decimated the renowned Takeda Cavalry of the Takeda Clan. Known for having the fastest, deadliest horsemen formation throughout the land, they charged the frontlines in an attempt to take the Oda Main Camp in one fell swoop. Instead, they fell to a colossal bulletstorm because of Nobu's brilliant plan.

The first line of muskets would fire their first volley, then the men behind them would immediately reload. Another line would then fire their salvo before those respective men behind them would reload and the pattern would repeat. As one man fired and another reloaded, continuous fire could be achieved which would stop any oncoming force to be shutdown before even reaching the outer defenses.

Three thousand arquebuses appeared all around Raizo's location in a wider spread area than before. Staring up at the female, he could see that she was holding two herself in both hands. Then, he could hear the clicking of the firing mechanisms as a heavy rain full of crimson bullets blitzing his location.

"Strength won't cut it alone, time to employ something a little more tactical."

Raizo closed his eyes as he inhaled a deep wealth of air to fill his lungs. He remembered the Art of Earth from Reina's teachings once more as he brought to mind the image of what he wanted to create.

"Breath of Earth, Second Form – Cataclysm!"

An expanding sphere of electromagnetic energy surged from the Stormbringer's body as it expanded outward. As a result, the onslaught was then ground to a halt as the atmospheric space contained therein halted all oncoming motion in the air. In that instant, the kinetic energy emanating from the projectile rain that was heading towards him was drained completely and transferred into this nigh-invisible dome of energy. Sensing that the draining process was complete, the youth relinquished a thunderous clap using his hands causing the bubble to explode. In response, the energy released was fired back not only at Nobu, but at the entirety of the reality marble as well which resulted in its destruction.

Now back in the solemn grounds of the original temple, Nobu slid across the ground breathing heavily as streams of blood rained down her face and off of her body. Seeing the ragged state she was in gave Raizo a sense of relief. The battle was over and his victory was decided...or so he thought. A wicked smile creased her lips as a deeper shade of crimson wafted around her body once more before enveloping her petite form.

The chaotic inferno that consumed the girl's position dissipated to reveal a new form that caused Raizo to become greatly bewildered. She was much taller than before and held a vessel of a fully adult-sized individual. Jet black armor with golden accents on it that greatly accentuated her womanly figure, a high-collared red cape that was bound by a golden lotus on her neck with a golden chain hanging down from the left side, combined with a golden fan around the back of her neck that jutted out like needles comprised her outfit. Yet, it was the train of long, blood red hair and similarly shaded eyes that gave her the intimidating presence that seemingly judged the world around her.

"The possibilities of mankind belong to men, the gods and Buddha should be respected and not relied upon. Behold, I am Demon King Nobunaga, the enemy of gods and Buddha and all living things, reborn by surpassing the Heaven of Pleasure," the figure declared with a mature voice that was much more refined as an adult woman than before.

"You reject the gods, yet accept them all at the same time. We really are alike to a degree. Being in your presence right now is shaking me to the core; but even so…" Raizo shuddered before flexing his muscles to transform into Eternity and the Paladin augment of his armor once again.

"I won't back down from this fight. In fact…

I am the reincarnation of the storm…"

Raizo began chanting once more before creating the complex multiverse space that was Cosmic Foundry. He was unsure of the variables and whether or not this would give him an edge, yet it was a chance he was willing to take.

"Impressive...a World of Blades taking the shape of the concept of the storm. Very well, then allow me to respond in kind. Papiyas Metamorphosis: Demon King of a Billion Worlds!"

Upon Nobu's utterance, a six armed skeletal entity appeared underneath her feet with crimson flames searing from its underbelly. Giant golden spikes were arranged in a half-moon formation behind it as she laughed haughtily with its manifestation. This was the figure of the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven that transcended fear and reverence poured into the idea of Nobunaga of the past, present and future. To become the true essence of the Demon King, one who deceived all gods and Buddhas, that was the endpoint of the Demon Archer known as Nobunaga—she who burned out mystery.

"What do you think, boy?" the Demon King inquired with a confident grin.

"It's incredible...there isn't a single sword in my world that can measure up to it. But even so, I'll be sure to repay you with every blade I have to offer!"

"Well stated, come then!"

Raizo raised both hands and extended them out to his sides as an infinite number of blades responded to his command. In a flash, a brilliant chasm of countless strikes of thunderbolts barraged Nobunaga's location. At the same time, her Noble Phantasm responded by blasting out an infinity of god-slaying flames upon the oncoming torrent. This maelstrom of plasma energy was discharged back and forth for what felt like an eternal struggle for power. As both combatants stared at one another from afar, their thoughts harmonized together.

"This woman…" Raizo began.

"This boy…" Nobunaga followed.

"She's...just like…"

"me. I sense it, he understands me…"

"It's like she knows me better than I know myself…"

"This battle…"

"I don't want it to end."

"I want more, I want to keep pushing further."

At once, they both reached the same feeling in their hearts:

"I'm having too much fun!"

In the end, all good things had to come to an end. Their conflict drained both of their strength as an 11-dimensional explosion of metal and fire decimated Cosmic Foundry. Nobunaga reverted back to her younger self whilst Raizo reverted back to his base form, his armor fully deactivated leaving him in just a t-shirt, black jacket and matching pants and shoes. The Demon King was breathing heavily with a satisfied smile on her face whilst the Godsbane was completely unconscious holding a similar grin upon his features.

Sometime later, Raizo regained consciousness as he was laying down on a soft, tatami bed inside the halls of the temple. As his eyes looked around, he felt that his upper torso was completely uncovered leaving him only in a pair of soft trousers that was in a karate gi style. He pressed a hand to his head trying to recall what happened when he felt a soft tapping on his shoulder from beside him. There, he saw the face of the red-eyed female with her hair completely down in a shrine maiden's outfit though loosened up for comfort.

"Wahahaha...I gotta tell ya kiddo, you're the greatest warrior I've had the privilege of battling in a long time. I can't even remember the last time I was brought to a draw. Thanks for the exciting match, we definitely gotta settle it sometime soon," she declared happily as she snapped her fingers.

A red-horned female with long white hair and two other masked females came up to attend to Raizo's bruises and injuries to ensure he could heal properly. The youth was still kinda groggy from the effects of the battle and could hardly keep himself steady so he did not really pay too much attention to them. As they finished, they swiftly exited the room thus leaving the duo alone.

"So...I guess we still have to settle the score or something?" Raizo asked with a slight tilt of the head.

"Nah...the result will wind up being the same in a damn draw. Honestly, I'd rather just kick back and have a drink with ya before you're allowed to keep moving. That and you could use a little distraction," Nobu nodded whilst handing over a small white cup and pouring the youth her favorite blend of sake.

"Come, let us share a drink...and each other's company for a while if you don't mind," the girl implied innocently yet there was a subtle seductive tone underneath her voice.

"Um...that...kinda depends here…"

"Oh yeah...that's right, you have a thing for redheads don't you? Well...I suppose it won't hurt if I change then. Say, would you mind the presence of a Demon King?"

Nobu slid closer to her guest as her face was painted with the slight indication of intoxication, though regardless of being sober or not...she was always forward when it came to conquest. As Raizo took a sip of the sake, she inched closer and closer as the two were given some time to relax before the youth would have to ascend to the next floor.


[Floor 900: You're (Not) Alone]

How many floors has it been since the trial began? How many enemies have fallen before the might of his blade? Raizo lost count. He was weary trying not to break down on the inside because he felt like the road was long and endless.

"I can't be hasty...there is no shortcut through this. But...I'm tired...too tired to think straight. Can I really continue on like this? What if all I'm doing is for nothing? What if I just fail in the end? No, no...that's just doubt trying to get in my way. I just need a minute to rest…clear my head and refocus. Surely I'm almost at the end, right?"

The Crimson Crusader's thoughts were all over the place. He swayed back and forth in his tracks before stumbling onto the scene of the next floor. In a flash, the setting unfolded into a vast garden of various flowers from different species carrying a multitude of shapes and colors. The sky was crystal clear as the endless expanse of light blue spread as far as the eye could see. The sun shined radiantly above as its rays kissed the surface of the plant life all around, its warmth not too harsh to bear.

Cobblestone pathways opened up for the youth to traverse going in two separate paths that seemingly curved towards the same destination. Unsure whether there was a right or wrong path, the male took the trail on the right when he suddenly heard a mysterious echo chamber of humming ensue. When he arrived at the source, he was relatively shocked to see the source of the melody being a familiar face.

Long, black hair, yellow eyes, pointed ears, and luscious lips with a vanilla, cream-like skin complexion; her almost otherworldly beauty encapsulated within a flawlessly curvy body that was covered in a dress as black as night and patterned with golden accents along it complete with a black feathered collar around her neck. She was the famed poisoner often referred to as the Wise Queen of Assyria, and was a very close ally that aided the youth in the fight against the Demon Gods in the Dystopian War.

"Semiramis-san, is that…really you?" he stammered in disbelief. He was unsure whether to be happy to see her or nervous due to the nature of this tower. Thinking about the possibility of having to fight her especially after everything they have been through together gave him great pain inside.

The woman was petting a black raven underneath the beak before it took flight from her then she turned around to look at the weary warrior. Her entrancing eyes shimmered under the glint of the sun as her rosy lips pursed into a gentle smile.

"Hello Raizo-san, it feels like it has been too long has it not?" she spoke with an elegant tone of voice.

"How many battles have you endured until now I wonder? This ascent is clearly wearing you down to your limits. Fret not, this floor is not meant for us to battle and I have no desire to do so. Come, rest...enjoy a moment of solace and forget about the combat even if only for a short while," she invited him as she sat on an elongated, stone bench under a marble archway in the shade.

"Right…" he said with a slight sigh indicating his relief over her words. As such, he joined her in the shade as he went to sit down on the cushy surface of velvet red pillows gently propped along the hard surface.

"Luxurious, is it not? This is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in its unblemished, fully perfected state when Spring is in full bloom. It may be a mighty fortress suitable for battle, but it is also my personal Eden for times of peace."

"Yeah...it's really something else. Something that can allow the heart to be at ease…"

"You seem troubled, might I ask what's wrong?" she inquired with a slight tilt of her head resting her hand upon the youth's shoulder.

"I...don't know what to say really. This whole trial...I know I was prepared to face everything in it. I know I hold the capacity to do so, but a small part of me really wonders if I'm ready for what comes next. The fear of failure is one thing, but the fear of uncertainty of what comes next after this is...terrifying. What if I can't live up to the legacy that is being laid out for me? What if I fall short of everyone's expectations? I failed the ones I love before, so what if I'm walking right into that situation again?"

Sensing the panic rising up within his heart, the woman moved her hand closer to him and slid it under his chin to turn his head towards her. She looked into his eyes with tenderness and understanding.

"It's okay. You are experiencing fear through anxiety and it is quite fine to feel that. It means that you are not being overconfident in yourself and letting pride in your strength blind you to the possibility of failure. However, the concept of asking 'what if' all the time will ultimately hold you back from reaching your goal. Allow me to break this concept down. The word 'if' represents the presence of possibility. By asking 'what if', you are voicing a potential outcome that could happen if your luck turns to that end. Yet the key word is 'could' in conjunction with 'possibility'. It is not an actual reality.

You forge your own path with the decisions you make and the actions you carry out. Therefore, you must focus on persevering through to the end in order to see what the outcome is. Thinking about what may be or what could happen is useless. You will never truly know the answer to something until you try.

Raizo-san, in the short-time I have known you, I have witnessed so many things that cannot be described as anything else but miraculous. You are the definition of a rule breaker, a true definition of defiance. You take what is fated and change it by your own convictions no matter what. You have touched many lives and revolutionized others. I would know, I have been changed thanks to you. I despised my life because of my beauty. Others counted it as a blessing from the gods whilst I believed it to be a curse because I was used by people which made me skeptical and distrusting of others. This led me to hating myself, but you showed me a way out of that. I'm sure I am just one of the many testimonies in which you have made an impact in the lives of others. But I digress.

All I will say to you is this: Believe in yourself, in all the experience you have acquired and the lessons you have learned up until now. Put everything you have into this test and prove that you can overcome it. You hold the power to become the living, breathing purpose you were always made to be. One spark is all you need to ignite that fire within you."

Those words resonated within Raizo's heart causing him to clench his chest. Unexpectedly, tears of joy began to stream down his face. He may have become something more than he ever imagined before, but his heart still beats like that of a young child who was still finding out who he was truly meant to become. He just needed words of reassurance that everything was going to be okay.

"Thank you...Semiramis...thank you so much."

She leaned in close and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek before putting her forehead against his for a moment.

"You are welcome, Raizo Arashi-Mercer. You may have become stronger than ever before, but you also have feelings and you are entitled to feel them. Just take a break for now and let your mind be at ease. You have all the time in the world left to face this trial."

With a curt nod, she pulled away from him to affix herself in a perfect sitting position. Patting her lap, she suggested the boy to lay down. Though he was blushing a little over the invitation, he took her up on it and laid back whilst resting his head on her thighs. While the beauty caressed his hair, his mind drifted away as he took time to have a solemn sleep.


[Floor 999: Of Gods & Men]

Blackened skies, smoldering flames and billowing plumes of smoke, rusted and decayed metallic spires and skyscrapers, broken roadways and crumbling highways, shattered glass littered all about; as the youth traversed the terrain of the next floor, he took note of these details and let out a soft sight.

"The hell? Wasn't I already on this floor? Why this world again?" he sighed in frustration. He knew what this world was—the dystopian future Earth that was the home of the Arcana Grail War and the battle with the Demon Gods. He already faced this scene when he was brought face to face with the Alter version of Emiya. Now he was here again.

"So who's my opponent this time?" Raizo asked aloud whilst feeling fully rested and rejuvenated after spending time with Semiramis in the Hanging Gardens. The floors between then and now were child's play. Armored up and ready to throw down, the Stormbringer was eager for who was next.

"We met once again...so much has happened since our first encounter. It appears you've grown stronger, Stormkiller," a disembodied voice echoed in the distance.

"Stormkiller? Well that's a new one. Though...not sure how one could kill a storm… I mean, do you like shoot an arrow into the sky that scatters the clouds? Amp up the power of the sun? Oh, wait a sec...weather machines or whatever those things in the future are called. Yeah…"

"You possess a sense of humor, how joyous for you. It must be nice to be the type of person who finds joy in killing one's father. You taint his powers then rip them from his grasp and kill him? Did you really think you were going to get away with that?"

"Wait a second...I've seen this episode before. Great...it had to be you."

In that moment, an entity materialized from the shadows just ahead of Raizo's location. He was a dark-skinned male wearing a sleeveless, black vestment draped over black trousers. Golden braces were latched to his forearms on either side that had sapphire metal padding on the backs of both hands. Golden greaves were strung to his feet that led all the way up both legs up towards the lower third of his thighs. Then he had an elaborate three-star golden crest that was latched with golden wreathes lapping over his chest as a sapphire cape draped over his shoulders underneath it. With black and brown eyes, the visage of the man was the same, but the aura was completely different matching the new armor her adorned.

"Arjuna, long time no see," Raizo called out to the male holding an intense scowl over his face.

"Indeed it has been, Raizo Arashi-Mercer. Though we have been apart, I have been witnessing your ascent to glory from the throne. Including the moment you executed my father, Indra."

"You do realize that your father was legit just a fraction of a greater whole, right? Like you're bitching at me over him, but not even remotely acknowledging Sakinah Vashti."

"Remnant or not, I knew him best as my father and you took him from me. Even more you dare to replace him by becoming the new God of Thunder."

"You might wanna take that one up with Relepagus since he passed that seat to me...but he's dead so….tough break unfortunately. Anyway...I can already tell where this is going. I mean dude, your motives are copy and paste from last time. You want to get rid of me because I am an affront to the legacy of your father right? News flash, your father was a less-than-ideal individual who deserved his fate. What I did to him was a mercy, imagine what Onee-sama would have done to him. Then again, I guess you don't acknowledge my Goddess so...we are at an impasse man."

"Tch...you...your insufferable ways insult that man's legacy. You are naught, but a fly buzzing around the gracefulness of this world! A pest that must be purged!" Arjuna shouted out as the aura around his body intensified. Sensing the change in him, Raizo went from being a nonchalant smartass to completely focused.

"My power has escalated by a thousand-fold. You will advance no further up this tower. I will be the one to end you once and for all in the name of my father, Indra!"

"So you say, but you're not the only one who has acquired new tricks since our last encounter."

"Indeed, I sense the change in you. But will that be enough to match the entire Panthenon of Gods that I have absorbed in my mythos?!"

"You what…?"

"Yes...in your faith, you have a hierarchy of gods correct? To put it in your terms, I have consumed the totality of the hierarchy of gods in my domain. I am now the true ruler I was always meant to be! God Arjuna!"

"Heh, don't insult me...just who the hell do you think I am? I'm the Son of the God Hunter, the Godsbane—Raizo Arashi-Mercer. Try not to lose yourself in the moment."

Just as the battle was about to begin, Arjuna creased a sly smile on his face.

"Actually Raizo, I already know how much you pride yourself in your speed and that annoying armor. Let us begin your punishment by taking that away."

Raizo raised an eyebrow as the insane, Deified Hero snapped his fingers. In an instant, sparks of cerulean electricity boiled out of his body and wafted across the concrete ground. In an instant, a large circle of said energy captured the Stormbringer within its grasp. At first, the imprisoned male thought nothing of it.

"You really think an electricity field is gonna work on me? That's not very bright of you," he boasted.

"Who said it was merely electricity?" Arjuna smirked once again.

The energy shifted as the laws of polarity were rewritten around Raizo's body. In that moment of time, the male felt his body weigh heavier than he anticipated as if he could not life his legs off the ground. It was like they were caught in a thick sludge. He tried to just ignore and run ahead whilst telling his mind that his body was as light as a feather, yet it felt like Arjuna was just growing further away in distance.

"What's the matter? Surely you can accomplish closing the distance between us with that ludicrous speed of yours, right? Are you having difficulty moving?" the divine hero taunted haughtily.

"Tch...don't worry, I'm definitely gonna wipe the floor with you…" Raizo uttered whilst fighting against the force holding him down.

"Good luck with that, I told you didn't I? I absorbed the entire Panthenon of Gods that I originate from which means all of their abilities, treasures, and authorities reside within me. One of my abilities has to do with rewriting gravity and its affect on objects. I know that your speed can be quite overwhelming; however, it is hard to be much of a threat when you can barely move isn't it? But that's not all..."

"This fucking guy…"

[Attention. Anomaly detected in armor feedback.

Analysis: Core protective protocols non-responsive. Adaptive response algorithms to enemy attack patterns offline.

Warning, vital assaults from the enemy cannot be absorbed or react against at this time. Restarting protective fields.

Result: Failure.

Rerouting non-essential systems.

Diverting power to core elements.]

"Looks like he got Janus too…"

Raizo's armor began showing cracks along the surface as it slowly eroded from view thus exposing his vital areas.

"Saraswati's Authority seems to be doing its job against your armor too. You're becoming vulnerable. Now then, to begin the first phase of your sentence. I am going to erase you where you stand, then I will resurrect you only to repeat this process over and over again until I grow tired of it. Only then will you be permitted to die, only then will you have atoned for your sin."

Arjuna raised his right palm in the air as a ball of azure flame formed in his palm. His energy signature spiked over the immediate area as a great chasm of light emanated from his body. Raizo sensed something coming from him with these flames; though from entirely two different worlds, the similarities were there.

"Agni's Radiance...but...obviously different. So that's another god's authority he possesses. This guy…"

The attack was coming. The same technique that ended his life for but a moment the last time they encountered one another was coming for his life once more on a grander scale. Raizo had no time to second guess himself knowing that he would have to bet on something this man would not expect.

[Armor integrity compromised.

To reboot system instantaneously and reengage all regulatory functions, another subroutine must be executed.

Proposal: Initiate JANUS variants.]

"What the hell? Variants? What does that mean?" Raizo inquired in his mind whilst listening to the voice of the onboard software inside his suit.

[Janus Armor upgrades include reactionary measures that amplify certain presets. By executing this, all erroneous data executions will be scrubbed and reinitialized and instantiated for new use.

Combat scenario analyzed, speed currently dampened due to gravitational field.

Proposal: Activate Armor Variant – Banishing Blade.]

"Sounds good to me…"


Armor Variation protocol engaged.

Analyzing database of designs retrieved from Akashic Records.

Initiate Transformation sequence.

Janus Armor – Banishing Blade release!]

A beacon of crimson light overtook the youth's location in that moment. The armor of the Stormbringer rewrote itself over his body taking on a new appearance that was much more streamlined. His armor evolved into that of a traditional warrior's vestment from the era of the fabled Samurai in the histories of ancient warrior civilizations. In that moment, he was now wearing black and silver vestments that line his torso with a simple white shirt and black pants. A black breastplate was layered over his torso whilst a matching set of black gauntlets and greaves protected his forearms and calves down to the dark silver boots he had on. Then a black haori layered over top of him covered his shoulders and back like the trademark trench coat that God Hunters wore. With white trim along the edges, a silver wolf was etched on the back as a small wolf head was over the front covering the left chest. Lastly, a black Jingasa style hat covered the head of the male as his long hair flowed out underneath it.

With the Banishing Blade mode engaged, Raizo's body felt much lighter like it was before as he flexed his hands a bit. Knowing that he did not have time to inspect the appearance of his newly evolved armor, he focused on the oncoming attack.

"You're not the only one with new tricks, Arjuna."

Raizo closed his eyes and took a calm, deep breath before opening them to reveal the luster of the Mugen state infused in his body. Summoning copies of the Eclipse Blades to his hand, the Stormbringer waded into the unknown focused only on his opponent.

"Pashupata!" Arjuna yelled out regardless of the phenomenon taking place below him.

As the sight of azure flames rained upon Raizo's location, the youth effortlessly danced around them like they were slow moving objects never once deterring from his intention of closing the gap. Now unimpeded by the annoyance of the gravity field, Raizo elected to go straight for the kill as he carried the full intention of decapitation at the angle of approach.

Arjuna smiled with sinister intent as he saw Raizo approached. His higher intellect allowed him to develop an effective countermeasure for the oncoming attack at hand. Raizo's blades went in for the intended kill and made a grand entrance as both blades came down on opposite sides going for the neck. In that instant, a fairly audible clang resonated from the impact.

"What?!" Raizo gasped in shock as he saw how both of his blades just seemingly bounced off of the intended mark whilst hardly leaving a scratch on the surface of the man's skin.

"Courtesy of the Surya's Authority and my superior foresight that allows me to see probable outcomes. I deduced that you would go for a decapitation and activated the aforementioned authority to create an armor of sunlight that cuts all damage dealt by 90%. Your little attack there hardly left a mark on my skin hence why it sounded like an audible clap just ensued between steel," Arjuna explained.

"Heh...so that's your game eh? Fair enough. So I'm gonna outpace your attacks with my speed and you're gonna nullify my attacks with your armor? Sounds like an interesting game to play. Let's see who lasts longer then!"

"Happily so!"

A wave of azure flames washed out from Arjuna's body at that point as Raizo effortlessly evaded them by doubling back. From there, it was a war of attrition as the Black Final God dished out a seemingly endless swath of conceptual erasure techniques infused in his azure flames against the Red-Eyed Stormbringer and his superior reaction speed.

"This battle is nothing but one of endurance. It's not like I'm having trouble against him...but a part of me doesn't want to outright kill him. For some reason, I have a desire to understand him and as I cross blows with him and listen to his manner of speaking...it's all starting to make sense now," the Godsbane analyzed.

"You know Arjuna...it's a damn shame you are the way you are," Raizo called out as he continued to play a game of tag with his foe.

"And what exactly is your meaning, Son of Mercer?" Arjuna called out.

"During my ascent of this tower, I've fought against countless heroes of different eras; some that I had the liberty of encountering during the Arcana Grail War, whilst others for the first time. As much as they had to say about me, I've come to know them just as much. However, you're the first one I don't quite understand."

"Oh? Did it not occur to you that your silly comprehensive skills would be unable to understand the whims of a real god?"

"No, that's just ignorance to assume that especially given the caliber of opponents I have faced in my life. With you...it just makes no sense. I could compare you to the King of Heroes in terms of vanity. He sought after and claimed all of the fine treasures in the world, whilst you absorbed all the powers of your civilization to become what you are now. However, at the same time it's sad.

You were given everything in life. You could never want for anything. You were the Awarded Hero in your life, one who was truly fated to win because the gods favored you with such fortune. However, it was not enough for you. I can look in your eyes and tell that you still desire something more. You have everything and nothing at the same time. You long for something that someone else has that you want for yourself, but you don't want to admit it. You are someone that cannot admit that he has faults...someone who can't face the fact that he's hollow on the inside. That is why you are so underhanded with all these little tricks!" Raizo declared.

Upon his mighty shout, a massive pulse of crimson energy emerged from his body thus repelling the blue flames that seemingly refused to let him out of their destructive grasp. Raizo aimed one of the twin blades at Arjuna as he continued with his point.

"You're not angry with me for killing your father, Arjuna. In fact, you couldn't really care less about it. You're angry because I remind you of that emptiness inside of you. I have that something you long for but are unsure of how to achieve. I offend you because my life, one that is filled with constant struggle and should break me into dust, is filled by something that triumphs over the struggle of my very existence. I offend you just by my existence alone. I am the one who continually defies fate."

"You...a mere half-breed bastard, dare to assume that you understand me? You are centuries too soon to even fathom the burden I carry. You don't see through me. You are just making presumptions based on what? A half-true story of my Spirit Origin? You know nothing of my pain or my desires. Stop acting like you possess some all-knowing wisdom."

"Heh...a wise person once told me that you can find out a lot about someone by crossing fists with them. Regardless of what you are trying to say, you're only proving me right with each second in this argument."

"Damn you...Raizo Arashi-Mercer...I've had enough of your wretched existence. The very sight of you offends me. To silence you once and for all, I will rain down fury that you have never experienced before. I will use all the authorities resting in me to ensure that not even a speck of dust remains when I erase you!"

Arjuna lifted off the ground and into the air as multicolored spirals of dimensional gates opened. Each tear in space emanated a dense concentration of aura as the conceptual definition of every element that he controlled began to manifest. The intensity of his strength grew by the second to which Raizo merely responded by concentrating his strength into his projected blades. As the two pillars of might shook the foundations of the world around them, a third presence illuminated the stage.

"Goodness gracious, I can't believe I came here to see this going on. Really Arjuna, how far have you fallen to try and beat on our little brother?" a strong, feminine voice rang out in the area disrupting the focus of the opposing warriors.

Coming into view was a slender, yet sensually curved female with alabaster skin. She wore what appeared to be a deep V-cut, black leotard that exposed the valley of her breasts and her midsection just stopping past the navel. The inner portion of the cloth was cut in a pattern that mimicked the behavior of flames. The sleeves of this torso wear were adorned by golden plates of armor that covered the backs of both hands, the forearms, and the elbow area whilst having two arm rings that bound her around the lower end of her upper arm and another just below the shoulder. Her legs were covered by a matching set of golden armor that covered her outer thigh region and dove straight down to her heels with black kneesocks underneath them. The inner portion of her legs was uncovered creating a very stimulating view of the golden plate that covered her pelvic area. Around her waist was a crimson, feather-like cape that seemingly wafted off her body like a wild mane as a matching set of eye-like armor in the shape of the sun with six spokes protruding out on either side was at her hips. Long white air, piercing blue eyes, golden sun earrings with a ruby red stone grafted into her chest just above her bosoms completed the rest of her appearance. In her right hand, she carried a long, golden spear whose edge was pointed like a spike and had a glowing gold circle under the edge that matched the armor on her hips.

Strolling onto the scene, the female walked with much confidence and attitude as she was unafraid of the battle taking place before her. In fact, it was almost like she was attracted to it. Spinning her weapon around, she stabbed the butt of her spear into the ground and raised an eyebrow whilst eyeing the dark-skinned god just ahead.

"So Arjuna-kun, what do you have to say for yourself?" she casually demanded.

"So it would seem you have been able to manifest as your true self. How quaint of you to drop by unannounced in such a way, my rival and dearest half-sister, Karna."

"Karuna, get it right love. After all, history only recorded my legend as a man because the culture couldn't stomach the idea of a female going toe-to-toe with the boys."

"Regardless of what you are, the standing between us is the same. We may be blood, but we are rivals above all else. As much as I would prefer to finish our longstanding duel, I am rather occupied with a pressing engagement."

"I know you are, little brother. I felt your powers radiate through the entirety of the Throne itself. I could not help but to join in especially given the circumstances. Though it's a shame to see you fall into your Berserker role for this battle...then again, for myself. I was elected to become Grand Lancer for the occasion," Karuna declared as she stepped over to Raizo's side.

Hearing the banter go on between these two made Raizo relatively confused as he could only raise an eyebrow at them. But even so, he still had a task to complete. The woman sauntered over to him and casually made eye contact.

"You mind that hat off for a second so I can get a good look at you?" she asked politely whilst pointing at the youth's head gear.

"Sure...I guess?" he said whilst pushing the hat back to hang behind him for a moment. It was then that the unexpected occurred, she reach out and patted the boy on the head.

"The name's Karuna, Daughter of the Sun God – Surya. That idiot over there is my younger half-sibling. Since he unconsciously acknowledges you as a child of Indra, I suppose that makes you my little brother too. Don't worry, Big Sis here is gonna lend you a hand."

"Er...that's not really necessary, Karuna-sa…"

"Shh...you can call me Aneki. Yes, that is a perfect way to address me in your tongue."

"Ehhh? That doesn't make sense at all, Ka-…"

"Aneki, call me Aneki. That's the only way I'll listen to you."

Raizo sighed, "Fine...Aneki...you don't have to go out of your way for all of this."

"Trust me kiddo, the sooner you end this fight with minimal effort required the better. This is the last floor before the top, and the final trial will require all of your strength."

Irritated by their banter, Arjuna shook the foundation of the surrounding area with his aura once more.

"I care not who it us that I fight….YOU SHALL BOTH FALL HERE!" he beckoned as all of the elements under his influence began to spiral around his body in the shape of a multitude of differently colored orbs of light. His hair lengthened whilst turning white as two blue horns grew from his skull.

"Well look who's turned into a sourpuss all of a sudden. Great...anyway, what do you say we kick his ass Raizo-kun?"

"I'm not against it, but apparently he's protecting himself from my attacks so I can't beat him into the dirt like I should have by now."

"Ah that silly little protection he's got going on courtesy of the authority of my father? Yeah, leave that to me."

Karuna turned her attention towards the Black Final God with great focus in hand. She walked towards him unafraid of the gifts bestowed upon him by the absorption of the Hindu Panthenon. She knew what she had to and that was bring this monster down so that the boy could quickly advance in order to achieve his goal.

"Oh? You know that I am greater than I ever was before, yet you still choose to approach me sister?"

"I can't melt the hell outta that cheap ass armor without getting just a little closer to you."

"Very well, you may be the Surya's daughter and the temporary Grand Lancer but I doubt your power can melt through my authority. I've seen all outcomes of this battle and both of you lose every time."

"Really? Then I guess you don't know what I'm capable of."

A chasm of crimson flames whirled around the woman as her ostentatious outfit changed. Her hair was now dyed red like the sash she wore and her golden armor on her legs transformed into two eyes floating behind her with black blade-like appendages protruding from them. The flowing cloak at her waist turned into flames as her spear turned into a crimson bladed rapier with flame wings flowing from it, a golden orb of the world with an eye on it and six gold spikes around it bound to a golden handle. Her blues turned heterochromic too. One eye was gold and the other was red like the flames. The red jewel on her chest turned into a giant eyeball with a blue iris that glared at its target with furious intent.

"Interesting, sister, very interesting indeed. Come then! Show me what you're capable of!" Arjuna challenged as he began to ascend into the air.

"Watch me. O' Brahma, Cover the Earth – Brahmastra!" she yelled out.

Her golden eye glowed as she held Arjuna in her sights before unleashing a hellish beam of pure solar energy directly at the dark-skinned deity. The attack surged out like a piercing arrow as it made contact with the man's body.

"This is nothing!" he chuckled.

"Then I guess I'll add something extra," Raizo declared as he appeared above the attack, tossing aside the copies of the Eclipse Blades with his hands charged up in crimson energy.

"Ruin Unyielding!" he shouted out releasing a massive orb of concentrated electricity infused with Crimson Thunder that layered onto Karna's salvo. Like glass breaking on a mirror, Arjuna's protection was then instantly erased.

"Tch...it matters not. Don't get cocky thinking you have an edge over me. This fight is over!" Arjuna ordered as if asserting his dominance over the battlefield. That's when the auspicious glow of his aura engulfed the area taking the Hero of Charity and the Stormbringer into the cosmos.

"I am he that judges all. I shall be the justice righteously handed down upon all evil. Peace shall be brought about by my hand…" Arjuna chanted.

"Dammit...he's using his Noble Phantasm," Karuna surmised as the world surround her and the youth became blanketed in a space that represented a high-complex multiverse severed from the Throne.

"Listen up, kid...this technique isn't something we can play around with. I'm gonna have to counter using my own Noble Phantasm...but once I do, my armor is pretty much gone. We're only gonna have one shot at this so we gotta make it count," she uttered as Raizo stood near her.

"I don't give a damn about conserving energy. I got a bad feeling about this move. If we're going for the win here, then whatever you're plan is will need some perfect execution."

"I know, but my spear at maximum power is a true god-slayer. Once I throw it, it doesn't matter what authority he has, it's likely going to hit."

"Likely? No...I need absolute surety here. If we're ending this then I'm making sure of it. Take time to charge it up, I'll buy you a little time with this."

"Witness my power as the light fades from your wretched lives! Revolving Sword that Adjudicates Reoccurring Destruction – Mahapralaya!" the voice of Arjuna said as a massive cerulean blade was seemingly cleaving the pocket dimension in half. As it came down upon the intended targets, everything in its path was being erased into nothingness. Raizo knew that his diversion would have to count.

"Enter, Cosmic Foundry!"

Skipping over the chant, Raizo generated a quick reality marble of his making by the use of his signature move. As the 11-dimensional space served as a shield from the oncoming attack, Raizo could feel the blade slowly but surely tear the makeshift protective shell asunder. He turned his Mugen enhanced gaze to Karuna trusting in her to make it count.

"Let my spear clad in the holy radiance of the burning star above that glistens over the Earth reign true over my foes. O' Sun, Abide to Death – Vasavi Shakti!"

As she floated upwards with the divine radiance of her crimson flames spiraling around her, the talons around the eyes of her armor raised up in response to the strength welling up from within. She channeled the might of her divine protections into the holy lance that she wielded as her crimson aura danced around its edge. Normally, she would unleash it like a beam of death that would consume everything in sight; however, she felt the desire to hurl it with as much force as she could muster. Like a comet blazing through the stars, the god-killing lance soared with dreams of victory streaking behind it.

"I want to be sure this technique ends this fight in one decisive blow. I'm not about to let someone who can't accept a defeat keep me from reaching the top of this tower."

As Vasavi Shakti was just about to go past Raizo, the Godsbane reached out and latched onto the spear's handle letting the velocity carry him for a bit. This alarmed the female below.

"Raizo-kun, what are you doing?! You can't be close to that spear. Once it makes its impact, it'll erased anything touched by the explosive radius!"

"Don't worry about me, I'm just going to make sure that Arjuna gets this little present."

More layers of Cosmic Foundry was being broken apart by the blade destined to erase all in its wake. As Raizo felt the distance close, the youth entrusted everything to his breathing. He used the momentum traversed through Cosmic Foundry so far and turned it into power as he maintained a firm grip on the spear. Then he saw the azure blade bearing down upon his path. In that instant, the youth transformed into Eternity enhancing the capabilities of his armor in the Banishing Blade state. He thrust the spear forward as he made contact with the oncoming divine weapon.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" he shouted out as he was forced into a deadlock for a brief second. Then, the fabled weapon shattered in two.

Breaking through Cosmic Foundry, he continued his ascent as he busted out of Arjuna's creation taking aim at the Black Final God himself.

"What?! Impossible, no, this cannot be! I will rewrite reality before I let my defeat come to pass!"

"Not with this Outlaw around!" Raizo declared whilst enacting his new ability to overturn Arjuna's authority.


"Because Arjuna, I embraced what it's like to be human! Now eat this! The power of Vasavi Shakti imbued with my Kamui! Sundering INFERNO!!!"

Raizo pierced through Arjuna's body like a knife cutting through cake. In that instant, the might of his speed combined with the power of the Daughter of Surya released and proceeded to erase every molecule composing the man's excited in flames and electrical energy. At that point, Arjuna imploded into nothingness leaving the two warriors to remain standing.

Raizo returned to his base state, the armor included now that the battle was over as did Karuna. The female walked over and patted the youth on the back.

"Job well done, little brother. You did me proud," she said with a smile of relief.

"Yeah...I know that wasn't the plan but at least it worked out in the end," Raizo nodded. It was not long before the portal opened up to take Raizo to the next and final challenger.

"You have a bright future ahead of you, Raizo Arashi-Mercer. I expect great things from you. Maybe at some point, I'll meet you again so that I can witness your evolution first hand. Until then, your final battle awaits," Karuna stated.

"Yeah...guess it's time to end this trial once and for all.

"Keep in mind that the person you're gonna be fighting next is no ordinary individual. She outclasses anything and everything you've faced so far in this tower. Your limits will be unveiled to you. Don't worry, I believe you have what it takes to win," Karuna motioned with a thumbs up.

"Until next time then, Aneki."

"Yeah, till then."

Raizo turned on his heel as he headed towards the final door.


[Summit: Heroes of Our Time]

Hollow footsteps echoed within the vast pool of darkness as Raizo traversed an unknown stairway. How much time had passed since this trial began? How many floors did he conquer? Anything having to do with the concept of time seemed to have faded away. He longed for the end, but knew not when it would come. As a result, he just temporarily lost the ability to care about such frivolous things.

Raizo reached the top of the stairway as he entered into a wide open space. Marble flooring as black as night, stone walls on either side and a long stretch of red and gold carpeting led up to what appeared to be a throne. Behind that was a transparent lining of patterned glass where the glistening of the endless night was illuminated by the light of the full moon. The celestial body's same radiance shined within the dark space as the Stormbringer approached.

As he grew closer and closer, he could see someone seated upon that great throne. The mysterious being had its arms suspended above its head as a multitude of chains kept it bound. Upon closer inspection, the restraints were none other than the infamous golden chains of heaven referred to as Enkidu; however, something was different about them. Even from this distance, the Stormbringer could see that there was a multitude of different auras bound to it like layers of sealing magic. As he fine tuned his senses, he could perceive the mana source of each and every hero he fought in the tower thus far.

The silhouette eventually became identifiable as a female figure with immensely long, flowing blond hair. She wore a white blouse that had golden accents tracing along the hem lines at various areas on the attire; the shoulder and neck region was cut open thus exposing her pale, creamy skin. Underneath was a floor length, indigo dress that hid her legs. In spite of the noble clothing, she relinquished an aura that oozed out like a pyroclastic flow freshly spewed from a volcano. In that instant, the unknown woman moved her head as the chains rattled and her crimson, blood red eyes locked onto the sight of the young Primordial hybrid.

"Yet another ant comes to crawl upon my skin. Let us see if you are any more entertaining than your many, many predecessors," an elegant yet haunting tone of voice spouted from the woman's rosy lips.

With what felt like a snap of the fingers, the chains bidding the monstrosity shattered into nothingness. In response, the entirety of the throne room was wiped away before exposing a vast garden of white tulips underneath the guise of the full moon. Graceful and almighty, the blond female reigned with a sovereignty that reminded Raizo much of Reina.

"Raizo Arashi-Mercer...yes, I know of your family's legacy. The one they called the God Hunter was a suitable challenge in his younger years. He was the first to make it this far on his own merit. Then there were his companions and others of his blood whom valiantly crawled to the top of my Castle, yet they all failed to go beyond me.

I even remember the face of that Red Knight, the best among you ants whom challenged me. He bound me to this place to earn himself an empty, illegitimate victory. Regardless, you are in luck Stormbringer. It took longer than usual, but I am free to play with you as long as you'd like. Arcueid Brunestud, the Archetype-Earth, accepts your challenge," the immeasurably dominant entity muses with an air of superiority whilst spreading her arms openly welcoming the idea of a challenge.

Raizo felt a sharp chill crawl up and down his spine as something wilder than electricity coursed through his body. Instantaneously, he assumed the form combination of Mugen with Eternity as the dense aura within him attempted to match his opponent's pressure. Extending his right hand, he generated the projection of a nameless katana to serve as his primary weapon. Then he began to chant.

"That which is forged in fire bares the soul of my being,

A body of steel honed with a refined edge of hardened resolve,

A wanderer of the battlefield bathed in crimson,

The lives saved outweigh those that were taken,

While wielding the sword, I cannot embrace you,

Without the sword, I cannot protect you,

For I was always the blade,

And the blade was always me,

I am the one dedicated to this cause,

Let this hope of redemption reclaim all that was lost,

Soar on the wings of tomorrow, Kieru-sen!"

Opening up with one of his most powerful techniques, the Child of Light imbued his blade with the concentrated voracity of Cosmic Foundry. Though the chant was now different, its devastating intent was still the same. Bursting away from his starting point, he rushed at Arcueid straightforwardly intending to finish it with this singular blow.

Amused, the girl just waits for the attack to approach. As its vibrant edge mixed with crimson and indigo energies was brought down upon her head, she simply looked at the weapon causing the 11-dimensional construct to evaporate into flowers.


Arcueid traced a slashing motion with her index finger causing the air itself to turn into a sharp blade that slits Raizo's throat. This destabilized his footing causing him to drop down to his knees, his blood leaking onto the white flower petals on the ground. Before he could be given a chance to heal, the woman followed that attack up with another motion that sent him flying high into the sky. Then, like a composer, she waved her hands around as an onslaught of billions of consecutive air slashes consumed the body of the boy. The youth managed to block a few blades now and then with instantly generated lightning blades; however, her power was still too overwhelming for him to process.

As he was caught in the ball of wind, Archetype-Earth stomped on the ground causing mighty pillars of light to burst from the endless meadow and envelop the Son of Mercer. The sensation of this bizarre luminescence created a unique heat that, in tandem with the compressed air attacks, began chipping away at the youth's armor.

"Tch…" he gritted his teeth as he managed to extend his hand.

"Breath of Earth, First Form – Mirror Force!"

Generating a wall of kinetic energy, Raizo blocked the ferocity of the attacks barraging his location in the air. As he absorbed the power, he sent it back towards the original caster. The dense wave of energy came rushing towards Arcueid like an unstoppable tsunami, but for the colossal entity she compressed it down into a ball of light. At that point, she shot the sphere up into the air and let it disperse into the stars. In the meantime, Raizo landed back on the ground using this chance to heal up; however, the opportunity still contained confusion.

"She could have just ended me by sending it back again, what the hell?"

It was then that the stars became burning chasms of light as giant lasers of burning projectiles rained down upon his location causing him to evade and dash around the battlefield to avoid it.

"Let's see you deal with this one," Arcueid chuckled whilst raising her hand to the heavens.

"Blut die Schwester."

As the laser barrage continued, Raizo looked to the sky as he felt something off. Surely enough, he stared at the moon as it looked like it was growing in size. As it grew closer and closer, he could see the edges of it turn red from entry into the atmosphere.

"Your eyes do not deceive you, young one. I just brought down a replica of the moon to the Earth to crush you in the process," she casually explained.

"Dammit...there's no way to block that. Looks like I'll just have to use the old faithful...COSMIC FOUNDRY!" Raizo screamed out desperately whilst outrunning the stars and now the falling moon.

His aura spiraled out from his body as the thunderstorm leading into his reality marble emanated out. The numerous blades contained within that world were being hurled out of it towards the moon to destroy it as it approached yet not a single scratch was etched along the surface. As the complex space attempted to expand, it suddenly folded in on itself and shattered like glass.

"What?! But how?!" he cried out in disbelief to which the woman chuckled once more.

"This is my world. My presence and authority far outclass yours, therefore your creation cannot manifest here."

Her words only served to irritate him even more. So far, the battle was so one-sided that he felt like he was being backed into a corner. The options to choose from on how to handle this escalating situation was dwindling fast.

"Dammit all...if this is the case then I have no other choice but to use that."

Ceasing his evasive maneuvers for a split second, the male reached over his back and grabbed the handle of his new weapon. As he pulled it out, the entirety of the edge seemingly appeared from another space as its pressure wafted out across the dimensional plane.

"Alright Soteria...it's your turn to shine. Now then…" he said as he closed his eyes to take a quick breath.

"To flow freely like the water with deadly intent…" he thought to himself whilst bringing his breathing under control.

"Breath of Water, Third Form – Patron of the Lost Cause!"

Gathering a significant portion of his aura and channeling it into the divine armament, Raizo threw the weapon towards the cosmic hellfire that was showering down from the heavens above. With the promise of victory innately ingrained in the hardened steel blade, Soteria caused the moon and the entirety of the raining stars to be erased in a monumental explosion akin to that of the Big Bang.

"Tch...I'm running a little low here. I gotta make this count!"

Dashing towards Arcueid again, Raizo leaps upward to grab Soteria as it falls back towards him. The youth then rushed his target in one final stand. Seeing his advance, Arcueid hurled more aerial assaults at him. Knowing this tornado of attacks could not be evaded at this point, he countered using a technique of his own.

"Breath of Wind, Second Form – Destiny Impulse!"

Meeting the air attacks with a wind technique, Raizo seemingly slashed at the aerial projectiles endlessly as he flailed his arms around with Soteria in hand thus cutting the air apart. He batted aside each and every attack whilst advancing towards the woman nonstop. He inched closer and closer picking up greater speed focusing solely on the limited opening he could detect.

"HAAAAAAAA!" he screamed as he went in for the decisive blow. It was then that one of hidden traits in the holy edge activated once again: Certain Edge. This property essentially gave him as the wielder the conceptual guarantee that they would be able to win and to strike the enemy down. As such, Raizo achieved his goal. He felt his blade penetrate the woman's vessel as it ran her through.

"Nngh...well now, isn't this a pleasant surprise?" she grunted whilst looking down to see the blade impaling her body.

"You certainly are quite entertaining, I'll give you that much," she mused before taking in a deep breath then exhaling; thus releasing a pulse that blasted the boy away and caused him to land back first onto the ground.

Stunned for a moment, Raizo steadied his breathing so that he would not lose his empowered state. Just as he went to get up, he saw the dangerous monster reach down towards his blade and effortlessly rip it from her gut. She then tossed it to the wayside.

"A conceptual weapon that is guaranteed to manifest victory and one that bypasses all authority and the regeneration of immortals; no wonder why Legion had trouble dealing with it."

In that instant, the gaping hole where the blade was lodged flawlessly sealed itself back up as if nothing ever happened.

"Unfortunate for you that my body not only lacks a concept of death, but any wound inflicted upon my flesh is undone by time. For you see, the aspect of time "within my body" reverses to a point where any and all injuries do not exist. This works even when the normal concept of time does not exist such as in a realm such as Elysium or the Throne. So even though you technically manifested a form of victory over me, it was but a fleeting dream."

Raizo's heartbeat attempted to escalate, pumping the essence of fear throughout his body. However, he let his will overpower it which gave him strength to rise up and walk over to where Soteria was. He picked up the blade and collected himself again.

"Cosmic Foundry and Vanishing Line were just brushed off like they were nothing. That's two of my strongest techniques tossed out the window. I could try to use a Kamui attack, but I feel like that would be useless too. Guess I'll just have to keep using some new tricks then," Raizo plotted whilst focusing his mind.

He recalled his training with Reina and all of her teachings and philosophy that she imprinted upon him. The Queen of Purgatory drilled the idea of changing his combat style and learning new ways to harness his power into his bones. Trusting in the Resolute Blade Arts, Raizo altered his stance by taking Soteria and tucking it to his left side like he was sheathing the blade. Firmly clamping his feet into the ground, the male took in another breath before slowly exhaling.

"Breath of Wind, Third Form – Dreamscar!"

An exceedingly fast draw of the sword occurred merely taking the shape of a flash of light. In that instant, the air around Archetype-Earth shuddered for a moment before it transformed into a flurry of sword strikes that assaulted her body from all sides just like how she used air to cut away at him. He mimicked the quickdraw style that Reina used in one of her battles to attack his foe. If his speed and blade could not touch the enemy, then he would strike fast and from a distance. To that end, countless cuts began appearing all over Arcueid's vessel.

"Pointless…" she sighed in disappointment before snapping her fingers again.

She overrode the atmosphere around her body thus dispelling the action that wounded her; thus the abrasions and wounds instantly vanish. Furthermore, the concept of motion within Raizo was seemingly severed thus paralyzing him in space. The echo of Soteria falling to the ground once more could be heard. With another flick of her finger, Raizo's body was lifted into the air then brought over to Arcueid's location as her eyes met with his.

"Let us see how long your resolve can survive when your mind is broken."

Her crimson eyes flashed a sinister shade of red as she pierced Raizo's mind. Instantly, the five basic senses that the youth possessed were completely stripped away from him along with his memories. As he cried out in bloody agony, he felt a void of true nothingness overtake him.

His Eternity form dissolved from around his body and his armor reverted inside the necklace he proudly wore. As he levitated before her, his vessel became hollow as the light faded from his eyes. Peering through him, the girl could see the black emptiness within him which inadvertently caused her to smile ever so slightly in delight. However, there was one small sliver of light that she could see. Upon closer inspection, it was the visage of a unique, blue flame that just would not go away no matter the intensity of her onslaught.

"Give in, you are already all but dead," the undefeated beast pressured him, yet she was only met by silence.

Something unexpected occurred. The flame within the core of the youth's being evolved into a blaze which then grew into a raging inferno that devoured the void of what had been erased thus restoring it. The radiant intensity caused Arcueid's body to tense up as that same flame boiled outside of the Crusader's body. Then, it reached out and invaded the assailant's mind. As a result, Raizo was able to bear witness to the woman's past.

Long ago, the will of the planet had no defense mechanism against humanity. Mankind continued to evolve and thus its depletion of the planet's natural resources grew. Newer technologies created by their innovation led to further desecration of the natural beauty of the planet's surface. Combine that with the human nature of war and incessant violence, the true victim was the biosphere that was never mentioned as a casualty of war.

A being known as the Crimson Moon, the strongest entity and the Ultimate One of the Moon, came down to the metaphysical plane that the soul of the Earth dwelt. It offered to help it make a race of ultimate beings to rule over humanity; this would result in this new race becoming the "consciousness of the planet."

Thus a new race was created simply known as the True Ancestors. They were akin to occurrences such as earthquakes and typhoons rather than individuals. Their actions, while evil and without justification, would come as naturally to these entities as breathing. However, the race was fundamentally flawed. They had a desire to drink blood that their original, the Crimson Moon, had. The True Ancestors needed to use a significant portion of their power to suppress that impulse for there was no cure; however, the passage of time allotted for the impulse to grow. Consequently, more and more of their kind fell into frenzy and began drinking blood indiscriminately whilst others fell into eternal sleep.

Unlike how individuals that love one another procreate and have children to start families and pass on something, the True Ancestors held no specific reason for the creation of Arcueid. Normally, new members of their kind were molded to meet specific needs. Thus, her birth—especially one of her great strengths—was unneeded. In the end, she originated from nothingness only to become a product to realize the unnecessary goal of the "Strongest True Ancestor."

As such, the woman was turned into a great weapon. She became the executioner of fallen True Ancestors and the face of death for the most powerful Dead Apostles. She was taught nothing beyond what she needed to know to hunt down any and all of her targets to such an extent that she ignored the fact that she was the same kind of creature. Every time she made a kill, she went to sleep and her accumulated memories were erased.

The current Arcueid Brunestud that reigned over this trial was just the embodiment of that experience. She was the perfect assassin and the Ultimate One of Earth. She is the ultimate barrier in a hopeless trial where mortals fight their own kin to the death and ultimately are slain by her. She is nothing more than the harshest of death sentences for all those that entered this domain whilst being the victim of a death sentence herself.

With the truth unveiled, Raizo's eyes shot open as he broke through the stasis. The Akashic blue flames representing the powerful might of Outlaw oozed from him like a reversed waterfall. Feeling the sensation of what just occurred, the girl held her head for a second.

"You...saw my…"

Raizo only cast a gaze of empathy towards her.

"It's okay, Arcueid. You're not the only one who was used like a tool. I know that sensation all too well. But right here and now, I'll show you that you can also be saved."

The woman became flustered.

"You...you don't understand! Not at all!"

Screaming out in anger and subtle shame, she caused the night sky to shift as hundreds or even thousands of projections of the moon spawned. Replicating the devastating technique that Raizo had a tough time dealing with before on an even grander scale meant that this woman no longer cared what would happen to this domain. The Stormbringer reached down once again to grab Soteria.

"Words don't mean a thing, I guess I'll just have to show you by going beyond my limits."

The Godsbane summoned the latent strength within him to go deep within his soul to pull out the Primordial Thunderstorm from within. He did not call upon the power of the Janus Armor, nor did he envelop himself with Mugen; this was purely his own inner strength. Sparks of golden electricity cracked the sky around the youth's body as the flames of Akasha whirled around him with even greater intensity than before. It was then that the mixture of the colors engrossed the youth in a giant chasm of light.

His hair was dyed in a pale golden flame, the oddball streak painted with the Akashic blue from his inner self. His eyes glowed brilliantly as a mixture of cerulean and argent silver from his Mugen state was layered with tiny sparks of crimson electrical energy that twisted around the irises. The golden lightning bound close to his body as the azure embers burned with his thunderous aura as the new form that went further beyond was born.


Raizo adjusted his stance once more as he turned his attention to the stars above. The falling moons that descended upon him became like numerous targets in a guidance tracking system. Then he focused his mind once more.

"Breath of Wind, Third Form Alternative – Dreamscar, Weeping Willow!"

Without so much as moving his feet, the aura around his body reached out like a pair of welcoming hands and possessed the entirety of the atmosphere that the projections occupied. The concept of motion was suspended around each falling object as their abstract existences came to a halt. It was here that golden sparks shot out from his body as countless afterimages rushed at the moons and sliced them apart one after the other. In a snap, they were all reduced to nothing more than space dust which caused the Archetype-Earth to gasp in amazement.

"You're wide open now!"

The real vessel of the male rushed Arcueid at full speed with his blade in hand. There was not much time left before Oversoul would dissipate, he had to make use of this opportunity. As the titan of a challenge readjusted her position to take on the oncoming blade attack, Raizo did something out of character. At the last possible moment, the Godsbane released the blade from his hand and pulled the woman into a warm embrace. His obvious aim to kill was just a ruse to betray his true intent.

"It's all right, Arcueid. You have every right to cry."

A cataclysmic explosion wiped out the scenery as white consumed everything.

Time passed before Raizo woke up. He could see the endless expanse of the night sky and above him was the full moon, at its beautiful, regular size as it shone down upon his face. Thereafter he slowly began to regain control of his senses. First he felt something soft under his head and then he saw the face of the woman he was battling against looking down on him from overhead. Much to his surprise, the youth was actually resting on the woman's lap by her permission.

"I concede this match to you, Raizo Arashi-Mercer. You are the victor," the woman stated warmly.

Raizo sat up slowly whilst looking around to see the field of white flowers appear unharmed once again. Underneath their position was a red velvet blanket spread out as if they were having a late night picnic under the stars. He was covered in serious wounds that were still trying to heal given the immense ordeal his body was put through while she was clearly unharmed.

"Why admit defeat to me? You're the one unharmed," the Stormbringer raised an eyebrow.

Arcueid leaned over and pecked him on the forehead.

"I finally understand you at long last. Even in the face of imminent defeat, knocking on heaven's door, robbed of your entire being, you never yielded once. You kept going, determined to win no matter what. You were seeking victory through every possible outcome you could think of knowing that you could not kill me. However, you managed to kill me by ending the collective sorrow I contained within myself. Now I understand what the Testament of Change is truly about," she nodded in approval thus finishing her explanation.

"So...did I pass the Trial?"

"Marginally, but that is just by my own standards. You're not boring."

"Right...well...I guess I'll just get out your hair here before you change your mind. The exit usually spawns by now so...do I just walk out somewhere or…?"

"You are permitted to leave when I grant you the status to do so."

"Ah okay...guess that is code for asking nicely. Um, may I please leave?"


"What the hell? Why not?" the boy shrugged perplexedly.

"Because I'm not finished with you," she responded plainly.

"Look here...I don't want to admit this easily, but why lie here? You literally just bodied my ass. Even now, my body is still trying to recover from all the damage you dealt to me. I got no steam left in the tanks to fight so what now? Are you just gonna beat me senseless then? Mou...this is so unfair. You're lucky I can't tell Onee-sama…" the young man folded his arms whilst pouting.

The Ultimate One merely chuckled innocently like a true maiden.

"You are quite amusing. But alas, combat is not what I seek. I wish to satiate my curiosity."


"You obviously. You are...intriguing; an enticing specimen that I wish to know more about."

"So you want story time under the light of the moon and stars? Alright so long story or short one?" he leaned in.

"Words are meaningless, I wish to experience them firsthand."

"Right, guess I'll just project my memories through the neural networks of your brain then."

"Boring, I wish to do it myself thank you; just a taste, don't worry."


"Your blood, I am a True Ancestor after all."

Raizo grew nervous and stumbled back whilst trying to slide away from her.

"Hang on a second, let's talk about this."

"Relax, I don't desire blood uncontrollably. Well, not normally at least. Right now I just have that annoying itch that renders me starving for knowledge. Trust me, I don't bite...too hard," she winked playfully as she crawled over her target's body and leaned into his neck.

Gently, her fangs poked out and pierced his skin allowing her to taste his blood. Within that singular moment, she saw the entirety of his legacy. From his upbringing as an assassin all the way up to the Godsbane who challenged the Throne of Heroes. After a few seconds, she let go and backed away whilst wiping the corners of her mouth.

"Damn...that was...a weird experience," Raizo said whilst touching the side of his neck as the little holes closed up.

"I need more," she said.


"No...I need to know even more about you. I desire much more."

As she leaned over him, she reached down and pulled at the opening of her blouse beginning to tear it down the middle. Her bountiful breasts jiggled in response as they tried to pop out of her clothing. Then she reached down and traced a finger over the male's body to tear away at his rags gradually.

"H…hey...we just met here and were only trying to kill each other not that long ago. Isn't this development a little fast?"

"Time means nothing to an immortal such as I. At long last, I feel the desire to have a partner again. Consider yourself honored that I chose you. Now then...I've seen some of your more intimate experiences through your memories. You like being on the bottom it seems."

"Um...it's not like I have much choice when the women in my life are much stronger than me."

"Fufu, relax...you'll have your turn. For now, I wish to enjoy the long night together. Tell me child, have you ever had a thorough interview with a vampire?"

She pressed her lips over top of his before pushing her body down on him. Granting him permission by taking his hands, she let the youth feel the softness of her curves and her assets as she began to indulge herself. As the trial itself came to an end, it would appear that a different kind of trial started for the Stormbringer.


In the dark void, his lone presence lingered for a moment. After that tumultuous battle—the chaotic storm that was the Trial of Heroes—Raizo saw the very top of the World and the Throne; the top of this Tower of Gods and Heroes.

"Arcueid?" the boy called out after their night of bonding, but what he saw was… dark. Nay, it was not a mere dark void, it was something different. It was the raw untapped potential for creation. A place untouched by the hands of God

"This is…."

His eyes hurt…they became bloodshot. His skin itched. The air was somehow hard to take in. This place was naught but a source of madness for the human mind and Raizo felt it. This non-space was not meant for those with a mind of their own. If not for the things he had seen, if not for the evils he had already vanquished, the Crusader of Storms would be but a bug squashed by horrors beyond any mind´s measure.

Yet… something was there. Someone was right in front of him.

Mopping the blackened ground with but a simple wooden broom was a pale, skinny man in a black jumpsuit not all too different from that of a janitor. His messy, jet black hair came up to about his shoulders and a large bang concealed his right eye.

"Who-…" Raizo was about to speak when something haunting spoke from the dark beyond the both of them.

{You are a worm through time.

The thunder song distorts you.

Happiness comes.

White pearls, but yellow and red in the eye.

Through a mirror, inverted is made right.

Leave your insides by the door.

Push the fingers through the surface into the wet.

You've always been the new you.

You want this to be true.

We stand around while you dream.

You can almost hear our words but you forget.

This happens more and more now.

You gave us permission in your regulations.

We wait in the stains.

The word that describes this is redacted.

Repeat the word.

The name of the sound.

It resonates in your house.

After the song, time for applause.

We build you till nothing remains.

The egg cracks and the truth will emerge out of you.

You are home.

You remind us of home.

You've taken your boss with your boss with you.

All hair must be eaten.

Under the conceptual reality behind this reality you must want these waves to drag you away.

After the song, time for applause.

This cliché is death out of time, breaking the first, the second, the third, the fourth wall, fifth wall, floor; no floor, you fall!

How do you say "insane"?

Hurts to be happy.

An ear worm is a tune you can't stop humming in a dream: "baby baby baby yeah".

Just plastic.

So, safe and nothing to worry about.

Ha ha, funny.

The last egg breaks now.

The hole in your room is a hole in you.

You came and we let you in through the hole in you.

You have always been here, the only child.

A copy of a copy of a copy.

Orange peel.

The picture is you holding the picture.

When you hear this you will know you're in the new you.

You want to listen.

You want to dream.

You want to smile.

You want to hurt.

You don't want to be….}


{You are a worm though time…-}

The hissing presence´s maddening speech echoed over and over and over and over and over again. It itched at his mind, crawled at his soul, causing him to hold the side of his head in pulsing pain.

"Fret not, Akasha`s chosen for forever the light springs from the night," spoke the enigmatic pale man in the janitor uniform as he finally laid his eyes upon the Stormbringer. Raizo was surprised to see that this man had different colored eyes, yellow and green respectively.

"Who… are you…? Wha- is this place?"

The atmosphere of that chaotic void barely allowed the Stormbringer to speak. Yet the janitor merely smiled and spoke in a tongue unknown even to Janus:

"neeb ev'I strop sti oT ,neeb ev'I strop sti oT .eneres erom dna redliw htob era sevaw erehW .neerg naeco rekrad dna ,repeed a deil erehT ,emoh dellac eh ekal eht dnoyeb taht ,wonk ton did eh roF."

Raizo froze, his consciousness would not last much longer.

"I don´t understand you…" he struggled to say.

"I am but a facet of a facet of a facet. Perhaps you will make sense of this, perhaps not…. Yet here is mother´s message all the same: In 2555 days from now the seventh story will return to the chaos and the two shall find unity everlasting."


And just as quickly as he had appeared in this void of yore, Raizo suddenly found himself opening his eyes. In the end, it seemed that what he saw was but a dream. He was still in that same vast garden of white tulips with a naked Arcueid sleeping in his arms.

"2555 days…" he pondered.