
Crimson Rebellion

In the dismal, war-torn world of Akame ga Kill! a tyrannical Empire has brought ruin to the people of the nation resulting in an inevitable civil war formed by a rebellion created by the very people that the Empire once swore to protect. Raizo Arashi is a member of the Blood Wolves, an ancient clan of assassins working in the shadows to protect the Empire. After Raizo's father and clan leader sees the decline of the Empire from its mighty prime and into its current decadent reign—the Wolf King elects to have his clan turn his back on the Empire. However, before the Blood Wolves can join the rebellion a mole exposes the clan's deception. Esdeath and her army are then dispatched to massacre the entire clan. As one of the few survivors left in the wake of his clan's massacre—Raizo seeks vengeance against the Empire. His quest for revenge will eventually cause him to cross paths with the members of Night Raid and other powerful allies and foes. Find out more in the pages of this Crimson Rebellion.

Atmanium_studios · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
145 Chs

Kill the Thunderlord

Year: 1024

A blanket of darkness shrouded the radiant sun and the peaceful, blue sky. Replaced by the rays of light and calm whistling of the wind were the deep bellowing of thunder and the occasional flashes of lightning. The wind had begun to howl as well indicating the arrival of a raging storm. It was hard to think that only minutes ago this was a morning filled with hopes for a rather gruesome event.

Night Raid and the strongest three officers in the Imperial Military were locked eye to eye ready to start the epic showdown that had long been coming since the events of the Valley of Ruin weeks ago. Despite the raging weather above, all was silent on the ground. Numerous glares of anticipation and animosity were being traded between the parties waiting to see who would make the first move. Chelsea whistled a signal from the near manta hovering over the area to Najenda.

"Seems like we only have 5 maybe 10 minutes tops to take part in this little dance. Remember that we need to make it out of here for the original mission to be complete. Taking out any one of these three is just a bonus so don't overdo it," she explained. The nods of the five warriors in front of her confirmed their acknowledgment of her orders.

"As I said before, I'll take a shot at any one of them that leaves an opening, so keep a lookout," Mein uttered to her companions. Feeling that they understood this, she slowly backed up behind them to take the rear guard and to ensure that Najenda was adequately covered.

Leone's eyes were lined with Aquilo while Raizo's were lined with Budou; on the left flank, Akame and Tatsumi were staring down Esdeath. That was how this matchup was set. The irony of the pair-ups at this moment was the fact that Raizo and Aquilo were not facing off. Raizo had seemingly put aside his grudge for the bigger picture which was to take out either Budou or Esdeath. Though he felt like Esdeath would be the better target, Budou appeared to be the bigger problem here. In addition, there was something inside him that was compelling him to fight Budou. It was as though every fiber of his inner being wanted the great general dead right here and right now.

A bolt of lightning crashed down on the rubble of the VIP box that held the Emperor and Prime Minister. This was heralded as the sign to start the combat. Leone and Aquilo got things underway immediately by running at each other head-on in a game of chicken; neither party lost.

Aquilo's spear thrust forward in an attempt to strike the lioness in her abdomen--a pitiful strike in Leone's eyes. She easily maneuvered her central core out of the way by bending her body outward to the left returning with a powerful right hook directed straight at the face of the man. As though his body knew of the dangers of that fist, he bent his body backward letting her fist fly over him. Gliding past one another, they charged again head-on, not wavering or shying away from each other's direct approach.

Aquilo performed a series of swipes and thrusts in the form of typical two-handed spear combos at the female. Leone, who was trying to get close if enough to terminate the effectiveness of the spear at its optimal range, was kept at bay dodging each strike that was directed at her body while occasionally using her "paws" to knock away the strikes.

"Your style is pretty damn weak right now. What'cha holdin' back for kid?" she taunted the male as she effortlessly continued to weave her way around the clumsy attacks. Aquilo could only crack a smile as though he was mocking the woman.

"You're an idiot you know that? I'm just gauging your movements so I can do this!" he shouted suddenly switching to a one-handed grip on the middle of his weapon. His strikes became faster beyond Leone's current comprehension. He would swipe at her in an arc motion as if cutting her in half and then switch hands to swipe to the left. It was then that he would kick his spear, sending the blade striking upwards before drop-kicking the spear into her landing a hit by smashing the staff of the weapon against her upper abdomen and forehead.

Leone stumbled back losing her fighting rhythm. Aquilo spun Gungnir around him before aiming the blade at her, a cocky expression on his face, "You should never underestimate your opponent. They don't call me 'The Silver Fox' for nothing."

At the same time that fight was going on, Akame and Tatsumi had begun their assault on Esdeath. The red-eyed killer took the lead by kicking off the ground and rushing the ruthless general with a combo of strikes with the cursed blade she wielded. Esdeath, being the battle maniac she was, held the most wicked of grins upon her face using her rapier to counter each strike and return her own combo at Akame. Both women were matching each other blow for blow as the clashing of steel resonated in the air. Though this was the ideal matchup for a grand finale, Esdeath would not be allowed the upper hand for a single moment.

Tatsumi would rush in toward the general thrusting his evolved polearm toward the woman throwing her off her footing. Esdeath gazed at the armored figure that protected the man she pledged her heart to. Though she would love to relish in the youth's strength, she knew that such fool-hearted actions may very well result in her death. When Tatsumi began his assault with his blade by delivering a series of powerful swipes and thrusts with the weapon, Esdeath could only keep him back by raising an ice wall as a barrier and then barraging the male with ice spikes. Tatsumi spun the shaft of the almighty weapon deflecting the oncoming rush of ice and shattering the defense she put up. In the cloud of dust that came from the resultant shattering of the cold glass, Akame rushed forward immediately to take advantage. This was because the ice cloud made for the perfect smokescreen to conceal a deadly strike from Murasame.

Esdeath erected another wall of ice in front of her, reinforcing it a bit before jumping high in the air knowing that Akame could potentially break through. She thought that she could get away but Tatsumi immediately met her in the air, spinning and swinging his weapon down upon her. The woman raised her rapier to block the oncoming strike, which she narrowly managed to do, though the resultant force sent her flying down toward the ground. Though she snapped her fingers and created a ramp for her to slide down toward the ground easing her impact and breaking her fall.

Tatsumi landed next to Akame standing on guard with the female, "Jeez, she's one difficult bitch, I'll give her that."

"Yeah but be careful Tatsumi, this fight is only just beginning," advised the swordswoman as her bright red hues peered at the area in which the ice had been forged awaiting for the insane general to come. A loud crashing noise occurred as though millions of glasses were being broken at the same time. From the midst of the fairy dust that emerged from the breaking ice was the figure of Esdeath. She held her hand out waving her two opponents to make their next move.

"Surely this isn't all you have to offer my appetite," she spoke in a sultry voice as though she was seduced by the joy of battle.

In the middle of the vast stage stood the bodies of Raizo and Budou glaring at each other ignoring the clashing of the parties around them. Their eyes were locked on one another like they were trying to read one another's mind. They had never met or seen each other in combat yet they were staring each other down like they were old nemeses. Their eyes were sharp as steel seeking to pierce one another's souls. It was obvious that neither was going to yield.

A flash of lightning occurred followed by a clap of thunder that followed suit. The piston gauntlets that covered the forearms of the large general sparked with electricity while the body of Raizo mirrored the same. Suddenly, they rushed each other faster than anyone could see. Budou charged forth with his right fist going overhead to bear down on Raizo while the blood wolf swept his right blade upward to meet the strike head-on.


The sound of the pair's weapons resonated highly like large metallic chimes echoing in the entire area catching the attention of all parties present. They were in a deadlock already. The resulting friction between their weaponry created sparks that discharged outward. The tension of the pair's collision is reflected in their faces. They pushed toward one another but the force balanced out sending them away from one another.

Regaining their footing, they rushed at one another once more. Budou punched in a pattern alternating between left and right hooks at Raizo. Then it followed up with an alternating combo of said jabs before focusing on a boxing form by focusing on the right hook followed by a left uppercut. Raizo negated the jabs by alternating respectively with his blades to block each oncoming strike. He formed his blades in an X-shape when the right jabs came forth but the guard was broken by the left uppercut. Ensuring that he wouldn't be taken advantage of, the youth flipped backward kicking the general in his chin before rushing in to take the offensive.

Raizo swung his blades from left to right alternating in a perfect combo. He wasn't the typical swinging back-and-forth type of swordsman. His dual-wielding made the blades seem like they were a part of him ensuring his style was like a dance, a deadly one at that. He would spin his body around in a 360-degree motion seemingly creating a tornado of strikes that Budou could only counter by blocking. The piston gauntlets absorbed much of the damage that was aimed at the torso area. Using his teigu, Budou generated a small shield of lightning that discharged at a precise moment to break Raizo's footing once more.

As fate would have it, the situation did occur for a brief instant. In the face of battle, the slightest mistake or opening could yield deadly consequences. As such, Budou managed to bring in a swift left jab to Raizo's back followed by a right one to his torso. Raizo stumbled around for a moment dazed. Budou took even more advantage by bringing his hands up high and bashing Raizo into the ground.

"Raizo!" Leone shouted in horror as she caught sight of this. Aquilo smirked taking the distraction as a moment to strike at the woman. Aquilo grasped his spear and rushed her jabbing the butt of the spear into her gut then swinging the blade across her chest scratching her deeply around the lower neck to the upper bust region.

"Heh, dropping your guard in front of your opponent isn't very smart you know," he jeered at her. That comment would come back on him as the boasting left him wide open. Mein was still an active combatant even though she was out of harm's way. Seeing the advantage, she aimed and fired her rifle releasing a beam directly at Aquilo's back. Leone sidestepped to escape the blast radius.

"What are you trying to run now?" he chuckled but it was then that when he turned around, he barely managed to evade as the blast scorched his chest when it breezed by. This weakened him severely. Pain enveloped his mind leaving him vulnerable. Leone advanced on him quickly, taking this moment to its fullest by jabbing his body quickly with punch after punch. Aquilo's body reflected the impact by swaying back and forth as the feline thrust her fist into his body hitting every inch of his burnt clothing and raw flesh.

Aquilo continued to stumble helplessly as Leone kept hammering away at her. He tried to counter by adjusting his footing and swinging his spear to bat her away. Leone used her tail to grab the cylindrical portion of it stopping it before driving one more powerful blow to his gut rendering him motionless only to collapse to the ground. Leone doubled back for a moment to make sure he was down for the count.

"Guess you're done for now," she said in a small victorious tone. Nodding in approval, Mein's voice suddenly screamed out to her.

"Watch out!" the sniper yelled. During the time that Leone had her guard down, Budou rushed immediately over to her since his opponent was currently incapacitated. He pulled his right fist back at the time Mein shouted out to her. When Leone turned around, Budou was there and it was too late. The next instant was his fist connecting with her face sending her spiraling across the battlefield. The huge man then used his unparalleled speed to catch up to her flying body only to immediately start wailing at her repeatedly.

Budou finished this unrelenting combo by grabbing her leg, spinning her around like a weightless doll, and ultimately throwing her full speed toward Akame and Tatsumi.

The tag team was busy focusing on evading Esdeath's ranged ice attacks which ranged from hail pellets to icicle blades being thrown at them. The master of the frozen water element wasn't even taking this fight too seriously because she knew that her opponents weren't entirely focused on the fight. She did enjoy toying with them; however, occasionally she would sneak past her barrage of ice to try and attack Tatsumi repeatedly stabbing the armored mail with her rapier. Her assault would not last for long as Akame would use the chance to attack her from her left side.

"You're wide open!" Akame declared using the opportunity to blaze a combo that only she could perform. Esdeath snapped her fingers sweeping her weapon in the shape of a crescent moon going horizontally. A wave of ice pushed back the pair at once. Laughter escaped the lips of the sultry woman, her heels clacking slowly on the ground like she was marching to her own battle drum.

"Simply delightful, to have such a dish as this presented before me," she said, and just when she was going on the offensive, the body of Leone came flying in crashing into the pair causing a pile of stunned assassins to be laid before her. Esdeath adjusted her glare to Budou's position simply annoyed by the offensive action he had caused.

"Seriously, can you not toss trash onto my marvelous meal? Ugh, you really know how to ruin a mood Great General," she criticized casting her gaze over to the trio that was lying on top of one another. Budou dropped from the air landing promptly on the ground and crossing his arms indifferently.

"That's your problem Esdeath, you toy with your opponents for too long," he retorted not caring about Esdeath's tone.

"What's the point of fighting if you don't enjoy yourself when presented with good opponents?"

"The point is that we don't have time for your games when the enemy is right in the heart of the city."

The pair of officers locked eyes with each other. Though they were the strongest pair of individuals in the Empire, their methods were entirely different when it came to combat. Budou preferred to get things done unless he is faced with an opponent that is worthy of his strength whereas Esdeath toyed with her victims only getting serious when they manage to pique her interest in a way that draws out her excitement. Budou adjusted his gaze toward Aquilo's body which was still limp at the time.

"Looks like your student is down for the count Esdeath."

"Oh don't worry about him, he may be overwhelmed but I'm sure he has a trick up his sleeve before he goes down for the remainder of the fight. One thing I have learned with Aquilo is that when it seems like he is beaten, he always pulls something at the last minute to completely throw off his opponent before going out. Though I'm afraid he was not ready for this situation. Silly boy, it seems like I'll have to rough him up a bit for training when this is done."

Najenda gritted her teeth a bit seeing her comrades being beaten down like this. She wanted to jump in the fray but she knew that without a proper weapon to use for herself, she would not be able to do much. Chelsea swooped lower with the giant manta, an expression of panic on her face.

"We have to start pulling back, the soldiers are on their way here," she said. Nodding at this fact, Najenda hopped on top of the beast before shouting out.

"Night Raid, we've done all that we could do, prepare for a full retreat!" she ordered. The trio that was piled on top of one another had begun to recover when her words hit them.

"Shit, sorry about the rough impact guys. I got caught off guard," Leone said rubbing her head when she stood up.

"Don't worry about it, we were off our step as well," Akame followed patting herself off.

"These guys are some tough customers," Tatsumi added his commentary as well.

"Yeah, I couldn't even get over to Raizo. We have to get him before we retreat but these two aren't gonna make it that easy," Leone spoke in a frustrated tone. The pair of high-ranking officers simply glared at them as though looking down on their weakness from their mountain of strength.

"Mein, grab Raizo and get to the manta! We'll hold them off!" Akame shouted bringing herself into a battle stance once again. Agreeing with what was stated, the twin-tailed female ran over to Raizo who had been half-conscious watching the whole ordeal that was going down. It was in this fatal second that would change everything.

Aquilo slowly gathered himself during the time in which the assassins were communicating back and forth with one another. His enraged emerald eyes were fixed upon the sniper in pink that was before him. He gripped his teigu tightly in his right hand getting into a stance to throw his arm like a javelin.

"O Holy Longinus, Avenge Me," he began to chant taking a bit of his blood from the open wound on his chest and wiping it along the spearhead. His aim should have been toward Leone given that she was his opponent but he was more pissed that he was taken for a fool by the one who blasted him leaving his torso wounded like this. Though the clothes he wore absorbed most of the damage thanks to his reflexes, the heat from the blast wave did singe his skin a bit enough to make it bleed. His eyesight scanned over the limp body of Yuki. The bow user still hadn't moved during the entire exchange. He surmised that she would have to go through the same therapy that Kurome had been treated to.

"Drink my blood and track my foe. Feed on my hatred and fulfill my desire. Pierce the target I wish to kill this very instant," he continued. The spear in his grasp radiated with an ominous black and green cloud as though it were responding to his cry. He wanted to make sure that his vengeance would be swift and promptly delivered without delay. All parties present had turned to see this sinister sight take place.

"How the hell is he able to move? Wait, he's not after me…he's after…MEIN GET DOWN!" Leone screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Unleash my trump card: Blood Hunter!" he yelled throwing the spear with all his strength. Like a missile, the weapon broke away from the user's hand flying at its intended target. The plea that escaped the lioness' lips was eclipsed by the roaring sound of the teigu that honed in on its target with a blinding speed.

Mein had been checking on Raizo's condition, the blood wolf regaining his awareness slowly but he soon questioned his reality when blood gushed everywhere and the sight of a long cylindrical object protruding from the back of the girl that was trying to wake him up. His crimson jewels for eyes scanned her frame down to her abdomen where the blade of the spear was coming through. Her rose-colored eyes simply blanked out at that moment coughing up more blood when she looked down to see she had been hit. Instantly, she collapsed and the teigu in question faded away appearing back in the owner's hands.

"Serves you right…bitch," Aquilo uttered before falling once more. Blood Hunter was one of Gungnir's trump cards. It allowed the user to track a target they wished to kill. By tracing blood along the blade, the spear would be able to "read" the thoughts of the master in order to further perceive what target the person wanted dead. The drawback to this ability was that it drains the user. The more urgency the user feels to eliminate a target, the more the spear drains. By using blood as a catalyst to fuel the teigu, Gungnir drains the life force of the wielder. In a sense, it is a cursed weapon despite part of its name being "Holy".

The horror of the sight of Mein going down nearly led Leone to jump into action but Esdeath cut off her path by sending ice spikes at her scratching the bridge of her nose. Budou jumped high into the air raising his arms above gathering an enormous amount of lightning in the piston gauntlets.

"You shall all go together with her to the afterlife. Behold the might of my teigu—Thunder God's Rage: Adramelech!" he shouted. Thunder boomed in the dark clouds above sounding off like the deepest drums of war. Bolts of electricity struck his gauntlets generating power that he was going to release at once. Budou was going to try and end this in one fell swoop with one of his most powerful techniques.

"Advent of the Thunder Emperor!" he yelled as pillars of lightning began to strike the ground where Night Raid was standing.


Raizo heaved heavily as the pain etched in his mind from the little tussle he had with the general. Budou was unlike anyone he ever fought before. He thought that his rage combined with his skills alone would be enough to fight against the powerhouse but that was not the case. He fell short unexpectedly and wound up like this.

His body was battered and beaten. It felt like every bone in his being was fractured or completely broken. He could hardly move and his breathing was ragged. His vision became hazy while he tried to fight it off; even though he was in this state, the youth was able to witness the carnage of the battles taking place around him. Akame and Tatsumi were just barely holding off against Esdeath while Leone was dealing with Aquilo like he was nothing.

He felt the shot discharged from Mein's Pumpkin which of course Aquilo dodged but only by the skin of his teeth along with Leone immediately taking care of him to put him down. But the momentum shifted when Budou rushed Leone; after that, he saw that these officers had an edge. He cursed at himself for being so weak right now and he felt like he had no excuse.

[Is power what you seek?]

Indra's voice called out to him.

[I ask again: is power what you seek? The power to fight against your oppressors, to strike back against those who brought you so much sorrow and pain would be nice right? Is that not why you drank my blood in the first place?]

"Why now of all times?" Raizo called out in his mind still disbelieving that his teigu was attempting contact for the first time.

[Because without my power you and by extension, I, will perish. Thus it is time you awaken to the power of a god. Your clan's recorded history claims that 'Indra's judgment' was borne of a dragon's blood. However, what they had slain was just an incarnation of me that contained my pride and wrath. Humans could never kill something that is far beyond their imagination unless they let themselves transcend their understanding of the world around them. But I digress. I've been watching you for a long time boy. You've been able to manipulate my power relatively well but you haven't even begun to use these talents to their fullest potential. At this point, I'd say you're at a mere trillionth of 1% in terms of progress. Which leaves me to wonder if you would like to ascend even higher.]

"A god offering a human power that can transcend reality sounds pretty ridiculous. Especially since I've never thought of myself as the worshipping type," Raizo replied, "But if you are offering me a chance to become even more powerful than I currently am so that I can defeat my enemies and save my friends…I suppose I have no reason to refuse. What's the catch though?"

[Well aren't you the perceptive one? No wonder why you were able to stomach my blood without dying a horrid death. Despite the burden you bear, you carry so much potential to rise above more than what you are. Oh how I have been waiting for someone like you to come along and drink me.]

"What do you mean? I thought to master the teigu, the user had to have experienced an insurmountable amount of sorrow."

[Yet another fallacy that your kind has told you I'm afraid. My goodness, I didn't think the clan that basically worshipped me held such ignorant suspicions. Well, I'll explain another time, but for now, I need you to do one thing in order to get the power you seek.]

"What is that exactly?"

[Devour the lightning that man who beat you to a bloody pulp is about to use. Embrace the energy released and unleash the fury of the storm. Simple enough, besides, I was even nice enough to repair your body enough so you could do it. Go for it.]

"You have got to be kidding me right?"

[I'm the God of Thunder, I don't kid. Besides, you have been struck by lightning before right? Just watch what happens now that I'm here to guide you through your ascension.]

Raizo sighed heavily as his consciousness returned to the reality he was facing. Mein's body had collapsed beside him; the blood from the impact area was seeping everywhere. Feeling like a spark of rage had welled up inside him, the sparks of electricity whirled around his body once more. Budou's attack began to discharge from the heavens firing down like laser beams upon the surface of the area. Taking the advice of the god that was speaking with him; he raised his arms up high as well.

The lighting attack had all redirected to his body fully. Any ordinary person would have been erased in that instant but not the former blood wolf. No, his body had become like a sponge absorbing every bit of electricity that was discharged by the great general. All eyes had been locked on him as he did so.

"What the hell is this?" asked an astonished Tatsumi. Akame and Leone were speechless while Najenda and Chelsea could only stare wide-eyed at the sight. Budou's mouth was slightly dropped as well when he began to descend realizing his attack failed. Esdeath's trademark smirk gave away her obvious interest in the turn of events.

The wave of electricity caused Raizo's body to glow. The wing markings on his back had been radiating brilliantly in the color of a pale blue along with his black hair gleaming a twist of silver and white. Under his eyes had been dark indigo trails going down his cheek like he had been crying while his red hues illuminated a brighter shade of red. His entire body was enveloped in an aura that was visible for all to see as he descended from the heavens itself.

Casting a small gaze down toward Mein's body, he could detect that she was breathing but weakly. No matter what anyone did, she was going to die but so that everyone could give their farewells, he cauterized the wound shut to delay the inevitable. He picked up her smaller frame and looked up at the manta. Lifting his foot slightly, he vanished appearing on top of the great beast setting Mein and Pumpkin down on the back then he dropped back down to the ground. The eyes that were following him didn't even know what happened. One instant he was there and the next he was gone.

He leaned over and picked up his prized blades, the energy from his body flowing into them. His illustrious gaze peered over to the enemy before him and then to his allies. Taking a breath, he silenced the chaos of thoughts running through his mind.

[Now then, go forth and kill your enemies; unleash the Fury of the Storm against that fool who thinks he could use my holy thunder.]

Raizo chuckled softly. So that was it? Indra gave him this power because he was offended by Budou's use of lightning. It was such a trivial thing that the god was concerned with. Perhaps this would be a one-time thing then but he knew he wanted to make it count. He lifted his voice to speak; a tone that sounded like he was in a tunnel was combined with his vocal cords.

"Get back, I'll take it from here," he advised them. The trio looked at one another then Leone was the one who raised a voice of protest.

"Are you kidding me? You can't take Esdeath and Budou on by yourself! That's insane!" she protested strongly. Esdeath was quietly laughing thinking that such a feat would be impressive but suddenly, a white glow appeared before her. Raizo had processed Leone's words and sheathed his blades for a moment stepping over in front of the general. His raging gaze pierced through her when suddenly, he raised his arm and punched her in the gut. The newfound difference in speed between the two was enough to catch her off-guard for the briefest of moments, a moment that Raizo capitalized on instantly.

The frame of the woman leaned forward as he didn't hesitate to chop the back of her neck knocking her out cold then as her body descended; he grabbed her face and threw her toward the ice wall she made only minutes before. The sound of shattering ice resonated once more than a loud crashing noise as her vessel hit the wall.

"More than likely she isn't dead considering her reputation but she's out of the equation. Now it's just me and you big guy," he spoke before looking back at his friends, "It's been about 5 to 6 minutes since this whole scuffle began. I'll need about 3 minutes or less to end this. Just get on the air manta and wait out that time. If I'm not done, then leave me and don't look back."

"Raizo, we came here to take you home. Let's just go!" Leone urged.

"Lubbock IS DEAD AND MEIN IS GOING TO DIE TOO. I REFUSE TO LEAVE WITHOUT SENDING AT LEAST THIS BASTARD TO HELL!" he yelled in anger. A loud clapping of thunder echoed at the sound of his voice. He didn't mean to take it out on her but his anger as well as his pain of losing his comrades was welling up inside him like a raging inferno. He took a breath to calm down.

"I understand how you all must feel but think of it as completing the mission. Just get Mein and go…besides, I'm sure this place will be going up in flames soon enough."

Plumes of smoke were coming from underground where Raizo was being kept. The makeshift funeral pyre that he and Akame made for Lubbock had spread its flames throughout the underground facility and had to have been making its way to the surface. This was a good thing as there would be even more chaos for the soldiers to deal with after all was said and done. After listening to his pleas, the trio of Leone, Akame, and Tatsumi adhered to his words. Tatsumi lifted Leone and Akame in his arms before jumping up to the manta.

"Three minutes! You hear me Raizo?! You kill his ass and get up here so we can all go home!" Leone shouted, tears beginning to roll down her face felt like after so many were lost today that this might be the last time she can lay her eyes on the man she has come to love. A small smile appeared on Raizo's face as he cast his glowing gaze to the ground.

"I won't even need that long…"

"Don't you think you're overestimating your abilities a little too much boy?" Budou spoke intimidatingly trying to undermine the young assassin before him. He cracked his knuckles and stretched his body out before crouching in a battle stance. The man had no fear or concern whatsoever on his face despite seeing Esdeath being taken down to size with little effort.

"I took you down minutes ago without breaking a sweat, what makes you think this time will be different?"

"Because I got a sense of purpose now; I wasn't thinking in the right frame of mind, just blind rage. Though it may have been just a few minutes ago, it feels like right now, I've gone through a lifetime of struggle. I have gone through quite a bit from the time I picked up the sword to the time I drank the urn that gave me this power. Everything I have trained for has brought me here to truly test everything I have against a man who seemingly represents the epitome of power. Taking you down will be my homecoming gift to Night Raid," he explained. Flashes of all their faces passed through his mind including those that were of his clan.

"For the family that I've lost and the family I've gained… I'll win. This passion, this burning desire in my heart right compels me to win right now. I'm destined for something more than what I've been giving myself worth over. Ending you here will prove that more than anything so prepare yourself Budou! Three minutes, that's all it will take," he boasted proudly taking his swords in hand and flipping them to a reverse blade grip, a style that he rarely used and only reserved for the toughest of opponents. The clash of the thunder gods was about to truly begin.

Budou was the first to rush in to attack this time opening with a chain of combos that came in the order of left, left, right, left, right, right, left uppercut, right downcast jabs. It was a rush of fists that to anyone watching looked like a blur of movement that could put any regular or skilled warrior on the ground; however, Raizo simply weaved from side to side letting each blow go past him then stepping back as the uppercut came toward his chin then a back flip to avoid the downcast.

It was something else in his mind. He didn't want to believe it but it seemed like the whole world had slowed down in his eyes. He would have been able to narrowly do this before and come out with a few scrapes but this time, he was weaving around the fists like they were nothing at all. His perception was far sharper than his blades at this very moment like the power welling inside him was waiting for this.

Raizo rushes in once he regains his footing beginning his counter-assault. The movements were faster than Budou could even realize. The youth slashed at his mid-region from the right side then slashed again with the left. He dealt a body blow with the butts of his blades causing the giant to tumble back before he rushed forward once again slicing away at the armor. The sound of steel crashing against steel pinged rapidly like 1000 birds were harmonizing at once. Raizo blazed past Budou in the front then began attacking him from behind. Budou tried to elbow the blood wolf's location and then spin around to attack but Raizo evaded each time.

"What's wrong, old man? You can't keep up?" the hallowed voice echoed taunting Budou. When Raizo appeared in front of the general, Budou would immediately attack but only to be met with hitting empty space. This speed was almost impossible to keep up with. Budou couldn't match this at all. Just what kind of creature had this boy become in a matter of minutes? It was like he went from being a human to being a god!

Raizo appeared mid-air in front of Budou; his left leg comes sweeping in kicking the general in the head with enough force to send him flying. Following suit with the man, Raizo took off appearing below the general thrusting his feet upward kicking the massive being in his side up high into the air before taking off after him. A flurry of slice-and-dice motions were seen as the lightning-imbued assassin hacked away even more at the protective plates of the great general's armor.

Many sheets of metal were stripped away now, the highly concentrated plasma energized blades cutting through the protective gear like butter. Feeling generous, Raizo halts his barrage of strikes floating in the air. Budou takes this opportunity to correct himself and utilize his teigu to generate an electrical current to suspend him in the air. Various cuts and abrasions decorated the pillar of strength, his stone-cold gaze staring at the electric young deity.

"What's wrong? Do you not know how to finish your opponent off?" he asked in a boastful tone.

"I do, I just figured I'd give you a chance to give your last attack before I end you completely. I'm being nice here so make it count, otherwise, you'll just die wishing you had taken my offer," Raizo spoke cockily. He wasn't bluffing either. This power coursing through him was enough to destroy this entire city in one go if he wanted to but that wasn't his goal, at least, he didn't feel like it was anymore. Angered by this ridiculous sentiment, Budou decided it was high time to end this.

"You're gonna regret saying that you brat!" shouted the angered titan. The brutish individual raised his arms into the sky once more. The piston gauntlets generated yet another electrical current; however, this was different. The lightning that was forming gathered in a giant black ball concentrating into a super-dense mass of highly compacted electrical particles. The pressure of such energy could be felt all the way on the air manta which was thankfully not the target until Budou figured he'd take aim at Night Raid.

"I'll just use this move to kill your friends then kill you!" he spat, "Trump card: SOLID SHOOTER!" he shouted discharging the ball into a massive beam of energy toward Night Raid.

"You blew your one chance old man," Raizo sighed before teleporting right in front of the blast spreading his arms wide. His friends screamed in terror once more telling him to get out of there but he didn't move at all. The blast hit him square on, a large mushroom cloud forming in its wake. Budou began to laugh maniacally as a result. Night Raid shouted and screamed out Raizo's name in sorrow, Leone's cries being the particularly loudest of them but…

"What the fuck are you laughing at man?" asked the voice of the blood wolf appearing behind the man, his swords tapping the shoulders of the broad man. His aura was radiating even brighter than before as a result. Budou turned to see Raizo there stuttering in shock and disbelief.

"Now, I don't know if you have dementia or some shit but you obviously forgot that I ate your lightning before and you just fed me again. You had one job and you fucked that up beyond belief so I hope you're prepared to meet whatever god you believe in and then rot for all eternity in Hell because well…you're dead quite frankly," the youth teased. Raizo rapidly hacked away at Budou's body. Without any armor this time, the blades just hacked up flesh repeatedly carving him like Akame's favorite meat dish. Blood rained down on the ruins of the area. Raizo slashed away at Budou at least 100 or more times before he kicked the man down to the ground. He then descended like a hammer stabbing both blades into the shoulders of the general like he was nailing him to the cross.

"Rest in peace you son of a bitch," Raizo said leaning down grabbing both sides of the man's giant head then releasing a massive surge of electricity straight into his brain that overflowed Adramelech causing them to disintegrate. Budou's brain had been fried and even if he somehow lived through that, the blood loss would have killed him 10 times over. Raizo removed the blades from the man's charred corpse flicking the residue off before sheathing them both. He looked around the area one time. Aquilo and Yuki were both still unconscious and Esdeath had not emerged from the impact zone where he just threw her earlier. The shouting of soldiers had come from all areas. Knowing that it was time now, he leaped and appeared on the giant manta which then in turn took flight.

Night Raid was all staring at him in amazement unsure of what just happened right now. That entire battle had been something that could not be described with human words. He knew that he would have to do some sort of explaining but right now wasn't the time for such trivialities. The eyes of the youth scanned over Mein, he knew that they were losing her but at least the entire team would be able to say goodbye.

"Let's go home everyone," he spoke in a saddened tone. The storm soon calmed down as it began to rain softly. Raizo's lightning aura disappeared, his body returning to normal. Leone moved over to him hugging him softly.

"I'm glad you're safe but what was all that you did just now?" she asked worriedly.

"That? I think it was my trump card or something—'Fury of the Storm'."

"Well whatever it was, we accomplished a great deal though it came at great sacrifice. As Raizo said, it's time to go home. Chelsea! Take us out of here fast," Najenda spoke. Nodding in agreement, the red-headed girl took the reign over the beast and directed it to swiftly leave the Capital before they would be chased.


Hours after the massive fight in the Capital, news traveled far and wide over the events that unfolded. In the various places that were planning a rebellion against the Empire, the news that Great General Budou had been defeated by the hands of Night Raid was a massive cause to rally. Morale soared everywhere for each person that longed for a taste to strike at the corrupt beast that was the Imperial City. Night Raid was becoming a symbol of true freedom everywhere. Raizo's name had also been traveling around giving him a name for himself as the one who slayed the Thunderlord, Budou.

In the northwest far beyond the borders of the Capital was a particular stronghold belonging to a group known as the Order of the Sapphire Phoenix. These individuals were a band of assassins, and warriors, along with highly skilled mercenaries that banded together under one common goal: To see the enemies of their loved ones and ancestors delivered swift and relentless justice. Some defined their justice as simply holding a grudge or vengeance without a real cause but for them, the end justified the means so long as it adhered to the vision of their leader.

Within the largest tent that was at the center of the camp was the layout of the leader's den. The person had been sitting behind a desk most days going over plans and reading up on any reports that came in over the enemies of the clan. Today was like no other day when a guard came in and kneeled.

"Reports just came in from our spies in the Capital," said the man bringing a scroll for the person to read. Fingers moved to undo the roll of information before eyes scanned over it slowly.

"I see, so the Thunderlord is dead? That's quite a blow to the defenses of the Empire," spoke the voice of a woman, her voice mature and feminine yet angelic and enticing as the amethyst hues scanned the paper with greater interest. Her eyes stopped a moment when the name that was written there shocked her. The guard before her looked at her with great concern.

"Lady Hestia, are you alright?" he asked. She waved a hand brushing the gleaming white locks of her hair out of her face.

"I'm fine, could you give me a moment to let this information sink in?" she asked. Complying immediately, the individual left the room. Once assured that she was alone, she read the paper again then read that line that held that person's name over and over again. Tears welled up in her eyes as her cheeks slowly became soaked in the trails of them. She clutched the paper to her bosom taking a moment to breathe.

"It's so good to know you're alive, Raizo, my beloved son."

Even after the hours that passed from whence Night Raid escaped, the fires in the Capital's Grand Arena along with the Imperial Prison still burned. The soldiers that came rushing in had to get to work immediately to ensure that the citizens were kept far away from the scene and that the blaze was contained. There was nothing else that could be done at this point besides damage control. The royal guard rushed into the midst of the arena gathering the bodies of Aquilo, Yuki, and even Esdeath herself taking them to the palace for immediate treatment. This was overseen by Wave and Ran personally.

With respect to their relationship with one another, Yuki and Aquilo shared the same treatment room while Esdeath was taken to her room. Yuki's medical care had been similar to Kurome so she was immediately placed under the same treatment to stimulate her nerves and slow down the racing blood cells in her body. Aquilo had his wounds cleaned up and was bandaged up pretty well but he was up and walking around with little assistance without delay. Esdeath was ordered to get plenty of bed rest due to suffering a major concussion.

Given that Aquilo couldn't do anything for Yuki except pray that she pulled through like Kurome was doing slowly, he had elected to visit his superior officer in her quarters where she had been recovering. Wave and Ran were also there as well pleased to see the young major moving around. Silence had gripped the room before Aquilo chose to be the first to talk.

"This is my fault, General. If only I wasn't so weak and also made sure that Raizo had guards stationed on him at all times then this would not have happened the way it did. Please, I request that you punish me for my failings and dishonorable service to the crown," the young man stated but Esdeath simply raised a hand.

"You need not worry about such things Aquilo. Though the losses of Syura and Budou are truly tragic, we did manage to thin their side as well by two as a matter of fact. To be honest, the fault lies with me for daring Night Raid to do something by announcing the execution the way I did. I should have calculated their tactics. Though we cannot blame ourselves for the sudden power displayed by Raizo," she explained.

"Even I did not know he was capable of that General," Aquilo sighed in frustration over such a thing.

"Again, you needn't worry. Given all that has happened, I believe that all available troops are being withdrawn back to the city to increase security while the Capital rebuilds itself. We have some trying days ahead but for now, we should rest and then train to prepare ourselves for what is to come. The war to decide the future of all of this is about to begin."

"Yes ma'am!" the trio of males saluted in response to the woman's advice. Esdeath knew that this was only the beginning and that regardless of the unfortunate outcome; this was just one of the many battles to come leading to the final war between the rebels and the Empire.

Far to the south escaping the grasp of the imperial borders, Night Raid had reached their home base in the mountains. Raizo did the manta a favor by energizing it a bit when he landed on top of it giving it a degree of energy that the beast probably would never feel again allowing it to fly faster and getting the band of assassins home earlier. This was of course just in time too because Mein was on her last leg.

So much had happened in one day that it was hard to believe that it happened in so little time. The group dismounted from the beast landing on the ground near the top of a hill where one could see the entirety of the valley. Mein was laying on the ground looking out taking in the scenic view for what would be her last time. It was hard for her to breathe or even talk. The only reason why she was able to maintain herself for so long was because of Raizo's treatment though he knew it was just a dressing to help her say her last words.

They were all gathered around her, with looks of sadness on their faces. They tried not to shed any tears as they knew that this unavoidable fate was simply a part of their line of work. Mein could only smile weakly feeling that it was her time.

"Thank you…everyone. I'll be…watching you with Sheele, Bulat, Susanoo, and Lubbock on the other…side," she said. A single tear flowed down her face before her rose-colored irises blanked out and her eyelids closed. Her chest rose and fell gently before it stopped indicating that she had finally passed away.

The wind blew quietly like the breeze was carrying her soul to the afterlife. Silently Night Raid cried over her passing before her body was cremated and her ashes buried atop the hill where 5 graves were marked previously. Two were marked for Tatsumi's childhood friends while the other 3 were for Sheele, Bulat, and Susanoo. Two more graves were built in memory of Lubbock and to mark the place where Mein rested. Seeing so many graves of fallen friends made Raizo recall all the people he had to bid farewell to.

Raizo stood on the hill adjacent to the one with the graves marked. While everyone had been saying their goodbyes, Raizo needed a moment to himself to say something that he felt he needed to let go of. He took a deep breath as various emotions of sadness and sorrow filled his heart.

"Assana, father, and mother," he spoke to himself, "As well as the rest of my clansmen from the Order of the Blood Wolves. I ask that you forgive me from wherever you all are. For so long, I've wanted to avenge your deaths to make things right but now, I feel like I need to find my own path. I will have the lives of Aquilo and Yuki but vengeance shouldn't be the only reason I live for."

He looked down at his hands and clenched them into fists feeling like he wasn't doing right by them but then again, he also felt like this was the best way to move forward.

"I'm going to find a new reason to live for. The memory of all of you will be in my heart for as long as I live. I'm sorry," he said softly. Tears welling up in his eyes began to stream down his face uncontrollably like he had 5 years' worth of pain to cry out.

"It felt like it's been a long way since you came to me and pleaded for me to live for myself and forge a new path but I think I finally understand what you meant. My only regret is that it took the loss of two of my new comrades to realize it," he said wiping away the tears on his face. Yet even then he collapsed on his knees crying heavily at last releasing the despair that he was holding onto. Seeing their comrade on the ground and hearing his suffering from afar, Night Raid rushed over to him. Leone was the first that knelt beside him hugging him close to console him. Taking a breath, he gathered himself to look at all their faces.

"I'm so sorry for being selfish during my time with you all. For the sake of the allies that we've lost, I shall fight wholeheartedly with all of you as my family."

They all came together embracing one another ready to brave the long trials ahead of them whatever that may be.