
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 95 - Growth spurt

Oh boi, you all lucky Bastard! Well, hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'll be able to write later once I'm back home.

Feel free to give your suggestion!

Please give me all those stone!

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Draconic Deus.

Sona's mansion.

After some explanation, Sona was able to calm his sister's anger and immediately switched into her sistercon antic almost nosebleed seeing how beautiful her little sister had become.

"Onee-sama takes this seriously. I want to know how strong I am based on what you sense."

Sona said sitting in a couch cross legged appeared a more stern curvaceous mature woman than anyone who sees her world feel attracted. She is almost as tall as her queen, Tsubaki and can compete with her three sizes.

"Ah, sorry So-tan~ ✨, you just look so darn perfect! I wonder how you'll look if you wear magic—" Serafall drooling imagining her little sister wearing a magical outfit and Sona shudder at the thought.

"Onee-sama…" She got more annoyed even though she knew how she would act after seeing her. Sona almost regretted taking the pill.

"Fine~ fine~ let's see. Can you release your demonic energy? Don't worry, your Onee-sama will protect you from bad guy~✨"

Serafall's words echoed in the room as Sona sighed. With a subtle nod, Sona rose from her seat, a graceful movement that seemed to carry a weight of authority.

As she stood, an ominous aura surrounded her, and she began to unleash the potent force of her demonic energy.

The mansion quivered in response, resonating with the power emanating from her. Across the room, upon seeing her little sister's transformation, Serafall features sharpening in response to the intense surge of energy.

'This is….not just growth spurt! I know So-tan is amazing but to reach the boundaries of an Ultimate class in such a short time is no short of a miracle! The quality and quantity of her demonic energy can easily be comparable to ultimate class if not more.'

Serafall's inner thought almost felt like her sister was a completely different person at how vastly different the gap between their powers were.

Sona could feel she can go even further beyond and surpass her limits.

"Alright, That's enough, So-tan."

Serafall's tone didn't hold her previous playful antics and took her role seriously upon seeing the growth of her sister. Sona did as told and slowly relaxed and stop releasing her demonic energy.

"What do you think?"

Sona asked not to even break a sweat after what she had done. If it was an energy refining pill then her energy would be a lot stronger but since it wasn't everything went to her body that allowed her to churn more demonic energy without breaking like her cup had once like glass was now stronger than steel.

"I don't know how you were able to grow this fast but what you released was almost equal to an Ultimate class and if you go all out then perhaps you're near me in terms of amount and quality."

Serafall answered and Sona was surprised that her sister was being honest and wasn't praising her for the sake of praising but genuinely impressed by her growth.

Though she said if Sona got all out releasing her demonic energy doesn't mean they are equal in combat prowess since Serafall has more experience fighting someone as strong if not stronger than her.

"...Is that so?"

Sona muttered giving her an idea of how strong she was and wondered if she were to use her King Vessel then would she be able to use Full Body Djinn Equip? Would she become equal to a Maou Class!?

"Well, best we take you to Aju-tan ✨! It's the best way to see if there are problems we couldn't see."

Serafall returned to her playful demeanor and Sona nodded as she took out something.

"Also, Onee-sama, I have found this."


Central Axis World

Asurayasha Crimson Empire

The next day, Erix woke up and had breakfast with Albedo and everyone who was available, served by the homunculus maid. His children were also there being fed as they grew yet another month in a single day and their rapid growth would only grow faster.

He plans on taking them on a trip to dungeon raiding, mostly his children who would join him once they grow a bit already. Erix chatted with them a bit more and played with everyone for a few minutes until he headed out to inspect the other facility that he hadn't been able to.

'Amaia, how is the situation with the elves?'

Erix was making his way to the training grounds where he'll typically meet the female members of the Demon Generals.

There was a possibility that Shizu, Rimuru and Hina would be found in the area since the former's ultimate skill will benefit everyone she teaches while Hina helped with people's cooperation.

Rimuru was there because she's quite close with Shizu and Hina as if they were part of her family. It's obvious because of how their fate intertwined.

They are pregnant with his children therefore what they could provide is words and instructions while Hakurou and Cocytus provide with practical training while the female Demon Generals had given birth.

Normally, it isn't ideal to bring children in place in combat or even pregnant women but they are stronger and aren't normal people therefore it was fine. If anything, it was a great way to relax their body and stretch a bit.

{ We managed to repel them and captured the Female knight and her party. The king seem wish to expressed his gratitude by meeting you. }

'Alright, tell him that I shall meet him in a few days and should prepare.'

Erix needs to act like king and ruler therefore it should be a courtesy to welcome him with respect. He can't help but forget that Elyun is a noble and princess of another country and how clumsy she can be.

{ Alright, I'll inform him. How is our bundle of joy? }

'You already know don't you? She's currently being taken care of by the maids.'

Erix chuckled thinking about how they are still young and have countless years ahead of them to spend time together.

He can use Omnipresence but where's the fun in that and he's not going to spoil everyone too much since he doesn't want a young master growing in his family.

It's fine to have pride but know when to take responsibility and not use background as an excuse to flawn power whenever they wish.

{ Fufufuf~ I know, anyway, hope to see you soon. }

Their conversation ended and Erix arrived at the training ground where he heard the sound weapon clashing and entered inside to find his soldier steadily growing from the dire wolves to the hobgoblin and Kijin along with Tengu who Kaede brought to help them grow.

"Dear/Lord Erix/Erix-sama!!"

He saw Shizu sitting in between Hina and Rimuru having bloated bellies with a calming smile while Asue seemed to be teaching their daughter how to walk who had her mother's stature and physique where it was obvious she would grow into a muscle woman like her mother yet she had reddish-orange hair. Her name was Terra like how Asue's real name was supposed to be.

Erix spotted Supersei holding a book and reading something for their daughter who listening intently only stopped the moment they saw him. His daughter had short white hair and appeared like a kuudere. Her name was Vainitha.

Nearby was Burasato who showed her daughter how she manipulates blood. Their daughter black hair that faded into red with a bit of tan skinned completely different from both parents but this is due to her race being completely different. Her name was Tanith.

Meanwhile, Aifu is currently playing with dolls with their daughter but it looks like they are putting curses into it. The sight was rather creepy, especially how his daughter might be the craziest among them. Her name is Verena who appeared like her mother but had red eyes.

Next to her was Kugime who looked rather frightened yet she already got used to her close friends' antics while carrying their daughter who had white hair instead of black and didn't have the same eyes feature as she does. Her name was Miki.

Finally, the one who leads the Demon Generals, Kanami, is currently walking over him while the other follows. She was carrying their daughter who has white hair and appeared like her mother and was named Czarina.

"Hope you are doing well. Sorry I didn't get the chance to visit you yesterday." Erix gave each of them a kiss and pinched his children's cheeks. They were all adorable and loved each one of them.

"It's fine, we know you can be all over the place at once but that's just going to spoil us."

Hina calmly commented seeing how Erix provided them almost everything, power, beauty, family, etc. it would be unfair for them to demand more besides spending more time together but that can easily be fixed.

"Erix-sama! Look at our adorable Terra!" Asue who showed their daughter standing proudly who looked smug before falling into her but and giggles instead of crying.

"That was great, Terra. At this rate you'll be running and hunting down and raiding dungeons."

He said and patted her head who huffed to show she was pumped before being picked up by Asue.

"What about you, Shizu, Rimuru? How is your pregnancy?" Erix asked.

"Oh, besides morning sickness and craving, everything has been great." Shizu said rubbing her belly and Erix nodded.

"I'm not sure if it's because I'm a slime or because what I mimic but I rarely feel any change." Rimuru pondered caressing her belly.

"If you feel anything wrong tell me."

Erix recalled the pleiades currently taking a break until they give birth and return to work while Demiurge was given the work alone but he had already brainwashed and enslaved some orphans to work for their organization which would be enough for him.

Not to mention, he is more than happy to show his skills and devotion through showing the result with or without any help.

After some time they bonded a bit more playing with his children and wives. He watched as the soldiers trained and didn't complain when they knew that it was the only way to repay their king who gave them a place that can be called a paradise.

He took them around the city seeing how much it had grown and people showing respect to Erix along with their majesty and highnesses.

Erix watched as Hina who was a mother before then we're giving advice the best way she can even though it was brief gave her insight.

He can see that Shizue felt sad that they lost a number of years together with her mother and determined not to lose each other again and raise their children throughout the stages of their life.

'Arryn, are you there?'

Erix was standing far away where his wives were currently at the World Tree that had now Spirit and inside his soul where it also had the world tree had grown significantly.

World tree was being taken care of spirit that formed after some time and the threats currently led by Treyni and her sisters, Doris and Trya.

[ I am. What can I do for you? ]

Arryn is currently in the Dwargon kingdom to receive reports from slaneesh since Jibril and Diablo were progressing nicely in making Ataruka empire and Lumen Holy Empire to go to war where Erix is going to reap their country once it is over.

'Can I bring my wives to DC Cosmology and vice versa?'

Erix can't teleport to other members' worlds even though he was locked into them and can only use his clairvoyance to spy on them.

[ Yes, you can. Anything that isn't restricted by the chat group system will give you access into that place. However, you cannot bring People from DC to your world because they don't have access to it yet. ]

He didn't care much and simply wanted to confirm it in case he wanted to bring his entire army to DC Cosmology. Erix continued spending time with his family until it was lunch time and had their meal.