
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
133 Chs

Chapter 91 - Unohana vs Erix

Oh boy, it's finally here!!! Erix vs our lovely Unohana!

Well, hopefully I can make another chapter later without making it look Shit.

Anyway, again if I go Haitus it either means I'm busy, creatively drain or both. But I will do my damn hardest to continue pumping chapter.

That aside, enjoy.


Chat group Arena

Standing distance away from each other and simply took a moment to reevaluate each other. Erix always finds Unohana to be worth his time considering he hadn't seen a strong woman who desires to fight a stronger woman like her before that isn't a complete brute.

She's the opposite of Asue who has the body of a brute but doesn't seek more thrilling battles. On the other hand, Unohana could feel a connection between them as if they both had similar situations hoping for a battle worth dying for.

Erix had removed his nigh-omnipotence to make the battle not one-sided and place it close to Unohana. He adjusted where he could enjoy the thrill of being at his death's (lover's) door.

In the meantime, Sona watched closely and hadn't seen powerhouse battles before besides Rating games. Erix who at battle form was around the pinnacle of captain level in terms of the spiritual pressure if using the soul society power scale.

Unohana's spiritual pressure surged forth, a formidable wave that reached the very edge of the arena, creating an invisible barrier of protection for those fortunate enough to be outside its formidable reach.

However, Erix was unfazed and smiled upon the sensing the pressure as he countered with an unleashing of his own spiritual power.

His True Demon Lord Haki emerged, effortlessly nullifying Unohana's overwhelming pressure, revealing the depth of his own formidable abilities. The clash of these two powerful forces resonated throughout the arena.

'So True Demon Lord is on par with Captain Level? Or perhaps the version of her bleach verse scales to my world since the central Axis World is a lot stronger than other worlds being the highest and strongest universe or perhaps it's because she acquired Spirit control from dragon ball that made her already insane spiritual power to close the gap at royal guard or maybe both.'

Erix thought seeing that Ultimate skill acts like True Bankai but at a stronger scale. The moment their spiritual pressure clashes that crackling the air around them due to the immense pressure that undone Unohana's hair showing the scar that that gained during her encounter with Zaraki Kenpachi.

'Whatever her power level doesn't matter because I will fulfill her desire.'

In the heat of the confrontation, Erix's crimson eyes blazed with an intense, otherworldly glow, peering out from the shadows that draped across his face.

This haunting illumination unveiled the dreadful visage of his power, lending an eerie and formidable quality to his presence.

Unohana's countenance underwent a subtle transformation, her expression loosening into an emotionless demeanor.

However, an unsettling smile crept across her face, resembling the gaze of death itself as it bore down upon those who dared to meet her eyes.

Sona was able keenly observed this chilling transformation, catching every nuance of Unohana's visage due to her superior senses.

'This pressure…..I don't know if this is on par with Onee-sama or beyond her but one thing is for certain.'

Silently observing the unfolding spectacle, Sona couldn't shake the unsettling sensation that crept across her skin.

Her initial impressions of Unohana as a kind and gentle soul clashed starkly with the emerging reality.

Erix, too, gave a free-spirited impression as their true natures were laid bare in the intense confrontation.

'They are monsters.' This was coming from someone who had Maou sister capable of freezing the entire town several times over!

Unohana's smile curled even further, showing her satisfaction at witnessing the rare few who could withstand her overwhelming pressure and the even rarer individuals who managed to endure for an extended period.

Despite her prowess, she harbored a disdain for one-sided battles, finding them dull and lacking the thrill of uncertainty.

Unohana sought a challenge that would push her to the edge, craving the exhilaration that only a truly balanced confrontation could provide.

"You are still able to stand before me even with my spiritual pressure and even release enough spiritual pressure to be on par with mine. Perhaps you will be the first after so long to give me what I longed for."

Unohana stated feeling her blood coursing through her veins and flame in her eyes began to reignite. She was like Saitama in a way both couldn't find any challenger.

"Thank you for the praise and you aren't half bad either. In my home-world you might be on par with True Demon Lord or higher."

Erix said summoning [ Blade of Exile ] produces flames of Thera that are fueled by emotion. Unohana senses the weapon to be quite simple yet powerful on par to a Shikai or even Bankai.

"Anyway, I hope you're ready."

Her words filled with a hint of hope and anticipation while she unsheathed her Zanpakuto.

"Because if you aren't then you may die."

Sona couldn't keep up with their speed and simply saw Unohana vanishing from her spot and reappearing in front of Erix midswing while Erix grinned and classed this blade against her Zanpakuto.

Inside the arena violent tremble from their attacks and Unohana eyes filled with the flames that had been snuff out due to her weakness and sin. But now this is different, an enigmatic existence who didn't shed any fear and had the same burning passion as she did.

The two stepped back and Erix immediately grabbed the chains of his blade and spun it high speed giving him a longer reach yet Unohana avoided and parried them all with ease.

Erix swung both his blades like a hurricane while Unohana stepped back and sent a series of spiritual pressure slashes that Erix evaded and hit the walls of the arena that left a slash mark.

'This is really fun, her massive amount of experience and skills might be the best time seen so far, even Cocytus might make him run for his money.'

Erix understood why she was the first kenpachi not simply because she is ruthless and battle maniac but because she is the strongest!

'Unless you have broken Hax then it's unlikely anyone could go up against someone like her, especially battle maniacs grow as they fight.'

He knows this because he's also a battle maniac with the only difference being that it wasn't his "craving" and has other ambitions other than die in battle. Erix could see that she has no intent to remain attached to the chat group and wishes to die.

'What a dull life. Don't worry I'll make sure to bring you out of it.'

Erix thought while he threw the blade that Unohana parried but it actually wrapped around her Zanpakuto and she tightly gripped the weapon in order not to loose it but he didn't intend to take her weapon but rather use this to pull himself towards Unohana and deliver a powerful kicked that she took without any issue even remained at her spot.

"😙 🎶 You're really strong hehehe. This is so much fun." Erix whistled, impressed by her lasting this long and Unohana also smiled.

"I can say the same thing about you."

The entire arena continued to shake violently as it was fortunate that the area was able to withstand even at cosmic scale. Unohana felt more alive every moment she could feel her blade vibrate from the recoil of their swing.

'It's been far too long! The feeling of my fingers numbing from the sensation of my blade against my opponent. The feeling of certain defeat from a simple mistake.'

Unohana swung her blade and the pressure cleaved the ground while Erix threw his balde that she parried and kicked back towards Erix who spun and swung his chained blade to the side.

The first Kenpachi stepped back seeing that it was aiming to capture her. Vanishing from things air and reappearing once more using Shunpo allowing to close the gap and swing her Zanpakuto towards Erix who received the blow and block using his forearm coated with True demon lord Haki and exoskeleton. And yet she somehow manages to put a dent in his armor from her Asauchi alone.

Unohana smiling then noticed he did a pulling motion and sensed his blade coming towards her Blindspot where she was stabbed in the back.

"Well that's a bummer."

Erix said seeing that what his blade had stab was simply an after image as he grabbed the hilt of his blade inches away from his face then ducked before kick upward hitting Unohana's Zanpakuto as she had use Utsusemi, a Hohō technically that act like substitution jutsu from Naruto.

Unohana landed on her feet unfazed from the attack and reacted the moment Erix spun his unpredictable blade of exile burning parts of the arena due to sharpness and power of the weapon.

She parried and dodge them all while sending her attack after finding gap between his attacks but Erix charged his blade slamming it to the ground causing an explosion that gave him enough time to move and cut Unohana by her cheek.

She saw him smiling, having as much fun as he was, if not more. Her heart is pounding nonstop and can't stop shaking at the thrill of it.

The two stepped back where Unohana felt the blood dripped down her cheek and tasted her own blood as it ran down towards her lips. Sona, watching from the sideline, had her jaw dropped upon seeing the fight.

'There was so fast that I only saw the shockwave of their clash.'

She was only a High class devil and her strength is subpar compared to them. Sona understood the battle can be comparable to Ultimate or Maou Class but she only guessed base from what she knows.

She never witnessed a battle between Ultimate or Maou Class Devil before because they are few and far in between. Sona only saw her sister acting playful when using her power and hadn't seen her fight seriously.

Sona could only imagine a fight like that was similar to what she was witnessing.

"Hope you are not disappointed. Our battle is yet over and you haven't taken this seriously as I do."

Erix confessed and the first Kenpachi began to give out sinister laughter filled with a twisted sense of joy.

She understood that their battle was nothing more than a warm up and the two hardly broke a sweat. Her wound immediately healed because of her healing ability.

"Fufufufuhahaha~ of course not. I don't know for long I'll keep pretending but now thanks to you I am able to let loose."

Unohana laughed at his words showing her lovely personality and finally felt alive after many years of using a facade.

"Alright, why don't you raise the bar?"

Erix said to store his [ Blade of Exile ] and summoned his [ Spear of Eradication/Amaia ] where Unohana instantly felt the power exuding from the spear as if their bond was on par with people with Bankai.

The spiritual pressure exploded once again as Erix released more of his power and Unohana almost felt her knee shaking not of fear but excitement!

Sona felt her sunk upon seeing the weapon feeling as if it was on par with Longinus sacred gear! She felt excited and afraid that their people were capable of wielding such powerful weapons and it was possible for her to obtain similar strength through the chat group!

'My dream isn't far off! I simply need to get stronger and show them that I am capable.'

Sona thought seeing that strength is almost everything along with influences and achievement.

"Is this your true weapon? Well then, be prepared as I shall do the same."

Unohana quietly said having held everything back until now considering nothing could withstand her Bankai beside a handful of individuals. Even Soul Society would be reduced to a puddle if her true power was released.

She grabbed her Zanpakuto by the blade and Erix who placed himself near Unohana's level felt his skin tense up while blood pumping through his veins and the spear reacting but Amaia remained quiet not wanting to interrupt their battle. Her hands seem to have been cut and bleed and her hands run across her Zanpakuto.


Once Unohana's words ended, her sword underwent a mesmerizing transformation, liquefying into a reddish substance.

The moment the first droplet touched the ground, a series of small sizzling sounds resonated through the air as the liquid exhibited its corrosive nature, effortlessly eating away at the ground beneath.

Erix felt his own True Demon Lord was being melted due to her spirit control increasing the quality and quantity of her spiritual power that compared to before it was hundred times several times stronger!

Sona was dumbfounded at what she was witnessing, feeling that if she were inside then she would die an agonizing death.

'If I have to guess then the entire Underworld could easily be swallowed by her…what does it call it? Bankai? It's like a balance breaker from what I can see.'

She was the only one watching this all unfold as Erina, Jean, Raven and Gwen were in the kitchen chatting only to sense the fight but we're too busy cooking. Gwen and Raven were sharing their knowledge in magic while Jean and Erina were working together to cook.

Back on the battlefield, Unohana's gaze remained fixed upon Erix, who had assumed a battle stance and tightly gripped his spear in hand. Despite the tension in the air, a subtle smile graced Unohana's lips as she observed her opponent.

The anticipation of the impending clash seemed to bring a sense of satisfaction to her, relishing the challenge that lay ahead.

"You're not dead. That's good news. Now let us continue."