
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 85 - The Endless

Okay, I skimmed through certain events since it would take a while if I made it too slow and you'll get bored. But I will still try to make some POV of the characters to give some screen time.

Again, I'm just going to write shit that I think are fun to me. If y'all dissatisfied then I can't help you with that.

However, I appreciate some suggestion to consider them in the future. Anyways enjoy.


DC Cosmology

Unknown dimension

A voice could be heard as a tall and ethereal figure with chalk-white skin and long, flowing black hair arrived to greet them.

His eyes are pools of darkness, and he often wears elaborate, dark clothing, reflecting his enigmatic and timeless nature.

"Dream! How are you, it's been eons since we last met." Endless Death embraced her brother while Dream took the hug but stared at Erix then to the Young boy with her sister sensing familiarity coming off from the boy.

"Have you been doing well? Any adventurous journey lately?" Endless death said.

"Who are they, sister?"

Dream asked his older sister worried about her breaking the taboo but noticed how the man was not mortal. Or anything he can grasp.

"Okay before I introduce them, where are our other siblings?" Endless death asked her little brother looking around playfully.

"They gathered in the conference room with destiny. I'll take you three there."

Dream answers gesturing for them to follow as the abstract ideas manifested were looking at Erix who were currently plundering their abilities consuming the concept they represent. Few more steps, the group arrived to see 5 groups of people.

"Took your sweet time, big sis."

He spotted a androgynous individual that appeared neither woman nor man yet also both at the same time where the undeniable allure struck Erix yet he ignored it seeing the person can't be controlled and he has no desire over the person.

"Hehehe normally she would be here first and the only time she was late was eons ago."

Another was large and obese looking rather monstrous, and nightmarish invoking a sense of fear and hopelessness. Erix could feel the grips of despair plunder the concept for himself.

"Hey hey, come sit with me, sis!"

There was another young girl that had wild hair and eccentric, mismatched clothes. Her demeanor and concept was rather chaotic that ever changed in constant fluctuation of uncertainty.

"It's been a while, sis. Hope you've been well."

A middle aged man with a thick ginger colored beard appears to be a calm and passive man. He dressed like someone who often hitchhiked without any destination.

"You've brought the anomaly."

Everyone turned to hear their oldest brother who was a blind man dressed in brown robes, carrying a large book. The book is chained to him, or he is chained to the book,

"My, who is this handsome fellow and this cute boy?" The androgynous man, Desire, looked at Erix who looked disgusted at "him" while Alizarin was rather shy and headed behind his mother who giggled seeing this.

"Come on, now don't be shy." The Endless Death said to encourage her son to show himself while Destiny sighed seeing the things before him.

"Among our siblings, you were the last person I expected to fall in love with. If anything, it was Dream to be the most likely candidate." Hooded blind man, Destiny said, getting everyone's attention.

"Wait wait, are you saying that man is dating our older sister?"

Destruction asked shocked to hear it wondering if everyone knew but seeing their expression show they didn't. He was out of contact for so many eons that he was unsure what are the things happening in the multiverse.

"Woah!!? Are you telling me this is my Nephew!? Really!? Really!?" Delirium appeared beside Alizarin poking his cheek then created some show in the palm of her hand as her nephew became enthralled by it.

"My my this is quite an interesting turn of events. Should I congratulate you, big sis?" Desire asked while Dream became silent, taken aback by seeing that he had a nephew now.

"Thank you, Desire. I'm just here to confirm if this is against the taboo or not?" Endless Death asked and her older brother shook his head.

"No, he is not mortal. He is like us. An endless yet at the same time he is not. Why don't you all take a seat and tell us who you are or rather what you are?" Destiny questioned him while Erix took a seat with his son and continued playing with Delirium.

"I am Erix Khan, However my true name is Khahrahk but please call me Erix. I am from the outside of this creation and my function is the Armageddon and conquest of all things. Does my stay here threaten your functions?" Erix asked with Destiny shaking his head.

"It does not, the source would have reacted if you were. I am simply surprised that's all. Regardless, I am delighted to know that my older sister would give birth to an anomaly, our nephew. But let me ask you this."

Destiny said, patting the head of his nephew who got close showing flowers that he created that soon rot.

"Do you love my sister?"

He sternly asked that made dream flinch recalling the time he fell in love and how unfortunately tragic some of them ended.

"I do. I wouldn't be here and have a child with her if I didn't." Erix said, causing her to giggle.

"I mean embracing death also means accepting life?" He said flirting a bit with Endless Death who lightly tapped his chest.

"My my she also fell over the hill for him. Not to mention, he seems to be ignoring me. Don't you have any desires?" "He" tried "his" chances on Erix but only received a cold shoulder.

"Hands off, Desire. He's mine." Endless death playfully said, making Desire shrugged it off. "He" was simply interested and nothing more nothing less. Erix smiled, placing his hand over her shoulder.

"And you're mine." Erix bluntly said while most of her siblings seem to approve of their relationship seeing he was akin to themselves.

"Well, then. I am satisfied. And it is impossible even to reverse what you've done." Destiny said as they transcend fate and narrative where Erix being Hegemony God can paint over the store with his Taikyoku.

"Then does it mean we can finally have a party and celebrate our elder sister's marriage and son?" Destruction said, patting the head of his nephew who he gifted some toys that he created.

"It appears so." Dream said as the dysfunctional family gives their toss for their siblings' unexpected marriage and birth of their nephew.

Erix enjoyed their time with them getting to know his in-laws especially Destruction since both are ideas of the End. Erix was the Armageddon. A crisis.

Desire tried to flirt with him but he ignored "him" much to "his" displeasure while Delirium was certainly like spoiling Alizarin, showing him incomprehensible wonders. Despair taught him some things about his function being the rot of existence.

Dream was quiet yet did spoil Alizarin in his own way while they all went to the main plaza where ideas and entities given form were partying. Even dimension has will of its own.

A week passed by and the trio were heading into the physical world of earth to stay resident there for the time being.

He had sealed Alizarin abilities turning him into mortal and placed him to learn things in school to let him go and enjoy Life because by doing so means he is embracing his mother.

They stayed resident near Diana who would often visit while Raven stayed with him in that place but still works as teen titans. The girls enjoyed that he was Omnipresence and can be at any given place at the same time without delay nor cloning. It was simply him.

It was certainly a surprise for them to eland what he did but didn't think too hard because they were reassured nothing was wrong. In the week, he has been helping heroes and getting closer to some heroines like Donna Troy, Zantanna, Ms.Martian, Supergirl, Barbara, and Cassandra.

Though, Erix influenced their thoughts and view doesn't mean he neglected them and made sure to give each of his time like training with Cassandra and Barbara teaching them certain things.

Donna Troy was influenced by Diana to get to know more and which case worked since he was charmed by his handsome and mesmerizing gaze. Erix enjoyed sparring with her and she felt the same way.

Supergirl with ways to control her anger and Ms.Martian about earth culture. Superman didn't mind since supportive while Batman was still suspicious of the things happening.

Erix learns some magic from Zantanna, shocking her when she finds out he was Demon but calms down that he wasn't hellbent on the destruction of everything. She is unaware that he is hell bent on conquest. Though, he likes to take it easy and enjoy the moment.

He was slowly manipulating things with Black Canary to make her hate Green arrow and would swoop in to comfort her once it was done.

Erix even met Pamela and Harley Quinn who he helped in some things like sponsoring their place to be home a club. There was also Selina but he didn't like her.

He liked Harley Quinn because of her playful demeanor and disliked how she had a toxic relationship with the joker while Erix shared the same ideals with Pamela about preserving nature but told her things about her plan wouldn't work.

She is smart enough to consider the result of interfering with the ecosystem at large scale would do more harm than good.

Anothing thing he did went to the league of assassins recruiting Ra's Al ghul who was more than willing after witnessing his ambition and how he would succeed where the league of assassins would become part of their assassin group.

Erix took Talia Al Ghul as another woman since Bruce Wayne was too soft and neglected such beauty. Damian wasn't born and nor will be in this timeline. He did all at the same time due to being omnipresent. He hasn't gone to Starfire and Blackfire but is planning to.

At the moment, Erix had slept with Talia Al Ghul, giving an Heir worthy to inherit the League of Assassin and another woman who joined them who happens to be Lady Shiva, Mother of Cassandra Cain and leader of the league of shadow, another group under league of shadows.

"What are you thinking, Dear~?" Talia was wide awake pressing her body on Erix.

"Probably thinking about his other woman. Perhaps My daughter?" Lady Shiva teases him by taking his other side, pressing her body.

"Hehehe, no, there was something that just happened. Nothing, nothing less. Regardless, I think we should get ready. I'll be busy for quite a bit." Erix said as the two women smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Even though you can be omnipresent, still find reason to leave us." Talia pretended to get angry while Erix chuckled.

"Because it's fun that way. But also, I don't like spoiling you girls too much." Erix places his fingers on her lips while smirking.

"Fufufu~ you shouldn't worry about our husband since he'll be here when we need him and we'll be waiting when he needs us."

Lady Shiva said as they all got dressed and Erix vanished as the scene changed to where he was eating breakfast with Death, Diana, Raven and Alizarin who were going to start his first day in school. It was unfortunate that he couldn't bring his son to his home-world for the time being.

After some time, Diana, Raven and Erix helped with some hero work. Death did her function guiding souls to their final destination. He simply acted as a hero because he was bored and wanted to spend time with the other heroines.

Also, his chances of getting to meet overpowered villains was high. He sealed his Omniscience because he wanted to have some fun. It was at that moment, his other self in Central Axis World had been notified by the new members joining.

Fortunately, there were no serious crimes happening and was currently relaxing with the Teen Titans since they were more manageable and likable.