
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 67 - Shizu Izawa

Erix finished his task for that day where it was the usual permissions of the project currently being made. They already set up a currency system that could only be found in his kingdom. It is the typical Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Platinum Gold currency that he places to ensure the goods are only cycled in his nation. He could use the currency of other nations but it meant that those tourists would take advantage of the trading and better if he could take advantage of it since his country will be much stronger and better than theirs therefore it would be ideal to not hold the goods of his nation to be cheap and affordable.

He would basically scam tourists and foreigners until he established a treaty with his kingdom. Until then, it was best to narrow down the trading to other nations as the quality of materials was higher than normal. Erix was certain that another nation would send a spy to his country after he announced his kingdom to the world and should prepare themselves. But their chance of bypassing his defense would be futile as Souei along with a few Kijin are placed throughout the nation having respective regions that they protect.

In addition, the Seven Parimata Squad, composed of Daemon under the Primordials are spread throughout and if that wasn't enough, there are many golems hiding in the walls that act as security cameras. It's basically a death wish to even dare hope to infiltrate his nation.

'I still need to place some ministry to the country to better control the flow. Most of them are currently handled by Albedo and Yae Miko along with Rigurd but I should consider them later.' Erix thought himself finished and was not walking around his mansion. Yae Miko went to send the files that he had signed and permitted.

His country would need The Cabinet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Legislation, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Intelligence, Ministry of Treasury/Finances, Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of Agriculture, and Ministry of Science. Erix has few candidates but decided to postpone once his nation is stable enough.

Erix wasn't an expert at the beginning but his character lore and the assistance of his servant allowed him to be absorbed on how to build a foundation for his country. He perked up and sensed someone and unexpectedly bumped into Shizu as she was looking around the mansion.

"Shizu-san? Where are you going? How was your lunch?" Erix asked, giving a soft smile and guessing that she was smiling under the mask.

"Hello, Erix-san, it was amazing and I can't thank you enough for not only saving us but also welcoming us and giving us food to eat. I don't know how to repay your kindness." Shizu bowed and showed her Japanese courtesy and Erix shook his head.

"It was nothing. I also gain something from you but if you insist then can Lady Shizu come with me somewhere?" Erix could easily force them to give him what they know but it best act docile to make his enemy misjudge his character.

"Hope you don't mind my getting up close." Erix said while Shizu was confused and taken aback when Erix went closer thinking that he was going to do something indecent and felt his arms wrapped around her waist getting up close to his face and making her blush.

[ Shadow Movement. ]

Shizu was surprised when shadow enveloped them and within an instant appeared on top of the hill where he often took breaks. She was astonished the moment her eyes laid on the buildings below showing a full view of the inner walls of his nation.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? I often rest here and enjoy the view as you can see the entire town from up here. In the afternoon, there is a particular breeze that blows through and makes this hill perfect for napping." Erix said slowly letting go of her blushing and glancing at his face.

"I-I see." She said as she looked back over the town. The wind blew as the two stared off toward the distance. Erix could sense her emotion which was filled with confusion and uncertainty. Despite how much she accepted her end does have a hint of hope lingering desperately.

"Erix-san. You're a reincarnated person. Aren't you?" Shizu decided to speak and he remembered looking at Erix.

"Yeah. I died in my previous world and was reincarnated into this body but I was also summoned. Though I'm not sure who summoned us. Are you a reincarnated person? Or are you a summon?"

"I am a summon..." Shizu quietly said, afraid of what Erix would say next.

"I see..." Erix simply said to her and Shizu was stunned at the way he reacted.

"....You're not going to say 'I'm sorry' or ask me about it?" Shizue didn't expect to receive such a response.

"It wouldn't change anything if I did, but it may make you feel uncomfortable. So I won't say anything." Erix honestly didn't show his sympathy, trusting that Shizu is a strong woman that can handle herself. Shizu fell silent looking at Erix completely mesmerized and her heart racing as if feeling alive once again.

"...thank you." Shizu uttered with deep affection and emotion while Erix shook his head.

"Don't thank me yet. From the moment I saw it I knew you're a strong woman not physically nor magically but mentally." Erix said truly someone who lost everything at a young age and had to endure many hardships yet still able to remain kind makes her one of the strongest people out there even more than him.

"....You mention that you're both reincarnated and summoned? How is that possible?" Shizu was curious about Erix, wondering if he was truly an earthling.

"How about we trade secrets? Tell me about you while telling me about myself?" Erix didn't mind sharing a few things about himself and can at least have someone besides Amaia and Arryn who knows his other origin.

"That sounds fair to me." Shizu said believing that it would be unreasonable to ask about strangers without sharing your own.

"Alright, I'll go First, my memory is blurry but I'm certain it was around the 2000s and I was reincarnated to the future around 2126." Erix glanced at Shizu who was intently listening and was visibly shocked.

"Wow, I had a friend who got summoned here but he said it was around 2017 when he left our world." Shizu referred to Yuuki and Erix nodded.

"I hope to meet this friend of yours. Now, it may come as a future is a dreary place where we couldn't go outside without protection or we will die as we have eroded the sky and land because of our hubris and greed. The once polish world had turned into an impure jewel." Erix said remembering how frustrating it was like being trapped in a cage. He was safe but felt suffocated that without Yggdrasil then he would have lost his sanity.

"....That's…how and why?" Shizu was saddened to hear that her world would end in such a terrible fate. She loves the beauty of the world and thinking about the possibility of being unable to see them anymore hurt her heart.

"Like I said, greed and hubris. Though I can't blame them, you shouldn't think too hard. It might be one of the infinite parallel earths and it is possible for a future Earth to have a better fate than my world." Erix said, showing a reassuring smile and Shizu still had a sorrowful gaze.

"Then how come you're like these? You shouldn't be human anymore then how?" Shizu sensed that he was Maijin but was unsure what while Erix nodded and began to explain Yggdrasil.

"Truth to be told, there was a certain game that can make you feel like you're in another world and it was a place where I had certain freedom. It gave many people a sense of adventure after many years." Erix continued telling the story of his journey and friends that Shizu quietly listened to.

"Amazing, that simple game turned into a reality. I'm glad you're telling me this story." Shizu was happy chatting with Erix and sharing about themselves.

"I'm happy that you're enjoying my story, especially because I can see your beautiful face." Erix teases that cause her to blush.

"D-Do you really think I'm beautiful? No, you're just teasing—" Before she could finish had a finger placed on her lips.

"I'm being honest. My eyes can see more than what normal people do." Erix has her sincere answer making Shizu's heart pound and feels even more alive. It pained her when she was about to die and felt this serene emotion.

"...Can you show me your true self then?" Shizu wanted to see his true self before she lost control and died. Erix looked at her for a moment then nodded as he slowly turned into his true form surprising Shizu seeing him grow taller and became more monstrous yet more regal and majestic than before.

He had Five Eyes and Four arms making him appear like a demon but there was a sense of serenity that she can't describe. His entire presence was completely different and his Magicule was obviously vastly superior to anything that she had seen before.

Shizu couldn't help but subconsciously place her hand on his cheek which had eyes in them. It was a bizarre sight to see yet she was calm and didn't show any discomfort.

"What do you think?" Erix asked, wanting to get an honest response from her and receive a beautiful smile.

"You look handsome…." Shizu said then did something unexpected and leap pulled him down then stole a kiss from him surprising Erix.

"I always wanted to kiss a man before I passed away." She said looking at Erix's shocked face then taken aback when he pulled her closer.

"Why did you kiss me all of a sudden? And what do you mean to pass away?" Erix worried about her action that Shizu didn't expect him to react in such a way. It made her feel guilty and wished to have more time to know him as he made her want to live. He didn't even try to brainwash her and was acting out of kindness.

"...I guess it's my turn to tell my story." Shizu began to tell her story and how she ended up in her situation. Her voice was sorrowful and scared, containing uncertainty in them. Erix already knew her story but hearing it from her truly made things completely different.

"...I could feel my control slipping away and….I'm sorry to ask this but can you do it for me?. I want to save those children but my time is coming to an—" Before he could finish her words were interrupted by Erix.

"I won't do it." Erix firmly said looking straight into her eyes that surprised Shizu and was disheartened upon his decline.

"...I see, I'm sorr—" Shizu misunderstood and was once again interrupted and felt her chin lifted.

"Because I still have two more things I need to do for you." He said with a soft smile, surprising her.

"Oh? And what would those be?" She said regaining some hope and wondering what he would do for her.

"Reviving your mother and removing Ifrit from you without killing you" Erix said that made Shizu flinch and quiver at his words.

"W-What do you mean?" Shizu was unsure if he heard him right because she had done many things to save herself but hadn't found anything.

"I am simply someone with an analysis skills who can see the three souls attached to the one body. I know one is yours, one is Ifrits, and another belongs to an older woman." Erix explained that shocked Shizu.

"Mother...?" Shizue thought while her lips quiver wondering if it was true that her mother was with her all this time. She began to tear up thinking how much her mother loved her.

"A-Are you certain that it's possible to save me?" She wanted to believe him but it was too unreal.

"Not only that, what if I could grant you power beyond what you currently have now? I can only do this once he is removed." Erix said, exuding a bit of his presence.

"It sounds too good to be true." Shizu said and Erix shook his head but understood her doubts.

"You've seen the proof for yourself. Every single monster, human, and demon in Altair has a name. You should know what kind of being someone who can name thousands of monsters is..."

"A Demon Lord..." Shizue says, still not taking her eyes off me.

"Not officially. One of my many skills allows me to endlessly bless everyone and defy normal rules. With it, I can name as many monsters as I wish without permanent losses to my Magicules." Erix was an absolute cheat and frankly, the only enemies he can't face are few, and most came from higher cosmology.

"Then how are you going to save me and revive my mother at the same time?" She asked once again trying to clear her doubts.

"Didn't you hear me earlier? I said ONE of my many Skills. Among them is a skill that can solve all of your problems, but I need your consent."

Shizue's stance once again begins to waver. Just as she hardens her resolve once more, she shutters and collapses as Ifrit seems to be trying to break free once again. Erix immediately stood up and cast a barrier around them, not letting her go.

"L-Let me go, Erix-san! I don't want to hurt you!" Shizu tried pushing him but Erix didn't let go and instead tightened his embrace where she could hear his heartbeat.

"The moment your lips touch mine mark that you are mine. And I'm a greedy man and won't ever let you go. That's why, trust the man that races your heart."

Shizue's mask falls off her face. One of her eyes is that of the fire spirit while her other is the same deep blue eyes almost verging on black. Tears swell within both.

"Help me..." she said as she began to lose consciousness and Erix didn't even say anything as a burst of Magicules exploded unaffected by the flames coming out of Shizu. He had all of his eyes locked on Shizu as he let go of their embrace and began to save her.