
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 114 - Kuroinu 14

I made mistake and forgot that Jibril supposed to remain back at the first fortress but now I change it and let her joined Erix and the others.

Anyway, im'ma try my best to quicken this arc.



Serenus Continent

Borders of Thorn Fortress

Marching onward was an army of around a few hundred that included Orcs, Demons, Orges, Kuroinu Mercenary, and many more even Noble knights and former guards within the Thorn Fortress had joined in. Their faces filled with excitement and lust like their carnal desires were the only thing that matters.

They were led by a man wrapped in a ragged cloak and bandages as if his skin had been burned. He gazed upon the fortress seeing the palace from afar with deep emotion stirring within his heart.

'My ambition is within my grasp! I shall create something that surpasses even a god!' This man was a Shamuhaza, or the disciple Mitsubi, which was his real name, had been exiled five years ago by herself.

He was not even a personal apprentice of Kaguya, although in a formal way, he was just someone who was good at insect spells, he had the ability to influence a very small amount of magic on insects, through special means, or incantations directly, it responded only to Sanctuary while just by being someone with the ability to perform incantations, he was among the very few who could do so.

Their spy already told them that their number was insignificant and could easily be squashed with the force that they had, especially with his magic and trump card.

"Sir! Someone seems to be approaching." One of the Kuroinu Mercenaries that was high ranking within their band of Mercenary and close associate of Vult who is currently experiencing an endless torment from his action.


Shamuhaza was baffled hearing that instead of "They" it was "Someone" meaning it was only one person. He took the telescope from the mercenary and saw a young man dressed in a Yukata with crimson red hair as if soaked in blood holding gourds seemingly drinking.

'What's going on? Why did they send one person??' He was confused for what reason did Kaguya send one person?

It was then he tensed up when the young man gaze with his as if he could see them from afar and the moment he lowered the telescope was when his eyes widened when the person was actually the same distance as he did when looking at the telescope.

"How did you!?" He panicked, unable to comprehend what he had witness while the other mercenary also were dumbfounded and immediately drew their weapon.

"Is that your last words?" The young man asked before chugging the content of the gourds. Shamuhaza was shocked that he would speak this carefree when he was outnumbered by the hundreds!

"No…do you intend to save them?" Shamuhaza refused to believe that he'll die when he had a glorious plan. The young man finished drinking, wiping his lips and drew the gourds.

"I already have." The young man said in a way that it was a fact and not some accurate guess. Shamuhaza became wryly that despite everything the young man wasn't exuding any fear and looked at them as if they were pests!

"You speak rather boldly for someone surrounded!? Even if you know magic doesn't mean you can defeat all of us!"

One of the mercenaries said laughing that soon joined by the demons, orcs, etc but Shamuhaza wasn't laughing and felt like his whole being was in string, no, it's more accurately, words in a story script being written where he has no control over.

They continued to laugh only to be confused when the young man joined their laughter louder than any of them. Has he gone senile? These were the shared thoughts of these foolish men unaware they were fodder for entertainment much higher than them.

"Hahahaha I heard that many times and more would come." The young man stopped laughing and stared at them with a sharp and ferocious gaze like a dragon staring down at them. Oh how accurate their thoughts were.

"Who are you!? Why are you helping Kaguya? Perhaps I can offer you-" Shamuhaza tried bribing and tempting him in helping their cause but this only met with blank stare then laughter and facepalm that had an impact that shook the ground surprising them.

"Hahahaha it must be hard being that fucking stupid? Tempting me on something that belongs to me?" He finished with releasing an immense bloodlust and pressure that their mind almost gave out but their stupidity blocked it out.

Shamuhaza was sweating bullets getting a closer inspection then his eyes widened when he began to transform, growing taller and his hair turning black with his skin turned red and horns jutted upward like a crown with a crimson halo hovering. He formed a new set of arms and clothes out of nothing.

"No it can't be!?" Despite abandoning his previous god in pursuit in surpassing it only to be face to face the god that he hoped to defeat.

"Yes it can! I am Erix Khan but you know me as the God of End, Shuushin and I am here to…exterminate some pests." The young man, no, Erix conjured a long crimson polearm, a spear that was painted in red like having soak in blood similar to Erix's skin.

"Everyone attacks!!"

Shamuhaza yelled out getting everyone attention and immediately without fear rush onward moving towards Erix who held his bear in reverse grip then flex his muscle and threw his spear with immense forces that it obliterated the Splatoon heading his way while the spear flying in the air somehow move in sharp turn stabbing and cleaving the men and monsters spluttering their viscera and blood.

Erix grinned showing his sharp fangs rushing towards them and rolled them apart with his bare hand enjoying the cold blood running down his hands.

Shamuhaza couldn't accept reality seeing how even thick skinned Ogre were torn to shreds with Erix's bare hand. In one instant, Erix grabbed one of them by the leg and used a club smashing him against his allies, having their bones broken yet still alive!

"You were thinking you could surpass me, right?" Shumahaza was in trances unable to completely move, only regained them when he heard someone whisper and fall into the ground looking at the owner of the voice.

"Y-You!" He kept changing his gaze seeing Erix slaughtering the Kuroinu men summoning his spear and wielding it with finest like he was the god of the battlefield but Shumuhaza was also facing Erix in front of him.

"H-How can this be!? This can't be possible!! I refused to back down!!" Shumahaza roared, summoning his insect trying to defend himself, having them swarm Erix who didn't move and let himself get enveloped in them. The silence made Shamuhaza feel a sense of control; only a snicker was heard through the sound of the buzzing insect.

"Insect…how laughable. My dear Entoma would love to have a toy like you."

Through the swarms of insects, crimson beady eyes peered through and Shamuhaza suddenly was grabbed by the neck tightly gripping his hands with the insect crawling around his skin yet weren't doing anything.

"Yes, I always love the taste of despair and dread when you all arrogantly believe you have won only to be squashed! There is nothing is more satisfying to see than the twisted face of the fools in despair."

Erix said, keeping his hand around his neck as Shamuhaza struggled to escape. Fear and dread creep into his mind with endless whispering blowing into his ears.

"You wanted to be a god right? Then let the endless suffering of existence etched into your mind without control!! Existence is truth. Truth is a lie. Lies are pain. And this pain is like a gnat that is festering within your ear and no matter the effort you cannot be rid of it."

Erix spoke and started to become more like a scarlet king even regaining memories of his "past". His former action that led to the destruction of everything only stopped by someone that he can't remember.

"AAAAAHHH!!! M-MAKE IT STOP!!" Shamuhaza was overwhelmed with the sessantion trying his best to dig out his eyes with everything he was seeing and ripped his ear from all the things she could hear.

Erix felt it all. The smallest atoms to the far reaches of the Collectiveness of the multiverses. A sensation indescribable in mere vocabulary where it becomes nonsense whenever someone tries to compare it.

The endless pain and sorrow across infinite timines entered Shamuhaza experience all kinds and types of torture and suffering where he could have long had been braindead but kept alive by Erix.

Erix threw his squirming body to the side, reappearing as his other self that was fighting and leaped into the air sprouting dragon wings before looking down, seeing they were running away.

""Hide and flee because it only leads to me." He muttered pointing his spear on the sky where countless needle-like javelin constructs formed that soon descended like rainfall into the enemy army.

[ Howling Style: Extermination! ]

It was instant faster than they could even feel when they were impaled by countless needle-like javelins resulting in the ground soaked in red.

{ Hahaha that was really fun. Though, I was hoping you would let Alicia and the others have their chance. I mean what's the point on training them? }

[ My sister is right, thee didn't let them get the chance. ]

Arryn and Amaia scolded him a bit while Erix rubbed his head thinking that they had a point since he lost his temper a bit.

'Sorry about that. I have no excuse and reverse time wouldn't be right. Maybe in the next attack on Maia's fortress but before that I should take my time in this place.'

Erix said moving back to the palace where he reappeared back in the same place he had left where Kaguya and the others were surprised that he returned.

"Did you…defeat all of them?" Kaguya couldn't help but ask, feeling a bit ashamed that she couldn't help their god.

"Really? I was hoping to show the result of my training with Jibril-san." Prim said having been studying under Jibril who educated her in military tactics and magic.

"I know that feeling but we can have our chance next time." Alicia reassured her cousin who nodded, receiving a head pat from her.

"Yeah, I am a god after all." Erix said with the people inside the palace looking at him in awe and reverence. Kaguya was relieved to hear and blush a bit realizing that her Chastity was going to be taken by Erix now that he was there.

"Then we welcome your long awaited arrival, Lord Shuushin." Kaguya kowtow accepted him as their god and he nodded, receiving another class of Sake.

"Hahaha this calls for a celebration!! I shall be announcing to the people about my arrival in addition to my army helping this place."

Erix said with a smile that the rest of the people happily provided everything where time passes and went to the plaza of the Thorn Fortress and announced their god assistance whereupon seeing him immediately felt blessed.

The city became lively due to Erix and his army being summoned protecting the Fortress from any more threat while also providing labor. Albedo and Jibril simply talked to the elders who manage the fortress about their plans.

Later that day, in the afternoon, Erix with Olga, Chloe, Alicia, Prim, Albedo, Jibril and Slaanesh explored the streets of Thorn Fortress led by Kaguya who was a bit nervous around them beside her fellow princess knights. She was Erix or Shuushin's wife along with her fellow Miko that remained in the palace.