
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 106 - Kuroinu 6

I wonder how long this arc will be?

Regardless, im'ma enjoy myself for the time being.

Anyway, some parts of this arc belongs to "I am in Kuroinu." so credit to him.

However, I change up a few things to suit my taste.

Also this arc is inspired by "Wish of the Dragon." And it's Evincle 2 arc. I highly recommend the fic if you're bored.



Serenus Continent

Feoh Fortress.

Erix simply took a stride through the city fortress finding the place to be rather interesting. It was not the same level of structure integrity as his empire that had modern architecture mixed with medieval and victorian design.

No one paid them any attention because Erix didn't not let them. He enjoyed the relaxing moment while Olga and Chloe held close, wrapping him around their waist.

Erix had given them high quality pieces of armor and this covered their skin a lot more. He even gifted Chloe two daggers, giving her an outfit similar to Valeera Sanguinar.

While Olga also wore an armor that resembled something that belonged to world of warcraft where the set were at least Divine Class armor that he had been dusting away in his inventory.

"I can't believe no one has done anything even though we are sticking like sore thumbs." Chloe commented prepared to attack any moment if the chance arises.

"That's because I made them that way. I do not want them to ogle seeing you two even if you are wearing a cloak." Erix said ready to destroy the entire fortress if they ever did something to annoy him and those that belong to him.

"Fufufu~ You know I really love how possesive you are." Olga complimented flirting a bit thinking there is no way that any man would be able to survive if they ever plan on harming her.

"Of course, those I take will be mine and loved with everything that I have. I'm not one who sees women as trophies." Erix said thinking how he does accelerate their favor for them by using his power but in the end he genuinely cared for them and would obliterate heaven and earth for them.

"Ara~ ara~ I love you too, dear." Her mature tone makes Erix feel weak especially her evolution and this made him smile.

"I love you too." Erix said without hesitation nor felt cringe.

"Hmhmh!" Chloe huffed trying to get their attention and both chuckled as he patted head kissing her forehead.

"I love you too, Chole-chan." Erix teases her a bit causing the younger dark elf to blush purposely and Slaanesh giggled.

"I-I love you too, Erix-sama." Chloe felt like her younger self when she was innocent when around Erix.

"Fufufu~ you three are really lovely~ hey don't forget about me, Lord Father." Slaanesh said, wrapping her arms around his shoulder as Erix chuckled.

"Yes, I won't forget about you." Erix said as he patted his daughter's head and continued their way. It didn't take long for him to arrive at the entrance of the palace where Alicia and her cousin, Prim should be.

"H-Halt! Who are you?" The female guard stuttered seeing Erix divine features mesmerized by his scarlet silky hair and captivating red eyes.

He stopped for a moment to see that their outfit is truly something made by a perverts even RPG games covered more skin than them but this is hentai games what did he expect?

Though the most noticable is that male guards were nowhere to be seen meaning they were enticed by the Kuroinu mercenary who was led by some other high ranking member.

"Hello there beautiful, would kindly tell lady Alicia that someone who has valuable information." Erix's captivated baritone voice made her feel weak and compelled to listen to his request.

"A-Ah yes, I'll try to inform Lady Alicia right away."

She said heading inside while Erix waited briefly, spreading his senses, finding the scum responsible for the collapse of the fortress.

"Flee as far you can but you'll find me in the end."

Erix muttered under his breath where a minute or two the guard came back informing them they were permitted inside as they followed the guard inside.

Walking through the corridor it was clear the place was simply waiting to be ravaged due to lack of guards. Olga, Chloe and Slaanesh kept themselves near him until they arrived inside where two beautiful women were inside.

Sitting in front of the desk was a young woman with long blonde hair wearing scantily frilly knight armor that was just begging for her to be stabbed.

This person was Alicia Arcuturus, the only daughter of the distinguished Arcturus noble family of Eos. It was by her own hand, and not her parent's influence, that she ascended to the rank of leader of the Holy Iris Chivalric Order, the head military unit of the "first fortress".

She is very popular among the people of the fortress and respected by her subordinates. She also serves as the princess's personal bodyguard, who is her cousin, Prim Fiorire.

Prim appeared to be a young girl standing beside Alicia. She had long pink hair wearing a rather revealing frilly princess dress showing off her pink panty.

Both were in awe upon witnessing the face of Erix who could only be described as Divine and beyond anything they've seen before as their hearts were pulled with Olga and Chloe understood that this was the clear answer upon seeing his face.

Those from the Central Axis world normally have resistance to his charm but Eostia was extremely weak that a glimpse of his face.

"A-Ah, w-who are you and what information do you have?" Alicia snapped out from her stupor and was finally able to speak even though she stuttered. Erix softly smiled walking towards her causing their hearts to race.

"I am Erix Khan, I'm someone beyond this world and had been summoned to save it from a tragedy orchestrated by malicious men called Kuroinu." Erix spoke, confusing Alicia.

"What do you mean beyond this world?" Alicia asked, trying to find more about this person before her.

"It is difficult to grasp but I am from another world whose power is beyond your understanding. I have been summoned by the dark queen and saved her from the clutches of Kuroinu who aims to create a country filled with debauchery, defiling all women in the surrounding nation."

Erix said as he removed the illusion from Olga and Chloe, shocking Alicia who unsheathed her sword standing in front of prim.

"What is the meaning of this!? Do you intend to kill us, Dark queen?" Alicia said while Olga simply laughed at her words.

"No, I am no Dark queen any longer.…I've only done what I must for my servant and people but in the end I was betrayed and sold off to be sex slave by Volt. In fact, I never hated humans, I just despised them for their base deeds... my beliefs were to have a peaceful world where all races could live in harmony…" Olga answered, surprising Alicia at his words that appear to be sincere.

"Also, I am now a slave of Lord Erix and won't defy his goal in this Fortress. I am satisfied with my life to be by his side"

She added leaning on Erix showing her affection as the two princess knights felt tinge in their heart feeling rather envious.

"A-And what is your goal, Sir Erix?" Alicia asked, trying to change the subject.

"Were you even listening, Lord Erix said he intended to save this fortress from harm." Chloe still had spiteful tongue toward humans while Alicia frowning hearing this.

"Easy now, they do not know what's upon them. Well, would you like to know the tragic fate that befalls this country without my interference?" Erix having gotten close then glances over to Prim who blush seeing his face up close.

"W-What is it, Sir Erix?" Prim gracefully bowed while Erix couldn't help but extend his hand and petted her head.

"You remind me of my other cute wife and daughter that I can't help it." He said reminded of Shuna and Zero two.


First she was surprised that this man who was going to seem to her the best husband candidate she could find, was embracing her, and then she became a putty in his hands.

Prim naturally had an aura that made you pet her head, and many had done it to her, but never a man, and it had never felt as good as it did right now.

His large hands were so gently touching her head and it gave her inexplicable pleasure, almost as if he had divine hands or something, as if she could be reborn just by being caressed in this way...

Because of this, Prim strongly reaffirmed to herself that a man like this should be her husband, she literally could not find fault with him, she also thought it was impossible for this man to be someone evil. Someone evil couldn't pat like that.

This was Prim's special ability, by patting, she could tell you everything from what you look like to what you ate yesterday, something mysterious indeed.

Unfortunately, Erix is an evil but reasonable one placing him around Lawful evil to Chaotic Good. He knew a few versions of Prim from both visual novel and anime along with the manga as it differs.

Erix didn't use his foresight nor was he simply knowing considering he had seen the game and anime before. She has the trait of a yandere and like Alicia, her cousin more than family and even agreed to join Kuroinu simply to get to her cousin but that no longer valid for this version is different.

Erix's desire would manifest and shift to his favor as if fate itself bowed before him. His brother in law obviously wouldn't like hearing his thoughts but that's how it is since his book is being rewritten by Erix since he is the blank page.

Watching this unfold, Alicia can't help but feel envious of her cousin pondering how it would feel being caressed by his strong hands. She had been stressed and burdened by the responsibility against Olga and her army but now things are different. This made her question what truly is the hidden intention of Kuroinu and who are her enemies.

"A-Ahem! So, you were just showing me the evidence that you can see the future..."

Alicia couldn't take it anymore and decided to interrupt the two and saw that he didn't listen to her and kept patting Prim as she was slightly making an ahegao face.

"AHEM!!" She shouted to see that Erix finally stopped, and she continued in a normal voice.

"Ah, apologize. I was too distracted."

Erix chuckled while Alicia blush seeing his gaze once more. He normally act more carefree around those he trusts and more commanding around people who he doesn't know.

His putting an act of being an emperor because there shouldn't be an emperor who is too carefree and without ambition. If they are then it's nothing more than figurehead.

"...you were just showing me proof that you can see the future..."

Prim looked at her with a bit of resentment and a pout, Alicia ignored this.

"Right...sorry about this...also, sorry Prim..." Erix said as he let go of her head much to her dismay.

"No no~ Erix-sama~ Whenever you want you can feel free to pet my head.... I liked it very much…."

She started talking excitedly and kept blushing and decreasing the volume until she whispered the last part. Erix heard the last part and softly smiled at this.

"Okay, Prim."

Erix noticed that Alicia had suddenly blushed so much that she looked like a ruby gem the size of a human, but he played it down.

"Though I suggest this to easily persuade you…. however…it is rather unpleasant and it is one of many possible futures because I intend to change it."

He said even though he can easily persuade her in other ways, this is the most reasonable thing that he can think of without using his godlike abilities.

"No... if what you say is true then... I need to." Alicia put on a slightly pleased expression that Erix had cared about her.

"Danna-sama, can we also see the outcome of our life if we did not meet you?" Olga boldly asked hoping to know more of how much Erix changed her life.

"I too wish to see what kind of horrid future that you save us from?" Chloe said, showing that she was determined to know.

"Hmmm, very well, though, I won't show it to Prim-chan. However, be prepared for a rather vile future." Erix said looking at Prim who appeared rather anxious wondering what's about to happen.

"I am ready." Alicia said, giving a rather strong willed expression.

"We're ready." Olga and Chloe said at the same time.

"Alright." Erix snapped fingers and showed them the tragedy that had not come. A catastrophe that did not belong to Erix.