
Crimson God's New Heir

The focus centers on the god king of unparalleled might. After engaging in a climactic battle against both demonic forces and celestial entities, he makes a monumental decision. Abdicating his throne, the god king bequeaths his divine legacy to a son long lost in the human world. As the story unfolds, it delves into the aftermath of this celestial conflict, exploring themes of sacrifice, inheritance, and the profound impact of a god's choice to pass the torch to a descendant in the mortal realm.

KamiNoZero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Whispers of the Otherworld

*3 Weeks have passed* 

Recalling the events of the past, I contemplate what course of action I should take now that my memories have resurfaced. Lucious stepped into their dormitory while asking, "Hey dude, is all good with you?" Strange vibes filled the air for not accompanying Lady Seraphina back to the demon realm.

I gazed at Lucious as I spoke, "Yes, I'm feeling alright. Looks like it's time for us to head off to classes," while quickly rising to my feet and slinging my bag on my shoulder. We then departed the dormitory and headed off to our lessons.

When they reached the classrom someone walks their way "Hi Aetherius and Lucious" Angelica said with a gentle voice. And she walked in to the class.

The classroom was abuzz with the low hum of students settling into their seats, took my usual seat next to Lucious, who seemed unusually quiet. Angelica found a seat nearby, her eyes occasionally glancing in my direction. Her presence brought an unexpected warmth to the room, as if a gentle breeze swept through the arcane air.

Lucious nudged me with his elbow, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Aetherius, my friend, seems like you've caught the attention of our lovely classmate. Any idea why she's so fixated on you?"

I chuckled, not entirely sure of the reason myself. "Perhaps it's the allure of my crimson eyes or the mystique of my white hair," I teased, exchanging a knowing look with Lucious. "Or maybe she senses the latent power within me. After all, I did spend the last few weeks rediscovering some forgotten abilities."

Lucious raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Forgotten abilities, eh? Care to share some details, or are you planning to keep your newfound powers a secret?"

Before I could respond, the professor entered the room, silencing the chatter. As the lesson unfolded, Angelica continued to steal glances in my direction. Eventually, she couldn't resist the urge to strike up a conversation. 

As the professor delved into the intricacies of magical theory, Angelica leaned over and whispered, "Aetherius, mind if I ask you something after class?"

I nodded, intrigued by her sudden interest. "Sure, Angelica. We can talk then."

Lucious, catching wind of our exchange, couldn't help but inject his trademark humor into the situation. "Looks like someone's got a secret admirer, Aetherius. Careful, you might be the protagonist of a forbidden love story."

I rolled my eyes at his jest but couldn't deny the subtle excitement that lingered beneath the surface. The class continued, but my mind occasionally drifted to the upcoming conversation with Angelica.

After the lecture concluded, I gathered my belongings and met Angelica outside the classroom. Lucious, always the social butterfly, waved goodbye with a grin, leaving us in the corridor.

"So, what did you want to talk about, Angelica?" I inquired, genuinely curious.

She hesitated for a moment, her eyes searching mine as if gauging my sincerity. "I've noticed something different about you lately, Aetherius. There's an aura, a power... It's hard to explain. Did something happen during these past few weeks?" 

I ruminated by myself, questioning if I should articulate to her the things that had crossed my mind and if she would understand. "A few of my former family acquaintances visited the city, and we encountered some difficulty, and some of my past recollections resurfaced, so, a lot transpired, I suppose that is why."

Angelica listened intently, her eyes widening with a mix of concern and curiosity. "Family acquaintances? Difficulty?" she repeated, clearly intrigued by the hints of a mysterious past. "Aetherius, you've piqued my interest even more. What kind of difficulty are we talking about?"

I sighed, realizing I couldn't keep her completely in the dark. "Well, let's just say my family isn't your ordinary, run-of-the-mill relatives. There's a whole other realm, filled with beings not exactly human. I have ties to the demon realm."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Demon realm? Like, actual demons? Are you telling me demons exist?"

Lucious, who had lingered nearby, couldn't resist joining the conversation. "Oh, you bet they do, Angelica. Aetherius here is not your typical human. He's got a demon side to him, and trust me, it's as intriguing as it sounds."

Angelica looked between us, processing the information. "Wait, are you saying there's a whole realm I didn't know about? And you have ties to it, Aetherius?"

I nodded, offering a small smile. "Yes, but don't worry. Not all demons are malevolent. In fact, I've been trying to distance myself from that world. My recent memories brought back some complications I thought I'd left behind."

She leaned in, her voice almost a whisper. "Complications like what?"

"Well," I began, choosing my words carefully, "there are politics, power struggles, and familial expectations. It's not an easy realm to navigate, and sometimes it spills into the human world, causing... complications."

Angelica's expression shifted from surprise to understanding. "So, when you said rediscovering forgotten abilities, you meant demon abilities?"

I nodded again, relieved that she seemed to be handling the revelation well. "Exactly. And that's why I've been pondering what to do next. It's not a straightforward situation, and I need to figure out how to balance both worlds."

She studied me for a moment before speaking, "Aetherius, you're not alone in this. If you need someone to talk to or help you figure things out, I'm here. I might not know much about demon realms, but I'm a good listener."

I smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Angelica. That means more to me than you know."

Angelica bestowed a gracious smile before gracefully strolling away. Lucious, wearing a self-satisfied smirk, remarked, "Your inaugural extended discourse went rather swimmingly. She absorbed everything with the poise of a seasoned adventurer—quite the remarkable individual, I must say."

Aetherius turned his gaze to Lucious, urging, "Why not be straightforward about it?"

Lucious offered a smirk in Aetherius's direction. "Let's proceed to our remaining classes," he suggested. And thus, they ventured toward their subsequent lessons for the day.