
Crimson Gauntlets

"She's gone my Amy is gone—I don't care anymore, and this goddamn things started popping in portals and almost destroyed the world but they retreated—I think........ Look! i don't wanna go all sh*ty and this is just a recorded message so I'll be leaving this in the office now.....General Chris Tanaka signing off". A story of a guy who lost his girlfriend and ruined his life—and decided to join the military for fun.

Toumaflamefire · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The golden knight

"hmm...not bad.." I was looking at the reflection at my self in the mirror trying to look for something good to wear at the interview for the [scarlet cross].

"it should be around One in the afternoon right?" I wondered then a my cellphone rang. I picked it up.

[Mom] is what the screen said. I answered it. "Hello?".

"Chris you there?".

"Ah,yes Mom you need something?".

"I was hoping you could come here this afternoon".

"Is there something happening?".

"Oh, just hoping all of us go out in the Beach".

"...The beach really?".

"A-ah!, right sorry! how about let's just go picnic okay?".

"U-Umm I have an interview today".

"Ah! is that so! what kind of job is it?".

"Umm...I think it's a [scarlet cross] recruitment".

"Oh..your joining the cross?".


"be careful okay?"


"Okay see you later..."

"Bye mom".

[call ended]


Inside the Adler house hold...

"Mom, does Big Bro wanna go?" asked Christina. "Chris said he can't, He said he had an interview with the [Scarlet Cross] today".

Her Mom looked distressed, she really wants all of them to bond together today.

"Ohh...Big Bro joining the [scarlet cross]" Christina imagined Chris wearing a Black longcoat with scarlet lining a typical [scarlet cross] uniform. But she shook her hands while blushing thinking it was cool.

"Give the boy some space....it seems that he haven't move on yet with Amy".Her father stated, sitting in the sofa while reading the daily newspaper—having that stern face in the while.

"your right....." Her mom muttered.


My mom calling just to go outside was weird

'well, whatever I need to hurry otherwise I'll be late".

Luckily I found the perfect clothes for the occasion a Black tux 'wow that's sharp, but still though.....' I thought peering my body in the mirror.

"Chris's body really is a noodle huh?" As for noodle I meant this body not properly fit. It's not like I have any problems with it, it's just that fighting in this body will be harder.

'I really forgot huh?' Although I have a lot of time to make this body fit I just forgotten to do it with all the things I've done.

"Oh!, it's 9:23 now huh, better hurry or I'll miss the bus" I hurried away to take everything I need for the interview then double checked my appearance on the mirror 'perfect' I thought.


I went outside looking like a door to door sales man, eqiuped with a business Tux and a briefcase. "Is this really alright?" I mean I look like a door to door sales man you know! I'm supposed to go to an interview."whatever..".

I arrived at the nearest bus top, just barely missed the bus luckily the bus driver noticed me and stopped to let me in. "Thank you...hah..hah" I thank the driver gasping for air. "your welcome.." said the driver with a knife smile.

I got in the bus and looked for a good seat to sit in. There wasn't really any people in the buss, I counted five heads excluding the driver, A Mommy and a daughter, Two kids in school uniform—probably skipping class, and a Man wearing the same outfit as me.

'It's probably best to sit in the back... right' I decided to sit in the back of the bus since there's no one seated in there. "*sigh*..."

I sighed in bliss as the combination of the AC of the bus and the comfortable seat gave me comfort.

'It's probably for the best if I prepare myself mentally for the interview...then' as mumbling my self on the back of the bus, it stopped.

Then came a girl dressed in formal business outfit for women. I can guess that she's going somewhere important to.

She glanced around the bus, probably looking for a nice seat then she headed towards me.

she sat at the back of the bus too but a further away from me. Eyeing her for a while I thought that she really is a gorgeous woman.

Her hair tied into a pony tale is Aqua blue same goes to the color of her pupils—makes me ask if those were natural.

"...what do you want?" She probably noticed me, observing her. "U-umm.... it's nothing!"

I panicked! 'Oh gosh' I quickly turned away, my face now flushed. ".....Okay...?" Yup! this is awkward as Hell!.

As I was dying of embarrassment here, the bus stopped quite roughly which made the recoil to make me lean forward a little.

"Hey! what's going on!" the man in a business suit got up in his seat and complained to the driver. "Ah! sir I'm so sorry it's just that there's something big blocking the road.

'Blocking the road?' I got up in me seat and looked at the nearest window there I saw that the other vehicles have stopped causing traffic some honking, but I couldn't see the "thing" that's blocking our path. Also there's something about the sky it's strangely violet today 'so unnatural..' I thought looking at the sky above.

I moved forward and stopped beside the driver. "What the....." I was surprised at why I see here there was a gigantic....I don't even know what this is it's like "A portal?!" Shouted the gorgeous woman beside me, she probably

moved on front too. She turned back, facing everyone except me and the bus driver.

"Every one get out of the bus head somewhere else that's safe" she ordered, every one. "what the hell are you saying woman!" the businessman retorted then she went in front of her "you know something about this?!" He then said in a threatening tone.

"Yes.." She said then she turned her back on the man and chanted something "MATERIALIZE!"

After she said that something did materialized in her arms two red transparent Handguns.

"I'm with the [scarlet cross] now I'm gonna need all of you to cooperate—you need to get out of here now" When she said that the man quieted down. 'it seems that being a [scarlet cross] brings authority too huh..' I thought as the passengers including the driver got out of the bus.

I waited for every passengers to get out of the but, then I too prepared to get out. As I was about to get out I felt something dangerous was about to happen. I didn't spent another second and grabbed the [scarlet cross] woman too and jumped out of the bus.

"What are you.....!" just as she complained a violet light shot thru the bus and then it exploded. "what....." I didn't spent a second again and grabbed her hand and went sprinting.

"W-Wait!" She struggled at first to keep up with my speed so I considered carrying her princess style. But I suddenly felt a sting in my left arm.

Reflexively I tossed her aside to safety and I also went sideways to doge whatever fast that is coming. But I wasn't fast enough as my

Left arm was blown away. "keuk!" I groaned in pain as my left arm was dripping a ton of blood.

The [scarlet cross] woman seemed to have recovered then surprised to see that my hand was blown off. "your....hand...". The expression of fear and powerlessness mixed within her face.

"so this is what the otherworld is....it's pretty bore." A man appeared outside of the portal. He's walking thru the road wearing a full golden plated armor complete with a helm and red cape. He was emitting a heavy pressure. I'm not so sure but it seemed to make me breath a little harder.

"Oh! there's no one here?....are the people in this world a coward?"the mystery man muttered, peering at his surroundings. Then his gaze stopped on me.

"...it's seems that I missed...." He's then put his golden glove at front and it was shrouded in a violet aura. "I'll just finish you up then" He said grinning but he was interrupted.

5 streaks of red light headed onto the Golden plated knight. But it didn't penetrate the armor, it only dissipated upon contact. "I won't let you!" the [scarlet cross] woman shouted as she leapt and fired a barrage of red light.

"so this is the the warriors of this realm huh..."

The knight said not bothering to attack back and kept on observing her. 'She didn't even put a dent in it...' I thought then looking at the knights armor, then to my left arm whom just stopped bleeding.

Even if the knight was so carefree as to not attack her, she did not stop. She upped her game by aiming her barrages at his head.

"Tch, how annoying" The golden knight clicked his tongue in annoyance. The golden knight flashed forward then kicked Her in the abdomen.

She grasp for air, and she kneeled—probably because her legs became weak, both her hand guns dematerialized into thin air. The Golden knight prepared to end her life as violet aura and lightning shrouded his golden glove, pointing it at her. Then I recalled what my uncle in my other life has said.

"Protect all the females! Don't discriminate them and only then you shall become strong"

Recalling those words in knitted my brow in frustration, a girl is about to die in front of me and I couldn't even do anything about it. With frustration also comes anger.

I rushed into the golden knight screaming aggressively as I go. "arghhhhhhhaaaaaaa!"

The golden knight then cancelled his agenda to kill the [scarlet cross] woman and fired violet lasers at me, piercing my left thigh.

I bit my lips to endure the pain and kept on going. "oh..your a sturdy one.." he then shot 2 lasers at me one on my right thigh and one shot thru my chamber—precisely my head.


POV:[Scarlet cross] woman

I despaired my legs are weak my abdomen hurts and the man that saved me, went down with his head blown off. 'ehehe.....why isn't reinforcement still isn't coming?...I already sent a distress signal... maybe they abandoned me? haha yup that's probably it they abandoned me.....' I thought despairingly

then taking a peek at my savior's dead body, then to my communicator—a small wireless earpod on my left ear it doesn't seem to get any signal.

'Even though he didn't abandon me.....I failed him...' I was sick of my self always letting someone protect me, always so powerless—I have to change.

I stood up, my legs are weak and shaking I couldn't waste this soul who protected me I have to avenge him! "You...." I muttered I'm a strained voice.

"MATERIALIZE!!" I shouted like I've never been before. Then both of my partners materialized before me. I fired a barrage at the Golden Knights' Helm once again.

"ohh! now that's the spirit of a warrior!" the knight shouted heartly, he continued to walk towards me slowly while ignoring the barrage that's hitting him.

'I have to avenge him...' I kept on firing as he kept on coming closer to me. ' I need to avenge him'. "nice fighting spirit girl" the knight said as he closed up on me.

"but it's such a shame that this has to end..."

the golden knight pointed his fist at me then it fired a violet beam at me. I tried to doge it, the beam passed me just a hair's breadth away from my face. The speed of the beam made a small cut in my cheek bleeding.

"ohh... what a splendid reflixe you have there"

The Knight complemented me 'I don't need your complement...' I thought then aiming both my handguns at him 'I need you to die!'.

I shot another barrage, but he just tanked it.

walking slowly towards me. He kept on approaching me and I kept on firing. But my

handguns stopped firing 'Tch, my [psion] must've depleted. I clicked my tongue in frustration.

".....could it be that you ran out of essence?".

Essence? what's he talking about...he probably meant my [psion] huh.

As I stood there he kept on approaching, but I wast just going to wait there so I just rushed thru him. 'reinforcements haven't arrived...[psion] depleted....heh I'm sure living these odds...my only shot is this' I took out an item from my breast pocket.

It's a Compressed Psion bomb—commonly known as the CP bomb within it is filled to the brim with compressed Psion, these psion are so sensitive that they explodes upon contact with a foreign substance, like air or dirt.

'Normally these are illegal under the cross's regulations but....' I glanced at my savior's corpse, then to my foe. 'there's not much of a choice...'.

The knight then fired a beam at me this time it's a little faster, I donged it on reflex but it shot thru my right shoulder "guh...!" groaning in pain, the knight came towering in front of me.

"It's such a shame to kill a fine warrior...but a job is job.....I'm deeply sorry" The golden apologized to me. "Heh...say no more" I was about to lunge at him with the bomb in hand, when a scream came out of nowhere.

"haaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!" to my surprise it was my savior, he got up and yelled at us. 'what the...I thought his head was blown out' I can't believe it, his head was now partially complete...and it looks like it's being restored too. Crimson smoke oozing from the uncompleted parts of his head and his left arm.

"haaahh" He sighed crimson smoke and then straightened his posture. "You...." He said pointing at the Golden knight.

"Hoho...this energy?...could it be a fellow gauntlet has awakened in this realm too!..no its stronger!" The knight said excitedly. Then my savior yelled something that surprised me.

"MATERIALIZE!!!". Then there appeared a combination of black and crimson gauntlet on both of his hands, He then punched it together making a shockwave, causing the glass in the buildings and cars to break, The shockwave also reverberated through my body and was enough to send me back a little, but the knight didn't seemed bothered at all, it's more like he's exited on fighting him

"I'll destroy you!".