
An average day among the Academy

Hello there, new readers! Welcome to my story, I want to kick things off by saying this is my very first adventure in the world of online writing. So, please bear with me through these initial chapters—it's a bit of a work in progress. While I'm gradually ironing out some kinks, it's taking its sweet time. But hey, don't let that slow start deter you! Once this story hits its stride, I promise it'll leave you utterly awestruck! Thanks a bunch for giving it a read, and I hope you enjoy the ride! 


As the light of dawn kissed the rooftops of Konoha, Naruto stirred from his slumber, greeted by the gentle warmth of the morning sun. His blue eyes, heavy of sleep, flickered open to unveil the ceiling of his small room, and turned to his window. looking outside, seeing the golden hues painting the sky, Naruto felt a surge of purpose coursing through him. 

The warmth of the sun's embrace seemed to invigorate his spirit, and he rose from his bed with a new sense of resolve, a smile on his face that mirrored the sun's ascent. 

The challenges that lay ahead, the disdainful gazes he would undoubtedly encounter, all seemed insignificant in the face of his unwavering determination to become the future Hokage. 

Naruto's journey was about to unfold with the promise of a new day, and as he stepped out of his house into the village, inhaling the morning fresh air, the radiant glow of the sun cast a symbolic glow on the path he was destined to tread, igniting the flame within him that burned with fervor.

With a steadfast stride and a grin on his face, Naruto traversed the bustling streets of Konoha, the village that had witnessed both his aspirations and the weight of his burden. The air crackled with a mix of curiosity, disdain, and lingering prejudice from those who cast their hostile gazes upon him. Unfazed by the judgmental stares, his hands behind his head, Naruto held his head high, his big smile acting as an armor against the negativity that sought to envelop him. Each step resonated with purpose, echoing his unyielding spirit. 

As the hostile gazes followed his every move, Naruto pressed forward, a symbol of resilience against the currents of skepticism that aimed to hinder his progress at becoming the greatest hokage. In the face of adversity, his strides became a testament to his strength, and with every footfall, he carved a path that challenged the very preconceptions that sought to shackle him.

Uzumaki Naruto, while not touted as the most academically gifted, undeniably compensates with an unparalleled reservoir of determination. His tenacity forms the bedrock of his character, a relentless force that propels him forward even in the face of prejudices and academic challenges. Naruto's ability to persevere, coupled with his unyielding spirit, shines through as a beacon of resilience. It's this unrelenting determination that sets him apart, making him a force to be reckoned with despite any perceived shortcomings in conventional intelligence.

Navigating the bustling halls of the academy, Naruto strides purposefully towards his classroom, a lone figure amid a sea of indifferent faces. The cold stares from both teachers and students alike are brushed off like water on a duck's back

Getting into the classroom, Naruto settles into his seat, ignored amidst the orchestrated chaos of his classmates. Shikamaru lounges with apparent nonchalance, eyes wide open yet locked in a perpetual state of slumber. Choji, meanwhile, is engrossed in the act of eating, seemingly indifferent to the surrounding commotion. 

Ino and Sakura engage in a spirited squabble over the coveted spot next to Sasuke, who remains stoic to them, his attention fixed on some distant point. The mask of indifference he wears conceals his thoughts, leaving others to speculate on the enigma that is Uchiha Sasuke. 

Amidst the tumult, Hinata stands out, her eyes betraying an unfamiliar emotion as they follow him walking, Naruto, momentarily self-conscious, glances at himself to ensure there's no unexpected blemish on his outfit, feeling weirded by the inexplicable emotions in her eyes.

Kiba being the loudest of them, can be heard from even outside the classroom, while Shino looks like he's having a good time watching insects playing inside a jar of glass, not caring for the distasteful faces of some of the girls around him.

"Good morning students! "

"hey did you hear? Maki of class b had a new boyfriend.."

"Really? I thought she was with Tsubasa of class c ? "

"Haha, guess she playing both, the daring minx.... "

"Hey class, how about some silence? "

"Akamaru, today we gonna beat Sasuke in the training field, right my boy !? "

"arf arf! " 

"Hey! I said...."

Frowning at the lack of attention, he takes a deep breath, summoning the infamous Scary Face Jutsu that strikes terror into the hearts of unruly students.


The comical transformation of his expression, a perfect blend of sternness and intensity, sends a shiver down the students' spines. The once boisterous room falls into an uneasy silence as Iruka-sensei commands respect with his imposing presence. The students, now subdued and intimidated, cast furtive glances at each other, realizing the gravity of the situation. Iruka Sensei, satisfied with the desired effect, proceeds to address the class with a firm yet measured tone, ensuring they grasp the importance of his words.

"Good morning class" Iruka-sensei begins, his tone carrying a mixture of authority and warmth. The students, now attentive, sit up straighter in their seats, awaiting his lesson. 

"With graduation approaching,I have seen the need to discuss with you the meaning of being a well-rounded shinobi.— key to that, striking a balance between heaven and earth, the shinobi mind, and the shinobi body. Now, who can tell me an example of a balanced shinobi?" The question hangs in the air, prompting the students to think and participate in the discussion.

Sakura, the excellent theoretical student with a talent for chakra control, eagerly raises her hand. Iruka Sensei acknowledges her and grants permission to answer. Sakura confidently says, "A shinobi should be aware of his shortcomings and work to balance them. For example, If a shinobi's body skills are weak, he should train them. If his strategic side is lacking, he should make efforts to grow more tactically. The essence of being a shinobi is to grow and learn from adversity." Her articulate response draws nods of approval from some classmates, while others take mental notes. Iruka, pleased with the insightful answer, acknowledges Sakura's contribution to the discussion.nodding to her,he started lecturing his students on some famous shinobis,all known for havings balanced set of skills,trying to install some lessons that may be helpful to them in their future missions. 

Noticing Naruto's daydreaming amidst his lecture, feels irritation creeping in. He decides to take a stern approach to capture Naruto's attention.

"Naruto!" he barks, the class collectively turns to look at him. Naruto, seemingly unfazed, continues to stare off into space. 

Iruka, now angry, decides to shake things up.

"Enough of this! We're having a surprise quiz. Let's see how well you've been paying attention to my classes."

Groans erupt from the students, and a murmur of complaints fills the air. Naruto, still indifferent, doesn't seem bothered by the sudden turn of events. The classroom is now tense, and the students direct their collective frustration toward Naruto. Iruka, determined to make a point, decides that everyone who fails will be responsible for cleaning the classroom at the end of the day. The announcement adds a layer of urgency to the atmosphere, intensifying the pressure on the students.

 Iruka, in an attempt to test the students' knowledge on important historical events, delves into the intricacies of the Third Ninja World War and its aftermath. The questions cover various aspects, including the divergence of the war caused by the involvement of the Jashin cult, the temporary alliance of the major countries, and the eventual conclusion of the conflict. As the questions become more complex, it becomes evident that Naruto is struggling to provide answers. The tension in the room grows, and some students exchange glances, blaming Naruto for the unexpected quiz. Iruka, noticing Naruto's difficulty, narrows his eyes with a touch of disappointment.

As Iruka starts collecting the quizz papers, the classroom buzzes with anticipation. Naruto's paper, unfortunately, stands out for all the wrong reasons. Instead of answers, there are doodles and an unfinished caricature of Naruto himself wearing a Hokage hat. 

Iruka, frustrated by what he perceives as a lack of effort and disrespect, holds up Naruto's paper for everyone to see 

"Naruto ! What is the meaning of this ?! Did you find The test so unimportant that you'd rather doodle on your paper ?!"

Face getting red,Iruka started to yell at Naruto. The class bursts into laughter, enjoying the spectacle. Amidst the ridicule, Iruka sternly scolds Naruto. He points at the drawing, clearly irritated by what he considers mockery.

" This is a blatant lack of effort. You will stay after class to discuss this with me,you're gonna clean the whole academie today !"

With the eyes of the entire class on him, Naruto faces the consequences of his nonchalant approach to the quiz,laughing at what he perceives as a good prank,enduring the laughter and judgment of his classmates. 

Shikamaru, in his usual laid-back manner, mutters about the troublesome nature of Naruto's actions, Choji indulges in some snacks,telling shikamaru that naruto would never change. 

Sakura tries to maintain a serious expression while finding it amusing, Hinata looks concerned for Naruto, and Sasuke, true to his stoic demeanor, exhibits an expression of disdain.

Kiba openly laughs, finding the situation quite entertaining. On the other hand, Shino, known for his quiet and reserved nature, somehow manages to become even more invisible, as if attempting to distance himself from the commotion and avoid drawing unnecessary attention.sitting next to each others, The contrast between kiba's boisterous laughter and Shino's discreet response adds another layer to the dynamics of the classroom scene.

After the academy bell rang, signaling the end of the day, most students hurriedly left the classroom, leaving behind the usual mess of scattered papers and desks in disarray. However, one figure remained seated at the back, deep in conversation with the defiant blonde student, Naruto Uzumaki.

Iruka, his initial frustration still lingering, decided to stay behind. The afternoon sun cast a warm glow through the classroom windows as Iruka leaned against a desk, his arms crossed. Naruto, feeling a mix of annoyance and defiance, continued to clean the classroom.

"Naruto, you can't just brush off your studies. Understanding our history is crucial for every shinobi. It shapes who we are and guides our path for the future. Hokage or not, you need to learn from the experiences of those who came before you."

Naruto, not looking up from his task, retorted with a confident grin

"Iruka-sensei, I don't need history books to tell me how to be great. I'll forge my own path, and everyone will see it."

Iruka sighed, realizing that this conversation might require a different approach. With a softer tone, he continued:

"Naruto, it's not just about being strong. A Hokage needs wisdom, and wisdom comes from understanding. You have the potential, but you must be willing to learn and grow."

Naruto paused for a moment, looking at Iruka with surprise,not expecting the recognition for his potential mixed in the lecture. The air in the room held a subtle tension as these two contrasting personalities clashed in their perspectives. The shadows cast by the setting sun danced on the walls, symbolizing the struggle between tradition and the unyielding spirit of a determined young ninja.

Iruka, realizing the need for a compromise, decided to push Naruto to both improve his attitude and complete his cleaning duties efficiently.

"Alright, Naruto, let's make a deal. If you promise to put more effort into your future studies and take history more seriously, I'll let you finish cleaning quickly and get home early. Deal?"

Naruto, his competitive spirit ignited, responded with a smirk:

"Deal! But don't expect me to become a history buff overnight, Iruka-sensei. I've got my own way of doing things."

Iruka couldn't help but chuckle at Naruto's persistent spirit.

"Fair enough, Naruto. Just remember, being a ninja is more than just strength. Now, clean up quickly, and we'll continue this conversation over a bowl of ramen."

Naruto, excited at the prospect of finishing early and getting a treat, sped up his cleaning efforts. The sound of sweeping and shuffling desks filled the quiet classroom, accompanied by the fading sunlight that filtered through the windows. Little did they know that this seemingly mundane encounter would mark the beginning of a unique bond between teacher and student.

The aroma of steaming ramen filled the air as Naruto and Iruka sat in Ichiraku Ramen, a place that felt like a second home to the young ninja. The hustle and bustle of the village outside seemed to fade away in the comforting atmosphere of the ramen shop.

Iruka, taking a sip of his miso soup, decided to engage Naruto in a conversation about the history of Konoha. He believed that understanding the village's past was essential for every aspiring shinobi.

"You know, Naruto, the history of Konoha is filled with incredible tales of bravery and sacrifice. Take the First Hokage, for instance. He founded this village and instilled the Will of Fire in all of us – a belief that drives us to protect our home and the people we care about."

Naruto, slurping his ramen with enthusiasm, looked intrigued but still maintained his nonchalant attitude.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Old guys did cool stuff. But why should I care about all that dusty history?It sounds too boring,doesn't sound too useful to me into becoming greatest hokage ever anyway "finishing with taking another slurp out of his food

Iruka, slightly taken aback by Naruto's bold statement, questioned his determination.

"That's a lofty goal, Naruto. But why do you think knowing history is boring? Understanding where we come from helps shape who we are and who we want to become."

Naruto, pausing from his ramen feast, met Iruka's gaze with a glint of determination in his eyes.

"Because I'm gonna create my own story, Iruka-sensei !"the beginning of a smile on his face seen forming,

" I don't need to dwell on the past. I'll surpass them all and become the greatest Hokage ever,dattebayo!"

Iruka, struck by Naruto's unwavering resolve, found himself momentarily speechless. He couldn't deny the spark of something extraordinary within Naruto, a determination that surpassed everthing he saw among students in teaching career.

"Well, Naruto, if that's your dream, then aim for it with everything you've got. Just remember, knowing where you come from can sometimes guide you to where you want to go."

Iruka then noticed Naruto gazing at the shinobi headband display in the shop, a glint of determination in his eyes.

Curious, Iruka asked Naruto what had caught his interest.

"What are you thinking, Naruto?"

Naruto, looking eager, replied

"Iruka-sensei, I wanna try one on! Just imagine me with my own headband!"

Iruka chuckled, appreciating Naruto's enthusiasm but decided to give him a lesson."Naruto, the headband is a symbol of a shinobi's identity. It's something you earn when you graduate from the academy. You need to prove yourself first."

Naruto, undeterred, continued to express his desire, his eyes fixated on the shining metal plates. Iruka, deciding to have a bit of fun with Naruto, brought up the topic of Bunshin no Jutsu and his chakra control.

Iruka, Feeling playfull,decided to tease his student

"Speaking of becoming a shinobi, how's your chakra control been doing ?"

A Grin now forming on his face,he added "did you make any progress with the Bunshin no Jutsu? You do know it's a fundamental skill, right? What kind of Hokage will you be if you can't master such a basic jutsu?" 

Naruto, caught off guard but never one to back down, shot back with a smirk.

"Who needs fancy bunshin jutsu anyway? I'll be the best with my own style – no bunshin jutsu needed!"

Iruka, feeling his student stubborn mind,now more serious,started

"Naruto, you do realize that becoming a great shinobi requires more than just guts, right? You might want to work on that chakra control of yours, especially if you plan on using any jutsu beyond the basics." getting a "whatever" from his pupil.

Iruka, raising an eyebrow at Naruto's audacious response, decided it was time for a lecture. Turning to his bowl,he began eating,while preaching to Naruto about the importance of chakra control, emphasizing how it could be the difference between life and death on the battlefield.

"Naruto, chakra control is the foundation of every shinobi's abilities. It can save you in tight spots and allow you to conserve chakra for critical moments. Don't underestimate its significance."

Unbeknownst to Iruka, Naruto, bored by Iruka lecturing tone and eager to escape, executed a swift substitution jutsu. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared, leaving behind a cheeky-looking doll in his place – a perfect imitation of Naruto with a taunting expression.

As Iruka turned to address Naruto, he was met with the sight of the doll, and realization dawned on him. Annoyance painted his face as he spotted Naruto making a hasty getaway.

Iruka, now thoroughly annoyed and frustrated, suddenly popped his head out from the ramen stand.Executing the Scary Face Jutsu on the spot, Iruka startled the people walking outside. With a fierce expression, he shouted, 

"Naruto! You can't avoid learning about chakra control forever! Get back here!"

However, his efforts were met with Naruto's laughter and a cheeky remark,

"Haha, you'll have to catch me first, Iruka-sensei!"

at first,you will notice a respect to canon even,or maybe some similarity to naruto fanon stories. i can only say that some moment in naruto should be kept,regardless of the change or transformation you want to make. naruto cant be naruto without his funny or comical side,beside his determination,its what made us feel happy watching him grow into the role of savior.

Thank you for the read,dont forget to tip me in my kof* if you liked the work :3

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

LightOfCertainitycreators' thoughts
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