
Chapter 5

June 16,1998

11:20 am


Today was a very calming day of no tasks,no dressing up and just relaxation, lately its been busy with a lot of things such as meeting with my new teachers and discussed how things will look for me, My familiar came and its been the best of me being here and I haven't really seen Leo anymore most of the time he is coming home really late or doing that but with his Friends and Lucy has been getting more angry and angry each day with Leo and his antics.

Right now I'am just swimming around and enjoying the water the one thing my dad wanted for his kids was to know how to swim and be the best at it since he was a swimmer and is a part time swim coach on the side. I don't swim to often but when I am it really takes the pressures of life away for a moment.

Before I can enjoy anymore bliss in the calming blue water I hear my familiar, which is a saint Bernard barking, and someone screaming out in fear I look from the water and see what pissed him off and find that is Leo and his friends dressed in their swimming suits too and the person Suzuki is barking out is no other then Carmilla dressed in something that I wouldn't even a bathing suit but more as something you would wear to the bedroom. I whistle over from him to come near me and to stop barking and that when they turn to me.

"What is that thing next to you what kind of beast is that!" She said to me very startled and very angry.

"Its My dog and My familiar, He come to be mine two days ago."I told her swimming closer to them and propping my shoulders up to see them better while Suzuki got closer to me and growling more silently.

"Well what ever it is that thing needs to be on a leash and not around others"she said while getting closer to Leo any chance she gets.

"He is a good dog and he only bothers people who he just doesn't trust."I said to her while turned and walked to on the lawn chairs, the others just find their own seats two and get out to rest a little while Leo sits right next to me, Now I know that me and Leo are just friends I will admit that he has one nice ass body to much his personality.

"Hey Lu, I seen that you are swimming again its been a while since I seen you swim"he said to me while giving me that damn good smile that always shine next to me.

"Its has but I really needed to feel the water again on my skin but my hands are getting a little pruny so I think I am going to head out and get some rain water."I tell him while getting out the pool before I feel Leo's hand on mine.

"Come on its been forever since we did a race with each other and I want to see if you still got it,"He said while smirking, since I like a challenge I was going to take up that offer and beat him again but before I could say yes,"Leo come over to us,"she said while the others nod in agree and Looking at Leo I knew that he wanted to be with me but me being the kind person I am I said its okay and I was leaving anyway and when I was just about to leave Leo says to something to me I've never heard him before.

"You look really good in that swimsuit Lucia I hop I can see you in something like that again" he said while looking me and down and after that me and Suzuki left the pool with eyes on me againa and the feeling of someone glaring at me too.


1:00 pm

I had just gotten off the Mirror with my sisters, Ariadne got in trouble at school again and Belinda got another spell worked at and was fixing it before it was done professionally and now I was just lounging with Suzuki in a very comfy outfit with my very comfy socks reading until my vision went black.

"Guess who it is" Leo said while holding his hands over my eyes and doing a terrible job of hiding his deep voice.

"Let me see is it Melvin"I said to while acting like I was serious,"No,"Leo said while taking his hands off of me and jumping over the sofa to sit next to me,"Its me silly no give me your lap" He said to me while laying his head on my lap not realizing that my face went red(even though you can't really see it).

"I was just joking Leo and aren't you supposed to be with your friends and Carmilla" I said to him try not to show him that I was Jealous wait would I be Jealous of him and her I really need to get some sleep.

"Well they were boring me and I really wanted to spend some time with you" He said while turning his head to face me,"and why are you worried about Carmilla are you jelly or something" He said while pinching my cheek.

"No I just so saw how close she was getting to you today and I was just wondering if their was something going on between the two of you."I asked him while he was getting off my lap to face his whole body towards me.

"What if I said I was how would you feel about that?"Leo said while smirking and tilting his head like a child.

"You are your own person and if you were I would support it as long as you were happy but it didn't intervene with our engagement"I said to him while turning back to my book.

"That really didn't answer my question Lucy",Leo said while getting up and bending down in front of me,"Maybe I should get this out of our discussion"he said before ripping my book out of my hands and holding it up high for me since he knows he has the advantage with his height I get up out of my set and ask him to give me back my and this mo'fo just shakes his head and just waking around the room. I follow him and start jumping to get it back but his speed goes fast and we do this for a good couple of minutes in till out of nowhere while I'm in the air he drops the book and grabs me by my waist and looks me in the eyes and says,"Now do you want to answer that question again?" he said while my face gets hotter and I just shake my head, "Okay so I won't putting you down"He said while twirling me across the room and I was just going along with it.

This is the Leo I know and this is type of stuff he used to stuff but I don't even won't to think I just want to enjoy this moment and while we were spinning and laughing like crazy people I suddenly feel us falling and before I know it we are both on the ground with Leo on top me. We at each other and begin to laugh again but after a while we stop laughing and get up slowly and we just sit there and bask in what just happen, I turn over to Leo looking at me and I feel our faces getting closer to each other and before our lips touch we hear a knock at the door asking to come in. We both get ourselves together and I say you can come in now.

"Hello ma'dam and Hello I was just coming in to inform you two that dinner is ready and everyone is waiting on you two to come and join" Melvin said to us not realizing that he ruined my chance of my first (Official) kiss and the moment we having with each. we both nod are head and follow him out looking at each other with faces as red as a chili pepper.