
Crimson Bonds: An Isekai Yandere Tale

An act of kindness in a bloody graveyard, that not even the devil itself would have come up with, such a tragedy. After dying to a soldier that he spared, Zenyph wakes up in an unknown medieval world, with supernatural beings and magic. One thing becomes apparent to him, the laws of earth do not count here. Love isn't a phenomenon that only exists between good and good. Obsessive love? Possessive love? Familial love? The lines haven't been drawn, it's all fair game. This story will focus on a yandere mc with yandere harem members, I will also be focusing on action because of course magic is cool. Hope you enjoy reading it, I'm mostly writing it for myself but it does help if others enjoy it and encourage me! Tags: Gore, Fantasy, Supernatural Races, Magic, Yandere, Isekai, Weak To Strong, Smart MC, Harem, R18

Synphomia · Fantasy
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85 Chs

The Palace Intrigue

"No, I am not lost," Zenyph lied as he walked past her.

"I was just taking a leisurely stroll. The night air is refreshing and invigorating."

Hina followed him closely, keeping pace with his steps. Her presence unnerved Zenyph, he couldn't shake the feeling that she was watching his every move.

"If you're not lost, then why are you wandering aimlessly around the palace? Are you looking for something, Zenyph?"

Hina's questions came rapid-fire, each one sounding more suspicious than the last.

"Fine you caught me, I was looking for you actually." said Zenyph as he turned to face her.

"Oh? Why is that, Zenyph? Has something happened?" Hina's expression changed again, this time to concern.

"Yes, something has happened. Something very important. Can we speak about it in private?"

"Of course, follow me," Hina led Zenyph into another gateway, one with far more detail to comfort and hanging chains, that Zenyph can observe at least.

"Please, take a seat, Zenyph. Now, tell me what's troubling you."

Zenyph sat down on one of the plush couches and took a deep breath.

"Lynette is up to something, mother. I don't trust her. She's hiding something from me. She's up to no good. I can feel it in my bones."

Hina raised an eyebrow, "Lynette? Up to no good? Zenyph, are you sure about that?"

"No, I am not. That is why I am telling you, mother. Maybe she is just being a good maid, but there is something that is bothering me about her. I cannot pinpoint exactly what it is, but I have a feeling she's hiding something from me. I just want to make sure that you keep an eye on her too, just in case. After all, you're the most powerful person in the empire, right? You can do anything you want, including keeping tabs on your servants."

Hina looked at Zenyph confused, "What are you talking about, Zenyph? I'm only a queen consort, not the Empress of the Empire. The Drakonharts have always had three queens. A First Queen, A Second Queen, and a Third Queen. As of now, I am the Fourth Queen, though that might change if the Emperor takes another wife."

"But you should have some authority, right? The Emperor must listen to your counsel, surely?" Zenyph pressed, eager to learn more about the inner workings of royalty.

Hina shook her head, "In terms of council of Draconia, yes but lately the Emperor has been dismissive of the opinion of his wives. Especially in matters involving the Third Prince Nytio, who has his ear. Which is not surprising considering the rumors that surround the Prince."

"What do you mean?" Zenyph asked, his curiosity piqued.

"There are many rumors circulating about the third prince, but most of them revolve around his involvement in the assassination of the second prince of the Luminara family. Though the official story is that he died from a tragic accident, many believe otherwise. The Third Prince is a mysterious figure indeed."

"Luminara family?" Zenyph questioned.

"You really didn't pay attention in school, did you?" chuckled Hina, "The Luminara family is an ancient line of angels who once ruled the capital of Astaroth. They're a very influential and powerful family, especially in the military." Hina sighed in disappointment.

"I actually just had a meeting with the Draconia council about this incident." Hina remarked while looking at Zenyph with eyes that hopes he'd ask her to tell her about her day.

"A meeting?" Zenyph asked.

"Yes, a meeting. We were discussing how to deal with the growing tensions between the Luminara and Drakonhart families. The second queen and I were on opposite sides, she favored a military response whereas I wanted to pursue a diplomatic solution. In the end, the council decided to send an ambassador to Astaroth in an effort to resolve the conflict peacefully."

Zenyph wasn't expecting to hear any of this, especially since he had the impression that Hina was very powerful in the empire. This new information intrigued him, and he had more questions now than before.

"Tell me more about the meeting, mother." Zenyph prompted.

"You're curious about the council? As much as I am pleased by your interest, you should be careful about asking such questions, Zenyph. There are many who would use such information against us, especially in the current political climate. But I will indulge you this one time, since you are my son." Hina smiled fondly.

"Thank you, mother." Zenyph returned the smile. He knew he had to keep her on his side if he wanted to survive in this world, and the best way to do that was to make her think he cared about her.

"Well, as I said before, the third queen and I disagreed about the best course of action. In the beginning, the council sided with me but after he appeared they sided with her." said Hina with a worried expression.

"He?" Zenyph repeated, "Who is he, mother? Why do you seem so afraid of him?"

Hina sighed, "The Emperor himself, Zenyph. He rarely ever leaves the palace anymore, and even when he does it's only for special occasions. The last time he spoke up during a council meeting was years ago, before you were born." Hina looked at Zenyph debating whether or not she should tell him.

Hina sighed and began; "He has Chronosiphon, it's a naturally occurring disease where the mana quality starts degrading rapidly causing the diseased to die within the year."

"I didn't want to tell you but he's still your father, even if he didn't pay much attention to us." answered Hina with a strained face.

"Mother why do you look so sad? Wouldn't one of my brothers make a good emperor?" Zenyph replied as he tried to sound cheerful.

"Zenyph, you don't understand. Even if he dies, the Drakonhart family still has to rule for the next 4 years. He was supposed to choose his heir by now but he keeps pushing back the deadline. I think that bastard wants us to fight for the throne." replied Hina as she clutched the pillow even harder.

"How long have we got left, Mother?" Zenyph asked calmly.

"About a month, maybe two if we're lucky. With each passing day, our chances decrease. If he doesn't choose an heir by the end of the summer, then we'll be forced to fight amongst ourselves."

"But aren't all of his children here?" Zenyph inquired.

"Only Nytio is here. The first prince has gone on an expedition to the Abyss and the second prince is out doing who knows what."

"I'd much rather he choose the second prince, at least he has some sort of compassion. Nytio on the other hand cares about nobody but himself." muttered Hina as she looked away.

"Wait mother, why don't I become the Emperor?" said Zenyph as he stood up and looked his mother in the eyes.

"Become Emperor? You? Why would you do that? Don't you hate this life of politics? Just yesterday you claimed you wanted nothing to do with it. Are you playing some sort of trick on me, Zenyph? " laughed Hina nervously as she observed Zenyph's calm demeanour.

"Not really, it was just a childish whim. Now I realize that as a member of nobility I have certain obligations and duties that I can't avoid forever." said Zenyph in a solemn voice.

"What changed your mind?" Hina inquired, surprised by her son's sudden change of heart.

"Let's just say that I've learned some valuable lessons recently, and I'm ready to start taking my position seriously." said Zenyph, hoping his answer would satisfy his mother's curiosity for now.

Hina looked at Zenyph with concern, wondering if this is the real reason for his sudden change of heart. Was this some kind of prank? Did he want her support? Should she reject him? Should she accept him? The situation was getting more confusing by the minute.

Hina gave it a lot of thought. "No, it's too dangerous. You have no idea what you're asking of me, Zenyph." she finally answered with a sigh, "Even if I were to support you, I highly doubt your brothers would agree. They wouldn't hesitate to kill you, no matter how young you are. Besides, I don't even know if the Emperor would choose you as his successor. In fact, he might refuse to pick at all. There are simply too many factors involved in such a risky venture and you might just changed your mind tomorrow."

Hina shook her head sadly as she continued, "No, I cannot afford to gamble on a mere possibility. You are my child, Zenyph, and I will not allow you to be in danger. It's not worth it."

Zenyph stayed quiet, contemplating the information. Although he knew that he had to convince her to trust him, he also understood that this would be a difficult task.

After all, if Zenyph really wanted to succeed the throne, he would first need to earn the support of the entire royal family, and then prove himself worthy of being a ruler in their eyes. It would take years of work and dedication, and Zenyph doubted if he was up for such a challenge.

It dawned on Zenyph that there had to be something Hina wasn't telling him. A secret she kept hidden from everyone else. And Zenyph had a sinking suspicion that it had something to do with him.

Zenyph decided to bring up the topic. "Mother, is there something you are hiding from me?" he asked innocently.

Hina hesitated for a moment before replying, "Yes, Zenyph, there is."

"I'm sending you to the Nexus Royal Academy, you'll be safer there." sighed Hina as she made her decision.

"Nexus Royal Academy?" Zenyph asked, trying to mask the surprise in his voice. He knew that going to school would be safe but it wasn't what he expected his mother to say.

"Yes, it's one of the most prestigious schools in the empire and the best place for you to receive an education." explained Hina with an apologetic look on her face.

"Besides, this way I can keep an eye on you while also giving you the freedom to explore the world outside the palace walls."

"When does it start?" Zenyph asked curiously.

"Next week." Hina answered curtly as she stood up.

Zenyph thought about it and decided to give it a shot.

He stood up and gave his mother a big embrace while lifting her off the ground.

"Thank you for worrying about me mother, I love you." 

Hina's mind went black at this sudden intimacy

"Oh." Hina uttered quietly as her entire body started trembling uncontrollably, tears forming in her eyes.

"O-of course. I'm your mother, Zenyph. I just want what's best for you." she whispered softly, holding onto him tightly.

As Zenyph hugged his mother, he wondered why this simple action caused her to behave like this. Surely a mother should be able to show affection towards her own son without acting like a virgin on their wedding night, no matter how emotionally distant they might be.

He pushed aside these thoughts and focused instead on enjoying the sensation of holding her close. To Zenyph's delight, Hina seemed to reciprocate his embrace, wrapping her arms around his body while resting her head against his chest. They stayed like that for a few minutes until Zenyph reluctantly let go and stepped back, smiling at her reassuringly.

"I promise I'll do everything I can to become an emperor who makes you proud, Mother. And the one who leads our empire into a brighter future."

Hina looked at Zenyph in astonishment before giving him another hug.

"You really are something else, son." she said fondly, stroking his cheek gently.

Zenyph was a little surprised by this sudden show of affection but quickly recovered, returning the gesture enthusiastically.

He wished he could stay like this longer, he never really had a maternal figure in his life, but eventually he pulled away and kissed his mother on the forehead.

Zenyph laughed and hugged her once more.

"I guess I'll see you soon, mother." he said cheerily, waving goodbye before exiting the room.

Hina stood frozen in place, unable to move due to shock.

"Wait Zenyph let me open a gate for you, it's too dark for you to walk alone." Hina hurriedly shouted before purple mana appeared above her hands as she pointed to the nearest walls. 

Looking at his mother in a mixture of admiration and wariness.

"Mother can anyone enter my room like this?" Zenyph asked.

Hina paused midstep and looked at him sheepishly, "Anyone with enough mana affinity. But don't worry, it's only accessible to the royal family."

Zenyph nodded before walking through the portal, leaving behind the stunned woman.

The moment Zenyph arrived in his room, he collapsed into his bed exhausted. The events of today drained him mentally and physically and he needed sleep desperately.