
Chapter Three

{Darius' POV}

I wake up, yawning as I do so. Something seems strange about where I've woken up... I didn't have nightmares of the King this time, a pleasant surprise. Looking around myself, I realise that the reason I slept so good was that Devon has been cuddling me the whole time. His arms are so strong, for some reason, I don't want him to stop holding me close; playing with my hair, making me giggle; I love the feeling of being in his arms.

I realise I'm staring at Devon as he goes blood red. "S-Sorry! I d-d-didn't realise I was s-s-staring" I squeak at him, cursing myself for my girly voice again.

He nervously laughs, saying, "I-It wasn't that... Just eheh thoughts" He rubs the back of his neck. I think he's lying or hiding something from me.

"Wanna talk about your thoughts?" I nervously ask. I'm scared to know the answer if I'm honest. As he hesitates to answer, I quickly add on, "Y-You don't have to answer if you don't want to!"

I hear the front door open and close and jump up, running to meet my sister, Cynthia. I crush her in a tight hug, whispering to her, "I missed you sis," Okay, maybe she was only gone two days, but still! I love my sister, okay? And I need support.

She laughs and walks with me into the living room, where Devon is. "Ooo, does someone have a new boyfriend?? >:3" She teasingly asks me.

"N-No!! He was shot a-and I'm helping him r-r-recover!!" I quickly reply, going strawberry red. But that question does make me think.... What do I feel for Devon??

He makes me feel... complete... I'm not familiar with this feeling, it's a little overprotective, a little - okay, a lot - flustered-ness, a bit of embarrassment; it makes me nervous and excited at the same time; it makes me feel like I can fly but it also makes me sink back down from nerves; it's confusing and it makes me feel complete; it's annoying but... I like it for some reason!

I think... I think I'm falling in love him...