
Chapter One

{Darius' POV}

The colour of this guy's blood is the least of my worries! He's gonna bleed to death, I've gotta act quick! I quickly look around me, checking the coast is clear; then my wings come out through my shirt, my eyes go turquoise, blindingly white light comes out of the palms of my hands and his wounds are healed - not fully though, I had to stop before I finished since I heard footsteps - and then I grab him and teleport to my home.

"Daffy!! Hart's being mean again!!" That's my sister, Star, complaining about Hart, my brother, for not helping her with her Maths homework.

"Hey! It's not my fault you're a moron who can't Math properly!" I chuckle a little at Hart and Star's differences. For twins, they're total opposites.

Anyway, enough about that; the random guy I saved is waking up. I lay him down on the couch, "Hey there... You okay now?" I softly ask. Suddenly, I feel self-conscious about my girly voice but I ignore it and hope I'm not blushing.

"I-I.. Think so... W-Where.. am I... though?" He asks, opening his eyes and looking around. Damn, his voice is hot - wait what am I thinking? I sure as hell hope he can't read my mind. Oh shit I'm probably blushing now. Anyway, I've gotta answer his question.

"U-Uh you're at m-my place. I-I found you injured and h-helped you," I tell him, "I-I'm Darius but you can call me Dari, w-what's your num- I-I mean name?" Way to go Dari! Now you're gonna seem like the stupid faggot you are! A hot guy like him is probably taken or straight anyway...

Anyway, the guy answers with, "I-I'm.... Devon," He then smirks and winks at me "And I'll give you my number if you give me yours~" Now I KNOW I'm blushing a LOAD. I try to speak but I can't good words. Devon laughs, I must look like a moron right now. "Awww, don't worry, I was joking" He says, "but you're so adorable when you're flustered" He laughs again. I'm such a tomato right now 😖

I hear footsteps and the door opening. "Dari? Where's Cynthia?" My other sister, Daphne, asks, "Uhh never mind" She slowly starts to walk out.

"Don't leave! It's not what it looks like Daf!" I yell in her general direction. "And Cynthia's at her girlfriend's house 😏" Devon is in hysterics, laughing.

"Oi! Nothing about me finding my little bro with a random guy on his lap is funny!" Daphne yells at him. He continues laughing.

"I ain't your little brother, we're part of a set of triplets! I'm just last born!" I yell at her, undignifiedly falling off the couch, Devon landing in a suggestive position on top of me. Stghjwnigvdejkogshlpvfuhfjubdhfsntjdjsntbfgb - error: Darius.exe has stopped working