
Criminal Actor: SWAT Team in Confusion.

(Murderer + Entertainment + a little bit of Diffusion) Li Si obtained the [Crime System], and from then on, there was one more oddball in the entertainment circle. When someone else's new film goes online, the fans cheer. When his new film went online, the fans would only ask one thing: "Boss, you haven't been taken in by the SWAT team yet?" ...... Film Emperor: the first time I acted opposite, I thought the crew had recruited someone from jail. But it turned out that Rees was excellent. Screenwriter: He helped me perfect the script! But I couldn't figure out why Rees was so familiar with gangsters. Director: He's the most talented young man I've ever met, kind and serious. A special task force: Keep an eye on Li Si, keep an eye on Li Si! He's already shown his hand in his new film, we'll get him this time! "Note: This book is a translation. I do not own the copyright and am willing to provide a link to the original upon request."

Translator1999 · Urban
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

Why hasn't Blogger in jail yet?


The darkened auditorium suddenly erupted in a chorus of shock.

It didn't take long for ...


The deafening sound almost toppled the roof of the room, and a few crows flew up helplessly, piping and cawing into the distance.

In a corner of the corridor, two cleaning ladies were chatting.

"What's the ghost screaming in hall fourteen? It's like killing someone." One of the amahs had palpitations.

The other amah gave a disdainful blank stare, "You don't understand, it's some kind of horror film, it's especially hip. That kid in my house loves it ..."

"Crap !!!!"

The loud noise made her hold back the second half of her sentence, and the big mum could only shut up resentfully.


[That thing] finally collapsed.

The sharp steel bars nailed it firmly to the tree trunk, and pitch-black liquid gushed out from the wound.

Even with such a serious injury, it was still writhing and struggling.

Finally, the strength of its struggle gradually weakened, and its bloodstained work clothes and mask slowly began to break.

Was it dead?

She didn't know.

But its eyes were still staring dead ahead, and there was a malice in its eyes so thick that it couldn't be melted.

Was it human?

She didn't know either.

Until the very end, this tyrannical demon did not reveal its true form.

Shaking with nervousness, she approached the utterly motionless figure step by step, trying to lift the pitch-black mask that seemed to be welded to her face.

Just before the mask was about to be lifted.

The softly drooping hand suddenly popped up and gripped her arm.

"Ah !!!!"

The screen instantly went black, leaving only a piercing scream.

The auditorium lights came on, and the audience, still immersed in the horror, looked at each other in disbelief.

A female film critic gently clapped her hands, then more and more people joined her until finally the applause was thunderous.

Director Sun stood up and accepted the applause openly.

He was the film's planner and one of the screenwriters. Just by looking at the audience's reaction, he knew that this Crystal Lake Murderer had been a success.

Every camera variation was firmly stuck on the audience's emotional point.

This type of film was still in the exploratory stage in China. He even had a premonition that The Crystal Lake Murderer would become a generic template for the homicidal maniac genre.

The film critics exchanged words offstage and finally agreed that the character [Homicide Maniac] was the most colourful.

Although the actor didn't show his face, he aggravated the horror atmosphere of the film just with his eyes and movements.

Especially some of the shots, which clearly require the director to constantly deliberate in order to reflect the sense of oppression, but this actor did it with just one look.

What a promising future.

One by one, the lead actors walked onto the stage and began to talk about their journey in making this film.

The screen also lit up again and began to play the film's shooting footage.

[A homicidal maniac raises his scythe and the lead actor is stunned.]

The actress was paralysed with fear as the maniac ran a few steps.

[The masked homicidal maniac finds the props master to discuss which is easier to wield, the bone chopper or the meat cleaver.]

The audience laughed out loud. This crew was really extraordinary, even the bloopers were ingeniously filmed as comedy clips.

Only the props master in the corner blanched, burying his head as low as he could and kept whispering, "It's finally over, it's finally over..."

More and more of the audience began to look for the person who played the homicidal maniac, which seemed to be a young actor named Li Si.

But strangely enough, he couldn't be found all over the theatre.

Director Sun called Li Si, and the call did not go through.

He didn't care and continued to answer questions from the audience.

Li Si was a constant presence on the set, and Director Sun was used to it.

So what exactly was Li Si doing?

He was coaxing a child.

"This is how you comfort people? This! On! Is! You ..."

The little girl, no, should be called Mei.

This name was something that Li Si had just learnt an hour and a half ago.

At this moment, Mei's face was red, with tears in the corners of her eyes, and her teeth and claws were open to pounce on Li Si to beat him up.

"Forget it, isn't it just a film? As for getting so angry?"

Li Si's body was long, one hand pressed down on Mei's head, so that the angry little girl couldn't take a step forward.

Mei was indeed angry, because in the past hour and a half, she had experienced a horrific torture that she could never have imagined in her life.

The trafficker had never taken her to the cinema before, so this was the first time she had ever seen a film.

Before the show started, she was secretly expecting it to be a love film ...

As it turned out, within minutes, a dead man's head snapped and dropped in front of her eyes.

Full special effects and the fear was super doubled.

Don't mention how sour it was.

Feng Su hurried out with her bag, "I knew you were here. You guys, since you were a kid, you don't like lively occasions."

Li Si stretched his back and patted Mei's shoulder in the process.

"Don't be angry, go out and buy you ice cream."

Ice cream? That sounds so good ...

The little girl resisted the temptation with difficulty, "I won't be bought by a mere ice cream!"

Feng Su watched the two of them interact, and as she watched, an auntie smile appeared on her face.

After laughing for a while, she suddenly remembered something and reached out for Li Si's mobile phone.

Li Si handed over his mobile phone obediently.

Feng Su thundered and operated for a while:

"Well, I opened a Twitter account for you. You're a big actor now, so you can try to slowly manage your fans."

Li Si took the phone, feeling a bit of novelty.

The avatar was a side photo of himself, which was quite handsome, and he didn't know when Feng Su had secretly taken it.

The Twitter blog had just been opened, and currently the entire interface was empty.

There was only one latest blog post.

[I'm actor Li Si, playing the role of a murderer in the upcoming 'Crystal Lake Murderer', please support the film at the box office Oh.]

After reading a few times, Li Si just wanted to tuck his phone back in.

A new reply suddenly appeared in the comment section.

"Huh? There's a reply."

"Where where?" Feng Su excitedly came over, wanting to witness the birth of Li Si's first fan.

Mei also padded over to peek.

[How come the blogger isn't in jail yet?]

Li Si, Feng Su, Mei: ?

The three of them looked at me and I looked at you, all seeing bewilderment on each other's faces.

In this short while, several new comments brushed out.

[This is the guy from the video, right?]

[Holy shit! It's still true! Local brothers hurry to call the police!

[Look at the ip address in the north, right? Northeastern gentlemen, hurry up!

Northeasterners, call the police.

"What's all this?" Li Si carefully flipped through a message, tapping into each account's homepage and analysing the number owner's private information.

"This person seems to run a restaurant, and the homepage has his private phone number. This looks like the ID number can also be found quickly." Li Si muttered.

Mei heard it clearly and had a look of horror.

Feng Su was dry, "I'll call and ask the Pushbot staff."

She breezed away, and Li Si crouched on the ground, feeling aggrieved and angry.

Who was it?

Who was slandering an innocent and kind-hearted good young man?

Can this world still be good?

Mei carefully pushed him, "How about I buy you an ice cream?"

Li Si raised his eyebrows, "Is ice cream going to soothe my wounds?"

After a pause, he said, "At least McSwirl."

A little girl's name: 豆芽 is the name of a little girl, which means Bean Sprout. For ease of reading, I will change her name to "Mei" (李梅), where Mei means flower. So the full name will be "Mei", which can be associated with "flowering bush".

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