
Criminal Actor: SWAT Team in Confusion.

(Murderer + Entertainment + a little bit of Diffusion) Li Si obtained the [Crime System], and from then on, there was one more oddball in the entertainment circle. When someone else's new film goes online, the fans cheer. When his new film went online, the fans would only ask one thing: "Boss, you haven't been taken in by the SWAT team yet?" ...... Film Emperor: the first time I acted opposite, I thought the crew had recruited someone from jail. But it turned out that Rees was excellent. Screenwriter: He helped me perfect the script! But I couldn't figure out why Rees was so familiar with gangsters. Director: He's the most talented young man I've ever met, kind and serious. A special task force: Keep an eye on Li Si, keep an eye on Li Si! He's already shown his hand in his new film, we'll get him this time! "Note: This book is a translation. I do not own the copyright and am willing to provide a link to the original upon request."

Translator1999 · Urban
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71 Chs

New Faces

Shooting a variety show, Li Si blew up a ship, burned three drug dealers to death in the process, and offended the big man behind the scenes named [Third Master].

He himself didn't think it was a big deal.

After all, with the four templates of [Murderer], [Thief], [Mafia], and [Poacher], there were always some chaotic thoughts popping into his head.

Those thoughts were much more exciting than just [using bullets to blow up a cruise ship].

But others didn't think so. In the month since then, Li Si had continuously participated in countless symposiums, small presentations, and accepted countless interviews with reporters.

Moreover, in order not to say anything very criminal in passing, he also had to maintain full concentration all the time.

Fortunately, after a whole month had passed, people's attention to [Anti-Drug Ambassador Li Si] gradually declined and turned to discussing a cheating actress.

Li Si finally had time to do something of his own.

For example, dragging her family to watch a film.

Director Tian's new film, the premiere is scheduled for the fourth of this month.

Compared to the premiere of The Crystal Lake Murderer, Director Tian obviously had more money than Director Sun.

He had rented an amphitheatre directly in the city centre, and the price was roughly twenty times that of Li Si's film fee.

Although there was still quite a bit of time before the show, the audience had already come in twos and threes.

Near the audience, a round table was filled with all kinds of exquisite snacks, but almost no one went to eat them.

Except for Li Si.

He had taken Mei on three trips.

Every audience member attending the premiere could see the huge film poster as soon as they entered.

On the left side of the poster was Liu Jinsheng's face, Old Handsome Liu's face with a vicissitude and a frown on his face. On the right side was Li Si, with a slight smile, evil and fury at the same time.

The two men went toe-to-toe, and at a glance, it was clear that it was a fierce battle between good and evil.

The original male number two and female number one, on the other hand, were pathetically hiding in the corner of the poster.

No one would have guessed that Li Si was actually the male number four in this film, appearing for no more than thirty minutes.

This was still the result of Director Tian, after learning about the anti-drug ambassador, adding scenes for him overnight.

Without bothering to exchange pleasantries with Director Tian and the others, Li Si sat in the corner with Mei, manhandling a giant ice cream.

Feng Su sat behind the two of them, several times wanting to speak.

She watched as Mei finished a large cone and reached out to ask Li Si for money.

Li Si, on the other hand, did not hesitate to slap a banknote into Mei's hand, "Bring me a chocolate flavour, I've had too much vanilla ice cream, I'm a bit tired of it."

Seeing this, Feng Su could no longer hold back.

She had a dark face, "Children are not allowed to eat so much junk food!"

Mei was forcibly pressed back into her seat by Feng Su and was not allowed to step out of the theatre until the film was over.

Li Si shrugged and continued to enjoy his portion of ice cream. As a result, his hand was empty and the ice cream was snatched away by Feng Su.

"I count?" Li Si was dumbfounded.

Feng Su snorted coldly and went to find hot water.

Without some hot water, these two guys would definitely have a bad stomach tonight.

Li Si and Mei looked at each other.

[Buttermilk go out to buy it later?


Feng Su carrying two cups of hot water back to hand the two of them, looking left and right, suddenly full of suspicion: "You ... won't want to take advantage of my not paying attention later, but secretly go out, right?"

Li Si pupils dramatically shocked, but tried to maintain a calm tone: "How can it be, sit down and watch the film."

Almost all the people had arrived, and the surrounding lights slowly dimmed.

Li Si leaned his back against the back of the chair. Ready to enjoy it.

After all, when acting as a homicidal maniac, he wore a mask the entire time, and it wasn't until this film that he actually showed his face on screen.


"Speaking of which, Li's film is premiering today." Song Qi suddenly said.

She was in the practice room of the girl group group [Grando].

It was now break time.

Having just finished an hour and a half of intense training, most of the members were lying on the floor or leaning against the soft cushions to look at their mobile phones.

Only Song Qi was full of energy, stepping on a pair of cotton slippers to walk around the practice room.

"Ahhh, why didn't he give me a ticket, I want to go to the premiere too." Song Qi held her head and rocked her body back and forth.

Xiao E, who was sitting not far away, spread her hands and was filled with helplessness.

Here we go again.

This girl didn't know what kind of evil she was possessed by, bringing up that man called Li Si at least ten times a day.

I also don't know what is so good about him that he can charm Song Qi, the group favourite, into this state.

Shu Hua silently took her mobile phone and checked the comment section of her Twitter blog, randomly picking a lucky fan to reply.

She pushed up her glasses, the lenses reflecting a cold light: "Why did Li Si give you the film tickets?"

Song Qi froze for a moment and stammered, "Because, because the two of us are very familiar. And he even asked me out to dinner before. So I thought ..."

Shu Hua interrupted her without mercy.

"Good. Then since the last time he asked you to dinner, how many times has he sent you WeChat and how many times has he called you until now?"

Song Qi counted on her hands for a while, and the more she counted, the more desperate she became.

Her head got lower and lower, and finally her entire body crouched on the ground, shrinking into a tiny ball.

"Not even once, right?" Shu Hua added one last stab, hitting the vitals straight on.

Song Qi let out a small animal-like cry of grief and completely stopped moving.

The blood bar emptied.

"Aiya Shu Hua, don't bully Qiqi just because she has a bad brain!" The person who spoke was Mimi, who had a nanny-like role in the troupe.

She hugged Song Qi and stroked her head to comfort her.

Song Qi was in tears in Mimi's rippling arms, "Why do I feel like you didn't say anything nice ..."

Shu Hua put away her mobile phone.

She came from modern dance and easily propped herself up from the ground with just one smooth white foot.

She walked towards Song Qi and reached out to pinch the other's soft face.

"What are you doing wow~" said Song Qi vaguely.

Shu Hua shook her head and just pushed the door straight out of the practice room.

Today's training was almost over.

Staying a little longer would probably just spend the time chatting.

She took the company lift down to the basement level and walked to the corner of the car park.

There was a small grey motorbike parked there, which she had only recently bought secretly with the salary she had saved.

No one knew about it except Li Si, who had helped her buy the motorbike.

Shu Hua put her helmet back on and straddled the motorbike, the engine making a low roar.

She took a deep breath, ever since that day when she sat on the motorbike and sped towards the harbour, she had kind of fallen in love with drag racing.

This thing, it's kind of addictive.

Shu Hua suddenly thought of something, and in a rare moment, she hesitated a little.

That said, is it really good to hide Song Qi and Li Si's friendship from her like this ...

Why does it have the feeling that the mistress is hiding from the main wife and fooling around with the man of the house?

She fiercely shook her head, trying to shake that strange feeling out of her body.

They were just friends! No way would they develop any messy relationship.

The time gradually came to midnight.

The premiere was over, and most of the audience had already left, except for the cast members who remained in the theatre.

Director Tian raised a glass of wine.

For this film, he was already confident. Not to mention that Li Si had given him a big surprise.

By his estimation, the box office might have to break 500 million.

Liu Jinsheng poured the wine into his mouth one glass at a time, not knowing what had spurred him on. Li Si sat next to him and took on the lobster alone.

The two ate and drank together, and they complemented each other.

Li Si was eating happily when he suddenly choked a little.

He looked around for water but couldn't find any, and while he was doing so, someone handed him a glass of orange juice.

Li Si took the orange juice and drank it all in one go, the corner of his eye kept looking at the youth in front of him.

After a few moments, he came to a conclusion in his mind.


A smuggler.