
Crescent Moon: Ancient Prophecy

But as the ages passed, the gods' harmony was disrupted. Their rivalries and conflicts began to shape the world, and their powers, once balanced, now clashed. The land suffered, and the Kaleeki's magic began to wane. Terra, the guardian of balance, recognized the danger and took drastic measures. With a heavy heart, he chained the gods' powers, imprisoning them as stars in the sky. The world of Eridoria was forever changed. Terra, in his wisdom, foresaw a future where the balance would be restored. He prophesied that a child, born under the crescent moon, would wield the four powers of the gods. This child, named Ava, would be the key to unlocking the gods' chains and restoring harmony to the land. The prophecy was written on a sacred scroll, hidden in an ancient cave, and guarded by the priests of the Sanian caste. Centuries passed, and the prophecy was all but forgotten. But the oldest member of the Sanian caste, a wise and venerable Kaleeki named Kaelin Darkhaven, stumbled upon the ancient scroll while exploring the depths of the cave. As he unrolled the parchment, the words of Terra shone with a faint, otherworldly light. Kaelin knew that he had uncovered something momentous and hastened to share the prophecy with King Arin II. The king, intrigued by the prophecy, called upon his advisors and the leaders of the Kaleeki castes to convene in the great hall of the palace. Kaelin Darkhaven presented the scroll, and the assembly listened in awe as the prophecy was read aloud. The words spoke of Ava, a child born of a barren mother, who would wield the powers of the four gods and restore balance to the world. The assembly was divided, some doubting the prophecy's validity, while others saw it as a beacon of hope. King Arin II, however, was resolute. He decreed that the prophecy be spread throughout the land, and that the people of Eridoria prepare for the coming of Ava, the chosen one. And so, the kingdom awaited the arrival of the child who would bring harmony back to the world.

Daoist6QbrvM · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Royal selection 3

The five maidens retired to their quarters, their minds buzzing with anticipation and strategy. Despite their excitement, they knew they needed rest for the challenging journey ahead. They drifted off to sleep, their dreams filled with visions of mountains and roots.

The next morning, they woke up before dawn, eager to begin their quest. They dressed quickly and departed the palace, each maiden heading to a different mountain. Senah made her way to Mount Eldrid, Micah to Mount Vat, Kia to Mount Nefaria, Yon to Mount Drakon, and Lili to Mount Celestia.

Unbeknownst to the maidens, the Starlight Root was hidden on Mount Celestia, the tallest and most majestic of the five mountains. Lili, with her extensive knowledge of the kingdom, had chosen the correct mountain. As she reached the foot of Mount Celestia, she felt a sense of familiarity. She had toured the kingdom with her family and remembered hearing stories about a rare root that grew on this very mountain.

Lili closed her eyes, trying to recall where she had seen a Starlight Root before. Suddenly, a memory flashed in her mind - a illustration in an ancient book her father used to read to her. The book described the Starlight Root as a rare and precious plant, with petals that shone like the stars in the night sky. Lili's heart raced as she realized she was on the right path.

Lili searched for the Starlight Root with all her might, scouring the mountain terrain, her eyes scanning every nook and cranny. She climbed steep slopes, navigated treacherous ravines, and braved the scorching sun, but to no avail. As the day wore on, her hope began to dwindle.

Meanwhile, the other maidens were facing similar challenges on their respective mountains. Senah, on Mount Eldrid, had found a root that looked similar to the Starlight Root, but it turned out to be a bitter and useless plant. Micah, on Mount Vat, had discovered a beautiful flower, but it was not the root she sought. Kia, on Mount Nefaria, had stumbled upon a strange, glowing rock, but it was not edible. Yon, on Mount Drakon, had found a root that looked promising, but it tasted vile and bitter.

In fact, Yon was so convinced that she had found the Starlight Root that she decided to taste it, despite her reservations. To her surprise, it was not unpleasant, and she happily returned to the palace with the wrong root, convinced that she had succeeded.

As the sun began to set, Lili was growing desperate. She had searched every inch of Mount Celestia, but the Starlight Root was nowhere to be found. She sat down on a rocky outcropping, her eyes scanning the horizon, her mind racing with thoughts of failure.

Just as she was about to give up, she remembered a phrase from the ancient book her father used to read to her: "The Starlight Root only reveals itself to those who seek it with a pure heart and a keen mind."

Lili took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and focused all her energy on the task at hand. Suddenly, she heard a faint rustling in the bushes nearby...

Lili's eyes snapped open, and she rushed towards the sound. She parted the bushes, and her heart skipped a beat as she saw a glimmer of light emanating from a small, delicate root. It was the Starlight Root!

With trembling hands, Lili carefully dug up the root, her heart filled with joy and relief. She held it up to the fading light of the sun, and the petals shone like stars, just as the ancient book had described.

As she made her way back down the mountain, Lili felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. She had faced her fears and doubts, and her determination had paid off.

Meanwhile, the other maidens were returning to the palace, each with their own story of trial and error. Senah had found a beautiful feather, Micah a rare gemstone, Kia, a strange, glowing mushroom, and Yon the bitter root she had tasted earlier.

As they gathered in the palace courtyard, Kaelin Darkhaven greeted them with a warm smile. "Well done, maidens," he said. "Each of you has shown courage and perseverance. But only one of you has found the true Starlight Root."

He turned to Lili, his eyes shining with approval. "Young miss, your determination and knowledge have led you to success. You have proven yourself worthy of the next phase of the contest."

The other maidens congratulated Lili, their faces filled with admiration and respect. And as they retired to their quarters, they knew that the competition was far from over. The true test of their worth was only just beginning.

The five maidens gathered once again in the grand hall, their faces filled with excitement and anticipation. The king and his ministers, the Kaleekis, the maids, and the old judge, Thorold, were all in attendance. The room was filled with the sweet scent of silk and the soft hum of creativity.

Kaelin Darkhaven stood before them, a warm smile on his face. "Maidens, the final phase of the contest is upon us. You have shown your courage, wisdom, and skill. Now, it is time to demonstrate your artistic talents."

He gestured to a table laden with silks, paints, and embroidery threads. "You will create a masterpiece on silk, using only your hands and your imagination. No sewing machine is allowed. The theme is 'The Beauty of Eridoria'. Let your creativity shine!"

The maidens nodded, their eyes sparkling with inspiration. They chose their silks and began to work, their hands moving deftly as they embroidered with precision and grace.

The room was filled with the soft sounds of creativity, the rustling of silk, and the gentle murmur of concentration. The king and his ministers watched with interest, the Kaleekis nodded in approval, and the maids smiled in encouragement.

Thorold, the old judge, walked around the room, his eyes scrutinizing every detail. "Ah, Sophia, your colors are bold and vibrant. Micah, your stitches are precise and delicate. kia, your design is intricate and beautiful. Yon, your embroidery is stunning, and Lili, your embroidery is exquisite."

Senah embroidered a stunning landscape of Eridoria's rolling hills and sparkling lakes, with vibrant colors and bold strokes. Micah created an intricate design of interlocking flowers and vines, with delicate stitches and precision. Kia's masterpiece was a majestic depiction of the kingdom's mythical creatures, with intricate details and textures. Yon painted a breathtaking portrait of the king and his ministers, with stunning realism and depth.

Lili, however, embroidered a breathtaking piece that captured the essence of Eridoria's beauty and heart. She depicted the kingdom's majestic mountains, with intricate stitches and shading that gave the impression of depth and dimension. The mountains were surrounded by delicate flowers and vines, with subtle colors and textures that seemed to shimmer in the light.

But what truly made Lili's work stand out was the subtle inclusion of the kingdom's symbols and motifs, woven seamlessly into the design. The old judge, Thorold, noticed the subtle details and nodded in approval.

"Young miss, your work embroidery is not only technically impressive, but it also shows a deep understanding of our kingdom's history and culture," Thorold said. "The way she has woven our symbols and motifs into the design is nothing short of exquisite. It's a true masterpiece."

The king smiled, his eyes shining with admiration. "I couldn't agree more, Thorold. Lili's embroidery is a true reflection of our kingdom's beauty and heart. She has captured the essence of Eridoria, and that is why she will make a perfect queen."

And with that, the king placed the winning tag on Lili's embroidery and the grand hall erupted in cheers and applause. The maidens congratulated Lili, their faces filled with happiness and respect. The kingdom celebrated long into the night, honoring the new queen and her exceptional talent.

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