

Here in this world we happen to meet so many people but only some people will stays with you all the time.

Those are my friends SUNG NAV and JUNG NIH... And other than them PARK JIMIN is also one of the person who's getting close to me without knowing.....

Today I'm going to propose him and will tell him that I can't live with out him....

And I'm planning to write a letter to him...

[ You are shining like a bright star and you're the one i admire most in my life and loving you with my whole heart....

Do you know why i love you most...? because of your down to earth personality and for so many things.

Your bright smile is enough for me to die in seconds.

I realised a person likes you exists in reality which we can see only in fairy tales.

If possible in my next life wanna have you as my childhood friend, college crush, boyfriend and as my life partner.

Borahea jiminahhhhhhh... ]

(In school)

I didn't happen to see jimin and i asked his friends and his brother but they didn't told me anything. I feel like i'm left all alone here and no one is beside me even though i had my friends.....

I just imagined randomly at amusement Park but it's really happening...?

Jiminahhhhhhh where are you i couldn't even tell it to my friends that how i'm suffering...

All i want to know you are doing fine or not..... I don't want you just let me know if you are suffering....

I'm sobbing....

I went to home without jimin and without seeing his smiling face i spent a day with out watching him how could i survive without all these things....

(Next day)

I heard he left BUSAN to give an audition at JINHIT and i was like okay he's doing fine and all i can do is hoping for best to him.....

I heard he made it and have to train there.... It ended with out even starting a bit i just want to say "I love you" and "I miss him" like crazy.....

I'm not going to school regularly like before and sobbing in my room and my mom and dad worried about me....

But it'll take some time to console myself untill then i'll be like this.....

(6 moths later)

One day i heard that he's coming to home town and i'm kinda happy but i didn't get to see him all these days and i went to church one day...

I feel so stuffed and cool breeze coming towards me and i have a feeling something is on my back and there he was...

He came to me and told me that he's doing fine and we chatted about some time...( not too long ufff)

After that we both left from there with our parents i was so happy that i could see him but..... Kinda sad i couldn't get to say him how I'm feeling right now....