

Mom i'm hungry give me something to eat....

Go fresh up then come to eat (mom)... Huuf why we need to do bath two times every day...

I'll beat you up if you don't go to do bath.... Mom i'm grown kid don't tell me what to do....

You sweety go while i'm being nice.... Okay understood will go....

( In jimin house jimin asking ) tae hyungiee... Shall we go to park...?

TH: okay sounds fun.... let's go PARK SAN SUM (jimin brother)

I'll tell my grandmother and will come.

JM: Alright.... We're going to take bicycle it's fun if we are riding bicycles in park....

SS: Hyung i found a girl who attracted me more than anything and she's in our class and she looks so classy and suites my taste....

JM : My little brother all grown now introduce her to me tomorrow.

TH: SUMIEE you are so cool...

Okay let's go to the park.....

( A phone call to Cres)


Hiee let's go to the park i saw TAE and JM and SS are going there. NIH's also coming....

Okay we will get to see them I like it.

Come to my house we all will head from here.

Mom i'm going to park bye see you later.

Take care my dear don't stay out soo long.....

(In Park)

SN: Cres there are so many couples here we can see our NIH with SUM very soon.

JN: Stop it yaar i didn't even had courage to propose him.

Cres: Where are they i couldn't see them it's been fifteen minutes....

There they are... Yaaah.....

SS: Hyung and TAE there she is NIH the one who's dressed in green colour.

JM and TAE : We have seen them in our class and the other two are also looking good let's go and talk with them....

SS : These hyungs never change they'll definitely cause problem..... What to do hyung wait....

(someone approached those three girls)

Heyy baby will you came with me...

(rude gang with 5 members)

TH, JM, SS: Went there and asking what happened and do you know these guys...?

Cres: Don't know these idiots...!

Gang: What the fuck i didn't even start asking anything and you called us as idiots...?

TAE showed his bravery here and they told us to run when they count three.....

Cres: And we did it and after seeing the partners with us I'm with JM.

SN: with TAE.

JN: with SUM.

And we are dying here out of happiness cause we are with my beloved one's.

After some time the gang went from there and now we divide into three groups.

JM : Cres are you okay....?

Let's sit here and told me don't think about other two those two kids will take care of them....

But now it's like a dream and we got our favourite one's as our partners after that we found that machine which teddies won't come out of there and went there to play but JM got a teddy there and gave it me.....

After that he walked me to home and asked me that i have a boyfriend i told him that i don't have anyone...

One delivery boy came in our way and slightly hit me and he grabbed me on waist and i'm too close to him that we could kiss in next second.....

My heart racing like anything and i'm blushing and my cheeks got red in colour but JIMIN asked me why your heart racing so fast and making me like that tooo...

And we both fell on the road and i was like i can't get up that it feels like heaven here on him.....

But we both get up and went to my house and i did first aid to him but i had a feeling like he's taking all over me and i'm falling with him so deeply even more .....

JM:Are you okay or else i'll blow it for you on your wounds...

I was like he's such handsome and kind hearted and so pure.....

Cres : No need i'm fine make sure to take care and thanks for today...

JM : Okaysss see you tomorrow at school.

Mom: I told you not to stay out tooo late see what happened.

Dad: it's okay honey leave it and be careful dear.....

Okay dad bye (hugged)

( Conference call)

Cres: NIH and NAV guys how's your day I enjoyed a lot hehe.....

SN: We both ran from there while holding hands and after that i asked him out....

Cres and JN: WHAT.....?

What he told to you...?

SN: hehe he told me that he want some time .....!

Cres and JN : Stupid you don't have brain in relationships boy has to confess.....

SN: No problem i will take care of it.

SN: What about you.....? you guys did anything.....?

JN: Shut that crap nothing happened we just ended up smiling at each other.

Cres: Okay guys let's sleep for now will catch up tomorrow.

JN : Good night.

SN : Good night.... hot dreams.... haha...