
Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific

[This world is steeped in mystique.] [Vampires, werewolves, technology, magical potions, ghosts, bioengineered beings, divination, and puppets; every terrifying element you could conceive of, exists in this world.] [One must carry a lantern when stepping outside.] [One must never wander far.] [Ten meters beyond the gates, darkness will consume you.] [Whether attending to humans, ghosts, or stitched monsters, one must maintain composure at all times.] [Should you ever lose your composure, it will give rise to malicious intent.] This is the translation of the Chinese novel "Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific". It's a horror comedy with more comedy than horror. I hope you enjoy it.

Fish9527 · Book&Literature
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111 Chs

They Are Done!

Lynne dangled upside down in shock as Little, with an exaggerated expression, opened her mouth to show the cracked front tooth.

"It's broken— it's really broken— now when I talk— it sounds windy— waaahhhhh," Little cried loudly, overwhelmed by her sadness.

Behind a distant hillock, the Unihorn Ghost King watched the scene unfold, his mind buzzing. Almost instinctively, he turned his head to look at his elder brother and sister-in-law. His face contorted into a (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))))expression.

The two gigantic skulls, larger than hills, sat side by side. Dark clouds gathered ominously above them. From the back, their expressions were hidden, but their silent, looming presence exuded an intimidating aura as if a storm was brewing.

This was bad. Really, really bad! For he knew all too well the extent of their doting love for their daughter. She was their treasure; they would hold her gently for fear she would shatter, watch over her from a distance whenever she went out, secretly following her, always worried that something might befall her...

And now... There was a big fight looming!

Swallowing hard, Unihorn Ghost King said, "Elder brother, sister-in-law... about that..."

Cracks suddenly spread from beneath the two giant skulls.

Unihorn Ghost King (ΩДΩ): "Waaahhhh!"

The Titan Skull narrowed its massive eyes, asking, "Did you— see clearly— just now?"

The female skull responded with a malicious grin, "I saw— very clearly."

At this moment, these two skulls, which had been at odds for thousands of years, united for the first time with a synchronized intent.

The Titan Skull solemnly stated, "I am— very angry now—"

The female skull ground her teeth, replying venomously, "So am I—"



The silence was short-lived. And in the next moment, under the stunned gaze of Unihorn Ghost King.


A loud noise echoed. The two giant skulls leaped into the air, soaring thousands of meters in the blink of an eye.

Unihorn Ghost King (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))).

It's over! Absolutely over! He swore, anyone who dares to make their niece cry in front of them, even if it's a deity, couldn't save them! How reckless can that creature be? Not even bothering to check who they're dealing with before recklessly attacking! They could have just lost some minions. But now, it's truly over!


Meanwhile, on the battlefield.

Controlled by that overwhelming consciousness, countless remaining hunters and the mechanical bug army swiftly gathered around the massive Hunter God puppet. Standing tens of meters tall, it resembled a skinned giant with vivid, crimson tendons exposed.

The Hunter God puppet, with an indifferent expression, emitted a terrifying aura. He flexed his wrists, looking down at the sobbing Little and the comforting Lynne who kept patting her head and saying, "Baby, don't cry," he commented coldly: "You must be the human who destroyed one of my flesh puppets a few days ago. An Origin-level creature, impressive. With such power, you can indeed walk arrogantly in this Dark World. But of all the mistakes you made, provoking the Demonfolk Association was the worst. Today, after destroying so many of my creatures, I don't think you'll be leaving!"

[Warning! Crisis level 100%]

[Warning! Crisis level 100%]

Lynne abruptly lifted his head, maintaining a calm demeanor. He swiftly jumped off Little's head.


In a split second, he raised his revolver with one hand, pointing it at the distant massive hunter puppet, and squinted, saying: "Do you have any idea the psychological damage you're causing to such a young child with a slap?"

Behind him, Little's cries grew louder and more heart-wrenching.


The Hunter God puppet sneered, his neck creaking as he moved, "You seem brave, eh? Do you think so highly of yourself? Planning to challenge me with that toy in your hand?"

He laughed dismissively, "I would advise you to run while you still can. You might survive for a while before I take out this Origin-level creature. Cherish your remaining time."


A shot rang out.

A demon-hunting bullet instantly hit the puppet's forehead, erupting in a tiny electric spark before dropping to the ground.

But Lynne didn't stop.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang—

He kept firing, emptying all the bullets in his revolver.

The onlookers within the Vision were all stunned by this scene.

"Has he lost his mind?!"

"It's obvious that creature is tough! Just from that brief clash earlier, even the Origin-level being might not match up to that giant!"

"This guy, he's gone mad!"

That slap alone had sent the Origin-level skull flying dozens of meters away. Wasn't that warning enough? This man was too brave!

"How dare you shoot at me?" The Hunter God puppet narrowed its eyes, effortlessly crushing the bullet that had fallen into its hand.

Lynne calmly stared back, the dark muzzle of his gun aimed at its head, "Well, it's a bit weak. But seeing someone bully the patient in front of her doctor, no matter how I look at it, I find it extremely displeasing!"

Behind him, Little's cries grew louder.

[Ding! Little's Favorability towards you +10]

[Ding! Little's Favorability towards you +10]

[Ding! Little truly believes you are a reliable and worthy partner to lean on!]

[Ding! You've achieved an Epic accomplishment: Origin's Close Friend. You've gained 200 Experience]

[Origin's Close Friend: An Epic Accomplishment. Achievable when an Origin-level creature's affection for you reaches "Trust". Achieving this means you've earned the trust of an Origin-level friend. Strive for a deeper friendship. You've obtained a permanent bonus: Favorability from Origin-level creatures +5, Charisma +5, Physique +5, Caring +1.]

Lynne turned, flashing Little a crooked grin and a thumbs-up. With a twinkle, his teeth emitted a brief sparkle. His expression seemed to convey: Don't worry. I've got this covered! No tears now.

Little (✪‸✪) wiped her tears, murmuring, "Hmm..."

[Ding! Little's trust in you increased by +1]

"At a time like this, he still remembered to act cool?!"

The spectators in Vision World all wore an incredulous (ΩДΩ) expression.

Outrageous! Absolutely ludicrous! Was he truly fearless, or was his mind truly askew? It was as if facing an incoming nuclear missile, not only did he stand his ground, but he also audaciously gave it the finger, all while ensuring he looked suave for the little girl behind him. Such audacity!