
Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific

[This world is steeped in mystique.] [Vampires, werewolves, technology, magical potions, ghosts, bioengineered beings, divination, and puppets; every terrifying element you could conceive of, exists in this world.] [One must carry a lantern when stepping outside.] [One must never wander far.] [Ten meters beyond the gates, darkness will consume you.] [Whether attending to humans, ghosts, or stitched monsters, one must maintain composure at all times.] [Should you ever lose your composure, it will give rise to malicious intent.] This is the translation of the Chinese novel "Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific". It's a horror comedy with more comedy than horror. I hope you enjoy it.

Fish9527 · Book&Literature
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96 Chs

The Revolver Born to Show Off

The demon hunter was taken aback. So, after performing a C-section, you dared to scrape my bone to heal my injury?!

He really wished he could tear this young man to shreds here and now. However, he finally restrained himself. Because, indeed, though the process wasn't very pleasant, this guy did heal his injury, he took another deep breath, suppressing the frantic and irritable emotions within his heart.

He let Lynne go. Staring seriously into his eyes, he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, warning, "Remember this, if I hear any rumors outside about me passing out here, you should know the consequences! Do you understand?"

[Crisis Level 99%]

Lynne widened his eyes and nodded his head like a tambourine.

"Rest assured, the privacy of our customers is our life!"

[Crisis Level 10%]

The demon hunter took a deep breath, put on his hat, and then took out a money bag from his bosom, grinding his teeth, he asked: "How much is the surgery fee, you name your price."

Anyway, he would definitely never come back to this rip-off shop again! It's too draining!

Lynne immediately shook his head, offering a sincere, adorable smile, and clasping his hands together, "No need to pay, consider this surgery a treat from a fellow kind. Just patronize our shop more in the future."

[Ding! You have completed the task; you have received Skull Coin x500]

Patronize you (beeeeep)!

The demon hunter took a deep breath, holding his gun and closing his eyes, he said: "Don't think that by currying favor with me, I'll forget what just happened. Even considering you as my kind, it's the same!"

He naturally saw at a glance that Lynne intended to latch onto him, hoping to gain some benefits. But he has always been a loner. And he definitely didn't want to be saddled with a whiz-kid who would constantly remind him of the painful memory.

He cast a glance at Lynne, putting on his clothes and donning his own hat, he spoke in a low voice: "And I advise you, it's best not to linger here. Creatures like us humans, if without some means of survival, are destined to become monsters' prey sooner or later."

Seeing this, Lynne immediately knew an opportunity had arisen. Though this demon hunter often seemed eager to eliminate him, he was quite fair when it came to dealing with their own kind. At the very least, he hadn't actually killed him.

"Then, how can I leave this world?" Lynne immediately inquired, "To be honest, I stumbled into this world by sheer accident, and apart from this little shop, I know nothing of the outside world!"

The demon hunter, tidying his glossy black hair, gave a cold laugh and said: "Heh, you're fortunate in a way. There are many like you who have fallen here from various worlds, but most of them end up as the monsters' prey. I can only tell you this is the lowest level of Sinful City. If you want to leave this world, apart from death, the only way is to become strong enough. Only the strong have a slight chance of escaping from here."

He twirled the revolver in his hand and casually lifted the brim of his hat with the barrel.

Lynne: "..."

Well. Saying it was as good as not saying anything. But at least he finally obtained a crucial clue. The place he was in, Wandering Soul Lane, was an area within Sinful City's lowest level.

Lynne murmured, "So, does that mean I'll never be able to leave this damned place in my lifetime? Every time I see those monsters, I'm scared to death..."

Is it?! The demon hunter ground his teeth, and the corner of his eye twitched madly. If you keep using the treatment method you just demonstrated, aren't the monsters here supposed to be terrified of you, no matter what? Dammit.

He glanced briefly at Lynne and said: "No more idle talk. I'm a man who believes in fair trade. Since you've helped me heal my injuries, I can't just shortchange you. If you don't want coins, take a look at what valuable items I might have on me. You can pick whatever you like."

He opened his hand, fully embodying the audacity of a demon hunter.

Lynne hesitated for a moment. His gaze instantly fell upon the two metallic revolvers hanging from his belt.

[Hunter's Revolvers (Cursed): Pale Demon Hunter]

[Capacity: Six Demon-Hunting Rounds (Auto-Replenishing)]

[Description: One of the two demon-hunting guns brought by the demon hunter Okarlos from the earthly realm. It inflicts extremely high damage against evil spirits, vampires, demons, monsters, and the enigmatic.]


Lynne grabbed one of the guns.


The demon hunter firmly seized his wrist.

The surroundings plunged into an eerie silence.

A slight smirk curled at the corner of the demon hunter's lips as he coldly remarked, "Damn, you've got a good eye. You picked the most valuable thing on my person."

Lynne replied earnestly, "I think these two guns look really cool."

The demon hunter chuckled coldly, "Cool? Of course, they're cool. Don't you see whose guns they are? Could they be anything less than cool?"


"Do you often use these two guns to hunt down those monsters?"

"No, I've never used them to kill a single monster," the demon hunter said casually.


Swish, swish, swish—

The demon hunter lightly flicked his fingers, and the two revolvers danced in his hand. In an instant, the two dark muzzles were aimed squarely at Lynne's head.

Lynne: "??!!!"

The demon hunter maintained a stoic expression and then pulled the trigger.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang—

The gunfire echoed incessantly, a consecutive twelve shots.

Twelve bullets were discharged.

Lynne (๑•́Д•̀๑) stood there, and on the wall behind him appeared the outline of his head, created by the bullet holes.


The demon hunter lightly blew away the black smoke wafting from the holes and calmly stated, "Though undeniably cool, these two guns have a fatal flaw, as you probably noticed just now."

Lynne (๑•́Д•̀๑) said, "Potato aim...?"

The demon hunter sneered, "These two guns were once cursed. You can think of it as, no matter how you fire them, your bullets will never hit the mark, so..."

He nonchalantly holstered the guns and said, "Apart from using them to show off, they're pretty much only good for showing off."



A brief silence hung in the air.

Lynne, somewhat dazed, said, "Then, I don't want them..."

He turned to leave.

Bang, bang, bang, bang—

Bullets popped off, striking the ground near his feet, causing Lynne (ΩДΩ) to leap into the air and swiftly press against the wall.

With a smoky gun in hand, the demon hunter calmly stated, "Since you've made your choice, you can't just change your mind. I'm a stickler for fairness and trustworthiness. If you refuse now, it means you're looking down on me. So, I'll give you one more chance: do you want them or not?"

Lynne stared and replied firmly, "I want them!"

The demon hunter's lips, covered in stubble, curled up slightly. He twirled the gun with a rattling sound. And then, he slammed the gun onto the operating table.

"Indeed, you're my fellow kin, truly generous. If it weren't for the curse preventing me from voluntarily disposing of these two guns, I would have done so long ago. Now that you can take them off my hands, I'm quite relieved."

Lynne was taken aback and asked, "What do you mean?"

The demon hunter smiled faintly and explained, "Because of the curse, I can't get rid of this gun by myself. It's necessary for fellow kin to show a strong desire to possess it, and it can only be traded through a fair transaction. But, as you know, there are very few humans in this cursed place, and finding someone to take over is not that easy."

[+20 Demon Hunter's Favorability]

Favorability points added (〝▼皿▼)!

The demon hunter adjusted his hat and turned toward the hall, speaking slowly, "Since you've done me such a big favor, I can also give you some information. Tonight, no matter what sounds you hear outside, do not attempt to go out and do not open the door. Something terrible has arrived in your vicinity..."

As these words left his lips, Lynne was suddenly taken aback. Because this was precisely the warning given to him by his master.

Lynne immediately inquired, "What kind of creatures are they?"

The demon hunter sneered, "I think it's best if you don't know. Also... If you manage to survive until tomorrow, I believe we will meet again, hehe."

In the next moment, the demon hunter disappeared into the dark.
