
Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific

[This world is steeped in mystique.] [Vampires, werewolves, technology, magical potions, ghosts, bioengineered beings, divination, and puppets; every terrifying element you could conceive of, exists in this world.] [One must carry a lantern when stepping outside.] [One must never wander far.] [Ten meters beyond the gates, darkness will consume you.] [Whether attending to humans, ghosts, or stitched monsters, one must maintain composure at all times.] [Should you ever lose your composure, it will give rise to malicious intent.] This is the translation of the Chinese novel "Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific". It's a horror comedy with more comedy than horror. I hope you enjoy it.

Fish9527 · Book&Literature
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111 Chs

Love Letter for Your Daughter

Large chunks of flesh from the woman's face had been torn away, yet the smile that remained was ever more vivid and malicious.

"Ha ha ha— You, a powerless god— You can't defeat them— Only taking out your anger on your own woman— Hee hee ha ha ha— If not for the curse— Heh heh— You'd be nothing but dried bones now— A madman— Ha ha ha hee hee—"

That chaotic and terrifying tearing and frenzied assault lasted for several minutes. All the Unihorn Ghosts within the temple watched, their hearts filled with fear, trembling uncontrollably.

It wasn't until the clarity in Its eyes gradually balanced out the chaos that It finally began to calm down.

Unihorn Ghost King couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. For if his big brother truly lost control at that moment, their entire clan might face annihilation. But he understood the resentment in his big brother's heart. For in the past, his big brother was...

He shook his head, no longer dwelling on the past, and said with a bold and solemn voice: "Big brother, sister-in-law, niece, please feel at ease staying here with me for the next few days. I, as your younger brother, will ensure a steady supply of fresh blood meals for you, as a welcome gesture."

Little reached out with her tentacles, sweeping up a high-ranking Unihorn Ghost from the ground, playing with it as if it were a plush toy.



The Unihorn Ghost's face turned pale as he quickly held up a large mirror, standing still, not daring to move.


Little opened her mouth wide, revealing a set of beautifully white teeth reflected in the mirror, and once again started to admire herself. This had been the daily routine of this headhunter for the past few days. The reason remained a mystery for now.

After a hearty meal and drink, the Unihorn Ghost King was thoroughly intoxicated. However, just as he was about to stand and make a toast, his gaze sharpened, and the drunken haze vanished instantly.

"Who's there?! Sneaking around, daring to trespass on my territory!"

In an instant, with a single punch, he broke through the void, extending his hand swiftly, and from the emptiness, he grasped a massive turtle.

Crack, crack, crack—

His claws and the turtle's shell constantly clashed, sending out intense sparks.

"Is this... a messenger?"

Unihorn Ghost King furrowed his brow. Having heard of such a highly secure Turtle King messenger, he was naturally familiar with it given his status.


The female head turned its ghastly eyes, focusing on the Unihorn Ghost King.

Unihorn Ghost King promptly responded, "It's a void messenger, likely for me. I'll handle it right away."

Without further ado, he immediately connected his consciousness to the Turtle King in his grasp. If someone was using a Turtle King to send a message, it must have been dispatched at least several hundred, if not a thousand years ago. Could it be from an old acquaintance of his? He was slightly puzzled.

However, the next moment, after receiving the Turtle King's message, he was taken aback, muttering, "Not for me?"

Immediately after, he furrowed his brow, turning his gaze to the Unihorn Ghosts below, and shouted, "Who named Little?! Damn it, step forth!"

But before he could finish, a voice emanated from the platform behind him.

"I am—Little—"


Unihorn Ghost King trembled. Instinctively, he turned, staring in astonishment at the headhunter who was grinning at her reflection in the mirror.

He then shifted his gaze to the adjacent female head, utterly bewildered, evidently not believing that his sister-in-law would give their daughter such an eccentric name. Moreover, it hardly sounded like a proper name; it was more akin to a pet name for a kitten or a puppy!

"Um..." He looked utterly flustered.

The female head slowly rotated, clarity occupying a portion of her gaze, and she queried, "Our daughter—has a—name?"

Little turned her head, grinning wide.


A flash of brilliance reflected off her shining teeth.

The female head's gaze immediately softened, much like melting. Extending her tongue, she affectionately licked her daughter's cheek, showing an immense fondness for her.

Unihorn Ghost King paused in astonishment. Seeing no response, he assumed it to be an affirmation.


Behind the Turtle King, a small door slowly opened, revealing a letter within.

Unihorn Ghost King pondered for a moment, picking up the letter sealed with wax, feeling wave after wave of oddity.

Who would write to an Origin-level being?! It's well-known that most Origin creatures are incredibly chaotic in nature. To have even a moment of lucidity is quite rare.

"Niece, this is your letter."

"Can't—read." Little continued to admire her gleaming teeth.

"Who—wrote it?" The female head asked, eyes closed.

Unihorn Ghost King thought for a moment and then checked the letter. It didn't take long before he caught a name.

"Lynne?" He was taken aback.

Instantly, Little, who was still admiring her teeth, shifted her gaze, turning around with a (✪ω✪) expression, demanding, "Read!"


Unihorn Ghost King's eyes widened, that odd feeling growing more pronounced. He had never seen such an expression in the eyes of his headhunter niece, apart from her usual fierceness.

Something's off! Something's definitely off! Who exactly is this Lynne? Just from that gaze alone, he felt that this Lynne must be someone truly extraordinary!

Dumbfounded, he unfolded the letter, scanning its contents swiftly.

And when he finished reading, his expression instantly morphed into a bewildered (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))).

Is... is... Should he really read this out loud?! The tone and phrasing in the letter felt like they shouldn't be read aloud in public!

"Read!" Little (✪ω✪) insisted.

Unihorn Ghost King muttered, "Well, I'll read it then…"

"Dear Little..."


The movement of the female head, which had been affectionately licking her daughter's cheek, halted. The chaos in the eyes of the titan head also paused momentarily.

The surroundings went eerily quiet for a moment.

Little (✪ω✪) moved her tentacles slightly, instructing, "Hmm— continue—"

With trembling hands, Unihorn Ghost King drenched in sweat, read: "I am Lynne, your dentist. Do you still remember me? It was not long ago that you became the first lifetime member of our establishment. I feel incredibly honored and delighted about that..."

Both enormous heads perked up.

Little (✪ω✪) replied, "I remember—"

Casting a nervous glance at his silent big brother and sister-in-law seated in the main position, Unihorn Ghost King swallowed hard and stutteringly read: "You are a truly kind and... adorable girl… Ever since you left, I've been thinking of you every day and night, yearning for you. I've been so restless that I've lost a significant amount of weight."

In an instant, the entire place fell silent.

