
Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific

[This world is steeped in mystique.] [Vampires, werewolves, technology, magical potions, ghosts, bioengineered beings, divination, and puppets; every terrifying element you could conceive of, exists in this world.] [One must carry a lantern when stepping outside.] [One must never wander far.] [Ten meters beyond the gates, darkness will consume you.] [Whether attending to humans, ghosts, or stitched monsters, one must maintain composure at all times.] [Should you ever lose your composure, it will give rise to malicious intent.] This is the translation of the Chinese novel "Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific". It's a horror comedy with more comedy than horror. I hope you enjoy it. read 200 chapters ahead: https://www.patreon.com/fish485

Fish9527 · Book&Literature
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118 Chs

Lord Mech-Demon's Favor

"Little! Are you full?!"

"(✪ω✪) Half-full— Is there more?— I'm really hungry today—"

"Of course! Eat all you want, and if it's not enough, I'll call for more!"

Lynne's expression turned serious, and he promptly grabbed the communicator.

Shifting instantly to the voice of Mech-Demon, Lynne yelled into the device: "Backup! I need backup! Do you want me dead so soon?! These troops are barely enough to pick my teeth with!! More forces on the battlefield NOW! Hear me?! If you send such a meager force again, I'll tear off your heads and use them as night pots!"

The communicators on the other end were all in shock. Copious amounts of cold sweat dripped from their foreheads. Their hands even began to tremble.

"Yes, Lord Mech-Demon! We'll immediately rally more troops for you. Please, don't be angry!"

They were well aware of the nature of their Vice President. He was a cruel, unpredictable brute. Anger him, and without a word, he'd throw you into the factory to be sliced up!

"Issue a full mobilization order... Vice President Mech-Demon is in danger... Requesting major reinforcements... Activate Mechanical Swarm... Launch Raider Units... Deploy Biotech Puppet clusters... Initiating void jump devices... Gathering... Teleporting..."

Outside Wandering Soul Lane, the fleeing Mech-Demon felt even greater void disturbances around him. He instantly grasped the situation.

"More?!" His spirit shattered at that moment. "Don't teleport! Stop sending! You're fattening them up!"

Mech-Demon, on the verge of mental collapse, clutched his head and screamed at the blue halos constantly flashing around him. But it had no effect.

Almost instantly, a series of vast portals materialized beside him. Teeming mechanical swarms and raider units ferociously surged out from those gates.

Yet, almost at the same moment, they appeared, Little (✪ω✪) carrying Lynne swiftly drifted over, instantly extending countless tentacles.

Mechanical Swarm: "!!!"

Raider Units: "!!!"

"Little! Attack!" Lynne roared, unleashing rapid gunfire at the emerging troops.


Under the watchful eyes of thousands of viewers in Vision, Little charged into the teleported troops like a tiger among sheeps.

[Ding! Little has killed 10 Mechanical Swarms!]

[Ding! Little has devoured 6 Raiders!]

[Ding! Little has devoured 10 Biotech Puppets!]

Inside the Demonfolk Association's communication center, several communicators laughingly spoke into their devices: "Vice President! How about now?! We've followed your orders and sent you a vast number of troops! These are our Association's hidden reserves!"

Lynne, while firing at the swarm of mechanical bugs below, picked up his communicator and replied: "Good! You've done an excellent job! Your support was timely and substantial! I'll remember this! Once I return victorious, I'll make sure to reward you all!"

The faces of the communicators instantly lit up with excitement. In their minds, they pictured Lord Mech-Demon's pleased expression upon his return, and their rapid promotions and bright futures ahead. After all, earning Lord Mech-Demon's praise was the highest honor they could receive!

"Yes, Lord! Serving you is our duty and our highest honor! Our loyalty to you is unwavering!"

Their zeal and fervor escalated. Without hesitation, the lead communicator eagerly started contacting other major regions.

"Emergency command! The Vice President has issued an emergency command! The Vice President requires further backup!! All available personnel, head to the void jump zone immediately! Gather at the jump zone!"

In no time, a massive portion of the Association's troops heard this urgent mobilization order and quickly sprang into action. Because within their Demonfolk Association, apart from their President who was always immersed in his own modifications and rarely dealt with external affairs, their Vice President, Lord Mech-Demon, held the highest authority.

Especially during these times when their President was engrossed in self-modifications and not involved in worldly matters, almost all decisions, big or small, were made by the Vice President. Such prestige was unquestionably well-earned!

"Lord Mech-Demon! We've urgently dispatched a vast force on your behalf! Do you require sustained support?"

The liaison officers contacted him with palpable excitement.

Lynne, with a hearty grip on his throat, loudly praised, "Well done! Truly impressive! For this alone, once I return, you shall stand at my side. Order! Each of you shall be promoted three ranks forthwith! Upon my return, I might consider bestowing honors upon you!"

The liaisons were elated beyond measure. Without further ado, they simultaneously knelt before the communication device, fervently bowing their heads in gratitude.

"Thank you, Lord Mech-Demon! We pledge our unwavering service, always ready to ride ahead or follow behind for you. We vow to forever follow you, Lord Mech-Demon!"

Tears welled in their eyes.

[Ding! Congratulations! You've achieved: Pie-in-the-sky Specialist, gaining 200 Experience.]

[Pie-in-the-sky Specialist: A unique achievement. By painting a tempting picture for adversaries, you've made them utterly devoted to you. This has a chance to activate when you earn profound gratitude, granting you a permanent bonus: Intelligence +5, Monster Affinity +1.]

Lynne, voice straining with emotion, relayed to the other end of the communicator: "We'll discuss the honors later! But be vigilant. The foes I face this time are truly formidable, cunning, and deceitful. Remember, this is the decisive moment. It's possible someone might breach our communication signals and feed you false intelligence. You must exhibit exceptional discernment, understand?!"

The liaison officers promptly responded with gusto, "Fear not, my Lord! We've held onto this responsibility for decades without a single slip."

"Careful attention to every detail ensures no mistakes."

"Yes, Lord Mech-Demon!"


Meanwhile, on the other side.

Mech-Demon engulfed in the midst of the surging army, had completely lost his composure.

"Stop it! Just stop! It's a trap! A trap! If I find out who is sending these troops, I swear I'll chop them into pieces!"

His voice was so shrill it was as if he was on the verge of tears. In desperation, he quickly seized a mechanical insect, screaming at it with all his might: "Quickly! Relay the real situation back to the base. Tell them they've been duped! The voice calling for reinforcements wasn't mine! Some bastard stole my communicator! It wasn't me!"