
Scene 1

  At James and Jessica house 

Jessica is at home in the living room folding clothes when James comes in from work.

[JAMES goes to kiss JESSICA on the lips.] 

JAMES :[lovey dovey] Hey baby how was your day.

JESSICA: Hey James. My day was okay. I just got some notes on this case I've been working on.

JAMES: What is the case about?

JESSICA: Just these two grandkids fighting over their grandma's house.

JAMES: Why would they fight over that?

JESSICA: [focused] I have no idea, but enough about that how was your day. 

JAMES: It was good. We ran some drills again.  This is the third time this week we done ran drills.  I'm getting sick and tired of this shit. 

JESSICA: I know baby, but it will all pay off in the long run. 

JAMES: Hey, did the mail come. 

JESSICA : Yeah it's on the kitchen table. 

JAMES: (he looks through the mail and noticed a letter addressed to Jessica) Babe, there is a letter here for you. 


Who is the letter from?


It says that it's from Matthew and Monica. 

[she walks to the kitchen and takes the letter from James. She opens up the envelope and finds a wedding invitation to Matthew's wedding.]

(she walks to the kitchen and takes the letter from James. She opens up the envelope and finds a wedding invitation to Matthew's wedding.)


I can't believe this shit. It is a invitation to Matt's wedding. I can't believe my best friend is getting married. I haven't seen Matthew is over three years and this is what it comes too. 


 Damn my man Matthew is getting married.  I can't wait to the bachelor party. 


Keep it up and your mother going to this bachelor party.


 Anyway, where is Jr?


He is at my mother's house. I took him over there, so you can get some rest after a long day of work. 


I was hoping to spend some time with him being that I been so busy lately.


I'm sorry babe maybe next time.


Yeah next time will be fine. I'm about to take a shower. 

[James walks out the kitchen and walks up stairs and into the bathroom to take a hot shower] 

babe,did you cook dinner?


 yes. It's in the microwave.


OKay! I'll get it when I get out. 

(Jessica  goes into the living room and gets her phone.  She dials Matthew's number because she is really mad.) 


Who the fuck is this calling my phone at 11:30 at night. 

[he picked up the phone] Hello who is this.,



Now your gonna act like you don't know who this is. 


Jessica is that you. It's been so long since we talked on the phone.



Hi Matthew. You know I'm really mad with you. 


What's wrong with you.


You are what's wrong with me. I'll tell you what's wrong with me. When were you gonna tell me that your ass was engaged. 


Sorry I forgot to tell you


[still mad]

You forgot to tell me you were engaged  and now I c get an invitation to your fucking wedding. How dare you send this to my fucking house and you didn't  take the the courage to tell me that your ass was getting married. That shit pissed me off because you didn't even tell me that you were engaged. 


 What the hell are you even  talking about. 


I get this invitation in the mail to you and Monica's wedding. Are you fucking kidding me. 



 I know you're not the one talking. You're not the one who had a baby. I only found about your son through facebook.  And you call yourself my best friend. 


This is a way different situation. You're the one who is getting married. 


How is this any different?


It just is.  I have to go I'll talk to you later.

[she hangs up the phone.]

[ James comes back down stairs]


 who was that you just got off the phone with 


That was my mom


Okay. So what did you cook? 


I cooked some beef stew and white rice. 


After I eat I'm going to bed because I have a long day at work tomorrow.


Okay I'm going to bed babe. I have to wake up early. Good night 


Good night baby (kisses her on the forehead)

Jessica walks out the kitchen and towards the stairs. She goes up stairs to bed.  A few minutes later James goes up stairs to bed as well.