
Creatures of the Night (I)

Lia Chavez was the only one living in her family after everyone had left her alone in the world. She was once in a city living her own life but was forced to move out due to her father's command. She had no other choice but to go back to Chesterfield where her hometown was. The town that she had left when she was little had completely changed which is not entirely new and, in that town, a group of people stood out from the rest, but one particular man captured her attention. It was heavily pouring that night, the night when she met the most beautiful man in her life who changed it all. She was enchanted by him but after getting to know him, she found out that he is only trouble. Will she distance herself from the man? Or will she continue to fall for him... even after finding out the truth behind his identity? Creatures of the night, that is what they call them. The creatures that lurk in the night to hunt and kill for their prey.

ItsMicheeeee · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

My name is Lia Chavez, I am already twenty years old and currently in my last year in college majoring in mechanical engineering but I transferred here to this little town because I needed to do something which regards my father's property which no longer has the ability to move and travel here... He's already gone to be exact. Gone in this world.

It has been days since I started to occupy the house. There was only this house on this road so, I don't really have any neighbors around. I like the peacefulness but it somehow bothers me to think that I am the only one living here. I mean, what if an accident occurs or someone tried to break into this house and I'm the only one around? What if someone tries to harm me and I ended up getting killed in the process?

Though... now is not the time to be negative.

Besides, I can just take care of myself.

I wasted my time over the past few days, cleaning and arranging the things inside and outside the house since next week class will finally start and I will be finally finishing my senior college life in this little town.

"LIA!" Someone shouted from the gates so, I glanced in that direction only to see Kayden waving at me. He has been doing it for days now when he sees me outside. I waved my hand back and after that, he flashes a smile as he left.

Ever since I came here, he was the only friend that I manage to have in this town since I never got the chance to go outside yet because I was too busy. Then… I began to wonder, could I have friends in my new school this year? Or will I be a loner?

I wanted to have friends at least one or two but it still depends on the way those people treat me because as far as I know, a new person like me in this little town couldn't actually be accepted that easily.

I just decided to continue planting some flowers in the garden and once I am finished with this, I will visit the town to buy some food since I haven't eaten well yet. I have only eaten the food that I brought from Canada such as cereal and some snacks because I still do not know what kind of food are they selling in this town. Ever since I came here, I still haven't had a proper meal so, I decided to go to town now and buy some things for myself.

After an hour had passed, I was able to finish organizing and planting all the flowers in the garden. I looked at them for the last time to see how well did I do and when I was satisfied, I decided to head inside to clean myself. I went straight to the bathroom the moment I got inside my room. I took off all of my clothes and threw them onto the laundry basket that was just in the corner. Then, went to the shower and turned it on. It was nice having a warm bath after a tiring day.

I just continued to wash myself but… I immediately glanced behind me when I started to feel something odd. It's as if someone was watching me from behind and I can't help but feel conscious about it. I quickly get the robe hanging nearby and wore it. I checked every corner of the bathroom but… there was no one inside. I decided to check my room and even the closets but… there was nothing.

It's just my imagination… I guess?

I sighed heavily as I now went to the closet to choose some clothes that I will be wearing today and I just chose some comfortable and casual ones. A black shirt and a pair of denim shorts. Then, I picked up my new rubber shoes that I had just recently bought from Canada from the drawer underneath my closet.

When I was finally finished preparing myself, I hurried downstairs without forgetting my wallet and keys to the house. I glanced at the house one more time, checking if the windows and door are open but they were not anymore so, I head out and locked the main door so that I can finally leave. I went to the bicycle that I will be returning to the shop since I will be buying a car as my transportation from now on.

I traveled to the town for only a few minutes and returned the bike to the store. After that, I went to a store that sells cars and bought immediately the latest model. Once I managed to finally buy a car, I went to my destination and stopped at the parking lot in front of a supermarket to buy some food and essentials for me. I just bought something that will supply me for a month and after that, I went to a mall. There was a mall in this little town although it is small. I went out of the car and went inside to look for some clothes and even shoes to buy.

I wander around the dress shop first and was about to pick up a dress when I started to hear a commotion coming from the counter. Someone was shouting at the sales lady while everyone was simply bowing at her.

Just who is this woman?

Though, I didn't bother to pay any attention to her and just continued to wander around.

Yet, when I was about to hold onto a dress, the woman a while ago who was at the counter snatched the dress from me.

"This will be mine." She said smirking but I simply smiled at her. I don't have the time to argue with her so, I just simply continued to wander around but surprisingly… she suddenly pulled my bag. I had no choice but to turn around and face her again.

"Excuse me. Can you remove your hand?" I asked calmly but she wasn't letting go. She is unbelievably stubborn.

"Unless you want to pay a thousand dollars if this got ruined," I added smiling sarcastically and her face suddenly changed. She immediately let go of my bag.

"Who are you? I have never seen you here in this town. Are you a visitor or a tourist?" She asked nonstop but I don't have any idea why is she starting a conversation with me when in the first place, she never respected me and even tried to piss me off. I decided to turn around and was about to leave but she stopped me from doing so by holding onto my arm.

"I'm Cassie." She said but I frowned looking at her.

"Why are you telling me your name?" I asked confused but she just smiled at me.

"What's your name?" She now asked but I froze when a cop suddenly showed up at the store.

"There was a commotion reported in the store." The cop stated and the woman who was holding onto me suddenly let go and pointed me.

"It was her." She said and was crying now but I scoffed at her acting.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked but she just continued to cry so shamelessly.

"You can ask the sales lady," I said pointing at the lady behind us but she just avoided her eyes.

This only means that she doesn't want to get involved because this woman knows that this woman in front of me is much higher than her and can easily crush her if she dared to talk.

However, I am different than her.

"If she doesn't want to talk… we can just look at the CCTV," I suggested and I saw the lady beside me flinch.

"I-It doesn't have to go to that." She said trying to get my attention but I avoided her touch and went forward to the cops.

"This is my ID. You can take me if you made sure that it was me." I said handing them the ID and the cop get it from my hand to check it. Right then, I saw his eyes widen with surprise.

"Chavez? Are you Mr. Chavez's daughter that recently come to town?" He asked shocked and I nodded in return.

"Why didn't you say so? We can just leave all this behind." The policeman said but my eyebrows met hearing that.

"Are you still doubting me?" I asked and I saw the two of them looking at each other.

"We aren't it's just… it doesn't seem like the chief of police's daughter would cause a commotion here." He said and I glanced at the woman behind me now. So, she is the daughter of someone higher in this town. No wonder everyone is afraid of her… but I am not.

"As I have said… you can take me if…"

I was then cut off when the woman finally talked.

"We can just forget it. You can go now." She said sweating like crazy even though it was cold in this store.

"T-Then… we will be leaving." The policemen said bowing at me and finally left without even saying another word.

How rude!

"Why can't you just admit that…"

I immediately cut her off by glaring at her.

"You have the audacity to make me admit something I did not do? Shame. Your dad must be very disappointed if he hears about this when we meet." I said and finally left her with her mouth wide open. I don't want to waste my time anymore on her and just decided to leave the mall in case that I encounter her again at another store. I will just shop another time. For now, I will return and cook then rest for the day.