
Creator of Chaos

In many places heroes and villains would appear out of no where. Many won't give it a single thought but behind the scenes someone is always watching those heroes and villains and laughing. That is the Creator. He is bored so to cure that boredom he shall create new characters that shouldn't have originally existed to see what new fun events and reactions would be created when the plot that the world created gets changed by someone who with the wrong intentions have existed. Author's Note: This is my first novel and English isn't my first language so if I make any mistakes please tell me I would try my best to improve the story. The cover isn't mine I just got it from google so if you want me to remove it let me know and I will.

ib_z · Fantasy
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A New Beginning

Deep underground, a mysterious figure with typical black hair is sitting on a desk with a pen and black book that was crafted by a mysterious power with many strange and ever changing patterns covering it.

"That will work." The mysterious person suddenly says after dropping his pen and closing the book.

"Hehehe" the mysterious person who we shall call the Creator, gives off an evil chuckle and then walks off and starts going up stairs that appeared out of no where. When Creator reached the top of the stairs, everything behind him suddenly disappeared as if it was never there.

What welcomed him when he reached the top was what seemed to be the top of a giant mountain that had many beasts roaring from under and dragons flying around.

"Shall we go create our first story in this new world" said the Creator with a mischievous tone which made every beast around quiet down as if they would be erased from existence if they annoy him.


In the world of Alka, in a small city called Iko which is known for its beautiful view. A young girl is laying in tattered clothes in the corner of an alleyway. The girl seems like she is on the verge of death from hunger and blood loss due to all the bruises and cuts all over her body. It seems she has accepted her fate even though she has a light in her eyes that shows that she still wishes to live.

"What did I do wrong? I don't deserve this." thought the girl to herself

"No, it wasn't me that's the problem. But this world and humanity itself" thought the girl once again but this time the lights in her eyes kept changing and showing different emotions, from sadness to anger from anger to hatred from hatred desperation and finally stopping at helplessness.

"Do you want power?" a voice that seemed like a mix between an angel and a devil called out to the girl.

The girl surprised looks up and sees a man with black hair, an average build and normal clothes but wearing a weird mask mask that seems to give off a light that would bewitch whoever sees it.

"Or do you want revenge? Or do you want to just live? Maybe what you want is destruction, destruction to all that wronged you" The man says one again but this time with a tone that seems to be full of evil.

The girl still surprised doesn't know what to do, but due to the mask's weird power that seems to have told her that she could trust the person and that he could grant her wish. She used all the power that she had left to mutter one word. "ahl" when she opened her mouth her teeth were broken and her tongue was bleeding but she seemed to still have hope.

Right after she muttered that word the nice and calming feeling that the mask was giving changed to one that was full of evil and seemed to want to infect whoever it touched and make them lose their mind. The mask suddenly smiled as if it was alive and the masked person held out his hand to the girl.

"HAHAHA, GREAT ANSWER" The masked person suddenly laughed and said.

"If that is what you wish than hold my hand and I shall give it to you" he once again said.

The girl confused with all this new stuff happening around her doesn't know what will happen if she does hold his hand. But knows death or that and she is determined to pick the latter.

She reached out to him and held his hand after some thinking which he has been extending for some time. But her making him wait didn't seem to anger the masked man but instead make his smile grow further. "Smart girl. If you had picked my hand right away I would've still granted your wish but would've been a little disappointed in you."

Although the masked man said that he didn't really care about if she had picked his hand right away or thought about it first because all he wants to do is have fun and by fun that is chaos. Because what is more fun than watching world that everybody thought is safe get destroyed without them even knowing the cause. That people thought they were invincible in bow down to him. And all that done by their own people as well.

Right after the girl held his hand she was scared that she may have picked the wrong choice once again but knew that there was no going back from this choice as well.

Right after that, she was surprised to see the scenery around her change to what seemed to be a small room with no windows or doors with only a small bed and a bathroom.

She once again turned and looked at the mysterious man but this time with even more fear while yelling "TELEPORTATION SKILL!" in her head because the skill of teleportation was a high level skill that only the most powerful in her world have mastered and even they can only do small range teleportation but from what she had seen they were both teleported to a far away place.

"Let's get you fixed up first shall we." said the man and then snapping his finger. After he snapped it a mysterious fog suddenly covered the girl before she could even resist for a few minutes and after that she once again appeared but this time with all her body healed, cleaned, and healthy and that past bruised and bleeding girl full of cuts and on the verge of death being a different person.

The girl once again looked at the man, but this time with a sense of worship. She knew that after what she saw that the man may truly be able to grant her wishes.

"Who are you?" she asked formally.

"Me?" the man said.

"I am called by many titles in many worlds. Some of them are devil, bringer of chaos, destroyer and some of them are angel, saint, savior. But all of them are wrong because I like to call myself the Creator. I like to create things that I believe would bring me fun. It could be leading a hoard of demons and bringing chaos everywhere or maybe controlling people and making them fight people who many interfere in my plans to create in the guise that they are going to war for a good cause such as protecting their world.

Hello! Frist I would like to thank everyone that gave my story a chance and read it. This is my first time writing a novel and English is my second language so I would hope you tell me if you have any tips or advice or saw any mistakes and I would try my best to fix it. Also the times that I would be publishing in may change depending on if my daily schedule receives any changes or something pops up, but I will be doing my absolute best to post as much as possible, and once again thank you for ready!

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