
A new world

Narrator: The gleaming sun tore through the heavenly sky. The start of new day and the friends meet after a long time

(Manchester school )

Ray: "hey Kai, over here"

Kai comes over angrily

Kai: " I hate my sister ; she always takes stuff without asking

Ray;" what did she take"

Kai: she took Mr. Cuddly worms

Ray laughs

Ray: you still play with that nine year toy of yours?

Narrator: Britt and Jenny come over.

Britt" Hey guys what's up?"

Ray." We are good, what about you?"

Jenny" We're fine, what is the issue Kai, you seem a bit down"

(Kai hesitated)

Kai: My sister took Mr. Cuddly worms.

Narrator: The girls comfort Kai when Dareth comes over

Dareth" Hi guys' welcome back! You know I have been going to the gym lately.

Britt:" Oh really."

Narrator: Dareth's button flew forward from his shirt.

Ray:" How much time have you been spending in gym huh?"

Dareth:" Two minutes.

Jenny:" What were you doing in the gym?"

Dareth:" I was just sitting there getting stimulated by other people while eating a double decker burger."

Jenny:" You have no fashion sense and your buttons are so outdated fatso."

Narrator: The bell rings and everyone goes to class.

Genta:" Look whose here, the despicable loser nerds."

Miss summer enters

Miss Summer"Welcome back students I'm happy to see your bright faces, now submit your spring homework."

Narrator :Samuel slips of Ray, Kai,Jenny and Britt's

gives it to his friends.

Miss Summer:" Samuel, Layla, Genta and Lisa give me your homework."

Samuel:" Here you go miss."

Miss Summer: And what about you Kai, jenny, Britt and Ray?"

Jenny" Miss the homework is gone, we did it but it disappeared."

Miss Summer" I knew who took your homework,

Samuel you despicable boy."

Narrator: Samuel looks at the teacher with frightened eyes

Miss Summer" Your foolish enough to not even remove the names out of my class now!"

Im sorry for my friend's behavior."

Narrator: they shake hands when science teacher comes in