
Hulk creates Portal

Doctor Strange: Hulk, we need to talk about the portal you stumbled upon. It's not something to be taken lightly.

Hulk: I didn't mean to find the portal, Strange. I just smashed some stuff, and suddenly, big hole appeared. I thought it was cool!

Doctor Strange: Well, that "cool" portal you found is actually a dangerous interdimensional gateway. It connects to realms beyond our understanding, realms filled with unimaginable threats. We must be cautious.

Hulk: Hulk doesn't like threats. Hulk likes smashing threats! But Hulk listens to you, Strange. So, what do we do?

Doctor Strange: First, we need to close the portal before anything else comes through. I'll need your strength to help me seal it. Hulk, do you think you can handle that?

Hulk: Hulk is strongest there is! Hulk will smash that portal shut, no problem!

Doctor Strange: Good. But remember, Hulk, this isn't about smashing things mindlessly. We need precision and control. We can't afford any mistakes. Can you promise me that?

Hulk: Hulk promises, Strange. Hulk can control when he needs to. Hulk wants to help.

Doctor Strange: Excellent, Hulk. Now, when we approach the portal, I'll use my magic to stabilize it temporarily. That's when you unleash your strength and help me close it. We must synchronize our efforts for this to work.

Hulk: Hulk and Strange, teaming up! Hulk likes it! Let's go, Strange! Hulk is ready to smash and seal!

(Doctor Strange and Hulk approach the portal. Doctor Strange conjures mystical energy to stabilize it while Hulk prepares to deliver a powerful punch.)

Doctor Strange: Now, Hulk! Smash it with all your might!

(Hulk charges forward, unleashing an earth-shattering punch, while Doctor Strange channels his magic to seal the portal. The energy from Hulk's punch and Strange's magic combine, closing the portal gradually.)

Hulk: Hulk did it! Portal is no more! Hulk and Strange make a good team!

Doctor Strange: Indeed, Hulk. Your strength and my mystical abilities combined proved to be formidable. We make a powerful duo when we work together.

Hulk: Hulk is happy to help. If there are more portals to close or any other smashing to do, Hulk is ready!

Doctor Strange: Thank you, Hulk. Your willingness to cooperate and your immense power are invaluable assets. With your help, we can protect our world from the dangers that lurk beyond these portals.

Hulk: Hulk is always here to protect friends! Just say the word, Strange, and Hulk will be smashing away!

Doctor Strange: I'm glad to have you by my side, Hulk. Together, we'll face any threat that comes our way.