1 Waking Up

Light gentle shined on my face. Slipping through my eye lids. Slowly opening my eyes I saw nothing but the Sun. That was not because I was looking at only the Sun, there was nothing else. No planets, no moon's, just a sun.

What was going on? What am support to do? Who am I?

Only one thought came to mind, I need to build a world?


But the only problem was, I did not know how to make a world.

I tried willing it into the world but nothing happened. I tried visualizing it, nothing happed. I tried, and tried, over and over again, but nothing happened. Until I said I just want a large sphere of rock. A large stone, a perfect sphere of rock, about the size of my head, popped in to existences.

I quickly thought about making much bigger. Slowly it started to grow. After it stopped grow it was about the size of 1% of the sun. The sphere was huge. Even from were I was floating I could not see the the edges of the sphere.

It looked very, very, spherical. It was just a share of stone nothing more, nothing less.

It was time to make this sphere into a real world.

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