
Creating my ninja village in Naruto(Rewrite)

I died, I spoke to god, my wishes were granted and I was reborn in the world of Naruto. Follow the adventures of Max in the fantastic world of Naruto, and how it will unfold between political plots and wars. The protagonist will be younger than Minato but older than Kakashi and the plot will begin before the third ninja war. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -Slow pace history, also english is not my first language. Thank you for your support.

Ibananito · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


{Frontier between the Land of Fields and the Land of Mountains}

In the vast expense of valleys, forest and mountains characteristic of the Land of Mountains, a group of shadows could be seen sprinting in the northeast direction. Judging from the attire they wear they're from Tanigakure, unlike most village Tanigakure doesn't use headbands, they use a type of invisible insignia print on they're uniform that work like an identification card.

"Quick we must inform of this, the outpost is only a few hours away if we maintain this rhythm"


In that moment a barrage of shuriken and kunai came from the back of the group, in response the ninjas from Tanigakure took their own kunai and swords to deflect the incoming projectiles.

"Shit they caught our trail, there is no other way, Takeo, as the captain of this squad and under my authority you're allowed to use the emergency flare"

The emergency flare, a special kind of flare that creates an extremely red bright light once shot, being able to be seen from 5 km away. This type of tool was create under the instructions of Max, the purpose, to be able to locate and the danger zone apart from alerting the nearby outpost or garrison. Due to the high cost of the shoot projectile their numbers are limited, this is why the incorrect use of it can be punish as lose of strategic war materials, the sentence go from a 500.000 ryo penalty fee to a lowering of rank.

"Yes captain" *Fiuuuuuuuuuuu* *Boom*

"Now our only duty is to survive till reinforcements arrive, Kisuke and Yamao you'll be our front line along with myself, the rest of you focus on evade and support. We may be not much but were official shinobis of Tanigakure, death before surrender"

"Here they come, prepare to unleash your most powerful jutsus"

As the first two shadows emerge from the other side of the valley, a torrent of different ninjutsus emerge from different directions.


"Doton: Rikujou Douyou no jutsu (Earth Release: Ground shaking technique), Doton: Rikujou Douyou no jutsu (Earth Release: Ground shaking technique), Iwa Toge Chakushu no Jutsu(Rock Thorn Launch Jutsu, Fūton: Shinkūdama (Wind Style: Vacuum Bullets), Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Gran Bola de Fuego)"


Almost instantly they employ the Body Replacement Technique or Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Jutsu), unfortunately the first person to appeared wasn't as lucky as the others, vacuum bullets and rock projectiles pierce through his body, two in the chest, one in the knee and another two obliterate his shoulder.

Without minding his fallen comrade the rest of shinobis continue their assault. As ninjas precision and swiftness is the basic requirement for the job, a fight must resolve itself in minutes, unless they're large scale battles. As both sides collide with one another it is easy to notice who have the advantage, both in quality and quantity, one after another, fisrt Kisuke, then Takeo, later Yasuo and lastly Yamao the youngest of them all recently promote to chunin at 15.

"*Huff* *Huff* You'll pay for all of this, hehe, I won't die with regrets, even in death I'll serve my village to my last breath in this world!!!"

The captain with the remains of his strength charge toward the enemy only to be pierce by two swords. "I got you" "disperse" Under the last bit of strength, he firmly grip the two persons that stabbed him. *Boom**Boom**Boom**Boom**Boom**Boom**Boom**Boom**Boom*

"This bastards are more fanatical than we though, report the situation to the commander"at that command one of the masked individuals disappeared employing the Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Jutsu) "we must advance till the Tanima bridge to disrupt their supply and force them to negotiate, that's the order but after seeing what they're ready to do, *Sigh* I think they'll fight till the bitter end. Everyone set off immediately we must reach the bridge by sunrise"

One after another they disappeared leaving the combat site behind. Not even 15 minutes latter a group of twenty shinobis arrive at the site wearing the standard Tanigakure uniform. The captain a men in his twenty-something, in his shoulder badge a tower with the number 13, symbolizing his task and unit.

"Search for survivors and traces, they must left some" "Sir, this is recon squad 57, they set off 3 hours ago to investigate the movements in the southern front with the Land of Fields, our hypothesis is that they discovers something they shouldn't which lead to their ultimate demise"

"Anything about the battle that can serve to identified whose responsible for this" "Unfortunately no, sir, we only discover the corpses of our men except for the captain of the squad, and we, what is it sir?"

"You don't have to search for him, declare the entire unit as K.I.C, and form a hunting party. Did anyone find traces of their direction?"

"All clues point toward the northwest sir, but with all respect , sir, that's stupid there's nothing in the northwest apart from the Tanima bridge, that is not even our main supply line, that line was reconvert into a trading route with Kumo six months ago" "But they don't know it, they only have knowledge of the trading routes. Okay, you, you, and you depart to the outpost once more, inform the village about what happen here. The rest collect the bodies and give them to those three, once done we move south"

With the orders given everyone put themselves to work in their own tasks, that once complete everyone depart following their own set of orders.