
Creating Manga in the World of One Piece

At twenty-five, Kai is an ordinary young man living in London, recently graduated and working as a journalist. Trapped in a mundane routine and burdened by the responsibility of caring for his older sister after their parents' tragic death, Kai finds solace in his passion for drawing manga, particularly inspired by his favorite series, "One Piece." One fateful night, while traversing a dangerous neighborhood, Kai is fatally shot during a robbery attempt. As he lies dying, a mysterious voice offers him a second chance at life, but in a different world. With nothing to lose, Kai accepts the offer and awakens in the vibrant and adventurous world of One Piece. Kai embarks on a thrilling journey to become a renowned mangaka in the world that once only existed in his drawings. Guided by the enigmatic voice named Leo, who claims to have known his father, Kai navigates the challenges of this pirate-filled world, seeking to carve out a legacy for himself. Facing perilous seas, forming alliances, and battling formidable foes, Kai strives to recreate the epic tales of One Piece from within its universe. Will Kai achieve his dream of becoming a legendary mangaka in the world of One Piece, or will the dangers of this new life prove too overwhelming? Join Kai on an extraordinary adventure where reality and fantasy intertwine, and the pursuit of dreams knows no bounds. +10 advanced chapters are available  at: patreon.com/elyon_om

Elyon_om · Anime & Comics
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A New Beginning in a Familiar World

At the age of twenty-five, Kai was an ordinary young man, recently graduated from university and working as a journalist for a local newspaper in London. He lived with his older sister in a modest apartment on the outskirts of the city, having lost their parents in a plane crash three years earlier.

His sister spent her days lazily, only going out when absolutely necessary, and she was good at nothing but staying at home. Kai bore the responsibility for everything, being her sole provider and support in life.

Despite the burden of work and family, Kai had an unquenchable passion for drawing, especially manga. After reading any manga, he would pick up a pen and paper and start imitating it with astonishing accuracy. His talent for drawing was incredible, making him a brilliant artist.

But this passion was not always encouraged; during his high school and early university years, he constantly ran into problems with his teachers.

Kai often argued with his teachers because of his habit of drawing in books, and he was punished dozens of times for filling the school and university walls with his drawings. Nevertheless, his passion to become a famous mangaka never waned. One day, he decided to create his own manga, but it received no interest. Manga was not popular in England, and if someone wanted to read manga, they preferred Japanese manga. "One Piece" dominated the charts worldwide.

Kai was also a fan of "One Piece" for its unconventional stories and incredible fun. He dreamed of becoming a famous mangaka like Oda and envied this writer who created whatever he wanted and reached millions of readers with his ideas. Kai's dreams always collided with failure, but he never gave up on his ambitions.

He would come home late every day, forced to work extra hours by his manager since he was a new employee at the newspaper. Kai hated this boring routine and longed for freedom, but the stupid capitalism constrained his dreams. If he didn't work, he and his lazy sister wouldn't be able to survive.

On his way home, he passed through a notorious neighborhood, rife with thefts and drugs. He frequently faced many problems with its criminal and lawless residents, and sometimes a murder would occur there.

One day, as Kai was heading home, carrying a bag with some bread and vegetables he bought on his way, it was half-past nine at night. He was late again and found himself passing through that damned neighborhood once more.

When Kai reached this place, he quickened his pace to get through it as fast as possible. The atmosphere was dark, and the long shadows of the dilapidated buildings heightened his anxiety. He could hear the whispers of the wind and unknown sounds echoing in the narrow alleys, as if the neighborhood was watching him with hidden eyes.

As he hurried along, he suddenly heard a woman's scream from a nearby alley, an older woman calling for help.

Kai wanted to continue on his way as usual, but a sense of responsibility ignited in his heart. What if this woman was killed? What if another crime happened that he could prevent if he tried? Many scenarios ran through his mind.

But in the end, he decided to go and try to save the person calling for help.

Kai quickly headed towards the source of the sound, moving through the alley at the back of the street, with the voice getting closer and closer, and his heartbeats accelerating more and more.

It was a dark night, and suddenly, when he arrived, the sound stopped as if it had never existed. From the shadows emerged a group of thieves with guns in their hands.

One of them spoke to Kai, "You've fallen into the trap, hahaha. Whatever happens, we don't want violence here. Hand over everything you have, and let us rob you smoothly."

But Kai replied, "That won't happen even if I die here, you scum."

The man was initially surprised by the determination of this young man, but he burst into laughter until his eyes filled with tears.

"Can't you realize the situation? What are you going to do, kid? Are you going to fight us? Can't you see we are five men in front of you? It seems you watch too many movies."

And when he saw Kai wearing a shirt with an anime character printed on it, he mockingly said, "Or you watch too much anime, hahaha."

After a long struggle with the thieves, one of them managed to steal Kai's bag. Kai tried to follow him, but another man behind him pulled out a gun from under his clothes and fired a shot, hitting Kai directly in the chest.

Kai quickly fell to the ground, with blood spreading everywhere.

When their leader saw this, he shouted angrily at the other man, "I said we don't want violence here, you idiot! What have you done? Now the police will come here."

"Hurry up, you fool, before we get caught."

Kai was lying in his blood, watching the thieves flee through the street.

He was somewhat sad; his kind heart and desire to help others had cost him his life, but he forgot all this when he remembered his sister who would be alone after all this.

He whispered to himself, his heart filled with sadness and about to stop soon, "This world is harsh anyway. Sister, I hope you will be okay."

While Kai was waiting to bid farewell to this life, a strange voice, seemingly from another world, came to his ear. The voice said, ["Do you want to live again?"]

Kai thought someone was mocking him and his pathetic death, and said in a barely audible voice, "Hey you, what nonsense are you talking about? Go away and let me die in peace."

The voice spoke again, ["I offered you an offer you can't refuse, anyone would accept it, but you are as stubborn as your father."]

When Kai heard the word 'father,' his eyes blazed with anger, and he said with all the remaining strength he had, "How do you know my father, you bastard? Don't you dare speak ill of my father. He was a great man, he left me a home to live in."

But when Kai finished speaking, he noticed something strange. The voice speaking to him was not heard through his ears but in his mind.

Kai was initially shocked and thought it was some kind of magic by someone nearby, but the voice spoke again, ["I was indeed a friend of your father, and I offered him a deal too, but he refused. Don't be stubborn like him, let me help you, you fool. You can live again, but not here."]

Kai finally thought with what little strength he had left to use his brain and decided to accept, as he had no other solution. In a few minutes, he would take his last breath.

"I accept your offer, although I don't know what you're talking about, but I accept," Kai said in a faint voice.

The voice spoke again, ["Alright, alright, captain. To which world do you want to go? Just tell me, and I'll make it happen for you."]

Kai still thought it was a joke, but he decided to go along with it anyway, to see where it would lead him in the end.

He finally thought and decided to go to the world of "One Piece." He had always admired that world and wanted to live in it, just like many fans of this manga.

["Alright, chosen one Kai, to the world of One Piece. But you didn't tell me which era you want to go to, and which period."]

Kai thought for a moment and decided to go to the time before the events of the original One Piece manga. A devilish idea struck him, and he said to the voice whose nature he still did not know, "I want to go to the year 1496 of the Sea Calendar."

(If this is real, and since I am a manga artist even if I am a failed one, I will go there and create the One Piece manga in the One Piece world and let the world of pirates enjoy the future, and the great pirate era will become more chaotic! Haha.)

When Kai said his last words, he closed his eyes for the last time in this world and took his last breath. Moments later, while he was in this state, he felt something strange, feeling as if the ground was swallowing him.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and found it was real, a hole opened beneath him, and the ground started to swallow him. He could do nothing but watch.

Suddenly, he heard the voice speaking to him, "Your journey has begun, and I will be your companion. If you need anything, I will be here, just call me. I am your assistant in this world, call me Leo."

"But first, I have been waiting for this day eagerly, and by the way, I have prepared a grand entrance for you, nihahahaha."

Kai felt a strange sensation, the voice was speaking to him from inside his head, talking to him, and he felt like it was reading his thoughts too.

"Hey you, you didn't tell me who you are first. I agreed to your request because I had no other choice. Don't think that I am your friend or anything like that," Kai said, shouting.

But the voice, which called itself Leo, did not reply.

When the hole in the ground swallowed his entire body, Kai fell into a dark room. But he felt that he was still falling and had not yet hit the ground or anything else. The impact was in the near future, that was what Kai felt. But he didn't know when he would hit something.

In London, in the alley where Kai was injured, the police were notified of the incident. They arrived at the scene quickly, but were surprised to find no one there. They found some blood on the ground, but there was no trace of the victim they had been told had died here.

It was something strange for them, nothing like this had happened before. Whenever they received a report about a crime, they always found the body lying somewhere.

Anyway, an investigation was opened into this strange incident.


Kai felt like he was still falling into the unknown. There was nothing ahead but pitch darkness...



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