
Creating Happiness with Heart in Honkai

After Transmigrating into another universe and becoming Haxxor Bunny, she came to Honkai Impact 3rd world. In order to wait for the Astral Train that will lead to the universe that has many Aeons, Bronie decided to make games that will bring people smiles to their faces. Miss Pink Elf: "When can this cutie make more touching games like "Undertale"~" Metal Gear Bronya: "Next time, I will definitely beat you in this fighting game "Guilty Gear" damn it!" Man who hops In-and-out of the coffin: "The game "Civilization" made me feel the weight of civilization and the meaning of our world, but I must delete this game otherwise my company will drag me down because of me. I cant pay off the debt without finishing the manuscript." 'Polite' man with blazing fists: "Please, dont make games like "Undertale" and "Getting Over it with Haxxor Bunny" again!!!!" Seeing this nostalgic and familiar comments, Haxxor Bunny could only smile and say one thing; "Haxxor Bunny can hack not only the world but also people's hearts!!! Bronie will use games to quietly hack into other peoples lives!!!" -XXXXX- Not suprsing im showing this not going to lie. Same with the first one, this fic also has good pacing and heart warming story as well as comedy and its an instant recommend for every Honkai Enthusiaths. Disclaimer: I aint own anything, and a mere 'translator' or 'editor' to show gems. Original CN name: 写作食物读作迪奥哒

Bismarck_Imperia · Video Games
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62 Chs

Chapter 8: Mobius, The one who did the Genocide Route

Within the Elysian Realm, there was no distinction between day and night, so Cioara relied solely on her own biological clock to know the time for resting.

Therefore, when she felt she should rest, Cioara lay down in the resting room and fell asleep.

Tonight, Kalpas was unusually quiet, which was a good thing. It seemed that since Elysia's arrival, Cioara felt that her sleep quality had improved significantly.

However, during her dreams, she saw Toriel's furry and lifeless form, which left Cioara feeling uneasy and frustrated.


The next day, when she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Eden playing games on the computer.

"Good morning, Miss Raven. I was so curious about this game that I played it for a while in advance. I didn't realize it until you woke up."

Hearing Eden's words, Cioara began to wonder who the person behind the game really was. However, Elysia had kept it a secret, and even made Eden play it.

As for the other Flame Chasers?

Forget it! She must just as well run to Kalpas for answers.

The only thing Cioara could be sure of was that this visitor is definitely not from the World Serpent.

But because of this, Cioara's curiosity was even more aroused.

After all, the World Serpent had hidden the Elysian Realm so well, so why did an outsider suddenly appear here? Wiith the ability to infiltrate it to boot?

Looking at the pseudonyms given to the Flame Chasers, it seemed that the other person knew more about the Elysian Realm than herself.

"Have you met the person who made the game?" Cioara decided to ask.

"So far, the visitor seems to be avoiding us intentionally. So the only person who has seen the visitor is Elysia."

"Aren't you worried?"

"Worried about what?"

Cioara was always willing to assume the worst about others. Once she let her guard down, she would be at the end of her rope in the mercenary circle.

And Eden?

She's playing games, indulging in the wine in her hand, there was no hint of worry on her face.

"If the intruder has malicious intent, there are plenty of us who can deal with it. Moreover, if someone can create a game like this, and Kevin has praised it as a game that warms the heart and melts ice, how could they do something so sinister?"

"You really have a good opinion of this game."

"You'll see when you play it."

Because ever since he heard from the creator that there was also a genocide route, Kalpas did not choose to go down the Genocide Route; instead, Mobius seemed to have chosen it out of pure curiosity.

Mobius even started a livestream, hoping someone would comment. Enticing people to come and see the forbidden fruit, and then showing them the Genocide Route in front of them and exposing their hypocrisy. Mobius really felt like she is a good tempter in Eden's garden.

As it turned out, there were indeed many sims watching Mobius's livestream. Sakura was a silent type who didn't comment much. Kevin was also a silent type and didn't comment on Mobius's actions.

As for Su, when he watched the livestream, his brow furrowed slightly, showing that he had some reservations about Mobius's behavior.

And after Kosmo showed his face in the livestream, he never made any comments again.

There was no way around it; the protagonist controlled by Mobius became strange when he entered the Genocide Route. He even disdained solving puzzles and interacted less with the characters inside.

But Eden, who complained slightly about Mobius's behavior, suggested that Mobius should not walk the Genocide Route in the first hour, but she herself became addicted to the game before long, forgetting about Mobius' stream...

Now Eden was on the Pacifist Route and had successfully avoided killing Toriel, and now progressing to the storyline of Undyne.

The interaction between the protagonist and these characters, who were cute and innocent, couldn't help but make people smile.

Previous successors had almost regarded the Flame Chasers as gods to worship, so it was difficult to bring laughter to them.

But this visitor was truly different this time. This game didn't seem very big in terms of data, but its content was truly profound. It was precisely because of this that Cioara felt that the information revealed by this visitor was extremely suspicious.

"Hi, good morning, Miss Raven~"

"Oh, do you always walk so quietly? How did you suddenly appear in front of me?"

Elysia, sensing Cioara waking up, appeared directly in front of Cioara, which startled her, especially when she was pondering how mysterious this elusive visitor really was.

"I thought my beautiful appearance would be sufficient to capture someone's attention. What wonderful thing surpassed my charm and drew Miss Raven's attention?"

"N-nothing, why did you call me here? To urge me to play this game again?"

"Oh my, am I truly perceived as so heartless in your eyes? That truly saddens me~ You don't necessarily have to play games in the Elysian Realm, and I didn't necessarily have to have a reason for coming to you, right?"

Cioara had figured out Elysia's character a bit. She had expected the second strongest vice leader of the Thirteen Flame Chasers to be as serious as Kevin, but Elysia turned out to be so enthusiastic, the complete opposite of Kevin who is so cold on the outside. Even literally.

"Does that mean I can't come just because I want to see you?"

"Of course you can! Of course, but I'm a mercenary, so seeing me will cost you."

Cioara responded with a joke as well. Otherwise, she would have been stuck in Elysia's rhythm, not knowing when to stop getting teased.

Asking for money straight away to make Elysia stop, well assuming the people of the Elysian Realm had money to begin with.

"For you!" Elysia tossed a golden object over.

"Hmm? What's this?" Cioara caught it steadily and saw a small golden badge in her palm.

"It's the badge of the Fire Moth! Although it used to be used as identification, now it's just a memento. How about it?"

"Not bad. So, is there anything I can do for you?"

Cioara always delivered on promises to pay and to do tasks.

"Then praise me properly!"

"Okay, okay, okay!"


The routines of Bronie and Cioara were actually similar. After Cioara rested for a while, Bronie also fell asleep. When she woke up, Elysia said she would keep Miss Raven occupied, so there was no need to worry about encountering her suddenly in the Elysian Realm. As for what to do next in the Elysian Realm, it was all up to Bronie. Many livestream rooms appeared in the Elysian Realm, and it seemed that many of the FC's had played all night, with everyone's progress already very far.

Kalpas wasn't entirely a bad person; without any deliberate action, he was merely scolded by Sans in the Judgment Corridor and was still let through.

But Mobius, she was having a blast playing the Genocide Route.

Yes, seeing Kalpas not following the path she had imagined, Mobius felt there must be a Genocide Route.

Since no one else was doing it, why couldn't she? So she started a livestream room called 'Come and see the Genocide Route~'.

Now Mobius was battling with the Undyne, the Undying, and because she was on the Genocide Route, the battle was far more intense than the neutral or Pacist routes. Undyne's killing intent toward the protagonist was real, so she didn't hold back in the battle, causing Mobius to suffer quite a bit. After playing multiple times, she finally managed to eliminate the female hero.

To be honest, Mobius saw too much of the shadows of the Fire Moth warriors in Undyne. Those heroes were also brave enough to sacrifice themselves, but unfortunately, Undyne had hoped for a miracle to come to her, which most heroes didn't have.

Actually, at this point, Mobius's mentality had changed a bit, and she felt an urge to give up the Genocide Route. But this is Mobius, who possess the most tsundere mouth despite not being a tsundere in the Elysian Realm. After Bronie provoked her a bit, Mobius continued her Genocide Route.

At that time, Bronie said this:

Haxxor Bunny: The Genocide Route has come this far, are you afraid you won't be able to beat the boss at the end? Is that why are you hesistating?

What else is there to say? Mobius could only choose to go forward.

After finishing the Genocide Route, she would treat this little bunny well and let her know that rabbits should not provoke snakes!

But every plot in the Genocide Route made the heroes inevitably think of the past they didn't want to face, and to be honest, this feeling was quite terrible. In the face of the Honkai, too many people behaved like the Undyne, and too many were gentle like Toriel. But in the end, they all vanished. Not a single one left.

And Bronie also stepped into the Elysian Realm again.

"May the road you travel be illuminated by shining stars, may the footsteps you leave behind bloom with a hundred flowers. You are a gift from God, making the world magnificent because of you."

After a moment of daze, when Bronie opened her eyes, Elysia was standing there. But wasn't Elysia with Ciaoara?

"Elysia?" The Elysia in front of her seemed a bit absent-minded.

"Cough, cough, next is a message from the cute girl is like a blooming flower! Because I promised to help you keep Miss Raven busy, I can't take on the role of a guide at the same time! But if you have any doubts, perhaps you can find a squint-eyed guy in the Elysian Realm. He'll be very eager to show you the way!"

Elysia was still as lively as ever. If Bronie didn't know about her past, didn't know about the Honkai Impact 3rd, Bronie would have felt very happy.

But now? Every time she saw Elysia smile, it felt like a stab to her heart.

Luckily, she could still change the outcome. Just as Bronie was exploring and searching for a way, a pink flower-shaped seal turned into a light spot and merged into her chest.

Subconsciously, she touched her chest, still feeling a bit of residue, but there was nothing.

"Oh right, this is the 'Ego' Signet. Have you heard of a saying? Under pressure, one's choices reveal their true self, their ego. Thus it will determine what kind of person they ultimately become.

In my life so far, I have made one choice after another, they are like segmented nodes, forever engraved in my brilliant life, shining brightly. This is my signet, the core of Elysia's soul, my proof of identity~ Actually, revealing one's true self to others can be quite embarrassing, isn't it?"

Elysia handed the signet to Bronie.

This was a symbol of recognition from the Flame Chasers and also the greatest reward that successors in the Elysian Realm could obtain.

These were experiences in life, and they might also be the results of making choices when facing certain problems, but more likely they were about the battle experience when facing the Honkai.

These cognitions and memories gradually influenced the successors, ultimately achieving the final goal of the Elysian Realm.

To let visitors complete their transformation and further growth.

"So, this isn't just a recording?" Bronie asked in confusion.

"Oh my, is diverting the topic your way of comforting a girl?"

"So... you admit it then?"

"As a sim, multitasking is very easy, and after Miss Raven calms down, I have many opportunities to secretly talk to you. Although I'm just a projection now, as long as there are questions, I can answer them!"

"Then where's the exit?"

She is about to challenge the Elysian Realm. She could leave at any time, and she could also fulfilling her promise to Elysia, right?

"To find the exit, you have to pass through eight portal gates. There may be monsters or puzzles based on your cognition along the way, but it's okay, even if you die, you can start over. So relax and move forward, okay?"

Not far away, there was something like a portal similar to the gate to the Elysian Realm.

The surroundings were filled with an unreal feeling, and she probably had completely entered the Elysian Realm, where everything she saw and touched was data.

"And one more thing!" Elysia reminded Bronie when she seemed to want to do something.


"Try not to cheat too much. If it's for self-preservation, there's no problem, but if you want to disrupt the programming and origin code of the Elysian Realm, it will definitely trigger its security defense mechanism."

"Heh, as a hacker, these are things we can never escape anyway. Facing this kind of challenge is more exciting, it's time to show you my little bunnies!"

With that, Bronie projected her weapons. A brand new pink submachine gun appeared in her hand, the familiar weight making Bronie excited again.

Then she projected a panel, like 3D printing, and a drone was created out of thin air and floated.

"Wow, so cool~"

"But this can also be considered based on my personal cognition, a false creation from my mind, right?"

Then Bronie quickly noticed the problem.

Her behavior didn't trigger the defense mechanism of the Elysian Realm, which seemed even more flexible than she had imagined.

This meant that Bronie couldn't experience the defensive capabilities left behind by the previous era.

"But on this land, this is reality. Its functions, appearance, core, and reality, there is almost no difference at all."

This fact involves philosophical and cognitive issues.

But Bronie agreed with Elysia's words very much.

After all, if she didnt agree, the idea saving the sims in the Elysian Realm wont be in her mind in the first place..

The Flame Chasers in the real world created their sims, another branch of obtaining a completely different form of existence, a brand new life experience. For them who experienced such horrors. This beauty should not be broken


"So, is Haxxor Bunny ready to go? Is there anything else to say?"


"That's great."

Want to read advanced chapters? go to my patréon for 20+ chapters.


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