
Creating an immortal civilization

Do immortals exist or are they just the figment of our imagination. can someone truly have eternal life and unimaginable powers . Dave was transmigrated from planet Earth and He was tasked with a single task "Build an immortal civilization".

Victor_Antonio_7135 · Fantasy
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1 Chs


My name is Dave and I am from planet Earth . After I died in an accident , I suddenly found myself in another planet whose technology was backward as they were still living in a medival age where sword and knights were predominant . I was the only son of my family and my family was relatively well off so I did not lack anything . My whole life was practically boring as I was mediocre in every aspect . There is no extraordinary superpowers in the planets so I did not have hope of getting any cheat or being overpowered.

As usual , I was in my usual spot lying down on the field with a strand of grass in my mouth looking at the bright blue sky ."I wish I was transmigrated into the world of immortals at least I will have hope of eternal life ". I lamented as I found my current life very boring . This world consist of six empires that suppress each other as they contest for heamogeny . I tried looking for any clue concerning cultivation but the stories of immortals and gods seem to only exist in tales . I have totally lost hope as I decided to live my life as an ordinary individual and just wait for death to come.

suddenly , I heard [Ding!! , system loading ...20%...60%....80%....100]. I shook my head as I thought that I must be hallucinating . booomm!!!. countless of information concerning the system started invading my mind as I was ravaged with a terrible headache . The system was called the civilization system and I was tasked with the task of creating an immortal civilization that will flourish . My eyes light up as my mouth curled in happiness . A menu appeared in my front.


Strength: mortal


Store : Stimulation, creation


My face became black as I saw that my lifespan was only 50 . so I would have died young if I did not have the System . I looked at the menu as I tried to find out the various functions . Stimulation can help me create a visual reality and creation help me create anything like realms , techniques and many others . " system , how do I earn more points ". I asked .[ "Ding! , when more people start cultivating . points will be awarded to you]. I nodded as I had expected this . I have read alot of webnovels in my past life so I had an idea on the first realm of cultivation that I was going to create . mortals before they become immortals have to build up their foundation first and temper their bodies . So the first realm I am going to create is going to be called the body tempering realm and it was going to be divided into 9 layers . Each later will give a person 1 thousand bull strength . so I started creating the cultivation technique which I named "Nine extreme technique". This technique is going to cost me around 30,000 points .

I designed it that each layer will give me five thousand bull force so it required more points to create and I created it personally for myself . I can not practice ordinary technique for I wanted to be peerless in the future . I also spent 10,000 points in creating "Tyrant body technique ". it was a mid tier technique and it will be the one I will transmit to people . body tempering realm will only give the person the lifespan of 200 years . Another function of the system is that I will instantly cultivate to the peak of that realm . To avoid stirring up any commotion , I sneaked out to a hidden location and I hurriedly clicked on the technique that I created . boooom!!!. large amounts of spiritual energy started entering my body as it tempered it . I can feel my body transform as my strength rapidly increased and I seem to possess boundless strength.

1st layer , 3rd layer, 5th layer , 9th layer . boooom !!! . I have reached the peak of body tempering realm and I now possess 45 thousand bull strength . countless of impurities were washed out of my body as it glowed as a new born baby . I looked at my menu as I discovered some changes.

Name :Dave

Strength: Body tempering (peak)


store: Stimulation, creation...

points: 10,000

i nodded my head in satisfaction as I saw the increase my lifespan . I have totally changed in every aspect as I seem to exude a confident aura . I looked at my body that was covered in impurities so I rushed home to wash it off. I noticed my speed have drastically increased as I ran home . ordinary people can only see a blur pass them . I sneaked inside as I took a thorough bath . I sat down on my bed as I planned my future. if I start telling people that cultivation and immortality is real . I will be regarded as a mad man .

so I plan to create a lost abode of an immortal that will suddenly apoear and attract people . I put my hand on my chin as I thought on how I can spread the news."hmmm, maybe I should just make the appearance so exaggerated so that many people will be attracted to it ". As I was in deep thought I heard my mom call "Dave , come and eat . I guess you will be hungry by now". I replied "coming mom ".I jumped off the bed even though I was not feeling hungry . I opened my door as I went to join them on the table . I looked at the middle aged handsome man that always have a serious look on his face a he was eating. That was my father always serious and never laughing at all . My beautiful mother was kind and gentle and sometimes I wonder how they fell in love with their opposing personalities. As the dinner progressed I suddenly I asked my father v"Do you believe in immortals ". he looked at me and said"Dave , have you gone mad ?".