
Creating a World Can't be that Difficult, Right?

When God revealed his existence to humanity, he gave us the power to create worlds and make them evolve, hopping that this way he would find his successor. Little did he know that humans would make this gift into the next great hit that would entertain millions of people all around the globe. Follow Axel on his journey to create a functional world of cultivation while he becomes a better creator at the expense of his world's inhabitants' wellbeing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- My plan is to publish a new chapter every day except Sundays. You can read this also in Royal Road Cover created by @JirooSy (Twitter)

EdwardPride · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
225 Chs

Chapter 18

Aiden took a fighting stance in the middle of the crowd as he was mentally preparing for the fight.

"If he doesn't use any weapons, I will have the advantage of the reach of my spear, so I should focus on maintaining the distance between the two of us. I only need to do as I learned in the sparring with the others, and it shouldn't be that difficult..." Aiden began to plan his next moves.

Just as Aiden was thinking about his strategy, his rival suddenly dashed in his direction, catching him by surprise. The meters that divided them quickly shortened, and Aiden found that his enemy was already within his spear's reach.

Without a second thought, he concentrated on the energy inside his dantian, and in a fraction of a second, he coated the tip of his spear in blue energy and thrust it forward, hoping that with some luck, his rival would be just as mindless as a beast and he would be able to end that fight with a precise hit.

Sadly for him, his enemy reacted to his attack, and without slowing his pace, he parried Aiden's spear with his left forearm while he threw a punch to Aiden's chest with his right hand.

With that punch, he was pushed backward by a few meters, losing balance and making him fall to the ground. He quickly got up again, but when he did that, he felt pain all across his chest, probably because that last hit fractured or even broke some of his bones.

When he got up, he saw that his rival was standing in the same spot, looking at him as if he was waiting for something.

"Ok, focus. I haven't noticed any kind of energy in his attacks, so he is probably relying on his raw strength to attack and defend. If he is not using martial arts because he hasn't mastered them yet, I still have a chance. If he didn't use them because he doesn't think I'm his opponent, I'm already a dead man." Aiden thought while preparing to attack.

Suddenly, his rival began to speak: "As I thought, you are exactly like those guys from the Esvert Village. Just because you have a pointy stick doesn't mean you are a warrior. If you want to become one, the thing you need the most is strength, because no matter how many little items or techniques you create, if you aren't strong enough to use them properly, you are just going to get killed. " Aiden's rival said as his body began to release white smoke little by little while he got even bigger than before.

"Come on, Blunt, stop playing with him and break his legs." Shouted someone from one of the sides.

Aiden's rival looked at the side and gave the man who shouted a killer look, to which the man replied by asking for forgiveness as if his life was in danger.

While this was happening, Aiden's head began to go faster than ever, trying to find a way to deal with his rival's strength. Grabbing his weapon with his left hand, he began to channel energy both into his spear and into his free hand, making both of them become coated in energy.

"Are you ready to continue?"Blunt asked, smiling at the end.

Without replying, Aiden quickly took a few steps forward and tried to thrust his weapon at his enemy's chest. While feeling a sense of deja vu, Blunt parried his attack with his right forearm and threw another punch with his left arm. But this time it was different, as when Blunt was about to punch him again, Aiden used his free hand to hit his elbow.

When his hand touched his enemy's elbow, all the energy that was coating his hands transferred forcefully to Blunt's elbow, which made it twist and crack a few times, losing all the strength that the punch had.

"I'm lucky that I have trained in unarmed martial arts with the elders. If not, this would have ended very differently." Aiden thought while he continued with his moves.

Taking advantage of his rival's weakness, Aiden quickly trusted his spear again, finally being able to hurt his enemy in the torso. Then he performed a quick succession of stabs that managed to hurt pretty badly his rival's torso.

At the moment, the atmosphere for those from Yuoko Village was cheerful as they thought that Aiden was about to win, but even in that situation, those from Guburg Village didn't lose the smile on their faces.

Suddenly, Blunt's face began to redden and twist into one of anger, and without a second thought, he quickly grabbed Aiden's spear making him unable to continue with his offensive, and delivered a kick right into his stomach.

After that, everything went dark for Aiden.

Saturday arrives and with it a new chapter.

I've been reading lately that people ask me to don't drop the novel. I don't know what kind of soulless writer you have met until now, but don't you worry, I don't plan on leaving you so soon. 

I hope you like the chapter and that you have a nice weekend.

EdwardPridecreators' thoughts