
Creating a World Can't be that Difficult, Right?

When God revealed his existence to humanity, he gave us the power to create worlds and make them evolve, hopping that this way he would find his successor. Little did he know that humans would make this gift into the next great hit that would entertain millions of people all around the globe. Follow Axel on his journey to create a functional world of cultivation while he becomes a better creator at the expense of his world's inhabitants' wellbeing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- My plan is to publish a new chapter every day except Sundays. You can read this also in Royal Road Cover created by @JirooSy (Twitter)

EdwardPride · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
225 Chs

Chapter 173

The army observed, astonished at how the vegetation moved toward them.

The more the plants moved, the faster they were as they unearthed their lower parts to move freely. Using their roots as if they were tentacles didn't take long to near the army.

The three armies didn't take long to react after seeing a new threat nearing them.

Their first move was to relocate some troops capable of using shields and barriers. Now that their enemies were on their back, they couldn't leave that side of their army uncovered. Even so, they didn't retire all the troops from the side facing the military camp, as they didn't know if those people would take the opportunity to shoot them while they were fighting.

"They are just a few plants. Cut them, burn them and tear them until nothing is left!" Jason shouted as he grabbed his battle axe with both hands.

Following his commands, most armored figures unsheathed their weapons as they advanced to intercept the plants' march. Seeing that, the angels carrying weapons and some cultivators proficient with weapons joined their attack.

Meanwhile, those cultivators capable of using long-range attacks, the rest of the angels, and some armored figures stood behind, shooting from a distance.

As soon as the soldiers and the plants collided, a battle erupted between them.

In the first few seconds, the strengths and weaknesses of the enemies' side became evident.

Even though the plants were tough and resistant, they didn't excel in agility, making their attacks extremely easy to evade. That was if you were fighting a one versus one, of course. The reality was that there were too many plants, and they worked together to reduce their enemies' mobility by trapping them with their roots.

That forced the army to retreat as they damaged whatever part of the plants they could while evading their attacks.

Thankfully, the help arrived soon after.

The troops behind released their first barrage of attacks, which fell in the middle of the mass of vegetation, killing a large number of them instantly. The cultivators proficient with fire energy were the ones that managed to cause most of the damage, as after the fire projectiles collided with the plants, the fire would continue extending toward the rest of the vegetation, causing even more damage.

But then something happened.

A green light began to come out of the still unharmed vegetation. That light extended toward the areas affected by the fire, and not only did the fire extinguish almost instantly, but the vegetation that didn't burn completely began to recover slowly.

When it had already recovered enough, the vegetation that was still shining began to tangle up. Little by little, a giant ball of greenery formed in the middle of the plants, and soon after, it began to change shape little by little.

A few seconds later, what looked like a five meters tall humanoid-shaped mass of vegetation began to advance toward the army.

"Don't let it get close. Shot at it until it's dead!" Nathan shouted when he saw the new enemy.

Rolling up their sleeves, Nathan revealed two bracelets filled with runes on his arms. Putting his hands together and with his palms facing his enemy, the runes on the bracelets shined with great intensity.

A ball of pure blue energy formed in front of his palms, which began to gain size and intensity as time passed. After twenty seconds, the energy ball was already the size of a melon, a moment in which the runes lost their shine before the projectile flew toward the green giant.

The energy ball hit the giant directly where his face should be, exploding after clashing and knocking it to the ground backward.

Following Nathan's projectile, dozens of smaller ones flew toward the fallen giant, leaving nothing but dust behind.

Before the three armies could celebrate their victory, they saw how another four vegetation giants began to stand up.

"This is bad. This is very bad." Travis said as he looked at their new enemies.

But they suddenly heard a thunderous noise coming from behind and passing above them. The soldiers looked above and found three metallic objects flying in a triangle, which released three things each when flying above the vegetation.

At first, the cultivators were confused, as they didn't know what those things were, but they soon found answers.

As soon as those things touched the ground, they exploded into fire, destroying everything they found in their path.

Here is this week's last chapter. 


I hope you like it and that you have a nice day.


I'll see you around for more.

EdwardPridecreators' thoughts