
Chapter I forgot.

"This should be the place."

Lightly landing on a thick branch of a huge and tall tree, Craze looked at the human settlement on the top of the mountain.

The Yamanaka Clan really knows how to hide as it took Craze a few days for him to track this settlement.

The Yamanaka Clan is famous for their body possessing jutsu, and mind related jutsu.

Though the Yamanaka Clan is not really a great fighter clan, with their support the assassination and intel gathering was superb.

At assassination, a Yamanaka Shinobu just would use their body possessing jutsu to take over the body of the target then just stand there waiting for their teammates to kill him, naturally, the Yamanaka Shinobi would first release the jutsu as if ever the body of a Yamanaka Shinobi is possessing is any chance been hurt, the drawback from it would not be very good for the Yamanaka Shinobi.

'Hm, their information and jutsu must be the second to Uchiha Clan.' Craze thought, a Yamanaka Shinobi just needs a corpse with its brain fully intact then they would be able t access its memories as if their own!

'Even though their fighting prowess is basically weak, their mind or body possessing jutsu is very hard to defend against.' Craze thought as he smiled when a crazy yet good idea came into his mind.

"Now, let's test it." Craze maniacally smiled as he dropped down from the branch and approach the settlement.


"Sigh~, we can't just go on like this." A man sighed as he looked at the Clan Elders of the Yamanaka Clan.

His long blonde hair is tied into a ponytail, as his the vitals body was covered in metal battle plates.

"Hmm. Our Shinobi is now being targeted for our Jutsu, whenever we accepted a mission, there's always be an ambush and conspiracy." One of the High-Ranked Clan Elders spoke as the others agreed with him.

They really regret the fact that they made themselves known.

In the past recent years, the Yamanaka Clan has been in low-key and would not use their Clan Jutsu openly but because one mistake of their previous patriarch, whom now is dead, the Yamanaka Clan is now a piece of meat waiting to be eaten by the big bag hungry and greedy predators out there.

Shoo Shoo Shoo!

Suddenly, a Yamanaka Shinobi hurriedly barged into the meeting.

"Patriarch, we have a visitor!" The Yamanaka Shinobi hurriedly reported while having his face covered in sweats due to anxiety and panic.

They couldn't believe it, they couldn't believe the fact that someone had managed to find the place where their Clan resides!


Inoshi stood up in panicked and without further ado, he left the room and went to their 'guest'.

The Clan Elders soon followed him behind.

"Oh, this is really amusing indeed, amusing indeed." Craze nodded his head repeatedly while looking at the people with the same hair and the same eyes in front of him.

Craze seems relaxing even though the Shinobi in front of him were fully ready to attack the intruder.

"What is it you want from us?" After a few moments, the person that Craze had been waiting for had finally arrived.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Craze innocently waved his hands.

"You're lying." Yamanaka Inoshi retorted gravely.

'They really can tell the truth and false.' Craze inwardly thought as he decided to beat into the bushes.

"I want to make a deal with your Yamanaka Clan." Craze stated straightforwardly.

"A deal." Seeing that the man in front of him didn't lie, Yamanaka Inoshi felt curious but still on guard.

"Yeah, loo-" Putting his hand on his pocket, the Yamanaka Shinobi had suddenly gone into attack stances and some even already weave hand signs for Ninjutsu.

"Woah Woah, let's not be hasty, okay? Just chill." Craze looked at the tense Yamanaka Shinobi in front of him, who seemed ready to pounce on him.

"Well, you can't blame us, can you?" Yamanaka Inoshi narrowed his eyes.

Nodding his head, Craze agreed with him.

Well, he knew that he was at the fault here.


"Flashback, minutes ago"

Craze's body, which is free-falling suddenly became blurred and disappeared.


Then, after a few seconds, he appeared in front of the gates of the settlement.

Knock Knock

"Hello, is there anyone there?" Craze knocked for 2 times before cupping his hands on his mouth then yelled.

Whoosh Whoosh.

Then just after a few seconds, numerous silhouettes suddenly appeared around him.

"Where's he?!"

"Find him!"

The Team Leaders of the Yamanaka Shinobi frantically made orders while looking at their surroundings.

They couldn't believe what they just heard!

Someone just knocked on their door and had the audacity to ask if there are people inside!

"Oh hello there." Craze looking at the Yamanaka Shinobi frantically searching for him had decided to tease them a little.

Shing Shing Shing

Then, numerous Kunai and Daggers went flying to his way.

The Yamanaka Shinobi used the sound to locate the enemy and attacked it!

"Oh shit." Craze just snickered as he went underground.

Tok Tok Tok

The weapons didn't hit anyone but ground and seeing that the Yamanaka Shinobi felt dread looming over them.

Well, the enemy is just beside them, after all this time.

They were very sure that many of them would have been already killed if the intruder had some intent to kill!

They knew that it was not genjutsu because many of them had already tried dispelling it but nothing happened, and the Yamanaka Shinobi Sensor had already assured them that everything was real and he told them that he couldn't sense the enemy, at all!

Then after some time, Craze had lost interest teasing them and made himself visible.

And with some talking here and there, Craze had managed to have a meeting with their Patriarch.

Of course, he just threatened them and made them realized that if he had a bad intention then all of them would already be dead by then.


"So, what deal you're talking about?" Yamanaka Inoshi asked.

"Simple, the Yamanaka Clan is to become an all-no- a subsidiary clan of Genju Clan." Craze corrected himself midway.

"What?!" Subsidiary Clan?! They felt immediately enraged and wanted to decimate the person in front of him.

"Wait!" As a Patriarch, Yamanaka Inoshi has plenty of experience in this kind of field, and a Patriarch having intelligence and patience is a must.

"Are you joking with us? We, the Yamanaka Clan become a subsidiary of the Genju Clan? Hmph! Even though you are far stronger than us, I'm confident that you won't be able to leave this place without heavy injuries." Yamanaka Inoshi was also angry but he very well know that he could not make a rash decision or his Clan might face its destruction.

Even though the Genju Clan has been silent in for a long time for unknown reasons, he knew that he couldn't take this matter lightly.


Just the man in front of him is already enough for his clan to be annihilated alone much alone dozens of them!

Even though Yamanaka Inoshi didn't know Craze's combat ability but with his unmatchable stealth that even their most talented and gifted sensor couldn't sense or fathom, had made him a very big threat.

But Yamanaka Inoshi is still confident in their Clan Jutsu!

Looking at his daughter, he felt proud and delight seeping through his very bones.

His daughter, Yamanaka Ino is one of the most talented younger generation shinobi in their Clan!

With her current age, she could easily beat her seniors!

Sensing someone looking ay her, Yamanaka Ino turned her head and saw his father looking at her.

"Hmm?" Seeing the patriarch of the Yamanaka Clan shifted his gaze, Craze got curious and followed where he was looking at.

"The time is tickling, Patriarch of the Yamanaka Clan you should decide now." Craze saw a beautiful girl who seems in his age and felt some lust towards her but that's all.

And the only reason why he's lusting on her is just because of the side effects of using the Elder Dragon Core.

With the beauty of his wives that could make every woman envy and men to die for, Craze had gained the beauty resistance but that beauty resistance is not enough to completely block the side effects so... that's why he felt lust on her.

Hell, even the time he did it with Genju Shiragawa was just because of the sudden burst of side effects.

And Craze needs to quell his lust every day!

And that's just 1/100 of the full side effects, just thinking about having those a hundred percent made Craze flinched a little.

He could imagine himself having sex every second until the end of his life!

It wasn't that bad but it wasn't also very good.

If he just sex and sex, how could he gain more knowledge to become stronger?

"What would we get from this deal?" Yamanaka Inoshi sighed in resignation, he couldn't bring himself to make a decision that could potentially make his Clan exterminated.

How could he face the ancestors of the Clan then?

"Patriarch!" It's expected for his Clan Members to be shocked.

"Hehe~, protection, and many more." Craze smirked as he saw the little coward man in front of him seemingly agreeing with the deal.

Craze would just die than becoming a dog of someone!

And Craze was sure that his wives would be in his side!

Craze was just that prideful.

Though there are always exceptions.

Craze's smirked fade as he remembered the times when his wives had been pregnant with his children, well, they made him a servant!

That's right, Craze had children!

And strangely all of them are girls!

With his years of having sex with his wives, it would be strange for them no to be pregnant.

Well, if Craze had a problem with his jun jun, that's it, but doesn't have!

"Protection?" Yamanaka Inoshi was tempted, very tempted.

Right now, the main problem of the Yamanaka Clan is their protection and now as if the heavens were blessing them with its grace!

"We need a demonstration of the strength of the people who are going to protect us." Yamanaka Inoshi said.

"Good." Craze nodded his head, based on his sentence, he had already agreed to the deal.

"Pack your things. We will leave as soon as possible." Craze turned around.

"What about-"

"Don't worry, I will show you guys some good show later." Craze then vanished from his spot.

"Patriarch, how could you just agree with him?!" The. Yamanaka Clan Elders and its people were diseased and disappointed.

He could just reject him and then all of them would fight him to death even if their destruction would be inevitable!

"Because it is the best choice for us right now.

As all you know, we're being targeted by those greedy and power-hungry shinobi clans, and every day many of us would be either killed or be dissected for experiments.

And the protection of the Genju Clan is the most important thing we need right now." Yamanaka Inoshi answered as he deeply signed, then also left to pack his things.

They didn't want the feeling of being someone's lapdog but they swallowed it for the safety of the clan.

Even if they are ready to fight to the death, what about their children, their newly born babies? They were sure that they didn't want them to be killed mercilessly just because of some pride that they couldn't even eat!


After a few hours, all of the members were now outside of the settlement with dully loaded backpacks and sacks on their bodies.

The Yamanaka Clan Members who are incapable of walking or have some serious injuries were on a stretcher.


A silhouette appeared in front of them, making some of them flinched and frightened by it some even clenched their fists, ready to fight

"Good, let's go." Craze who had disguised himself as a middle-aged man appeared in front of them.

Nodding his head, Yamanaka Inoshi ordered his Clan Members to move forward to their destination.

After a few hours of walking as they have many things on their body and children and newly born babies on them, they had finally a few miles away from their previous home.

"This place should be safe." Craze muttered.

Turning around, Craze faced the Yamanaka Patriarch who seems aged a few years.


He made a gamble, if he won, then their Clan would have not to worry about their safety and he lost... then the destruction of their Clan had just hastened for a few years.

"Blonde Hair, order your clansmen to stop for a moment." Craze said making Yamanaka Inoshi irritated as tick mark bulged on his handsome old face.

He knew that he couldn't attack this man in front of him or else the deal would immediately renege.

Sighing in exhaustion, he commanded his clansmen to stop

"Now, let me show you the strength of the people that will protect from now on." Craze smiled as he raised his arms in the air.

"Gravity Release: Huge Rocky Rocky Space"

"Huhuhu." The people beside Craze who were looking at him put their hands in their mouth to suppress their laughter, though Yamanaka Ino is an exception as she held stomach while laughing.

"This guy is quite good." Yamanaka Ino nodded her head as she felt the man in front of her wad good at making others laugh.

While Yamanaka Inoshi glinted his eyes.

Earlier, he felt a sudden spike of chakra but it quickly disappeared.

Then, the atmosphere suddenly became oppressive.

"What is that?!" The most talented sensor of the Yamanaka Clan felt something big is coming, a very big.

Looking above, they saw a dot in the sky.

And seconds after seconds, the dor became bigger and bigger.

"Oh, shit" Was their thought, as the dot became now a hundred meters big boulder!

It's a meteorite!


Hey guys, just wanna say that please remove my novel in your library.

Instead of getting smaller, the number of following this novel is still increasing.

Please remove so I won't be disturbed to see hundreds of people waiting for this book to update since I'm going to drop this.

Misaki_kuncreators' thoughts